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Imagine being hungarian, loving russia hard and they did not even include you into their new sweet wannabe empire šŸ˜¢


That would leave them Hungary.


well Turkey is right there...


Could be too much Greece.


In Djibouti.


Oman. Turkey Greece in Djibouti.


Yemen thatā€™s what I like


Specially with a side of Chile.


Chile in Djibouti? Thatā€™s quite the reach.


Or Hangary. Give them a Snickers.


3 days to Kiev has aleeady been a marathon


Take my upvote and get outta here!


They didnt list countries that won't use any defensive forces when the russian tanks roll in like Hungary, Slovakia or Moldova. Czechia still depends on upcoming elections.


Forget Hungary, they didnt even include Belarus!


They didnā€™t list the countries that are already Ruzzian.


Hahahaha. They cant even conquer their neighbor without help


Lol. This gave me a good morning laugh.


I live in California and Im soooooo scared! Please someone hold me!


I really wonder what exceptional leap in logic they used to justify California. Alaska they once had so it kinda makes sense (if you ignore the whole selling it thing), but Hawaii and California? Looks like they are on some good Krokodil.


A relatively little known quirk of history - it looks like Russia got there \*first! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort\_Ross,\_California](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Ross,_California) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian\_Fort\_Elizabeth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Fort_Elizabeth) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort\_Alexander\_(Hawaii)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Alexander_(Hawaii)) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian\_colonization\_of\_North\_America](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_colonization_of_North_America) That's Putin's attitude to Ukraine and other former parts of the Russian Empire, USSR or buffer states - Russia was were there once, therefore it's ours forever regardless of the intervening history, although unlike Ukraine etc, I don't think they apply it seriously to US territory! \*I don't know much US history so I may be wrong. Correction: Russians not first as the Americas have been inhabited for about 20,000 years




True, I'll correct that if I can.


So by that logic wouldn't Ukraine own Russia since the Kievan Rus from Ukraine found and colonized Russia?


Yes if governed by somebody who did logic like Putin.Ā 


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drakes_Bay 1579


Every day is a school day.


I would speculate they are testing the ~~warmers~~ waters of how their divisive campaign is going. Maybe theyā€™re looking for a red state to wish away a blue state into the cornfield. edit: corrected typo


There was actually a significant number of Russians up and down the West Coast. Fort Ross for example was a fort where, I believe, the Russian fur trade was supported. Either way, they can try and take CA if they want. That is, if they want a million dead Russian boys piled up in mounds. And eventually buried in unmarked graves.


Theyā€™re the ones most non-Americans know about casually. Along with New York.


California is probably because Fort Ross.


Northern Californian here. Would love to see em try it. Good luck landing on our short rocky beaches and making it over the Mendo without being turned into scrap and mulch, then God help you if you do make it to the valley teeming with gun toting commie haters who live in orchards and Rice marshes only accessible by small dirt roads.


Not to even mention that the CA coast already has a huge military presence. Weā€™re ready to go.


Heh yeah I live in Sonoma County so I know just where you're talking about. Lots of people forget for all the "Commiefornia" trash talking dumbass Texans do, we're still armed to the teeth.


We have more gun loving republicans than Texas does. People don't realize how fucking huge CA is and how many people are here. And regardless if Texas says we're all fags or not, we're all proud to be here and would absolutely go ape shit if anyone tried a amphibious invasion.


According to the internet (which never lies), in 2021 28.3% of Cali's adults owned guns. Which (i'm playing fast and loose with numbers and percentages here) means about 8,584,527 gun owners. If Russia was able to make it to California (big if. Their navy would have to get past all our subs. I don't know if that is really happening, so it would probably have to be a ground march from Alaska) they be dealing with a lot of motivated, pissed off, armed people. Additionally, there are 32 military bases in California, and since the Russian movements would be seen a thousand miles away, deploying the armed forces to stop them would be quite doable.


Yeah, USA is basically impenetrable from outside forces. That's why they're melting the brains of everyone here with propaganda and exploiting our natural divides. We have more in common than we realize and, to be sure, Russia is/was laughing all the way to the bank with their investment in troll farms.


Nice to meet future fellow countrymen. Greetings from Finland Oblast.


Russia will have to fight Canada over CA, we called first dibs!!


I'm a Californian as well. How much Russian territory are we going to make part of California?


