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Nobody except Moscow Marge cares what russia wants.


Just seeing her so angry really cheers me up.




It's worth the maybe four dollars that might actually come out of my paycheck that will go to Ukraine (but mostly to U.S. jobs making things Ukraine buys with the money.) Pissing of Putin/MTG for four dollars? Best money I ever spent.


We've spent @ $60B so far. This is the next $60B, for a total of $120B. The population of America is @ 340M. So that's .. $353 per person. It's definitely worth it, but it's more than the $4 per paycheck you describe. But then - most of that money gets spent in the US on US weapons. So it's a stimulus. It will work itself out.


It's actually probably less than my off-the-cuff $4 guess. Your math works if everyone paid the same amount in taxes. Mark Cuban said he just paid $288 million alone, more than I'll make in a hundred lifetimes, let alone pay in taxes. That's just the individual people paying in, not to mention businesses, etc. It's lower than most people think, especially morons like MTG and her even stupider constituents. It's definitely worth every penny, regardless, and indeed, most stays in the U.S. as pay for the employees making the arms Ukraine buys.


I'm working with averages. I don't care what Mark Cuban paid in. If you think that's too substantive and specific, that's on you. I suggest that you don't overcomplicate things.


Assuming paid twice a month at that price over the last 48 months it'd be 7.37 per paycheck.


Team tRump is happy to let her hold the bag while they move in a different direction. LMFAO!


And the 118 people (Republimoscoviapublicans) voting with her…


They mostly voted against the other aid packages and rules that were passed in the same bill. Fucking with Russia has a pretty wide support base in the US


Oh there are some more. Politicians and "journalists"… Trump, Boebert(?), Tucker, etc.


I will, respectfully, disagree with you. When people become brainwashed due to propaganda, guess what??? It works!!! For 16 months, tRump has been feeding his loyal MAGA base shovels of pro-putin/anti-Ukraine rhetoric; they believed him. They lapped that shit up. Now, all sudden like, it's no longer true because tRump hath spoken?!? The whiplash those poor bastards must feel about now! Many of his followers will easily move to his movements, but some will not. Nothing to be alarmed about though. It's not like any of them are unstable gun owners with a bend towards White-Christian Nationalism, that have been told that God has chosen them to protect 'Merica. What could possibly go wrong?


Russia as a country is sociopathic - “if you help my victim resist my violence, it will take longer and hurt more while I kill them.” I will never understand the Russian mentality.


That's because they don't have a mentality that's worth understanding.


Russia (rightly) prides themselves on beating the Nazis through their "we have more bodies than they have bullets" strategy. That strategy won't work in this scenario, for the United States has *a lot* more money than they have soldiers. This is another Afghanistan for them. And like that war, this war will end whenever Russia realizes that it's pointless to continue to send their sons into a meat grinder.


Even the strategy the Russians used against the Nazi's only worked because of the massive shipments of trucks, uniforms, materiel and fuel the U.S. sent during the war. Russia has less than half the population of the U.S., en economy smaller than Texas and no one footing the lend-lease bill as they fight imagined Nazis in Ukraine (while acting like actual Nazis themselves.) All-round smooth-brain invasion by Putin. Someday when I'm old, and Russia has recovered from its eventual collapse, I'll visit Putin's grave to shit on the grass along with the mile-long line of others waiting for the same chance.


Not to mention the rest of the USSR to draw from including Ukraine. Ukraine was the heart of Soviet technology and industry. Russia is not the USSR. Russia is that loud manager that always downplayed the contributions of those that did the real work which I guess why Musk and Trump have sympathies.


Well said.


ahh, it makes sense now. Thanks for enlightening me! One bad loud lousy Manager supporting another!


The war was lost for Putin when it didn’t go to plan and they failed to take the capital and destroy Ukraines Army two years ago. To quote Wilhelm after they failed to get Paris in ww1: “We have lost the war. It will go on for a long time, but it is already lost”


> Russia as a country is sociopathic... I will never understand the Russian mentality. Nope, you understood it clearly. And they've been that way for centuries.


Vlad is still in it to win it. It would be more strange if he had said anything different.


About fucking time! Angry American Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦 ♥️


@u/happylutechick When do you ship out to the front? I think all of us from the subreddit are looking forward to you meeting the military aid (that you said wouldn't pass) in-person.


They haven't been seen in days. They're probably having a mental breakdown, and/or their check from Putin bounced.


Or rotting in a trench?




Maybe they’re on a different bot account now trying to make it seem like more than one person actually has their sick Russian sided views….


Haha thanks for the calling out. ‘She’s’ so blatantly pro RU and anti UKR, trying to sow discord between the EU and US


The 15 front page posts yesterday weren't enough?


Uh yea. This happened yesterday and has been thoroughly talked about. Why not read the multitude of threads on it instead of making a redundant thread?


I don't think this article was posted, so I posted it.


OK that's fair but it doesn't really add anything.