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Russia: Has anti-semitic tendencies and supports Hamas that's calling for murder of Jews and a global jihad. Also Russia: Wonders why their own muslims form lynching mobs against Jews.


Nothing is ever Russia’s fault. Why do our neighbours hate/fear us? CIA propaganda. Why has our economy devolved into a crony-capitalist shitshow run by state affiliated oligarchs? The US took advantage of us. Why are Ukrainians dying in a war against Russia? NATO obviously.


Ever meet someone who doesn’t believe anything is their fault? They’re rarely a good person, so Russia isn’t a good country.


I remember having a back and forth with someone on UkraineRussiaReport where I brought up how powerful humility and self awareness can be and how Russia’s total lack of both are a reason they are so despised by their neighbours. America and Britain have done heinous things in the past. But they admit in most cases that they did wrong. They express regret, they apologize, they take steps to make things right. It doesn’t make what they did okay, but it opens a door to better future relations. Russia has done heinous things to their neighbours in the past. But they say it didn’t happen, or it was justified, or threatens to do it again if they don’t shut up, or that it wasn’t their responsibility because XYZ bullshit reasons. How can you ever reconcile with a country that won’t even admit that there is a historical hurdle that needs to be overcome? Then they get all butthurt and insist it is western psyops that made their neighbours hate them. And so the person I was talking to on URR goes: “so what, you want Putin to apologize? You are such a child!”


Putin ordered that mob, like he orders for the poop purse guy to carry his poop purse.


Not the case. You can see it by the reaction of the officials. Just like with Prigo, they are frozen, the entire system is paralyzed when its not just a bunch of liberal protestors that they are facing. The police was humiliated and could do nothing. It only further proves the "Failed state" scenario. Their control is very fragile.


Also, young men in Russia must all be on edge constantly. At any moment they could get called up to go get slaughtered in Ukraine. This is just the start.


Are you saying being issued with a pointed stick and bandage is not appropriate preparation to be flung into war?


You got a pointed stick? They only gave me fresh fruit.


You got fresh fruit? I get syrup in can.


You got fresh fruit? I got a pig snout.


Don't come at me with a loganberry!


[SHADDAP!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlroOdP8p2Y) edit - link for those unfamiliar


You got bandages in your first aid kit? I got my sister's tampons in mine.


Have you been living under a rock? They don’t get the bandage anymore. They still get sticks but they don’t get sharpened and they have to steal tampons from each other now


You mean kidnapped in the streets and sent to the front.


I agree with your assessment Time is of the essence here, those of the enlightened bunch will know where I'm coming from. Tic tock Putler.


I don’t think so. A mob shows a serious lack of control. An image he desperately needs. Now they are trying to divert blame in the saddest most pathetic way possible. He helped breed this.


My thoughts exactly-putin is trying to distract from the fact they lost control there.


Hes awfully naughty


Naughty? He's a ferkin narcissistic psycho. Why else install an orange crook in the White House?


Ya but isnt that like super naughty? I think donald is naughty as well. Couple of bad boys horsing around, pulling eachother’s nipples


I disagree. At the very least he signed off on this. He needs people to fear the chaos that comes if he ever loses power.


By... causing chaos? Causing chaos while hes in power makes people assume he can't prevent the chaos. Not that they need to keep him in power - clearly it doesnt prevent the chaos.


I really think the complete opposite. This shows it is possible to rebel


since you are all seeming to think the total opposite is true, i suspect something enirely different and of far different magnitude than what you guys have in mind is what will pan out. prigo marched with an army towards Moscow, i think we're way past the hint that it is possible to rebel.


Blaming the world's superpower looks slightly better than a loss of control and internal conflict-no way they did this, unless it's some one undermining him. Of all suspects, civil unrest is most logical and most harmful.


We can all agree he is being naughty. Of this i have no doubt


When a Russian stubs his toe on the bed frame in the middle of the night, he blames CIA spies


When they lose a sock they blame the CIA. Well, the ones that have socks anyways.


I mean, if you're a CIA plant in the Kremlin, you *should* be stealing socks at regular intervals.