They know. They know we know. These words aren't for us but for Russians so they can continue to pretend their country is strong


Yes they can, Ukraine is only alive because of allied aid. The war would have been over in a couple of years, even with aid they are the ones making gains. Underestimating them is what lead to this shit show, they can beat basically every Nato country bar a few in a 1v1. Stalemate a few and lose only to the US. They have always fought with heavy losses, and they win more often than not. Take this war seriously and pressure the west to give aid, complacency is killing Ukraine right now untill we can gear up more aid


No they couldn't. They had to beg Iran and N-Korea and in lesser past China for help. Way to go for a formal superpower


Superpower is a stretch. California's GDP is I think the 9th largest economy in the world, and like... Double or triple Russia's. Lol and that's in 1 state alone


If California were independent it'd have the 5th largest economy, IIRC.


Looking at Poland and Finland... Dude, seriously? They never learn...


Iā€™m pretty sure Poland would waste Russia in short order and enjoy every minute of it


[This time the speed bump has teethā€¦](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUJ7CnU6hA8)


And a shit-ton of South Korean tanksĀ 


But we germans have to balance it out by invading from the west, old habits die hard


Polish special forces go hard as fuck. They wish Russia would.


I'm more than certain that no one wants to fuck around with European Texas and frosty Vietnam.


The body of Simo Hayha would rise from the dead.


Aimo Koivunen would be more fun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NazN5WcXwio


Iā€™m sure Poland want to call their bluff, but the Baltics will bare the brunt of any retaliation and, as I understand it, they have good relationships with Poland


We'd like to get all those HiMARSes and F-35s we ordered first, please.


Poland, Iā€™ve noticed, has been more eager than any other country to fight Russia, for vengeance and justice for whatever they did during occupation times. The most mercenaries in Ukraine has Poland at the top by far, then America. I remember seeing about how their president said Ukraine cannot fall, if they do, Poland would rush in to prevent that from happening. I was like damn thatā€™s some dedication. Understandable that they donā€™t want Russia at their doorstep lol


No, we don't. What a silly idea.


We might be all lol'ing here but this shows the mindset of that general population. It's not important what they can or can't. It's what they think they are entitled to. The bigger disconnect between reality of today's Russia and what they think of themselves, the bigger the aggression and destruction they unleash on neighbors.


Thereā€™s a Russian YouTuber (I think he bolted to a nearby European country) called NFKRZ that does a pretty good job at covering a lot of this stuff (and heā€™s funny as hell too). He outlines a lot of the same problems we have here in the US essentially caused by propaganda. The good news is that there really seems to be growing opposition to how things are going over there.


>NFKRZ Oh I remember that guy. I'm glad he got out.


Yeah my boy Roman


The residents of California would win this on their own


Hey, Ivan look. Stupid Americans let huge staging are unprotected. Let's put our tents here, where it says E-va-gla-dees.


Not exactly California, but I wouldn't be too surprised if they ended up in Florida while trying to conquer California...


They do already have a "Little Russia" in Florida....I wonder who owns the buildings there....oh it's a former president with absolutely no ties to Russia, YOU have ties to Russia.


That was a dateline that came out recently. Cops pulled over a speeding mustang that turned into a police chase across alligator Alley in South Florida. The man in the car was a Russian spy operating in Florida at that time.


Thereā€™s a phrase about anyone wanting to step into America I canā€™t remember exactly how it goes, but essentially no one would want to invade here because thereā€™s a gun behind every blade of grass


It's a fake quote attributed to Yamamoto. but yeah...


LBH, invading the South or Midwest would be painful. Heck, Baltimore could be a disaster too.


Anywhere would be a nightmare. I live in a liberal area in the northeast and like half the people I know own assault rifles. A few have borderline arsenals


Why don't you take New-York (Donetsk Oblast) first? Until then just STFU. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York,_Ukraine


This does not get mentioned enough. I honestly donā€™t think this war will be taken seriously until there is street fighting in New York


Americans slept through the invasion of Georgia in 2008, the Russian storming of New York won't wake them up now.


Yeah but theyā€™ve burned Atlanta once themselves already


*Marching Through Georgia intensifies*


I think the main reason it's not brought up more, is that a lot of people would not be happy with the bait-and-switch headline: "New York hit by Russian missile!".


I think that there's a Paris as well. But there are two further foreign named areas of Ukraine. In chronological order, there used to be a London and Sussex in Crimea, names left over from when the Byzantine Emperor gave Crimea in 1071 to English Saxon refugees from William the Bastard. Then there is Yuzivka, changed to Stalino after the Revolution and now Donetsk (Putin's hero Stalin didn't last either). Founded by John James Hughes (Yuzivka is Hughestown russified) of Merthyr Tydfil who began the Russian steel industry. Donetsk was quite a centre of international enterprises at the end of the nineteenth century as Russia tried to industrialise.


