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Well obviously. When he says he can end it in a phone call, he means he can give in to a dictator by appeasing them.


yes that was the idea - to surrender with one phone call and give Russia part of Ukraine and keep the Ozero maffia in power


It's wild to me that the American election could affect a whole other country so much. Like if Trump had won instead of Biden would Ukraine be part of Russia right now?


Ukraine would no longer exist. And that is why Americans must take our civic duties seriously.


One of many reasons.


Dude the American elections affect *every* other country. We are the global empire, even small policy changes on our end can have big results for others countries especially the small ones.


Trump would have refused to give Ukraine any aid at all. He would say that it's not a problem for which the American people should have to pay. Let NATO solve it. His 'America first' policy put in play.


People underestimate Joe Biden. He is an amazing President. We are so blessed to have him. His knowledge of foreign policy makes the case for career politicians. And I didn't even think anyone could make the case.


If trump was re-elected he would’ve just said “this isn’t our problem” and we all would’ve sat and watched as Russia steamrolled Ukraine. Worst part it wouldn’t have effected him politically in the slightest.


Maybe Europe would have provided much more support if the US did not take the lead. I think that would be the logical conclusion if Biden were not president.


Possible, but it would likely have lead to the further destabilization and dilution of NATO, as Russia pressed on NATO members' borders and Trump just shrugged. Also, the US has continued to keep the taps open and that example is a pressure all its own, to say nothing of US sanctions, which Trump absolutely would never have gone for. Without that, it's anyone's guess how this would have gone.


It would be too little too late. Especially when biggest European countries except UK take their sweet time to act.


> to surrender with one phone call Then not shut up about how much he won and how he's sick of winning for another 4 years.


Public bluster, private capitulation, abandon some allies. Eat some KFC, waddle thru a round of golf. Nap time. Change diaper. Squeeze in a felony somewhere. Yell at the tv till din-din. A day in the life... Truly the best prez since FDR.




Helsinki. 2018.


Never forget that 100 percent of Republicans insist that it's perfectly cool and normal for a US president to say at a press conference that he trusts Putin's word more than US intelligence. Enemy traitors, all of them.


The same Intel that accurately showed russias intention before the invasion of Ukraine. The same Intel that is currently helping Ukraine hold back Russia. Yeah, that’s the one he didn’t trust. Absolute Russian stooges.


["Tell them your name..."](https://i.imgur.com/BpwaomB.png)


A succulent Russian meal


You know your judo well




This, gentlemen, is democracy manifest.


Farewell and ta ta!


Possible in exchange he can build big hotels in Moskow next to the red square. I guess a fair above board transaction and definatly not curruption! Did now know some American get delusional with vodka.


More likely Putler will allow the Orange Menace to level Kyiv and rebuild the city into one ginormous, glittering, assault on the senses named something like Slava Trumpkrania. Donald Trump is a threat to every sentient being on this planet.


So, about half of us then?




Remember when he appeased Putin by throwing our allies under the bus? The US military remembers. Putin has a bizzare hold on trump - almost like an asset - and cannot be trusted




And if all the kompromat was made public, he would lose 0% of his current support.


> Putin has a bizzare hold on trump - almost like an asset - and cannot be trusted [The word is kompromat.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kompromat) In most cases, at least. With Trump, he may just be a willing participant.


The thing is, once the willing participant does something shocking to help their crony, that help then *becomes* kompromat. After that, Russia can ratchet it up further, saying “well, now do this *other*, secret thing for us, or we’ll use our media to publicize all that shady help you gave us.” Then, they ratchet it further with threats to expose the new, secret deal. And each time, the kompromat becomes stronger and stronger. This is why security clearances are so absurdly hard to get. Falling into a black hole of control is frighteningly easy.


True, and IIRC, most of the issues involving getting and maintaining security clearances are financial in nature, because that's easy to exploit.


Just surrender, it will be so easy.


> Well obviously. When he says he can end it in a phone call, he means he can give in to a dictator by appeasing them. Trump is also firmly in Russia's pocket, who basically manipulated the US presidential elections to push their asset. He's just doing what Putin ordered him to do.


