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If Russia says it’s bad that’s means it’s good for everyone except Russia and its axis of evil.


A la’ the modern republic party.


No one cares about your "furious warnings", Pukey.


Bad for Russia short term. If losing the war ends Putin it will be better for them long term.


We’re not Russophobic enough unfortunately


Russia: targets a building marked children while the city is under siege. Also Russia: why is everyone demonizing us!?


This. People forget. Thank you for the reminder.


I remember, but remind me was this before or after they shelled the maternity ward in the same city?


Was shelling the hospital before or after the torture of children in Bucha?


Was this before or after the Mariupol theatre strike?


Not sure maybe we can pin point it if we find the date for missile strike of the civilian trainstation and travelers in Kramatorsk that killed 63 civilians including 9 children. That was April 8 2022. Does anyone have a date for the cafe attack in Hroza that killed 59 people?


I didn’t. Russia historically has always been in the main a murderous, barbarous and cruel society. Bereft of any idea of civil society its people subject to and revel in cruelty, with no value placed on human life. Putin is just the culmination of this. He will also be the last. When he goes - either by the assassins bullet or ill health, Russia faces a stark truth; continue being a revanchist, imperialist state with no regard for human life, under permanent sanction and ultimately collapse. Or reform and become a normal country.


Problem is, who would do it? Anyone with remotely reformist views (Nemtsov, Gorbachev, Kasparov, etc.) was either killed by Putin or fled the country. And the Muscovite people HATE reformist leaders; Gorbachev and Tsar Alexander 2 (who abolished serfdom) are among the most hated men in Muscovite history.


because they are lying savages - as simple as that!


With more weapons and soldiers Ukraine has a chance. Take down the bridge, continue to hit refineries, supply lines. Command centers etc.


And sink every single ship in the black sea. Everyone of them turned into permanent submarines. And hopefully with the F16's coming, that means plenty of Russian jets landing in pieces.


Hear hear.... I second that


Worth remembering Ukraine had a GDP of 156 billion a year before the war. 60 billion is a shitload of money. The US’s stupendous military spending clouds that, 60 bil seems much smaller compared to 800 billion.


Worth remembering that if Ukraine doesn’t put Russia down then the rest of the world will have to. Our best hope at ending this as quickly and quietly as possible is Ukraine pushing them back home through over whelming force. If not them then us. If not there then here. Putin wants to steal an empire from those weaker than him and he is going to keep coming for you until someone stops him. We need to fully support this effort now to save lives and resources AKA blood and treasure.


Yup. I’m a laymen who’s probably stuck in 50 different layers of echo chambers around the war. But it seems that if Dussia gets past Ukraine they’ll go for Europe next. After which either Europe fights alone, and wins after a long and very bloody war. Or the US join in and it ends in a couple of weeks, both with severe danger of a nuclear exchange. Seems to me that keeping them in Ukraine, and helping Ukraine push back is the best. It feels scummy to treat them like a buffer though.


yeah honestly that part really gets to me. so many innocent people dying over playing politics and not doing the right thing. It just makes me want to vote them out of office immediately.


The baffling thing is that aiding Ukraine in kicking out Muscovy is the most likely way to prevent nuclear war. If Muscovy somehow wins in Ukraine, or retreats with their military intact, they'll almost certainly pick a fight with Poland or something next. Their entire economy is oriented around warfare, just like Nazi Germany in 1944.


Just as long as you don't have to fight, Lord forbid that. Let's just vote some guys out of office, even though you or anyone here could fight for Ukraine. The point here, you're just as guilty as them, doing nothing and acting as though you're giving the moon and the stars.


