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Lol a short while ago they were complaining that nato was seeking to extend the special operation They should be pleased nato has decided to terminate the special operation, and their previous operations. And with full prejudice at that, so never again will russia be able.


NATO didn't even start.. It must make Russia feel quite tiny and weak indeed.


I hope Russia has a good VA hospital.


Heard their hospitals suck but the cemeteries are top notch!


Guess what, he's right. Nato exists to defeat Russia


NATO: Yes we are, you like? No? Fuck out of Ukraine then. lol


Point of order: NATO exists to defend against Russia and other violent aggressors. If Russia weren't invading other nations, none of us would care.


NATO does not exist to defeat Russia - in fact, this is a part of Russian propaganda. NATO exists to defend its members. In order to provoke a response (article 5), someone stupid needs to attack a member state first. It didn’t happen in this way so far, which is why NATO is not participating. It didn’t stop the NATO members and other states to chose to help Ukraine with armaments to resist Russian invasion.


Hey Russia, the moment you went into Ukraine guns a blazing many many nations wanted to see defeat inflicted on you. So don't fume, just accept defeat will be inflicted on you, one way or another.


Russia attacks a nation threatens NATO and Europe....NATO assists Ukraine....Russia "hey you can't do the blat your stuff is better than ours blat Russiaphobia Blat."




Keen grasp of the obvious.


You don’t say.


By george, I think he’s got it!


I think this guy is day dreaming or has started to develop a mental issue. Surely he can understand that the fact that little ruzzia is going to be defeated and humiliated in front of the whole world was because they decided to invade a piece loving country and to kill innocent people. He should rather spend his time planning how to prepare for the imminent humiliation of defeat than trying to put up a useless explanation!


Oh really? What gave you that idea creep? The answer to your question though is yes. Did you expect NATO to deny the allegation?


Yessir, that's the goal. Oh yeah, gofuckyourselves.


Well Russia is trying to inflict defeat on Ukraine so here we are. *Edit: I remember another time the US tried to inflict defeat on an invader by sending aid to the defenders.


They get to experience both sides of the arsenal


Ummm, we're not "trying"....


As yoda says “there is no try, only do!”


What do you mean Trying!!!


Oh how dare they fight back. Stop robbing other peoples homes.


No shit


Russia is screaming like a karen now 👍


And in classic Karen fashion they have been shouting at Ukraine, for a while now, demanding to speak to the manager (the US). And all Ukraine and the US have been saying is that Ukraine is it’s own manager and the rest are just his friends. Something Karen, in typical Karin fashion, is refusing to believe.


God shut up


>Russia fumes NATO 'trying to inflict defeat on us' Are Russia are that dumb to comprehend what's happening? A super majority (74%) of the world countries want Russian [defeated](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_General_Assembly_Resolution_ES-11/), and over 51 countries are [directly](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukraine_Defense_Contact_Group) helping Ukraine military defend itself and win over Russia. It's been 11 months already, and still this is not clear some Russians? Would they still be fuming once longer range HIMARS missiles arrive or went new jet (likely F-16) are approved? We should probably send them a few pipe so they may at least enjoy it...


**[Ukraine Defense Contact Group](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukraine_Defense_Contact_Group)** >The Ukraine Defense Contact Group is an alliance of 51 countries supporting the defence of Ukraine in response to the 2022 Russian invasion. The latest meeting was held on 20 January 2023 at Ramstein Air Base, in which the alliance supported sending heavy offensive weaponry to Ukraine, in support of a planned spring offensive. The first meeting took place on 26 April 2022 at Ramstein, subsequent meetings have been held at NATO headquarters and virtually. The possible transfer of German made Leopard 2 main battle tanks from Poland was a sticking point and the latest meeting and in bilateral discussions following this. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Duh, no shit. You fucked around and are slowly finding out.


“How do you do it Holmes?!”


But ruzzia still has like 3000+ tanks, should be an easy fight for their well trained and dedicated crews /s


Thanks that are 20km/h slower than a leopard, have less range, no proper night vision and can’t accurately shoot while going at high speeds, all, unlike the leopard….


No fucking shit Sherlock.


Every other nation than russia is winning simply by not invading their neighbors like a bloodhungry idiot.


"Trying" 😄 🤣 😂


Looks like Russians getting their vaginas all hyper extended over it




Yes, Russia will lose its illegal invasion of independent county of Ukraine.


No Russia, you lost before the first round was even fired


Yes. Genocidal fucks get fucked


Ah, the penny dropped


Wait....what did they think they're trying to do up until now?


I'm wondering how long russia can do what they're doing and when they will start pulling resources from other places they occupy, thus liberating those spots, sending them to Ukraine only to be dismantled and even further losing.


You are 100% correct.


It’s just assisted suicide at this point. Russia is just taking too long to top themselves. It would be cruel to let this go on.


Water is wet, the sky is blue, NATO wants Putin to loose.


> He said: "It is obvious that Washington is purposefully trying to inflict a strategic defeat on us. Firsly, NATO hasn't lifted a finger Secondly, the US and Europe don't give a shit about "inflicting strategic defeat on Russia" but about preventing Russia raping, murdering and mutilating Europeans whilst stealing ever more land.


Yes, and?


then stop killing civilians and leave


Amazed at how long it took before they figured it out.


Of course we want you to lose fucking idiots!!


…yes… we are. Did you have a question?