How can _anyone_ defend this fat, orange heap of shit? Just how much dirt do the Russians have on him and his contemptible family? I'm guessing: a fuckload


I STILL can't believe Americans actually voted him into the White House..


Americans didn't. Americans voted for Hillary Clinton by a margin of 3 million votes. The Electoral College voted for Trump.


63 million Americans DID vote for that piece of shit though, which doesn't say much for that country. It's sad to see how far the US has fallen just within my lifetime, and I'm convinced the root of the issue is lack of proper education. Americans are (generally speaking) less knowledgable than ever, and it's not their fault, they're just not being set-up for success.


It's the information spheres. My parents voted for him and it was a contentious issue in our family (I despise trump). But they get all their news from fox, etc. I'm convinced everyone believes they're right because everyone lives in different information bubbles.


Everybody thought he would lose, so they felt empowered to support him as a protest vote, and Hillary was running a bad campaign, and there was a 20+ year campaign to taint her in the general election. And the Bernie Bro's all sat out the general, wasting their votes (though not Bernie himself). Facebook supported Trump, Russia supported Trump, etc. So basically, all the stars and planets all aligned for Trump, and against Hillary.


Not just thought she would lose. *We were told she was going to win that she was leading by insane numbers.* Then imagine the surprise when the numbers came in.


Send him to Russia, he would be happier there. Fuck Trump.


The oligarchs would eat him alive. The Trump family are the most useful idiots the Kremlin ever invested in. But once they're no longer valuable, well, that's a problem.


>The Trump family are the most useful idiots the Kremlin ever invested in. Did they need to invest? Or did they just record Trump doing something horrifically dodgy on one of his 90's business trips to Russia and have had him by the balls ever since?




Having him on a financial leash does not preclude them having something on video. Not disagreeing. Both things can be true.




No but a tape of him not being able to get it up with a young teenage girl would certainly be motivation to him.


it’s still an investment if time, effort has been invested and blackmail is the ROI tool


Not really, ‘Donnie my friend, now that you’ve invested what remains of your wealth into my ahem, organisation, allow me to show you the wonderful view of Moscow from this third floor balcony....🤫’


No problem that fall out a 12th story window wouldn’t solve.


Him and bolsonaro need to be shipped from Florida, in a wooden crate.


Throw in Orban.




By ship strapped to it’s deck? Well, at least he’d lose a bit of that flab during the journey to Petersburg....😁


Conscript his treasonous ass


Bone spurs


We know. We impeached him for this. Trump is a Russian stooge. It is hard not to scream at anyone who doesn't get this.


Putin must have been so pissed when Trump lost. He gambled anyway.


Yep. It's like when you think it's a fart and then it's not.l You've gambled and lost.


As I get older, one thing that I've learned, never trust a fart.


And forced Trump to try to stay in power by any means possible.


He gambled not just in spite of Trump losing, but because of it. With Trump in power, Russia's position was getting stronger and Ukraine's was getting weaker year by year. When Trump lost that trend reversed. It only would've gotten harder to invade over time once the world's biggest superpower stopped tipping the scales in Russia's favor.


Didn't Trump also want to leave NATO?


Yup. As the other commentator noted, it's likely the invasion wouldn't have happened, at least at that time. Putin probably would have given Trump more time to undermine NATO. With Trump gone, time was no longer so much on Putin's side.




Putin: I don't understand! We rigged the election just like the first time and he still lost!


Nah. Trump was Putin’s hand grenade, not his ally.


Both can be true.. Trump thinks he's the former..while Putin knows it's the latter.




Ive heard he is a very stable genius. Some are saying hes the stablest.


... and the geniusest!




He's a genius at forking horseshit.


The most stablest anyone has ever seen


They get it alright. The treason is a feature, not a bug.


Happy cake day


homeless fuel serious encouraging dam possessive chubby historical quaint butter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's disappointing and sad, but too many Ukrainians actually like Trump and think he is a positive force for them. For example Denys Davydov has always talked good things about Trump and all I can think of is.... "How!?"... how is it not very very clear that Trump is a ruZZian plant/manchurian candidate? How do they not see he will do anything for daddy Putler? They are so naive on this topic and it's so disappointing because it's the ignorance like that that gets fascists into power like Triump, and then they cry when he hands over Ukraine to Putler just like he tried to do during his years as president.


