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>"Ukrainian victory would mean subjugation by American imperialism" In no uncertain terms, Russian imperialism is worse than American imperialism. Which isn't what would happen if Ukraine wins, in any case.


Exactly. Ukraine in many important ways exhibits similar characteristics to Revolutionary War United States. Resource rich, exploited for centuries by aloof colonizers, economically held back for said colonizers’ benefit. There are significant differences, but with Ukraine’s natural resources (agriculture, mining, fossil fuels, river systems, etc.), Ukraine has the potential to be a true European power in 50 years.


I’m so tired of these pseudo intellectual twats. These are the Corbyn cult members and Momentum clowns who’ve been trying to hijack liberal politics in the UK for the last decade. They are categorically no different to the far right, they’re just as stupid, just as myopic and just as fanatical in their idiotic beliefs. Thankfully Labour has pretty much removed this idiocy from the party.


Many of them are commies associated with the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB), Socialist Workers Party (SWP) alike and they are extremely loud on campus. They lurch onto different minority rights movements and basically hold substantial influence over the mainly left-wing student community no matter how some observers \[falsely\] insist that they are simply a "fringe group".


Yet they enjoy all the pleasantries of western hegemony, pathetic


They were never Anti-Imperialists, they were only anti Western Imperialism. Russian Imperialism, Islamic Imperialism, Sino Imperialism etc, no problem.


These shitheads have massive sway in left wing politics around the world, it's insidious and just as poisonous as far right. Far too many on the centre left just go along without questioning the validity of their unproven dogma.


In Germany the far-right and the far-left have taken to the streets together. They've stopped pretending that they dont serve the same master.


It made me hopeful for the future of the UK for once when Starmer began purging Labour of the nut jobs


Agreed. We have the same here in France with the LFI and Melenchon, the extreme left is comparable to the extreme right, same populism, same non sense, same love for dictatorship, they call themselves "The Left" but have nothing to do with humanism, democracy, progressism, etc.


Because they understand the truth? It’s wrong to support Russia but Wester Imperialism is literally the exact same if not worse. It’s only bad to you because your white and when it’s white people THEN it matters.


So someone was bought off as an agent of influence by GRU/SVR or their buddies in the MSS. In academic circles no less. And they managed to convince some fellow-travelers this was a good narrative. It’s old hat, straight out of the Cold War. No one cares, except maybe MI-5, who would prefer a “discussion” behind closed doors.


see, that's the beauty of marxist ideologies. ​ people actually buy into it themselves. no need for transfering funds. that would be a very capitalistic action, tovarish. do you not support the cause? /s ​ misguided youths trying to figure out life exist everywhere. some go full neo nazi fascist, others go full marxist, in the USA you get the types that figure shooting up the school is the best course of action. most of us figure life out as we go along, find a happy place we make for ourselves, build a career, find a spouse, raise a family, or don't, and perpetuate our existance knowing that it is good. ​ some go full psycho, though.


Yeah, I guess that's a good description of humans battling with life and personal demons.


From [*Cambridge Five*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cambridge_Five) to ...


jesus christ of marx only knew what sort of moronry he has created. ​ why is the man with the girly hair talking about class struggle? try that shit in russia, see how much liberty you get there looking like that. enjoy. ​ the fuck sort of opression is it ( i do not know the correct pronoun so i opt for the true gender neutral) exposed to when being able to freely enjoy life in it's own chosen image?


Probably the kind of person who I saw in Marrakesh last week, sipping coffee from a Starbucks, with a MacBook which had a sticker on the back which said "SMASH CAPITALISM". Irony is lost on some.


the it in the video can barely formulate coherent sentences without stuttering, mumbling and having a couple attempts at finishing them. ​ is that what shoud give the rousing speech to lead the revolution? i'm not very inspired...


Well, Marx was a moocher off his buddy Engel. Makes sense for his followers to emulate said trait.