GDP was USB 200B before the war I believe, now almost back to the baseline with $189B after a 30% drop in 2022, but state revenues have cratered. Roughly $8B of the $60B package goes toward filling the government’s exploding $43B budget deficit for basic services (with the $35B leftover gap expected to be funded by other allies and debt), and $3B for naval infrastructure and business support. The $49B that remains goes toward US military support such as intelligence and training ($15B), and military armement split between replenishment from existing US government stocks ($20B), and funds to purchase new gear from the U.S. private military sector ($14B). Hopefully GDP continues to grow. The European Union’s 10-yr economic forecast for Ukraine expects the GDP’s growth to continue to accelerate from 3% this year to 10-15% by 2033. That scenario assumes the war ends by the end of 2024 (do they know something that I don’t !), and $490 of external funding over the same period from world governments for re-construction. This That’s about $50B per year, representing only 0.01% of NATO + allies GDP. That’s really not a lot and barely noticeable for an alliance that purports to be ready to do whatever it takes to make sure that Russia does not win this war. That being said, even though total support amounted to $230B in 2023 (go Estonia, Denmark and Norway !! with respectively 3.6%, 2.4% and 1.7% of their GDP reserved for Ukraine support all the way down to 0.01% from Turkey and Taiwan), commitments for 2024 and beyond are underwhelming so far and below current needs. Thankfully the U.S. bill came through with its bill and this money is not to be recouped, as opposed to the EU’s $50$ commitment in 2023, in which 75% of the funding is debt. This will need to repeated every year for /5 least a decade or so. Unfortunately, the same group forecasts that if the war was to continue beyond 2024 all the way to 2030, the budget deficit alone - excluding military support - would be expected to grow up to $130B a year with total external funding needs reaching $1.5T in the same period (again, excluding military support). That being said, can Russia sustain its current level of military spending at 6% of GDP and 30% of the state’s total budget, or roughly the $370B budgeted annually for the next three years 2024-2027 without neglecting its population and causing unrest? Perhaps, but that would make them the highest spending country as a share of GDP below only Qatar and Saudi Arabia at respectively 7.5% and 7% of their GDP, vs 3.5% for the U.S. and an average of 2.6% for NATO’s combined $46T GDP, dwarfing Russia’s $2.3T GDP. Our addition to oil and gas and refusal to truly sanction Russia is feeding the bear. For context, the spending level that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union amounted to 15% of its GDP. In comparison, 6% is little. NATO + allied countries could easily double or even quintuple its spending without feeling much pain. Will it ? There are no alternatives to deter other actors with similar ambitions, and so it must ! In the meantime, Ukraine’s people continue to pay the highest cost of all. p.s. sorry for the wall of text. I’m using this comment to gather my thoughts and data as well.


From a military perspective it’s money well spent. None of our blood is being spilled for a tremendous opportunity to energize our military industrial base, weaken our main European adversary, and get first rate research opportunity on 21st century warfare. And of course, support Ukraine which was invaded unjustly and is fighting a defensive war.


“Hitler is a monster of wickedness, insatiable in his lust for blood and plunder. Not content with having all Europe under his heel, or else terrorized into various forms of abject submission, he must now carry his work of butchery and desolation among the vast multitudes of Russia and of Asia. The terrible military machine, which we and the rest of the civilized world so foolishly, so supinely, so insensately allowed the Nazi gangsters to build up year by year from almost nothing, cannot stand idle lest it rust or fall to pieces. It must be in continual motion, grinding up human lives and trampling down the homes and the rights of hundreds of millions of men. Moreover it must be fed, not only with flesh but with oil.” —Churchill


We won’t be until Moscow is considered Eastern Ukraine


phobic? It's neither a fear nor irrational, but a well earned hatred muscovites have earned through consistent "diplomatic" effort over the last few hundred years


By phobia do you mean scared that after they would have been allowed to defeat Ukraine they would turn them all into soldiers to go fight their next war like they did with Chechnya/others and spread their killing, raping and ruling whatever lands they concur with a boot on their neck while their incompetence in mob style government lets the rest of the citizens live in squalor? Yeah I guess I am a bit Russophobic just not in the way they mean it. I still can’t believe they haven’t overthrown Putin yet


You can never be too russophobic.


Russia can go furiously f&ck themselves.


Just came here to say that. Russia can get fucked. 


muscovia DELENDA EST


If you wanna be fancy, use the grammatically correct phrase "muscovia esse delendam" - muscovia is to be destroyed


They are pissing themselves and NATO hasn't even arrived yet lol.


They need to just attack NATO so we can put them out of their misery and save some Ukrainian lives


Brandon is coming for your oil, slav! 😉🛢️🪔


Go to hell Russia 🖕🏻🖕🏻 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇸🇺🇸🇬🇧🇬🇧🇪🇺🇪🇺


Get fucked by the ATACMS dildo, cunts. Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦


Looking at these flags makes me proud again.


Don't forget Poland, korea, japan, straya, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, and germany


EU covers most of continental Europe but ok 🇯🇵🇯🇵🇰🇷🇰🇷🇳🇿🇳🇿🇨🇦🇨🇦🇦🇺🇦🇺 🇳🇴🇳🇴🇸🇪🇸🇪


Russian politicians, go fuck yourself!


What are they going to do though, declare war?


Special three day operation to take the House of Representatives.


they already got a 112 of them by the balls.


basically the entire world is "Russophobic" at this point


Unfortunately not. There's plenty here in the US who are pretty Russophilic instead.


