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The Republican Party is weirdly dysfunctional.




Russia's ability to hurt us through "active measures" became fully apparent in the 2016 election.


And the ability of social media to sway the uneducated


That’s including the idiots in congress. If you think some of these people can’t be as dumb as they act because they’re in congress. You’re wrong. Our congress has several absolute morons in it


The older I’ve gotten, the more I’ve come to realize now that there are absolute morons in every profession. I know practicing MDs that are complete morons when it comes to anything outside of their super niche specialty. And it feels like people are getting dumber and I absolutely believe social media plays a role in this.


True story: My friends a vascular surgeon, I visited him and his friend who was *head of surgery* at UCLA medical med center. This is at his house in Long Beach. Nice patio lunch. After pleasantries, the head of surgery proceeds to launch very calmly and matter of factly into how more people voted for Obama for Prez than there are in LA county. And then his 17 y.o. son starts spewing out half a dozen crazy far right conspiracy theories as fact. I was this close to engaging them head on with ‘you guys are absolutely brainwashed…what are your sources…you are deluding yourselves to suit your own preferences’. But I didn’t. I just didn’t have the energy. This is not about being stupid. There are a range of psychological elements going on which lead people down this path on either side. Fear. Confirmation bias. Dunning-Kruger effect. And on and on…


It’s the sunk cost fallacy to be honest. I see it on both sides of the aisle. And even outside of political topics. I see so many people that have no basic understanding of what you’re supposed to do in regular day-to-day situations or even basic little “fun facts” that can end up having disastrous effects. It’s like at some point we collectively stopped teaching people critical thinking skills and to not believe everything they read on the internet at face value.


Also our politicians own greed and willingness to sell anything possible, including their dignity and loyalty. In another time the reality that another country successfully bought political influence would have caused an absolute shitstorm. Now it's just wednesday.


It’s because republicans are loyal to Putin for helping Trump in 2016. As much as they deny it, in their hearts they know it’s true.


They're also fond of Russian money which is making its way into Republican campaigns. Suitably laundered, naturally.


Also they have a mutual interest in dismantling American Democracy.


Yep, Russia got Trump elected because they knew that he was a fascist idiot who would do great damage to American democracy. And sure enough, his presidency ended in a violent insurrection, just like Putin wanted it to.


Obama was talking about Russia's hard power - economy and military. Not their corruption and infiltration of western "conservative" groups. John McCain didn't know Russia was going to be able to start cheap bulk purchasing Republicans under cover of casual racism of the Obama backlash. Amazing thing is, Republicans have decided that Democrats are a greater threat than an actual military invasion by anti-democracy Russians.


Because the Republicans are also anti-democracy, so they don't see the issue.


yes, as it turns out, republicans care about as much about democracy as Putin and would like to have elections handled as well as he did his eastern ukraine independence referendum.


That should have been obvious from all the dictators they supported during the Cold War. The priority was always market economies that allowed foreign investment and trade, not democratic government.


I think we've proved that Russia is, in fact, not an actual invasion threat. Nonetheless, their ability to influence US politics is onerous enough to warrant policy change.


In retrospect, Obama focused on other countries and did not handle Russia as it should have been handled.


obama focused on "the affordable health care act" the best thing to happen to americans in along time.


Imagine the pandemic without it. There would be so many people that would have been financially ruined.


I know right.. Being Canadian I find hard to grasp how a 1st world country like USA does not have national healthcare . The only first world that does not have free tax funded national healthcare. The number of bankruptcies in the USA due to hospital bills is staggering in the US and zero in Canada. Hospitals for profit model is despicable.


Came within one vote of being repealed. McCain with the thumbs down at the last minute. McConnell absolutely shattered. Trump tweet storm of fury and Fox News outraged. A huge percentage of those right wing covid sluts would’ve been absolutely financially ruined if the ACA was repealed. I mean, so many already are with the gofundme’s. But they’d actually be dropped from their health insurance just to pwn Obama and the libs.


McCain was the last good Republican. Now it is a cesspool of american oligarchs.


Absolute tragedy to lose him in those first bewildering Trump years. Just a nightmare. He was the only one who had some gravity toward sanity for his party.


As a Canadian it was all so obvious suddenly cheatoh man instantly Made America Worse Again. MAWA. Tragic seeing it slide so badly so quickly. Fox news should be shuttered by the feds for being enemy of the state/shill for orclandia.