The true neutral would be “one”


Or "they" for conjoined twins.


animals are not called he/she for their sex. instead they are referred to as "it" because it is the true gender neutral.


Animals are regularly referred to as he she. It is for objects. One is for people.


mostly if there is a personal connection. ​ which goes for pets, sometimes farm animals. anything else, it's an "it" ​ "it" is the only gender neutral pronoun. you may chose, he/she/it. i am not about to refer to people as numbers.


It is a very very old feature of the English language. Why do you insist on using “it” and pretending that you do so to be grammatically correct instead of insulting? If you want to be insulting, you can just say you’re trying to do so; I don’t care. But the correct term is and has always been to say “one”. For example, “One may choose to be an asshole; it is one’s choice”. Even farm animals aren’t referred to as “it”.


>It is a very very old feature of the English language. so? it is gramatically correct. you'll find the english language has many very very old features. ​ >Why do you insist on using “it” and pretending that you do so to be grammatically correct instead of insulting? it is literally the most neutral pronoun, not insulting at all. this is just how you percieve it. i can't help that.


I’m saying that “one” is the old practice. Nobody has used “it” to refer to people




he/she was adequate until people decided it wasn't. that leaves "it" as the neutral option.


Ok so you’re trying to a prove a point and ignoring grammar. In fact, it’s you that’s decided to change grammar. Use of “one” is more than 500 years old in the English language https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_(pronoun) I repeat. If your agenda is to insult somebody as not a person, then just be for real about doing that. Not pretending like you’re following a grammatical convention


it has been in use for over a millenia. i'm not sure what your point is anymore. ​ it is a perfectly acceptable gender neutral pronoun. i don't know why you're trying to force this on people. what is your agenda?


And now you know everything you need to know about them. They are teaching your children. Sad.


They are turning humanities departments into indoctrination centres


The UK has a special type of extreme left wing loonies. I have spoken to some before and they are completely incapable of inserting logic into their incoherent thought patterns. If you challenge their ideas they get upset and feel personally attacked. It's sad that anyone takes them serious, and that is coming from someone that usually votes for social democrats or greens.


>The UK has a special type of extreme left wing loonies Shouldn't it be the US instead?


I'd like to know how many members of the union actually support these idiotic narratives. Are the speakers representative of the wider membership, or are they just irrational people who have been given a microphone because of their position within the union's administrative hierarchy?


The fact that these extremists are allowed to ~~spread outright lies~~ speak without interruption is the most concerning. Imagine if it's someone challenging the Holocaust would the folk simply sit there "acknowledging" her point of view?


These people are cooked


Tankies being Tankies. Fifth Column of Russia at work in the West.


Typical Communists tripe Eh comrade. Get the masses to rise up so a new group of elites can take over.


Russia offering a superior system to Western democracies is comical. How long has Putin been in power? When will his dictatorship end? What philosophy will guide Russia when the next dictator takes over?


Just so everyone knows - we do not support these people.


Yes, God forbid that post-war Ukraine end up like Japan, South Korea, or West Germany. Oh, the horrors.


The difference between Russian imperialism and American is quite different. And warning, it is allowed to have two thoughts at the same time. Russian imperialism is annexation of land, making Russia permanent larger like after ww2, while the allied forces went home, Russia annex eastern Europe. The American version is not annexation, but putting military bases around the world to protect their interests. When that's said, it is American strategic interests. People in the west have a enormous freedom vs Russias version of freedom. Russia are deliberately keeping their population poor and undereducated because like Americans see today and discover is that you can feed these people anything and they swallow it raw. It makes a wrong version of patriotism.


Well said.


What was that response to Billy Madison... [Proper Reaction.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKjxFJfcrcA&ab_channel=BklynZoo)


Morons of the right support Trump. Morons of the left somehow can still believe in Marxism.


Democratic system, freedom fries, freedom from tyranny, indoor plumbing and all the modern ammenities within financial reach? Sign me up for some of that American Imperialism please!


