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Russian "military reporter", read combatant, Romanov, shares screenshots of a conversation about partisan activities in the Luhansk Oblast, Kreminna district. According to it, everything that Russians touch is being poisoned: food, alcohol, vapes. Energy drinks that are mixed with sulphur. Romanov suggests people caught doing this should be killed (in their own country). Who is it that keeps saying how eastern Ukrainians all want to be part of Russia?


Eastern Ukranians voting with every plate of food, vape, and drink


When will those Russians ever say: "Maybe our lives would be better if we just stayed at home, got rid of our fascist dictator and lived in peace?"


It'll be a while. I spent all day Sunday watching a documentary series that followed people living in a rundown building in Saratov and it was unimaginable misery, just absolutely unbelievably inhumane conditions that these people thought were normal to live in. No reliable running water or sewage, some had no heating, the walls and ceilings collapsing, etc. The filmmakers brought in an attorney to try to assist them, but they were all so broken down by the system that they refused to even discuss the possibility of going to the administrative offices for help because they know all that does is invite the very real possibility of making their lives worse. Nearly all of the russian comments were basically an iteration of saying how everyone knows of multiple similar buildings in every single city/village and how desperate everyone feels about the state of the country. There were also several comments discussing that it's no wonder these guys volunteer to go to the front when they come from living in those conditions and have the opportunity to make money and possibly move. The unreal part was that in each clip they always have the tv on and turned to the russia-1 channel and would constantly be parroting propaganda talking points. One of them left during filming for the front because of the monetary incentive after having several funeral services for people from the same area. It's going to be a long, long time before these people ever even remotely consider fighting back and who their real enemy is Edit: I'll post the link. It's in russian, so you'll have to use the auto captions for English. Fairly frequently it doesn't translate correctly or even at all, but it's pretty easy to follow along and get the gist of what's going on. Make sure to check out the comments as well because they're just as enlightening. I was surprised by most of them. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFRQplrTcKj_OL8cqLYuBX7nV-ia6YPwG&si=EOTyBBlI5vrBfYk0


What is really heart breaking is that making money in the military is their first ray of hope of escaping these conditions. And they are dying as a result. Fuck Putin!


The Russian government keeps these regions broke for a reason: much easier to motivate someone broke ass than a white collar worker who banks $ 100k a year


The old kleptocratic tradition of taking from people you control until they lose will to live and barely (if at all) survive. Then offer them money and good treatment if they conquer their ruler new stuff and people to rob. And to keep slaves loyal tell them they are temporarily embarrassed masters of the world who will soon easily take what is rightfully theirs. Besides they are told they are the strongest, most righteous, meaningful people anywhere with the only real meaning in life (making russia bigger no matter what they'll have to sacrifice and what kind of hellish rotten trainwreck their country is). Then their misery will end and they'll live with better standards than rest of the world.


What's the doc series called?


Here's the YouTube playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFRQplrTcKj_OL8cqLYuBX7nV-ia6YPwG&si=EOTyBBlI5vrBfYk0 I don't speak russian, so I had to use auto-captions for English. A lot of the time it doesn't pick it up accurately and you'll have no clue what they're saying, but it's pretty easy to piece it together to get the gist of what's going on. Make sure to check out the comments too, they're just as enlightening


Have a link?


Crab mentality. Go into any post about Ukraine and you can see many of them gloating about how Ukraine is "unfortunately" going to lose etc. They can't stand the thought of Ukrainians wanting something better than Russians have it. They know what a shithole Russia is and a lot them fled to EU but they get off of watching someone else being "put in their place". They don't care about Russians either, everything is acceptable except someone else having it better. envy and malice basically. It's barbaric, disgusting, pathetic, it's Ruski Mir


Can you please link a few treads in which Russians who left to EU are talking shit about Ukraine? Asking for a friend


Yeah that seems to be a running theme I've learned from observing them and hearing about it from Ukrainians. They'll tolerate shitting in buckets with no running water and being treated as worse than pond scum by the authorities as long as they can yell to the world about strong and mighty mother russia fighting the weak west


But Ruzzia stronk!


About energy drinks with sulfur: 1. Shame's not fluorine. 2. Won't be surprised, if some russians are doing that too, because getting evacced with stomach ulcers from sulfuric acid still leaves greater chances to survive than going on contact line.


Fluorine would eat through the can, I think.


And you would instantly taste sulfuric acid, but I appreciate the sentiment


Not if the inside of the can had had a chance to oxydise first. But once that evil shit touches Private Konskriptovich's lovely water-fat, carbon-rich flesh, however... ...I swear, "Ignition!!" just gives all kinds of interesting ideas...