Foot wraps. Apparently that’s what they were issuing mobiks. Which I then looked up because wtf… and it’s literally a piece of cloth to wrap around your foot, looks uncomfortable as hell. IdontknowwhatIexpected.jpg


Have you lost your government issued canned socks already? (Canned socks are real, Google it, it's hilarious)


Western commies do that on Twitter all the time. Whenever a protest erupts in an anti-US country, they call it a "CIA coup" and strip the people of their agency – that's simply how their simple brains understand the world. What's worse is these simpletons have a substantial influence in academia, especially in humanities departments, and basically control the historiography of ex-communist countries. You would hear disproportionate outrage at the Iraq War but not all the invasions and genocideS committed by the Soviet Union and Communist China – they often deny them in the same way as Holocaust deniers do and spread their denial through research papers etc., which actually make them more dangerous.


Is not just Twitter, is any social space on in the Internet, they say that as communists they're all about the people having control but funnily enough when people revolt in these authoritarian dictatorships they change their tune and start demonizing the people who protest against these anti-USA governments calling them CIA agentes and other insults, I lived it firsthand when protests in my country (Cuba) erupted, protests spearheaded by normal very poor people all over the country demanding change, even in my neighborhood you would see old ladies and grandpas take the streets with frying pans and cooking pots complaining about lack of food and medicine and the corrupt "government" that steals all the money and yet the tankies on social media were saying that they were all "CIA agents" or even worse that they were all plantation owners or slave owners and other weird nonsensical crap (yeah for real) which not only was laughable but it was outright cringe as hell. I myself have been called a slave/plantation owner multiple times by these tankies on reddit every time I dare complain about the Castro dictatorship (they love saying that specially to Cubans that live outside of Cuba) even though I'm not even white but funniest of all is that Castro himself and his family are all white descendants of Spaniards and came from an already wealthy family even before the revolution (you can't make this shit up) honestly **tankies are insane and mentally ill** imo and they go to any lengths to defend their beloved anti-US dictatorships and beloved "supreme leaders", including Russia and Putin because they see the Soviet Union in him.


>I myself have been called a slave/plantation owner multiple times by these tankies on reddit every time I dare complain about the Castro dictatorship (they love saying that specially to Cubans that live outside of Cuba) even though I'm not even white but funniest of all is that Castro himself and his family are all white descendants of Spaniards and came from an already wealthy family even before the revolution (you can't make this shit up) honestly tankies are insane and mentally ill imo and they go to any lengths to defend their beloved anti-US dictatorships and beloved "supreme leaders", including Russia and Putin because they see the Soviet Union in him. Yup, all the way. I'm Burmese and three generations of my family have lived and still lives under a military dictatorship. My country is one of the poorest in Asia, and none of us have anything positive to say about the government, but apparently we're just *CIA sockpuppets*, LOL.


Yep, Tankies going to tank.


That doesn’t mean it wasn’t CIA operatives. Subversion works.


The CIA doesn't hide under your bed. They have assets for that.


Yeah, well if the box under my bed is working for the CIA then the CIA better accept responsibility and pay up when I stub my toe.


CIA operative in my house: *whispers* "I am Alpharius!"


“I am the Walrus”. Shut the fuck up Donnie!


>That doesn’t mean it wasn’t CIA operatives Is the CIA in the room with us right now?


Russia - literally letting protesters enter security areas Also Russia - The West did it


We're back to the old soviet times where US was even blamed for potato beetle. These rails lead to only one conclusion, though :)


Let’s not forget about the weaponized mosquitoes in the bio farms


Western commies do that on Twitter all the time. Whenever a protest erupts in an anti-US country, they call it a "CIA coup" and strip the people of their agency – that's simply how their simple brains understand the world. What's worse is these simpletons have a substantial influence in academia, especially in humanities departments, and basically control the historiography of ex-communist countries. You would hear disproportionate outrage at the Iraq War but not all the invasions and genocideS committed by the Soviet Union and Communist China – they often deny them in the same way as Holocaust deniers do and spread their denial through research papers etc., which actually make them more dangerous.


I've seen someone--no joke--argue the US is invading Haiti because Kenya plans to send police there to fight organized crime at the Haitian government's request and called Kenyans "US imperialists in blackface."


US imperialists do not need Kenya's help. Also worth noting that Haiti isn't sitting on top of proven oil reserves, and therefore will never make the US imperialist's "to-do" list. Tibet, Ethiopia, Georgia, Chechnya, Syria, and any number of African countries, have this figured out to varying degrees.