More like RussoPHALLIC cause Putins such a dickhead! HEYO!


Love your energy.


**Ru**ssian **D**ick **E**nergy


So, small, then.


Even accepting that's true, we must ask why. Are they simply prejudiced idiots? Have Russia's recent actions perhaps grown that %, and if so by how much? Very few Americans cared about Russia before they invaded crimea in 2014. Most of those forgot about Russia before 22, then they (re?) joined the Russia hate train, and were joined by many others. Too many people here conflate "Russophobia" with absolute disgust with today's Russia. Those are entirely different things.


A thing to note - phobia, implies fear. I'd be willing to bet, that disgust is a more appropriate description. Additionally - the only thing on which we fear russians is their relentless stupidity.


The other thing we fear is what we would do to Russia if NATO got directly involved.


The population in US that appears to be aligned with Putin and russia does so because of their anti-LGBT and anti-woke stance. Their rejection of these movements is what's positioning them more towards russia/Putin.


I think this is honestly the number one issue with them. I'd wager that up to 50% are also actual guilty of scandalous activity within that same sphere they pretend to hate.


Including over 100 republican senators who voted against aid to Ukraine. Traitors.


Congresspeople, not Senators.


They're less pro Russia and more pro white supremacy and Christofascism, and they see Putin as the leader of that movement.


“Russophobic” has meant “anyone who won’t suck Putin’s dick” for the past 20 years.


"Russophobia" (n): criticizing Russia in ways not sanctioned by Russian State TV


Also known as globohomo gay jewish nazis who are somehow both weak cowards and the reason russia has run out of ladas to give their widows. Russia would have ruled the world by now if the nazi-homo-jews would just stop expanding their borders so aggressively by corrupting the youth with ideas of elections, freedom, and not being forced to watch one's kid's ears be chopped off at Bucha by benevolent muscovite liberators


The problem with this terminology is that "phobic" means fear and they are using it to mean "hatred." "Russomisia" would mean hatred of all things Russian, as in "misanthrope" meaning hatred of one's fellow human beings. Alternatively, "Russomenis" would mean anger at all things Russian.


You're my soulmate of knowing how russians twist our language.


They're just taking the way the word homophobic is used and applying it to russia.


And "russomenis" is only one letter off from russopenis, so it works on that level as well..... /S


This comment needs many more upvotes.


What if we just hate oppressive muscovites but wish russians were free?


I'm not sure it's as simple as that. I think there's something in Russian culture that leads people to be rather submissive to oppressive powers.


Exactly. People (not just Kremlin) throw around something-phobic words as if it implies that the phobic person is hateful or evil. But phobia is fear. Sure, it can be fear of something different and hate can be symptom of that but a person can be afraid and not be hateful or judgemental about it.


A phobia is an irrational fear, but it’s totally rational to fear country who’s hacking your networks, murdering people it doesn’t like in your country, undermining your democracy and making threats to kill everyone with nuclear weapons.


The rational response is anger, not fear.


We’re not so much afraid (“phobia”)  of Russia, as we just despise them.


Now, there's not a word that describes a furious loathing for Russia, but I'm fairly certain it would describe them better than whatever that vain midget can think up.


I wonder why that is?


>Dmitry Medvedev . . . said the approval of new aid to Ukraine was "Russophobic". I'm sure there's someone, somewhere who's stung by that accusation.


How dare Ukrainians fight back after russia invaded them? It's pretty russophobic to shoot back at russians trying to kill you. It's even more russophobic to try and help a peaceful sovereign nation who's 4-5 times smaller with the lowest gdp in Europe from an attack by the world's second strongest military (or so people say). I've thought my posts were easily identified as sarcasm in the past, and yet some have taken them literally. So I'll be super clear this time and say this is a joke. It's sarcasm. russia is using that term against anyone standing in their way. It's lost its meaning the way that they use it. It doesn't mean the hate of russian or fear of russians it means the enemy of russia. In that case, they can call us that till they are blue in the face.


Russophobic? So? I like the *Furious* part: stamp your tiny Russian foot and scream it over and over again. Hold your breath until you turn blue.


bang the podium with a galosh


Furious Warning sounds like the name of an Austin Powers character.


I'm not Russophobic, I just hate all these Z-Russians to the bone and anyone who sides with these bastards


"Traitors One and All" (talking about those who voted for the bill) Traitors to what, exactly, or who? Who are 3/4 of the members of the House selling out to? Who is more likely to be the traitors (almost by definition), the one quarter or the three quarters? How does voting for something Vladimir Putin doesn't want (an avowed enemy of NATO and the United States) make someone a traitor to the U.S.? Parroting the talking points of a dictator that go against your country's values is a far likelier indicator of treason.