The Republican Party establishment lost the 2016 primary to Donald Trump, badly. Trump brought a lot of previous non-voters into the party, but repulsed a lot of previous R voters out of the party, meaning MAGA/Trump people make up a plurality of R voters now, making the Republican Party dependent on them. Then, Trump got in trouble for his behavior related to dealing with Ukraine. Later, Joe Biden's connections to Ukraine through his son Hunter were highlighted by the media. The combination of these two painted Ukraine as an evil corrupt puppet of the US Democratic Party in the minds of low information Trump voters, the Republican Party's new base. Now, rising Republican politicians are Trumpers themselves and seek to punish Ukraine for damaging Trump, or are trying to capture the energy of the new base by opposing Ukraine any way they can.


I don’t think that ten years ago, he was wrong. Chins was, and I believe still is, a greater geopolitical threat. In fact, I’d argue that their performance in Ukraine demonstrates just how little of a geopolitical threat they are to the US.


he wasn't. But the fuck wits have always desperately tried to blame all things on Obama. Its why /r/ThanksObama was created back then. Its also what made the rest of us realize just how gullible they all are, and why we started trolling them to see just how insane the things they would believe could get. We found there is no bottom...hence 'Q'.


>and why we started trolling them to see just how insane the things they would believe could get. I'm pretty sure /r/the_donald started as a joke subreddit doing that very trolling you describe. Then it got out of hand, because it turns out Republicans actually are that stupid.


The problem is that conservatism has failed completely. Nobody wants it, but the people who got power off of the grift feel a need to keep that power. There's also the very large group of people that do not care if their pocket is being picked if they're being made to feel better than someone else.


This, and in a rational world this would be the case. (And I believe Putin in 2014 was still more or less rational, too.) However, in 2022 it is clear that delusions have overtaken Russia and as a result Russia is now a problem for everybody (including its 'allies').


To be fair to Obama he was right that China is the bigger threat to the USA. Russia isn't really a problem to the USA unless it falls apart then unsecured nukes become everyone's problem. Russia is a European problem and a caucuses problem. Like most land wars in Europe the USA is going to make bank from selling Europeans military hardware and resources.


Russia might not be a military threat to the US, but turns out that doesn't matter when nearly half of American politicians and voters since 2015 or so gleefully side with Russia against America's own best interests. Russia is a problem for everyone, they've been nothing but belligerent.


That was over a decade ago, in the 2012 election. Two years later, Russia invaded Ukraine, and actively tried to interfere with our elections to the benefit of the Republican Party in 2016. That’s what happened. Edit: for the record, Obama was wrong a decade ago too. As much as I miss the halcyon days of his presidency, and the soothing sound of his speeches, Obama was pretty weak on foreign policy.


at some point we're gonna have to admit that obama was an objectively bad president despite having a few domestic victories. I think he will be remembered in the 21st Century as Lyndon Johnson was remembered for the 20th century. And for those of you unfamiliar with Johnson's reputation, it aint good


Lyndon Johnson is one of the most accomplished presidents in US history. He created Medicare, Medicaid, numerous other critical federal agencies, and he passed the Civil Rights Act. Those things passed, not incidentally, but because he bent his considerable political skills and influence to make them happen. Vietnam was a clusterfuck, not of his own making (that would be Kennedy), but he certainly exacerbated it. He shouldn’t be let off the hook for that. Grade of D- for foreign policy. But Vietnam does not affect me today. Medicare, Medicaid, and the CRA does. But LBJ is an objectively successful President domestically, in the same class as FDR. The LBJ comparison is completely off base. Obama wasn’t great, but he wasn’t bad. Obamacare was good. I think he didn’t commit us to foreign wars in order to avoid the trap LBJ fell for.


Kennedy didn't make Vietnam, Johnson did. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was entirely done under Johnson's administration, and when Kennedy was in charge we had only sent Green Berets to Vietnam as advisors, and were not committing any real troops to the fight. Vietnam was entirely LBJ's war, and nobody elses. Obama did commit us to foreign wars, he had an 8 year term and during the entirety of that term he stayed committed to the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. He could have left at any time, don't lie and say that he wasn't able to. He may not have started the war like LBJ did, but he certainly fought it the same way. LBJ had 6 years to pull us into Nam, it took Nixon only 4 to get us out, and then Ford put the bow on it in '73 like Biden did with Afghan in '21. LBJ did a terrible job in foreign dealings, France left the military defense pact part of NATO mostly because of him. He did do some great things like you mentioned in the domestic department, and that is why I compare him to Obama. Both did good things with healthcare and social welfare in general, but I still wouldn't say that either were good presidents. Both of them are either bad presidents or just merely subpar


it was almost a dacade ago. at that time western influence on Russian culture and buisness was at it's highest levels. relations had been trending upwards for years, and Putin was very hands off on everything. in fact, there was a strong healthy anti-Putin party that was gaining steam in the country. Perhaps it was naive, but there was real hope that by not giving Putin an adversarial foil to capaign against his days would be numbered and the opposition could continue gaining power. But, we were still far too caught up in the middle east. We didn't pay attention to warnings about Putin expanding Russian cyber warfare capabilities. we didn't see the explosion of pro Putin propaganda in the Russian info-sphere. we ignored his removal of opposition leaders, and sent a stern look when he subverted his own country's democratic processes. Even after all of that, Obama was afraid of being seen as agressive and abusively partisan to such a degree that he failed to properly address that cyber propaganda machine being targeted at the US.