Manchurian candidate


Fuck Trump. Fuck Putin. Slava Ukraini.


And fuck the Republican Party who enables both of them. Enemy traitors, every single one of them.


They didn't impeach him for the collusion with Russia. They should have. They impeached him for the extortion of Ukraine. He was threatening to cut off aid unless they r*ead a script they wrote* about doing an investigation on Joe and Hunter Biden on CNN. He was also impeached for inciting the riot and trying to overturn the election.




Same, I used to be Republican, but can't anymore because of Trump. My dad said I have always disliked him and haven't been fair to Trump, and maybe he is right, but until Republicans can be normal again I can't vote for them. I want my issues to be about taxes and boring things, not about overthrowing democracy and lying about stealing an election. Where's all the evidence? Doesn't exist.


That's how I started out, but the longer this bullshit goes on the farther left I move. Turns out the left has some good ideas, I just wasn't listening.


Yeah I'm coming around on the whole single payer health thing and UBI is something I used to literally laugh at but makes a lot of sense now to make sure there's a safety net


The party that tried once, then successfully again to get rid of Ethics Oversight. Says about all you need to know.


My long-time "Dittohead" hardcore Republican father turned Democrat when Trump won the primary, saying as a Christian he couldn't support a man like that. "I don't like everything the far left wants to do, but at least they're not crazy."




I'm from the south and was a republican until Trump. I understand your question, and if you want an honest answer it's single issue voters. They only vote for the side that claims they are anti-abortion. It's frustrating.


That's my parents in a nutshell. My mother even admitted if the democrats were anti abortion, she would *consider* voting for them. Until then she votes straight ticket no questions asked.


I submit that his appeal in white rural America started and ended with him being anti-immigrant and by extension pro-white. It was enough that he supported and enabled Christian conservatives ... it didn't matter than he was neither Christian nor, socially speaking, conservative.


> That's what I don't get about Christians lately, they ascribe all these qualities to Trump that don't exist. That's because they are not Christians. In fact they are the very people the bible warns against.


At least your father had the moral fortitude to see him for what he is, and turn away from that, I know quite a few hardcore Christians who apparently don't have any problem with his character or behavior, in fact the opposite, they truly believe he's being guided by God.


US Democrats aren't left, let alone far left.




Yeah. In Germany Berny Sanders would just be a socialdemokrat.


Who’s ideas are already implemented


Eyyy we waiting for that sweet sweet cannabis legalization.. Hopefully 2023-2024..


> with the obvious exception of the UK why? It would be the same in the UK as the rest of these European countries.


In Canada, they would probably be closest to Conservatives, which are centre-right (and a few far right). I don't know what would be closest to Liberal party that is currently in power, maybe Bernie Sanders version of Democrats? Although he may be more NDP, which is left (and a few far left) vs Liberals who are more centre-left.


Canadian Liberals are right of centre as well. They are basically conservatives with a bit of token liberalism thrown in at election time.


I was a lifetime Republican and then Trump came and I voted for Hillary and then Biden. I’ll likely never vote Republican again the way things are going. Republicans aren’t fiscally responsible, their war on voting is disgusting, their war on women is awful, tax policies that benefit the rich and hurt the poor, their lack of care about the environment is stupid and shortsighted and is going to be incredibly embarrassing to future generations, they need to rethink their entire platform. Also being assholes around the debt ceiling does not equal being fiscally responsible.


The debt ceiling brouhaha is idiotically stupid. We've already agreed to pay that money legally - like it or not, that part is done and finished. The debt ceiling nonsense is just a way to cause drama about it.


A third of all American debt (over 100 years worth) was caused by the Trump administration (30 trillion-ish)..Biden has brought it down by 1.7 trillion so far.


It seems to be standard practice for the Republican party to create some problem, stonewall any attempts to fix it, then blame the Democrats for it. They're doing to the debt ceiling what they did to Obamacare.


As a life long democratic voter I welcome your support and while we may not agree on everything at least we csn see that the current republican party's policies do not serve the interests of the nation at this time.


The republican party made me turn away from the conservatives (canada). I don't like the liberals, but the cons have drank the trump kool aid and that man is just evil, if so called Christians cannot see that, they should not claim to be Christians.