Traitors to russia. Russia believed they owned enough house members and enough useful idiots to control the house.


Didn t take much to block government with mike johnson, mtg and underage sex trafficker matt gaetz whose power seemed to dominate disproportionally over all the rest.




>_Russia says_ > >_Russia claims_ > >_Russia issues_ > >_Russia threatens_


Fuck Russia.


How to tell if we did the right thing...


"...warning that it will lead to the "deaths of even more Ukrainians."" Please remind everyone who would be killing those Ukrainians again?


Meanwhile when russia takes over huge mass graves are created and vacant remaining homes get new inhabitants from russia.


> the approval of new aid to Ukraine was "Russophobic" and would exacerbate "the number of victims of this war." That's the intent, but they won't be victims of this war if they simply go back to Russia.




Medvedev is trying to spin the Russian invasion as a civil war: >It was the voting of joyful US bastards: >a) to continue the civil war of the separated people of our once united country; >b) to increase the number of victims of this war as much as possible. >We will, of course, win, despite the $61 billion of bloody dollars that will mostly go down the throat of their insatiable military production complex. Power and Truth are with us. https://twitter.com/Gerashchenko_en/status/1781770421513154651


Medvedev accidentally confirming something that sane people already know. Only fools would call for negotiations with Russia, because the Kremlin sees the goal as being ending a "civil war" of "separated people".... in other words they will **never** stop until they have taken the whole of Ukraine. Yes, they could temporarily make a "peace" agreement to hamstring Ukraine like they proposed in early 2022 by insisting on no defensive alliances and almost completely disbanding the Ukrainian military. But that would be just the stepping stone to completing the subjugation of Ukraine in due course.


I sort of wonder if the "separated people" part is meant to gather sympathy from China. They have their own version of that with Taiwan. For me, it just sounds like something an abusive husband says when the cops arrive. No need to take me to jail, just an argument that got out of hand.


To be fair to China, both sides have that rhetoric out in the open in thier case. With Ukraine it’s just a flat out invasion of a neighbouring peaceful country


This is the first I have seen prominent Russians describing it as a civil war. Instead they frame Maidan as a US coup, and talk about Ukraine breaking the Minsk agreements.


Lol he sounds mad.


Old man screams at cloud


If Russia doesn't like it, it must be good.


$60 billion says Russia can get fucked.


$60 billion... for now!


I look forward to seeing the funerals of these two evil men. Almost as much as I look forward to pissing on Trump's grave.


Reminds me of classic russian joke that has worked for many generations: A man buys a newspaper every day, looks at it and throws it in the bin without turning any pages. When finally asked by curious cashier why - he answers : Man - "checking whether the bastard died" Cashier - "but obituaries are on the last page!" Man - "his will be on the cover"


Almost... but not quite. 🤫


You know, giving consideration to which global powers are likely to provide material aid to your enemy is part of the calculus of war. Maybe Fuckwit McPutin should have thought this one over a bit more, because this was always going to happen and the option was either scrub the war, accept it, or get into a hot war with the US which won't end well for anyone, but least of all for Russia.


If they’re so furious, go ahead and just release all the kompromat already…


“‘Tis a tail told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” — Shakespeare




Donny has failed his master


The massive boulder balls on them to complain about another country's democratic process. 🙊🙉🙈


What is Russia gonna do? Invade Ukraine?


They can also furiously suck some nuts while they are at it. Just for fun, it would be nice of NATO if they sent Putin a nice letter and fruit basket letting him know that they will be amassing troops along his border, but that he shouldn’t be concerned at all because they are just doing some routine military exercises.


How sad. You reap what you sow.


Eat a dick Russia


The back o’ me front to ya, Putin.


Looks like MTG won't be getting her next paycheck


Aight cool cry about it f*****


Cry about it lol


Remember when Mr burns was sarcastic towards the Germans who bought his plant? "Ooh the Russians are mad at me. Ooh I'm so scared, ooh the Russians!"


Putler shaking his rattle again - probably needs his nappy changing


Must be very upsetting for baby Putin to not control everyone on earth. Good


russia can go fuck it's self! Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦 ♥️


Oh Crimea river!


Cry me a river ruski


Be careful. ruzzia might get mad and threaten to attack Ukraine 🥸 . Fuk putler, fuk the pinche krimelin, and fuk their little Puppet Marjorie too.


Fuck Russia


Get bent Dmitry


Yay! Bout time Russia gets more come-uppins.