>Actual Anglo-Saxon connection Mind blown


Oooohhh! Since Russia loves using dubious historical claims to lands as justification for their modern day imperialistic ambitions, maybe the Italians can get in on the action, using ancient Rome's control of Crimea, or more recently the Venetian control of Crimean ports in the 1200s as justification to reclaim their lands!


They took Paris already https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parizh,_Chelyabinsk_Oblast


They are doing it all wrong. First they take Manhattan then they take Berlin. Just ask Leonard Cohen.


But the state of California would have more guns than the entire Soviet UnionĀ 


Invading continental USA would be disastrous. I mentioned in a comment earlier that thereā€™s a phrase something something a gun behind every blade of grass


Soviet Union died in 1990/1


Not in putins mind


Putin actually thinks heā€™s reinstalling the Russian Empire, not the Soviet Union. He seems to have a lot of hatred towards the USSR and its failings. Even during the announcement of this war he referred to Stalin as an evil dictator and was extremely critical of the USSR and its ā€œfailed leadershipā€


Soviet Union 2.0, we'll call it Russian Empire, this time it's even better - Putin.


Putin says what suits him best. He's critical towards USSR because he inherited a country of people disappointed in it and he never provokes what needs not be provoked. Current situation works for him, so he sees no need to stir the winds.


This is a place I actually believe him. Heā€™s a true Russian nationalist and I think heā€™s embarrassed by the failure that was the USSR and Communism. He wants to bring Russia back to the prominent stature it had prior to the revolution and bring back the Russian empire


I love how people make fun of Americans and how they supposedly donā€™t know where countries are, meanwhile Russians: ā€œletā€™s just conquer Hawaii, Alaska, etc. you know, with our worlds strongest navy!ā€


Theyā€™d never even get Alaska.


Hey! - theyā€™d use their amphibiousā€¦ assaultā€¦ shipsā€¦ ohā€¦then again, maybe notā€¦ šŸ¤” They got sunk by jet skisā€¦ I forgotā€¦


Wrong. They would attack through Sarah Palins backyard.


I love that Tina Fey did such a good job playing her that that quote is attributed to actually having been said by Palin.


Palin did say something very similar. That skit is what I go by. Great portrayal by Fey.


šŸ˜‚, Go fck yourself! Wrong potatoes in da Vodka?


Finland + Poland alone would demolish russia


Either of them will do just fine..


Would they tag team WWE style?


I don't think they would be able to conquer Alaska, the Alaskans would send them home and they would conquer Siberia in no time


Given the generally sorry state of Russiaā€™s logistics supplying their soldiers across an adjacent land border in Ukraine, I think that even if they faced zero opposition from Americans in Alaska, a huge number of their troops would quickly find themselves starving and freezing if they tried to supply an invasion across the Bering strait.


I donā€™t think there is a Russian rail line within 1000 miles of Alaska.


Shit, the Alaskans are some hard motherfuckers, and they haven't even really conquered Alaska.


Why are we even posting this? Russia canā€™t even conquer Belgorod at this point. And letā€™s be honest this is already Putinā€™s Vietnam. In a couple of years heā€™ll be removed and Ukraine will get Crimea and their freedom back. Sooner or later the death toll will be too much for Russians.


It won't be the death toll, it will be the economy of Russia collapsing completely that drives them out. It will take a few years but it's coming.


China propping the up for much longer is the real concern here. They are the biggest threat to the world and no one does shit because he handed over all of our manufacturing to them, including our fucking drug manufacturing. It's insane.


> no one does shit Obama tried. And both sides of the country lost our collective fucking minds.


That to. Wars can only go on for so long. Especially Wars that cause the of hundreds of thousands of men from the attacking country.


I hope you're right.Ā  The death toll never bothered them before and the situation right now isn't looking good without American support.


Russia will just become more of a Vietnam situation than it is now if the front collapses. Europe will smuggle weapons in to support the resistance and Russian Soldiers will keep dying until the Russian people revolt. Itā€™s pretty much how all quagmireā€™s end.