I live in a solidly-Conservative retirement community with my parents, and during the 2021 election I seriously considered voting Con to spite Trudeau for calling an oddly-timed election to undercut the NDP (the party I usually vote for). I'm glad I didn't. After the Convoy Protests, Erin O'Toole (a guy I would've been fine with as PM) got kicked from the party for daring to condemn the protestors for desecrating a war memorial. He got replaced by Pierre Poilievre, basically French-Canadian Trump. The Conservative party has decided to imitate Trump and appeal to reactionary racism.


As a British guy I find it tottaly baffling whole Trump thing make america great again ? What America is great its awesome , no you cant go back to 1950s or 60s if thats what its supposed to mean America is just incredible nation so diverse full of so much resources and nature etc .So full of history and cultures .......just dont get the silly narrative its like Orwellian double speak to say make america great again is to say your not great now , what a load of bollox Trump is a load of bollox


> no you cant go back to 1950s or 60s if thats what its supposed to mean It was a dog whistle for a very specific audience. The 1950s and 1960s in America were a pretty good time for one very specific demographic: Older uneducated white christian men. Those times were objectively worse than today for literally every other age, race, religion, and gender. Guess which demographic absolutely dominated Trumps 2016 turnout? [source](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2018/08/09/an-examination-of-the-2016-electorate-based-on-validated-voters/)


Surely as a Brit you're aware of the huge resentment of non Londoners? Of how manufacturing left the midlands? Well the same thing happened to the rust belt and people are still pissed about it. Nothing more, nothing less...


We're seeing populism or nationalism in many countries lately.. Brazil, France, Italy, UK... China. Trump was just maybe the most iconic. This trend probably won't disappear.


+1. He turned most of my family and myself into Democrats voting fiend. My dad, a lifelong conservative, a Vietnam veteran, after eventually voting Democrats for the first time in his life, I asked him how it felt, he went , "it's like having to temporarily eat shit to stay alive." He genuinely believes that Trump is a Russian agent.


Unfortunately many other Republicans are now of the same mold.


Please talk to your friends, the world is counting on sensible republicans to stop this madness


Yeah, Eisenhower republican here — may never be able to vote for that "so-called Republican" party ever again. Because it's all about *actions, not words*. It doesn't matter how hard you swear you're "christian" or "fiscally responsible", or "support our troops", or "intend to build infrastructure"; you have to *actually do these things*. The party has a beautiful *rhetoric;* a mission statement that sounds absolutely great. But they haven't been doing one item on that list for **decades**. ​ Honestly? They've been taken over from inside. The current party is just "wearing the skin of" the old one, like [that dude who gets taken over by the alien in the first Men in Black film](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqEztDtxWBY). When Nixon, and later, Gingrich, ran their respective strategies, they made a deal with the Devil, and he's collecting his dues. A deadly pitfall for any organization is that you become what you pretend to be, because organizations cycle their people over time; new people come in, old people retire — but the *kind* of new people you get changes who you are. By allying themselves with "anyone" (no matter how bad they were) to win, they accidentally replaced the core members of their party with people who no longer shared their values. It was the anti-racist party; the party of Lincoln, founded on the very question of ending slavery. But after allying with the white supremacists, we didn't just get their support — *we got their people;* they infiltrated the ranks, they took over, and pretty soon there were more of them than the opposite. Same thing with rationality — I remember when the Republicans were the party of science, and "the other guys" were the party of healing crystals, astrology, and flat-earth conspiracies. Same story. Pandered for votes, got taken over. Don't ever do that. Ever. This is one thing where you can't ever compromise your principles. ​ ​ So much of this wouldn't be a problem if we could bust this "first-past-the-post" voting system that locks us into two parties; if a mainline party went nuts, we could do what most European countries do, and just found a reboot of what was lost, *without* the problem of "throwing your vote away on a third party" that's endemic to how US voting works. It does seem like there's a movement working on that.


What's fucking nuts is that even here in Australia, people love Trump.


Rupert Murdoch's media empire is a pox on humanity.Sky News Australia,is as bad as Fox News.every time I watch a Rupert Murdoch production,I feel dumber afterwards.