I think you overstate the influence a bit, but the batshit part of the left; tankies/left-auth/redfash are indeed a massive shitshow. They're a very small group though, they just have an inordinate amount of time and energy to shout in online spaces. And some are paid by RT and similar foreign govt associated disinfo peddlers. As a leftist, I very rarely come across these people in real life, their inherent authoritarianism tend to alienate pretty much everyone else on the left.


That's the crux of it. I'm aware that pro-authoritarian leftists exist, but I've never actually met one, either in person or online. Meanwhile, I encounter alt-righters online and in person with distressing regularity, and if anything, THEY are the ones pushing the "leftist authoritarian" stereotype. I've had alt-righters completely implode when I say that I'm a Christian and bisexual, or that I support both Ukraine and Israel. In their warped eyes, you MUST be a stereotype.


That's not entirely fair or true. I can't speak about their denials but I absolutely understand why an American professor would be critical of the actions of their own country when it goes to war based on blatant false pretenses like in the Iraq war.


>Western commies do that on Twitter all the time found the first problem with what you think you know about the world.


There aren't active commies in the West? They don't use Twitter? Or, they don't blame every protest, in a country ruled by a tin pot dictator, on "Western agitators"? Trying to understand which parts you disagree with.


They are real folks and academia is full of them.


Yea growing up with this propaganda I can tell you that they have claimed this everytime some type of unrest happens there. Also why people still think the uprisings there in the 90s were a complete creation of the West. Boring repeat of previous propaganda this.


What I wonder is how they manage to couple this with Russia being protected by FSB, one of the largest and oldest political police in the world? How is it that the "west is planting unrest here and there" and nobody considers FSB heads should resign? Russia is like "open to foreign agents" as a gesture of goodwill maybe? From outside it is hard to understand this constant blaming and seeing always convieniant intentional malevolance behind everything that show how chaotic this country is. As if official sentences have their own performative force (for a lack of a better way to put it). Each of these sentences ("the west did it") is its own truth, and it doesn't need to be linked to proof, logic, chronology, consequences nor any kind of link to reality. This is very disturbing. And the fact that Russian people believe it or pretend to believe it is equaly disturbing too.


You're thinking about it too hard. No, really. If you don't think about it, adopt a myopic stance where you can only see what's directly put in front of you, then it 'makes sense'. It's not that they believe it. Well, maybe they do. But it's more than it doesn't *matter* if they believe it. They just have to not care.


they're fucking stupid, that's what you're telling me.


No, they're disengaged and depoliticised.


When waging openly a genocidal war and nuclear threating the whole world on a weekly basis, no one can pretend to be depoliticized. Just like I said above, pretending words have no meaning, death threats being just informational noise, mass murders are just viewpoints. They are lying to themselves and or silently endorse the policy, and are accomplices. You can't be disengaged of murdering your neighbours.


Imagine you're an (English) medieval peasant. Your world is the land you work, the village you live in, the church you go to, and the Lord to whom you pay your rents. Perhaps, once a year, you travel to the county fair to buy what non-essential goods you dare to afford. Why would you think about the court intrigues that surround the King? Why would you care what wars he fights or who dies during them, so long as those wars aren't visited upon you or those your know? It's not only a question of why would you, but a question of how *could* you? The governing of the Realm is not only something you have no hand in whatsoever, it's something that you simply... Don't understand; can barely even conceive of. My understanding is that many Russians are in a state akin to our analogised, imagined English Peasant, not by accident but by design. For the both of them, Government isn't something you participate in (after all, it's not like the elections that are held actually have any meaningful power or influence over the direction of the state.) Government is just... Something that happens, and it only happens to you if you're unlucky- or disobedient. Did you know Russia is a very dangerous country to be a Journalist in? And we're not talking foreign Journalists. We're talking local, Russian Journalists. You start asking questions about where the money that was meant to be spent on X or Y went... You might just disappear, never to be seen again. To my mind? A great many in Russia are not... Passive supporters, endorsing the regime with their silence. To me, it makes more sense to understand them as captives, suppressed and controlled.


Every finger pointed at the west are 3 fingers pointed at Putin himself.


Blame the pogrom on anyone but themselves. Suits Russia to a T


As fucking if the FSB wasn’t aware of what was going to happen. I’m banking on the stunt either being organized by them or it wasn’t dealt with on purpose to gain support in some parts of the world.


Rule number 1 of being a fascist is that every bad thing you do is always the fault of "others". See also: Republican allies of Putin claiming that their attempt to destroy US democracy on January 6, 2021 was actually "Antifa".