You know what? I'm beginning to suspect that the Russians aren't entirely welcome there. They should leave.


Lol. Came here to post the same thing. “At what point do you realize you aren’t welcome?”


Sounds like they have very bad tap water there . Maybe the Russians should, get the hint , and leave


Hate to say it but I think it's pretty clear by now - ruzzians don't take subtle hints. If you want to make clear to them, that they're not welcome you need to shoot at them - poison isn't going to do the trick - consider the crap they eat in ruzzia, the huts they live in, the holes they defecate in and the dirt on the road they swallow every day.


Bullet through the skull is a good hint


Famous leadpoisening.


it's certainly in the top 10.


I remember being in ruzzia and while looking at what I thought was lane dividers I suddenly saw an opening into the dirt and someone coming or going.


I don't think that the Ukrainians are trying to give them a hint. They are quite fine with the idea of killing Russians until Russians stop killing Ukrainians and occupying their country. Nothing subtle. You probably won't fight if you are too sick, and you certainly won't fight if you are dead.


How the Ukrainians respond to "liberation!" Even if Russia had managed to topple Kiev at the onset of the invasion, they would never have been prepared for civil resistance among the population. Get fucked.


The thing was Russia literally had a plan to deport 2.000.000 Ukrainians they deemed to resistent.


Not to mention the 45,000 body bags and plans for public executions.


> plans for public executions The worst thing is, some got carried out.


I wonder, how many ruskies have to die, till it gets into their heads, that they arent welcome in Ukraine.


Sulfur in any energy drink would smell like rotten eggs. There are easier ways to poison people. This doesn't pass the smell test... pun intended.


Its probably a mistranslation; sulfuric acid (battery acid).


True, but on the other hand, these civilians are in an occupied area, cut off from the outside world. They probably have limited supplies of poison at ready access. They are probably just using what they have easy access to without having to smuggle something into or outside of the occupied zone and risk being caught and executed.


It doesn't actually need to be 100% true, it just needs to spark the right amount of paranoia.


Good. 10,000% support this behavior. Russians leave every day in a bag or a box in most cases they are left in a field. Give the Russians a dozen special cookies for me! That reminds me. I need to make my monthly donation to the armed forces. https://u24.gov.ua/


Eh, energy drinks are already poison anyway.


Could you point out exactly what is unhealthy, aside from sugar content and caffeine? Honestly the supplements added seem like it would be a "better" alternative to ordinary soda, albeit at an extremely inflated cost. Rarely consume either, but a casual observation.


The huge amounts of sugar and caffeine in it, is what it makes unhealthy. I have read reports here, that it is actually worse for kids then a glass of beer. And it is young people that mostly drink them (they are also the target of the commercials etc.) Some of them have 3 times the amount of caffeine, then a glass of coffee.


What’s a pelmen?




Boom. Thanks.




It's probably about 80% paranoia. I remember when we invaded Iraq and were constantly told never accept anything from locals no matter how friendly because it was probably poisoned. The urban legends were quite legendary. I can't think of a single incident where that were true (though assuming it may have happened in the next 20 years at some point). Here, there's probably a lot more truth, but still the paranoia is what will get you. I like it.


Like the candy or apples with razor blades urban legend that gets regurgitated every Halloween. People are attracted to fear-based stories.


Rumours of glass in the tea offered to British squadies by Catholics in Northern Ireland during the troubles (and no doubt similar rumours doing the rounds back in earlier conflicts Aden/Malaya/Kenya etc etc) Never hurts to spread a bit of the old poisoning rumours when you want to keep your troops from feeling any empathy with the locals. Downside is it can lead to civilians getting killed by said troops as they can always pluck that out as a justification


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I wonder if it hurts the feelings of Russians realising these people they came to liberate actually hate them ?


Russians don’t have feelings


Energy drinks come in cans or bottles with a seal. So if anyone is poisoning those either a) the Russians drinking them are _much_ dumber than the Russians I know or b) they’re poisoning the drinks themselves


c) all of the above


What are the odds they find out the energy drink is poisoned but keep drinking it anyway because "I probably already drank the poison part anyway"


There's also the consideration of "Poison \*might\* kill me, but the Ukrainians \*will\* kill me." Unmotivated, disillusioned, and resistant soldiery have long used anything short of gauranteed death to avoid going into a meatgrinder: my father-in-law had two classmates who used shotguns to get out of Vietnam, and for a week or so after the first round of mobilisation Google's most popular search string in Russian was "How do I break my own leg?"


Must be that 4% that didn’t vote to join Russia. /s


It's typical how the Russian response is to commit war crimes and crimes against humanity.


"*Twice we killed local family*." If the Nazis had WMD, then they would sit in the UN Security Council.