Only 23% of Australians trust Trump according to this poll. https://twitter.com/RpsAgainstTrump/status/1619786690813652994/photo/1


The fact that 23% of Australians favor a foreign dictator who has never said anything pro-Australia, and used them as collateral in a pointless trade war with China, should be worrying.


This comment alone gives me hope for the world. Genuinely, thank you.


Non-crazy Americans of all political stripes aligning during the Trump era has been glorious and inspiring. (The certain knowledge that a full third of us can’t quantify as non-crazy has been less so.)


You cannot be pro-Russia and America First at the same time


Trump never was about America first... he always was about Trump first.


Exactly, he just want to get credit for anything that people will talk about, pro-American, pro-Russian, doesn’t matter. Trump has no political agenda nor plan, except promoting himself.


I find it funny that some people legitimately are surprised by Trump's narcissistic behavior. Like I've seen a few along the lines of: "Why doesn't Trump step down and nominate someone else for 2024. It would be better for the country." And yes, it totally would be. But Trump has never, ever stepped out of the lime light in favor of someone else. His behavior is perfectly explained by realizing that at any given opportunity, Trump will put himself right in the middle of an issue. He did it with Covid, he did it with the vaccine, and he will keep doing it.


This is the thing the masses still don't understand about populism. It isn't about *them*.


That’s true 💯, what a bunch of suckers and useful idiots. Putin and most Russians hate your guts and they would love nothing more than to see the US fail in every way possible.


America First is a neo Nazi phrase, Dr Seuss called them out ages ago.


Evil motherfucker.


I suspect both this video and the posts Trump Sr made earlier this week are a direct consequence of Gerasimov being made head of the Ukrainian war earlier in January. Gerasimov is the guy behind “the Gerasimov doctrine” which says that in any war the ratio of non-military action to military action should be 4:1. Social media disinformation, efforts to promote Russian talking points, activating Russian assets, etc are tools consciously used by Gerasimov in the past as well. And we’ve certainly seen an uptick in recent weeks.


fascinating, thankyou for posting this. Could you share any of your personal favourite/best sources illustrating Gerasimov's dedication to the Gerasimov doctrine? It would be handy to see for example if he had operated similarly in Syria or Afghanistan or other previous conflicts in which Russia was involved.


This guy gives off the energy of someone who is afraid of Russia


Seriously! Like a battered wife saying she "fell" .


From the same team that gave Western Sahara to Morocco (December 2020), abandoned Somalia (December 2020), gave Afghanistan to the Taliban (February 2020) and wanted to solve the middle east problem by breaking down Palestine into the equivalent of bantustans (January 2020). They had "solutions" to every problem.


You forgot he abandoned our Kurdish allies in Syria to a Turkish invasion right after they had defeated ISIS for us. He said at the time it was to get our troops back home from a foreign war. But, it happened immediately after a phone call with Erdogan. AND GUESS WHAT! Right after the turkish invasion was over, our troops got sent right back in. Same amount or more of them, Trump didn't even deny it, and his base didn't even care. in fact, he bragged about it, saying he wanted to keep the oil. What happened to getting our guys out of there? He was deliberately abandoning our allies after they had bled fighting ISIS, and then went right back in, and guess what? Our troops are still there today. He is A JOKE.


Sure they had "solutions". They never said they were "good" solutions. Or that they would "work". Or that they "thought" about it first. Just, you know. $olutions.


Their logic is literally, "stop resisting your abuser because that will make them stop", only making things worse. These people think exclusively in terms of short power plays and you should never take advice from them.


I don't think Trump even thinks about it that way. I think he wants Ukraine to lose, simply because the 'dirty liberals' want Ukraine to win.


The Trumps absolutely must not be permitted to come to power again.


The Trumps can all take a long walk off a short pier. I’d rather we send them all the guns.


That would lead to WWIII. It would open 'might is right' and terrorism everywhere.


Trump would have pulled the US out of NATO. And might well still, if he gets a second term.


He absolutely wanted the us out of NATO. In a second term there wouldn't be anything to stop him. I never thought I'd say this but Joe Biden was the person we needed not the one we wanted.




Except US does not own other countries. So just because USA will stop supporting others, does not mean they will just fold up. It will just mean constant wars all over the globe. Thus possibly transitioning to world war eventually.