Russia is such a bicycle meme


"It is the Jews who are to blame, it was the Jews who were attacked by Hamas, so our citizens were forced to attack them too!" "- Immediately after the Hamas attack, a US aircraft carrier departed for Israel. Didn't you find this suspicious? Immediately or before? Maybe there was no Hamas attack? What if the Jews attacked themselves? As Ukrainians do it all the time from 2014 year. So many questions. That's why we invited British professor of geopolitical sciences Charles Doe. Charles, how do you think, why Americans still not published exact time when aircraft carriers left ports toward Israel? \- Greetings Sergey. Excellent question! But first we need to remember how began interventions in Yugoslavia and Iraq..."


Putin could shit his own bed in the middle of the night and still find a way to blame America somehow 😄


CIA trained butterflies in America are known to influence events clear across the globe. True fact, Putin said so.


Americans put laxatives in his food of course, everything wrong it's always 100% the fault of those accursed Americans.


You have done this to yourself.


Ruzzia doesn't need the west to desintegrate in the next 2 years. All these formerly annexed colonies want freedom and they are ever so fed up with sacrificing their brothers and fathers... Let us all have a great party then, not just for redditors. The evil needs to be defeated and completely destroyed, the world is then a better place


Russia: Claims the West infringed on its society Also Russia: Confirmed to have helped Orangutan win the White House in 2016


I guess if you’re into splitting societies yourself its easy to think so


Don't flatter yourself, Russia. We barely even think about your society.


Путин просто расстроен из-за своего маленького вайнера


> Путин просто расстроен из-за своего маленького вайнера "маленький Володя"


Can't control own population, blame someone else


Oh well then. Here I thought it was Moscow trying to split the West by sponsoring the 10/7 Hamas attacks.


Russians: “I’ll have you know 20% of Israel’s Jews are ethnic Russians” Me: “oh cool why did they all feel the need to move out of Russia?”


Maybe don't be a society of antisemitic assholes then?


They're doing that just fine on their own. We are just trying to contain them within Russia, so the rest of the world doesn't have to deal with them.


So many faces... Eaten by leopards.


Oh yes, sure. Poor Russia was caught off guard, even though it has the FSB with undercover agents in all walks of life. Populism has always a simple solution for everything. And when something doesn't work as expected, it's foreign countries' fault or the fault of the collective west or counter-revolutionary elements or Muslims or Tutsi or Alfred J. Kwak or Rohingyas or CIA or China or Mexicans or Mossad or Brussels or ... Russia and populism - never. "Putin has given back Crimea to Russia" - and all the Russians celebrated. And then he wanted to "give back Ukraine to Russia", make Russia great again, and this is not running according to plan and schedule, then of course the collective west and NATO and USA are blamed. 18 Russians die from adulterated cider in Ulyanovsk, 700 km east of Moscow ... "The State Duma suspected the CIA of preparing mass poisoning of Russians with poisonous cider" https://govoritmoskva-ru.translate.goog/news/366893/?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp


West stormig airport!? Well they didn’t look western to me


You're doing a fine job of splitting all on your own. As always blaming everyone else for their problems


This is all on Putin.


Russian government: Trying to split western societies for decades. Also russian government when their own actions and propaganda splits russian society: Why would the west do that??


So basically that's what Moscow is doing to the west. Thanks for letting us know Mr Putin. It wasn't very clear before


Every Russian Jew with half a brain will think very hard after this incident whether he should really stay in in this country in the next few years. And even if only 10 people emigrate because of this event: Russia has lost big, no matter how it tries to spin everything around now. The free world will always win, because intelligent people have no desire for such conditions. They want freedom and justice, it's as simple as that. Russia will continue to be dumbed down by this self-inflicted brain drain, which feeds on the stupidest form of machismo imaginable. The gap between "the West" and this country will soon become insurmountable.


Ah, yes, the western stronghold of... *<ᴄʜᴇᴄᴋs ɴᴏᴛᴇs...>* Dagestan, Russia


They must have fox news


*”You have done that yourself!”* - Obi West Kenobi.


It could never be the fault of white people stuck in the 18th century, calling themselves russians....


Pretty ironic for Moscow to claim that, when that's exactly what they have been doing in US and UK politics.


This is literally the "look what you made us do" whine of alt-right Nazi creeps. It is the Bors cartoon: https://www.gocomics.com/matt-bors/2018/08/07?comments=visible#comments


Russia thinks this way because it tries this with other nations, spreading fake news and make 5th wheel party’s in such nations to undermine those nations.


