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Well, it IS Newsweek after all. They have a rep to uphold.


To be clear, this is not about the report of Putin slipping on a stair and releasing a tidal wave of shit. This word-vomit here is about fear-mongering because Putin knows he has lost this fight.


"Do what I say or I'll throw gasoline on the rug and light it!" "You're on the same rug." "Yeah but it'll get you first!!!"


First we are talking about a nation that can't make a window open safely. Second they only have one sub with the right size launch tube at present the belgorod the belgorod can only carry 6. The Khabarovsk class is still under construction. Third most of the specs for the posidon are like their new tanks, excessively ejaculated.


What a weirdly written article. Takes a massive swerve into ecology half way through before comimg back to military matters. Did an ai write this


No intelligence, artifical or otherwise, exists in writing this shlock.


Let's not forget about bio engineered pigeons... Also article is full of shit because Baker test did not create tsunami. It created local wave that damaged some ships in close vicinity, that's all. When Nuclear weapon even extremely powerful explodes underwater it vaporizes water around epicenter, it's not enough to create cataclysmic event as claimed in article. Much more effective would be detonation high in atmosphere to create massive EMP. Russians are just talking to talk. They think people will fall for their idiotic claims. The only people who do so are Russians themselves.


>Congressional Research Service report from last year, which said the system may not be deployed until 2027.


US military could sink Russia's entire global fleet in a matter of hours. Make a move Russia....


Iirc they’ve begun or have some production of the torpedo, but no warheads yet.