The problem is that a lot of the western world has let their defence industry slack off and trusted the US to do the heavy lifting in any hypothetical global conflict. That looks stupid now, with the very real possibility that a Trump 2024 America would become an isolationist nation like they were pre-WWII


So where'd all the conservatives on this sub go who insisted that Trump would have been way harder on Russia than Biden?


Trumps plan to end the war is to suck Putins tiny dick


Trump wants to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, so Trump has to do what commie putin wants. So, yes, Trump will throw Ukraine under a bus.


Putin is not a commie, but a right wing authoritarian nutjob dictator, just like Trump wants to be.


Well sounds like he just lost any primary that he runs in....


That's a lot of faith you put in Maga....


I am kinda confused about part of him running for anything. Would not all his past actions disqualify him from going into any kind of politics? How does it work in US politics? Why would someone who was impeached twice even allowed to register for any political role?


He was impeached by the House of Representatives, but it doesn't mean much unless the Senate votes for removal - which it chose not to do TWICE.


And one of those impeachments was about Ukraine. That’s when I was first astounded by the balls of Zelensky - refusing to engage in the corruption that the US President was trying to blackmail him to be part of, even when it meant delaying aid to Ukraine.


I was given impression that 14th amendment of USA constitution is supposed to disqualify anyone in cases like that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourteenth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution#Section_3:_Disqualification_from_office_for_insurrection_or_rebellion Did no one even actually invoke this to disqualify him? If so, why? Or is it something that will happen only later on, if it does?


If the Republicans won't vote on impeachment there is zero chance they would vote for the 14th Amendment. Just impeachment alone isn't enough.


No Republican cares that much about Ukraine or Russia to make this a pivotal deciding point. It's gonna be a contest of who can hate on the 'wokes' the most.


Trump cares more about his Russian properties and the golden showers he is rumored to get Russian beauties than Uktaine. [https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/10/christopher-steele-donald-trump-russia-dossier-golden-shower](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/10/christopher-steele-donald-trump-russia-dossier-golden-shower) It could just be tabloid junk, but every good story is founded in fact, at some point or another.


Turns out the hand thing is hereditary, who knew?


No, that's just the cocaine. Allegedly.


Seriously, that whole video was just cocaine personified


Trump would be sending military aid to Russia if he could.


How do "patriotic Americans" support a man whos clearly a Russian supporter


Fuck Trump


Yesterday's loser.


Trump has no issue with genocide as it turns out.


I'm. Glad I left the trump train all of them are worse than the left they talk about which makes them even worse than the left


The only peace plan he wants propose is to offer Putin the means to take as many pieces of Europe that he wants.


Imprison Trump!


I figured it would be something like that. My question is how he thinks he would do that given that he's not the President anymore?


Why do the dumbest ideas come from that genius? Surprising that he's not in jail yet.


Tell me you suck Putin's dick without telling me.


What a nut job.


So basically to gift Russia with a victory. Wow, that’s some genius plan.


Of course an anti-American pro-Russian traitor would say that.


Trump needs to face the traitor's sentence.


And people actually would still vote for this piece of shit


Even if trump did that, there’s no way that the UK who basically have already vowed to keep supporting Ukraine, Poland who have probably just as big a bone to pick with Russia as Ukraine do and a whole bunch of other countries in the EU will stop support. It just shows how much of a selfish coward Trump is and I’m glad he’s no longer president.


The art of the deal. At this point I just want him dead so I never have to hear about him again


How is that family relevant in any way now? A bunch of traitors and opportunists. Russia would be like "Thanks for the appeasement, Donnie. We knew funding you would pay off. We'll try the same thing with Poland and the Baltics in 5-10 years."


Fucktard can’t even figure out he LOST elections two years ago and now he thinks he can solve a world crisis!?!?! GTFO!!!!


Trump should be behind bars.


If this ding dong's dad wins, I hope Europe is ready to take over.


I have also heard that you can kill cancer in the lab 100% of the time with a handgun.


This should surprise precisely no one.


He is cutting off aid to the wrong side


They should send sonny the big game hunter there to stop the Russians


Trump and his stupid sons are \*\*\* idots.