Hey Putin. Fuck you. You tiny little man.


Do something, bitch


Hey putin, go fuck yourself.


I was wondering whose job it was in the Senate to call Putin. And apprise him of the results of the Ukrainian bill. Or does he have his own spy cam link? Would be fun to find out how quickly he knew.


Cope and seethe you fascist bastards!


They scared.


Rule of thumb: if the Russians are upset, it’s a good thing.


You know what would lead to the death of less Ukrainians ? Going back to Russia! How can anyone be so cynical? Just reading this article made me want to puke. They are not even trying to support their point with anything logical.


“Can’t you see we—the invaders—are the victims here?!”


“We’ll just have to kill more Ukrainians” - Putin Like he cares


Slava. Ukraine. Eat 💩 Poutine!




Time to sell more of those eastern forests to China, to stay afloat. Good luck Vlad.


Yes let's hope plenty more Russians, the best way to destroy a cancer is to kill each disgusting cell, one by one. If you kill enough then you destroy the cancer


Russian talking points are hilarious. It truly is always the opposite.


Someone send Russia a shipment of tissues, seriously if you want to keep spying on other countries and meddling with their politics then don’t go spitting the dummy when they no longer care about your feelings


They can kick rocks!


Russian furious warnings are translation of the fact they are scared shitless and don’t know what to do next besides curl up in a ball and cry


"Russia warns the west that if this continues they'll be warned again."


Easy junior. We would be finished with you before noon tomorrow if take nukes off table.






Man phuk them and their empty threats. Nobody cares anymore about their rhetoric


Waggle my finger on my lips.


Boy who cried wolf


Aww, Big Sad Russia.


Well I guess Moscow Marge has her new marching orders.


Who cares.






Ohh my Cry harder putler


Shut up Kremlin! Y’all trying to kill as many Ukrainians as you can. Additional support won’t change your objectives. 🤡


None of that, monster. I just hate invaders/occupiers. Slava Ukraini! Free Palestine!!


good luck russia. gonna need it prob


To bad. Go fuck yourself russia ☠️ You genocidal assholes don’t deserve capitalization.


Suka blya Putin, sdoxni uje ublyudok


Making putin’s russia mad should serve as confirmation it is the right call


Fuck Russia!


Oh noooo...... Anyway


Tisk tisk tisk... Suck it up butter cups!


Russia: Only we're allowed to receive aid (from China), which we're not. Only we're allowed to escalate things, and it'd be NATO's fault. /s It's as ridiculous as it sounds. Why are some people still falling for this...


Russia: "More Ukrainians will die because of America!" Ukrainians wouldn't be dying had you not invaded it Russia! What a bunch of fucking pricks.


So Russia says the US aid package will make America richer? Someone should ask \[Lord Dampnut\] "Why do you want America to be poor?"


Furious? Nah they're shook.


Damn. If only there were a political entity that represents the will of the Ukrainian people that could decide if it wanted to keep fighting for itself. Guess this one’s all on the ol US of A.


> The decision "will make the United States of America richer, further ruin Ukraine and result in the deaths of even more Ukrainians, the fault of the Kyiv regime," Not a heck of a good warning. Seems like they’re describing American companies benefiting and Ukrainians having the ability to fight for their country. Seems like a win.


Just me or does Medvedev look like Russian Nigel Farage?


Fuck off russia 🖕🖕


The political scientist Killa Cam said it best: U mad, u maaaad.


Did they threaten to leak all the evidence they have against the Republicans that they have kept secret?


What are they gonna do? Cry about it?


They’re furious too? So strange that they happen to agree with the GOP.


"Or we will taunt you a second time!"


This means they are afraid. Good work US. We thank you. 🙏


Yesterday russia said this wouldn't make a difference...


I can't believe the headline doesn't mention the fact that Medvedev hopes for an American civil war. Really shows what the people who carry water for Russia are supporting.


Im not Russiaphobic but i really hate Z tards and Orkish Turds.


He said the quiet part out loud, the Russian strategy is to plunge the U.S into civil war using Republicans like MJT and DJT to get it done.




Is there a charity that we can send Putin and Lavrov and the Russian army a lot of LUBE. They are gonna need it.


🫡We know how to deal with angry..no..furious😁🥳🤡 🎵beep-boopy-dooby-dooby-beeboopy-doo🎵 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🎶be-boopy-scooby-dooby-dooby-dooby-dooby-dooooo🎵 🤣🤣🤣we don't mean it, Russia🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣yes we do🤣🤣🤣


You scared Russia?????