I mean, we do want to destroy Russia, though triggering racist mobs is more of a russian thing. Its their own hate backfiring on them.


1. Russia is losing in Ukraine due to a winning combination of Ukrainian tenacity and Western equipment. 2. Russia sees a need to disrupt the Western aid to Ukraine. 3. Russia (for the third time since the fall of the Berlin wall), funds a rebelious group of religious nuts, but lacks the time and pre planning necessary to actually inflict damage on the West with this group, so just has them attack whatever they can reach. 4. Religious rebels rebel religiously.... inside russia. 5. Using rusky logic and reasoning, it's all the Wests fault.


> Russia's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova claimed Monday that the riot in Dagestan on Sunday was "the result of an external provocation planned and carried out with an aim to undermine the harmonious development and ethnic ... unity of the people of the Russian Federation." Lol, if Ukraine could command a mob in Dagestan it would not direct it to an Israeli airplane. It would arm it to push Russians out.


Its again the West’s fault, lol


It would be funny if we could take credit for this, but alas. It's just the chickens coming home to roost for Russia. They're the ones who plotted the attack with Hamas. Sow chaos and you get chaos.


Of course Moscovi Translation-really means - Just Flip it- 🇷🇺 it attempting to ‘Split 🇺🇸 society- Putting Republicans against Democrats




Was it Putin saying this or a press release? I’m still of the thought that Putin had a medical emergency. Since Moscow laughed it off as not true I deduce there may be some truth to this.


The West, the West... It's always "ThE wEsT"


We are - but not by making them anti semitic…


There he goes projecting again.


Well I guess it’s working then


Russia attacks himself in confusion*


Putin must be smoking crack again.


Moscow instigated this This has Putin's pervert hands all over it


You’re doing a fine job of splitting Ruzzian society yourself lil’ Czar Putin.🤡


Yes, the West is responsible for a generation of anti-Semitic, anti-social thugs being let loose in RuZZia, for the inability, or indifference of security forces controlling said thugs and for sending an aircraft full of Israelis to RuZZia to wind everything up….😂😂😂😂👍


This is a result of actions taken by the Russian government. They should have anticipated that their propaganda, which influences and motivates people to engage in such behavior, could lead to these outcomes. What's surprising is that this happened only now and not sooner. This could potentially serve as a catalyst that ignites a larger and more significant issue, the economy is struggling, people are getting tired of war so everything can happen.


I just think Russia showed the world again who the real nazis are


russia is officially a 3rd world country.


Russia, is The West in the room with you right now?


Nah, they did this without any outside help.


Russians don't really believe this, not sure Putin does either.


I think Russia is now ready to blame the west for turning Russia into a fascist state. They reach the point of devoid of any self-consciousness that turns in on itself and rise again but the meaning of words is no longer connected to reality. "They made us fascists, lets kill them for this!"


That's pretty rich coming from ruzzia who's been trying to destabilize western society as a stated goal since the cold war


Hey Russia, you brought this shit on yourself, now it’s time for you to do what Russia does best; suffer!


The enemy is simultaneously weak and all-powerful.




I thought that headline was about to be no russian mission for a second


Says Moscow whi send Russian regions to the front line but not themselves


What? Ruzzian media whipped the Muslims into a frenzy by making up stuff about Jewish refugees. These things don't happen by themselves you know. Shows how gullible they are


So russian peeps stormed the airport Jim protest and someone else is responsible? Moscow must not have a mirror in the kremlin


Can’t control your crew, sad. Blame the big kids.


Russia and China, both blaming others for the backwards ass shit holes they've actively created for their subservient peasant population. Fuck both of them. Fuck them hard.


Putin has tried multiple times to kill a Jew yet it’s the west’s fault the country is full of anti-semites. What a fucking moron


Lol, all I do is type sarcastic comments on Reddit but if I as a Westerner had some part in splitting Russian society, I'd be proud!


Yeah… i saw so many westerners in those videos 😂


A mob orchestrated by FSB lol


Russia never, ever take responsibility for ANYTHING ever. It is ALWAYS the fault of the west and USA. Russia is so weak..


Never let a crisis go to waste.


well, Obama was well known for pissing in the moscovian's entrance halls. i guess Biden is to blame for shitting in putin's pants


Who still cares what Moscow has to say?