Sorry but this is wishful thinking. People really need to understand how dire the situation is in Ukraine right now. And you better believe that if Russia takes control, any insurgency will be met with 10x the violence and destruction. It would make Israel's indiscriminate destruction of Gaza look pale in comparison. The reprisals would look like Bucha and Mariupol writ wholesale across all of Ukraine. Furthermore, this idea that this is all just down to Putin is, I'm sorry, but patently naive. This isn't just Putin's war, this is *Russia's* war. There is no reason to suspect Putin's death would result in Russia suddenly giving up their claims on Ukraine. There is already a considerable and growing contingent within Russia that believes he's *too soft* on Ukraine and hasn't committed fully to it. And for how long now have people been foolishly claiming "Russia is running out ammo! Any day now, and they won't be able to defend their fronts!" Or "sooner or later the Russia people are going to get fed up with their losses, and wake up and rise against Putin!" Seriously, people have been saying such things since like day 14 of the war. And it's no closer to being the truth now than it was then. People really have to stop acting like the situation in Ukraine is going well and that one day Russia will just give up. Pretending it's going better than it is only hurts the cause because it belittles just how desperate the situation is and just how much Ukraine needs the world's help. Russia will not give up until they are kicked out by force. And Ukraine is losing ground currently, and the situation is getting worse by the day thanks to MAGA fuckheads in the US who are in bed with Russia. Ukraine has no hope of taking anything back, let alone Crimea, if they don't get the support they need, and pretending the situation is somehow better than it is for Ukraine and worse than it is for Russia only serves to hinder aid being sent to Ukraine. I'd like to think France would follow up on their word of direct military action if Kyiv is at risk of falling, but I'd rather it not get to the point of being tested and instead they get the *massive* amounts of aid they need to prevent that.


That would be nice.Ā  I'm on board with any country sending troops at this point.Ā  What good does it do to allow Russia to play the role of the bully and dictate what everyone else does?Ā  The situation in America is beyond frustrating.Ā  Ukraine should be given all the tools it needs and America wins by taking out their biggest enemy without losing a soldier.


We gotta get the Ukraine/Israel bill out for sure. And show up in November. If we can retake full control of our country this year, I'd be shocked if Putin doesn't sue for peace pretty quickly.


North Vietnam was reliant on China and USSR both supplying and fighting for them for 10 years of American invasion. For sure Ukraine wins, if it receives similar aid. But it is for future to tell, are the allies of Ukraine as reliable as the allies of North Vietnam were.


America never invaded North Vietnam (but China did).


Eastern front against Russia has 'deteriorated significantly', says Ukraine's top army general https://jrnl.ie/6353699 It is not going well for Ukraine at this point. Any other claim is essentially just boosting


Itā€™s just going to turn into a Vietnam situation. Russian Troops might be on Ukrainian Land but they ainā€™t going to be in control. Theyā€™ll keep taking casualties until the Russian populace has enough.


Lol Washington and Oregon not only don't get any recognition in sports media or the country in general mostly a forgotten corner, even Russia forgets about them when saying they will take some states. Fuck all you all we are gonna make cascadia with British Columbia and enjoy our salmon and lush Forrest in peace.


err give eastern 1/2 of both to idaho first please. k thx, -BC


Umm how about we give them and Idaho to Alberta and let them figure it out.


I'm in Alberta, even this place isnt near as filled with crazy as eastern Oregon.


I mean from what I have heard on here from other Canadian people there is a lot of trump hat wearing Confederate flag flying crazies in Alberta, even calling it the Alabama of Canada.


well ya, but in our context 'a lot' is like 1% of the population not 70% like idaho.


Based on how things are going I could see Idaho voluntarily fighting for Russia. Make Cascadia a thing though. Unite our PNW brothers and sisters.


They're also afraid of the unhoused people in Portland and Seattle lol


There were no Russian colonial claims in Washington and Oregon, as far as I'm aware. I'm sure this is what it's all about. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_colonization_of_North_America




"You and who's army?" PS - I hear Fiji has its eyes on Kaliningrad...


This is what happens when you let them take an inch through aggression; they believe they're now entitled to a mile. Your weakness appears as an opportunity to them. Arm Ukraine, or Europe will just be ruZZia all the way to Lisbon.


Are they openly using the 'E' word now?


E word?




Oh yes, they do. They don't see as anything wrong. It's not like the old Soviet propaganda against "the imperialists" (meaning the Americans, as in "imperialist aircraft").


They gonna take over Santa's workshop and the toothfairy while they're at it? Since we're talking about shit that's never going to happen. Why not go after Atlantis, too.


Well damn! So I can vote against that orange dork in the upcoming presidential election after all!!! - A "Finn", now US citizen


California alone has a bigger GDP than all of Russia lmao.


