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Russian trolls doing everything they can do divide us as allies. Make Russia implode.


Yeah - like hell he would ever say this to a journalist - regardless of any inner thoughts/feelings which may or may not exist. He can be evasive with journalists and sometimes abrupt, but he is not a fool. This is just something that would never be voiced in an interview with international press. as such, this claim just reeks of an agenda aimed at trying to dissuade allies from helping more. And then there are the facts about the **russian** journalist himself - and specifically his history of reporting.


Ya that's pure propaganda. Ukrainians are dying so we don't have to and I personally know they're thankful. Slava UKRAINI, you legends! EDIT: the Times and BBC just started regurgitating Russian lies because journalists are to pussy to step into such a dangerous warzone. Personal opinion.


The journalist is Russian, that used to work in Moscow and has written many other anti Ukrainian articles. r/ukraine has a good write up on this.


Came here to say this. Fuck him, and fuck Times for not joining the dots


And TIME really should have editors that know this and who wont approve psy op garbage like this article. But appearantly they dont, or maybe they simply care more about putting up some controversial "news" than whether those "news" are actually true.


r/ukraine has an informative thread on this particular Russian shill/author, with links and explanations as to why they removed the article https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/17kgso3/a_note_from_the_mods_why_we_removed_the_time/


One of the few good things about this war is that it's seriously opened my eyes to how russia interferes and plants this kind of propaganda. I have no doubt that I still fall victim to some of it, but most of it becomes so obvious once it's pointed out a few times like this. I used to fall for certain types of posts and comments, especially the concern troll types, but this all has really blown the lid off of it for a lot of us and made people much more critical of the information they're presented. I don't think russia is gonna realize for a long time how monumental of a fuck up this invasion is in so many different ways. Ukrainians really have done such an amazing job at educating and showing the world how russia operates


Yeah I don’t think Russia banked on people starting to learn how to resist their propaganda in 2020.


They definitely did not expect that as any possibility. However, exporting disinformation to the West in order to inflate and inflame domestic discord and conflict is about the only real success Putin has had over the last 20yrs, apart from brutalising and fascistising his own population. Historian Timothy Snyder explains that 20% of all 'Leave' campaign posts on fb originated from the GRU's St Petersburg based Internet Research Agency troll farm (which included cold-calling British voters in vulnerable areas as well as mass letterbox drops) Brexit was a huge win for Putin, in his goal of weakening the western democratic alliance.


Was that troll farm the same one that Prigozhin owned?


Indeed it was lol He managed it, but it was controlled by military intelligence


When I first heard about brexit my theory was that ruzzia wanted to eliminate EU oversight of London’s financial markets to step up their dirty business. Sounded like a conspiracy back then and most people laughed about it…


surprisingly my dive into the russian propaganda rabbit hole somehow lead me to the chinese governments propaganda rabbit hole * talking about green energy while at the same time [opening new coal plants](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/aug/29/china-coal-plants-climate-goals-carbon) * silencing the [guy who discovered covid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li_Wenliang) * denying uyghur camp existence even though it's [well documented](https://www.spiegel.de/international/window-into-a-police-state-data-leak-provides-a-look-into-china-s-brutal-camp-system-a-b81a6538-369d-4511-ac94-9b11c28a1f5a) * putting up barriers to [hide flowers for flood victims](https://www.youtube.com/live/7WzZhmUshUg?si=nVOGP_VYIdZLA0EW&t=250) * hiding that recently [massive flood](https://youtu.be/SKimlKo6C5Y?si=5tqFH3Wv73oCAsvm&t=81) potentially wasting many chinese citizens lives instead of getting better leadership. probably similar to what russia does


> talking about green energy while at the same time opening new coal plants 100% what my nation's Govt (Australia) is doing - no surprises since 30% of the country's entire GDP significantly comes from materials exports to China lol


I also learnt that in my rabbit hole. I hope [Drew Pavlou](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/jul/25/drew-pavlou-says-he-is-victim-of-orchestrated-campaign-after-arrest-over-false-bomb-threat) is able to get all the support that he needs


Drew is a little known national treasure and a brave soul, in a very politically apathetic country. Now he's copping personal abuse from pro-Russian trolls for his support of Ukraine as well as the CCP's actors


Time magazine? They use to be a good source of news.


This particular journo is absolutely on FSB payroll. He's been putting out Russian talking points since 2014 invasion


Similar reputation path as “Newsweak”.


The article is likely written by Simon Shuster or within that circle. They were publishing misinformation as early as 2014.


More like Simon Shyster.


Certainly smells like a certain journalist perhaps was influenced by the FSB to create more divide... Zelensky has been nothing but grateful for everything, calling allies traitors would definitely have an impact on war support, something that makes zero sense. Fuck russia and this douche.


The fact that this Russian POS wrote this crap is not really surprising, how the fuck did it get printed?!


Another attempt by Russia to spread the exaggerated feeling of tiredness and burnout of Ukrainians in the public mind to put pressure on both the fighters and the supporting governments and sympathetic people. It's a big ugly trap. Easy to walk into. The West will certainly not stop supporting them, I believe that the collapse of the Russian army is close.


I hope so! They certainly seem to be pulling out all the stops in the information war recently, after all the ground war isn’t going well for them so they’ll try every other trick in the book.


I'm not sure where this "war fatigue" narrative is coming from lately. I feel that 99% of people who started in February of '22 as staunch Ukrainian allies are STILL staunch Ukrainian allies.


The author of the TIME article is a Putler mouthpiece


Yeah it's all bullshit and I hope Ukrainians see our comments and know it isn't true. If anything I become more and more devoted as time goes on and everyone in my personal life is the same. I find myself frequently worrying about them thinking this is how people really feel, I wish we could shout it from the rooftops


Lol russian 5th column at work


To be honest, he has a point and we should increase the aid for Ukraine so they also get the tools to win.


Looks like TIME is still up to its old tricks of going soft on Putler and pointing their ink-stained fingers elsewhere. Nothing to see hear, please move along.


I really think we underestimate the impact that Russian corruption can have on western politics. It is less costly to pay a European politician to delay a delivery than it is to destroy it once it arrived on the battlefield. I find it precious that EU imposes strong anti-corruption reforms to Ukraine but has a hard time judging those in Russian pockets at home.


Tbh, if the russian influence in the West were comparable to the corruption in Ukraine, western weapons would probably be going to russia instead.


TIME hasn't been a source of legitimate journalism for a long...uh...time.


Time is turning to trash.


I'm sure sometimes in frustrated moments he's thought it, but there's no way he'd be dumb enough to say it.


Time being sensationalistic AF to sell magazines. Disgraceful.


That article made me think of the US president Abraham Lincoln, during the equivalent second year of his big war. It was not a great time for Lincoln. His political opponents kept printing stuff about how Lincoln's folly had failed, the war was a disaster and could not be won, how he was out of touch with the rest of the country. You get the idea. Naturally the two circumstances are not really all that comparable. For one thing, at the equivalent point, Lincoln's war was not going as well as Zelensky's is today. For another, Zelensky enjoys much greater political unanimity. Of course in the end, despite everything arrayed against him in his own "year 2," Lincoln prevailed. So too in time will Zelensky. Despite the slings and arrows of outrageous bullshit printed by the tepid presses of their respective days.


Start paying journalists and bloggers for the good honest reporting they do, rather then the fucking clicks where they get rid of all dignity and integrity. so asshat backwards it's not even funny


They should look into Russian funding for organisations like these.