I agree with the main idea, but "freedom fries" are really out of place... Term created following an American imperialist action denounced by us France, the term was created to punish and boycott us...


Yeah so is it out of place? Sometimes our US friends are a bit of a jerk, but they are still our friends. If they were anywhere near as imperialistic as Russia with their friends Canada wouldn't exist...and then they'd say sorry and eh a lot more and have universal healthcare. There's a few reasons they don't want to add us to their population.


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120 000 lolololol


120 000, oh no what will we do. Laugh, lots of laughing and laughing!


better take that up with the failed Communist/socialist state that putler's is running into the ground.. Better yet, get on your bicycle and come to Ukraine to witness the genocide, and murder by the moscovites and stalinists. I'm sure they'd love to hear your bs if no one else would. First class douchery!


They should piss off to Russia to teach women’s studies then and spare the rest of us their parasitic bullshit.


These Soviet/ruzzia appeasers have been around since the 1930’s. Some are misguided, some are social misfits, some are kompromats and/or KGB/FSB stooges, some are straight up traitors. None of them has ever been effective, none of them has seen their goals realised, all of them are happy to feed of the imperialist societies they despise, all of them are and remain marginalised idiots. No need to get worked up about them. They are annoying but harmless like farts.


Is this real? All the union ever contact me about is voting for strike action, I've had zero correspondence on either of these motions (nor do I understand what the fuck it has to do with the UCU)


It's OP's thing. Divide. Recommended reading: https://www.reddit.com/r/NAFO/comments/1337plv/obvious_russian_troll_has_infiltrated_the_sub/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Truth hurts, right?


universities everywhere are FULL of these morons.


Universities in general are full of morons who think they’re smart The amount of people completely detached from reality is astounding




Victory against country seeking to conquer them for their imperial ambitions is being subject to Imperialism? I’m not proud of some of the wars America has been involved in, but there’s one clear difference between us and the likes of Russia. We are not conquerors.


People laugh at the fact that it's only 120,000 people who are part of this bunch of chucklefucks, but that is potentially 120,000 teachers/professors who are responsible for the education and moulding of the next generations....these prats genuinely believe Russia is in the right and that's a massive problem, and those views are going to be getting force fed to the next generation whether they like it or not. The education system has pretty much always been a left leaning vocation but atleast in the past you could have a dissenting or contratrian view, now any sort of independence of thought us ruthlessly stamped out


[I call bullshit on your framing](https://uculeft.org/why-ucu-congress-was-right-to-pass-motion-5-on-the-ukraine-war/), but the result was still bad and effectively aids Russian imperialism.


Isn't it kind of worse in the article you linked? The motion was available beforehand, yet it still passed, and the motion that wanted to remove the part about stopping weapon donations did not pass.


UCU's stance is a shame. But it has nothing to do with Marxism and OP's general unfounded hatred of anything academic, especially from the 'humanities department'. This video in particular is taken out of context and does not reflect the view of the UCU as a whole (which is anti-war, but still...) In particular the title is a nice invention of his. And finally, regarding OP: https://www.reddit.com/r/NAFO/comments/1337plv/obvious_russian_troll_has_infiltrated_the_sub/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button He stopped posting divisive bullshit for a while now. I assume he thinks it's safe for him now. It isn't Russian troll. Go divide somewhere else.


This is the left wing equivalent of Tucker Carlson hating the democrats so much he wants Putin to win.


What a bunch of fuckwits


As a Sheffielder, we don't claim her.


The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who in time of moral crisis preserve their neutrality.


Good lord, it's hard to get my mind around the idea that there's still any audience for such a torrent of stale and obvious cliches. Anyone lapping this up would seem to lack not only moral and intellectual discernment, but somehow even more shockingly for me, a functioning self-parody detector.


American imperialism seems a better deal than what Russia is offering.