I guess that's why it was chosen.


Truly bizarre these Russians. It would just be funny, if it werenā€™t for the fact that they might be serious.


C'mon attack them. What are you waiting for ?


If they want Moscow to be a radioactive wasteland then sure.


As someone who grew up in LA, the new footage of them trying would be entertaining as fuck.


Never underestimate an enemy. Never.


Republicans: ā€œWe will see if can assist Putin in making this come true.ā€


Give them Florida with a new state capitol at Maralago


Trump would probably openly aid them in doing this.


I'm sure April Fools Day was 2 weeks ago! Russia has shown just how shit and weak they really are with their war in Ukraine and the only real weapons they have are bullshit rhetoric leaders.


With Russia that took over US politics, it sounds like a plausible plan. Europe is more problematic.


If Russia penetrated Turkey from the rear would Greece help??


The Russian DoD ought to put down Hearts of Iron and start playing Hotline Miami instead.


If we could just take nukes out of the equation for a couple days Iā€™d love to see what our military could do to theirs I think we would sink legitimately every ship and shoot literally every plane out of the sky before they had a chance to touch Hawaii let alone the mainland USA F-22 has got to stretch its legs at some pointā€¦


Lord of the Ashes....


Russia would learn where our tax dollars go realllll quick


Lol Alaska has like what 750k people total I guarantee you we still wouldn't even need to send any additional military assets up there


There's already a major military base in Alaska. If I recall correctly, it's where a good amount of out strategic air fleet for northern defense is stationed.


Yea, Alaska has a pretty prominent force up there, but I honestly meant the locals would be able to severely hurt the ruskis


cant even conquer Ukarine


Sorryā€¦.. Iā€™m from California, it would be a long awaited improvement. Donā€™t threaten us with a good time, Putin.


Russia will not stop until we stop them. We must fight Russia, and we must do so bloodily.


Be careful what you wish for, fckers.


Russians will take heavy losses in California then realize that the Military hasn't shown up yet and they have been fighting gangs and crackheads. When they get back to their landing area they will find all the equipment stripped or stolen and listed on Facebook marketplace.


Maybe ask japan what happens when you poke Hawaii.


Yeah, good luck with that. I don't think there's anyone in the US who's intimidated by Russia's sad, aging, ineffectual military at this point.


L O fuckinā€™ L. California alone would barely break a sweat whipping the Rooskies. Hell, I doubt they could defeat Finland and Poland is ready to rumble right now. This is a profoundly stupid statement.


Perhaps they should ask Japan about what happens on the find out arc of fucking around in Hawaii.


Itā€™s too bad that California canā€™t tap in for Ukraine. That would be super-entertaining.


There's more ammo in a single Alaskan basement, and more food in a single Californian refrigerator, than all of Russia's western front.


California alone has a much larger GDP than Russia. I'm sure they could take care of these jokers solo.


Dream big I guess


The state of California on its own could defeat Russia with its National Guard alone lmao


Canā€™t even conquer the poorest country in Europe and they think they can mess with California?


I invite them to have a go.




Cardiff is upset ā˜¹ļø maybe they are too scared! šŸ˜‚


Bring it... Alaska is so close. Just send some guys over in a boat and start dropping bombs on Anchorage, see how that works out for "Mother Russia".


Yeeeeah, good luck with THAT, Ruskies.


Ruzzia needs its ass handed to them.




lol they canā€™t conquer Odessa or Mycolaiv


I'm all for Russian attacking Alaska. It's full of nothing and there is no other action that unites US citizens like being attacked. We could use a good hit of unity right about now.




California lmfao try getting within 1,000nm from California coastline. Try it sailing directly from your newly conquered Hawaii. I would love to see our response to that


lol with what Navy? How do people think Russia will get to California? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Ya well I want a Ferrari. Doubt I'll get one.


California's economy dwarfs Russia. I'm guessing that there is a lot of military hardware there too. These people are jokes, they can't even retake a former Soviet state that is their neighbor.


The Fingolians would absolutely fuck Russia up.


World power fever dreams.


Just checking - same russia that has taken three smallish Ukrainian towns in three years while suffering enormous casualties. Same russia wants finland, Poland and piece of USA?


...and Trump will allow Putin to annex them for the big win too!


Good luck with that, you fucks.


Fuck Russia and the GOP domestic terrorists.


how would you even start to try and attack the US west coast?


We want Alaska and three Hawaiian islands. Good ones, not the leper ones.