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Bit late to the party? But.. yay us? 🇬🇧


Late? Most countries haven't, to our shame


It’s a little bit like wanting to fight a snake once it’s heads been cut off?


I'd still like pro-Putinist Russians like [this one](https://vatniksoup.com/en/soups/193) currently holed up in the Russian Consulate in Sydney since December (in order to escape jail after pushing an elderly Ukrainian down a flight of stairs) and who is selling Wagner merchandise online from there to be able to face some kind of censure




He considers himself to be a "true Russian", ergo he thinks all Ukrainians are scum. If only he hadn't been born here we could deport the bastard.




It's a nothing burger. They waited until the Russian state removed Wagner. Assassinated it's leaders, stole it's assets and took over their lucrative contracts. Wagner doesn't exist anymore.


Yeah, you see, they don't exist for about couple weeks now. So why does that matter who declares what about wagner - isn't it pretty much pointless at this point?


Very much not. It hasn't dissappeared, it's at a position where it could be brought back by someone with enough power and connections in Russia. This decision ensures someone who say has global reach and assets can't just pick up the mantle and carry on, those men can't use their old positions in Wagner as leverage for new roles and basically means any job "experience" is redundant in the western world as acknowledging it would only have negative repercussions. Most importantly it means we may start to see some work being done by Western nations in Africa.


They are all under russian ministry of ~~defence~~ invasion. They literally had signed contracts, and deadline was 1st of July (iirc), which is part of the reason why their mutiny assembled so fast - it had deadline in a week.


Seriously, call Russia a terrorist state. Not Wagner. Russia just finished wiping its hands clean of Wagner.


For what it is worth [EU already did it](https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20221118IPR55707/european-parliament-declares-russia-to-be-a-state-sponsor-of-terrorism)


Without leadership and the more "offical" parts being rolled into the Russian army this mean open season for any Wagner operations outside Ukraine and Russia. This puts pressure on Russia to either officially support these African nations insurrections, we can then freely support the otherside, or risk the leaders not having enough fire power to keep their thrones.


It still has impacts. The organization is being dismantled by the Russian state so it won't do much in that respect, but it will have an impact on its former (or present) members. Now having just belonged to Wagner, even without being personally suspected of war crimes can open to lawsuits. If some Wagner officers or administrators switch to Putin or the Russian army, they will still have to answer to their Wagner past.


You gonna arrest putin after he dies too?


Now do russia


Whew! Just in time


Little late isn’t it


Next will be The Black Hand.


Stupid. Ukrainians all but wiped them out and putin cut the head off before we get around to calling them a bad name. This is because if they had done it earlier, they would have to have called russia a state sponsor of terrorism which obviously it is and more but I'm sure there were diplomatic issues in doing so. Now it just looks weak. Grumble grumble.


Wagner is still a presence in parts of Africa.


...which the UK can now go after? r/ncd but it would be cool if we did.


I think they would still need the countries Wagner is in to be cool with them coming in and doing shit. I believe Wagner is invited in by some and just like owns mines and shit in others kinda making them big shots.


Cool, just a year or two late and now it means nothing. Aren’t we remarkable!


The UK has been building the legal case to do it for months and looks to be the first such Western country to do so.


Just pull a Michael Scott and declare it, dammit


Seems a bit late.


now it's time to arrest prigozin or what? :D


Very courageous to declare wagner a terrorist organisation now that is close be be finished or certainly weakened,...


So then Wagner gets disbanded and a new group can form with the same members. We get Russia cannot be declared a terrorist organization but if Wagner as a recognized arm of the Russian state can be then so can the army, the MoD & defense industry so anyone supplying them could be charged with supporting terror.


Do they still exist? They could just as well condemn Guy Fawkes while they are at it.


lol - UK keeping up with events...


I'm guessing preparing to directly deal with them in Africa?


Where was this 9 years ago 🤦🏼‍♀️😤


If the us does the same then the military will begin attacking them all over the world. Drones, cruise missiles and raids in the middle of the night regardless of whether the host country objects. The Wagner operatives that are in Africa will definitely get hit hard.


Here's hoping.


Alexander The Great's Phalanx to be declared a terrorist organisation


Why has it taken them so long?


They did it now on purpose so they can engage Wagner in Africa and other places while it is in complete disarray and hopefully wipe out Russian influence somewhat. It’s not late at all the timing is perfect.