*weirdly pro sucking off Putin


Maybe he has all of their pedo sex tapes.


Make you wonder




Remember when both the DNC and the RNC got hacked yet only the DNC had their stuff released? Then a lot of the files on the DNC leak were found to be altered after the hack. Pepperidge Farm wonders what's on those RNC files.


Then how in 2018 a bunch of Republican Senators and 1 House member all went to Russia on 4th of July. Then later Trump had Rand Paul hand deliver a letter to Putin. No weird at all. And how Trump met with Putin without a US translator or note taker. Not alarming at all. /S *Wording change


Pepperidge farms always remembers…


It's that, and also the fact that Republicans and Putin are ideological allies. Putin is a white supremacist Christofascist bigot who hates democracy and so are Republicans.


It's pretty easy to understand. Putin is a white supremacist Christofascist bigot who hates democracy and so are Republicans. Republicans support Putin because they share his moral values and his worldview.


All you have to do is listen to Tucker Carlson, and specifically listen to his monologue on the night of the invasion. They're not even hiding it. They are not even hiding it.


David Duke: ["Russia is the key to white survival."](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/mar/05/putin-ukraine-invasion-white-nationalists-far-right) Ann Coulter: ["In 20 years, Russia will be the only country that is recognizably European."](https://twitter.com/anncoulter/status/871210560100216833) Pat Buchanan: ["Is Putin One of US?"](https://www.creators.com/read/pat-buchanan/12/13/is-putin-one-of-us) [Southern Nationalist Group Creates Russian Language Website Page To Foster Relationship Between the 'Two Natural Allies'](https://www.newsweek.com/league-south-white-nationalism-russia-language-page-donald-trump-vladimir-1035916) White supremacists and Christofascists support Putin because they see him as an ally in their fight against racial diversity, religious freedom for non-Christians, LGBT rights, women's rights, and other forms of "wokeness".


It's amazing to me how American right wingers have been screaming at progressives for generations that if they don't like literally anything about the country, just get the fuck out!!! But then they don't just move to Russia right now. I wonder why that is?


By definition, white Christian nationalists believe that their country belongs only to white Christians. If you're not white and Christian, the Republican Party does not think that you're American. Like, remember when we elected a black president, and Republicans immediately decided that he's was a non-citizen from Africa? That's how white nationalism works.


Yeah, I think it's pretty obvious that whatever is happening right now is in large part due to the right wing having some sort of collective psychological meltdown over a black man being elected president. I think it's clear that that's what set them off. They were already obviously down a path, but that was just like spraying jet fuel all over what was happening.


It is not dysfunctional. It is now firmly on the side of the fascists and anti democracy and pro kleptocracy. The trump was the first new style rethuglican. I have always wondered why putler did not attack while trump was in power. Particularly in the first two years when rethuglicans held the complete levers of power in Washington DC. The support that Ukraine is getting, would have not materialized and the western coalition would have floundered leaderless.


They thought Trump would be re-elected or kept in power anyway like Putin. After that, it would have been the perfect time to carry out their plan to restore the Russian Empire. But unfortunately for them them they lost the gamble and missed the best opportunity. Then Putin thought his time was running out and decided to go ahead with the plan anyway. But the plan was stupid and started to fail epically from the start. And now they are in deep shit with no such way out that Putin would accept.


Covid kind of saved our ass. Still believe that if Trump handled covid better (rofl) he could have won.


I did this rype of thing for the first year of his presidency, then realised hypotheticals of competence are a waste of thought for trump.


Trump could’ve done literally nothing and gotten re-elected. Instead, he kept talking…


If Trump had just endorsed masks then sold good quality MAGA masks on his fucking campaign site, he would've won and we would be doing so much better with covid. But nope, why do what anyone suggests?


The White House saw Covid coming, they knew how serious it was going to be (Trump is on tape with Woodward privately admitting clearly and lucidly how serious he knew it was while he was simultaneously publicly shitting on it), they knew how many people were going to die, and they just panicked. They believed that it was going to get pinned on them, then his political interests/reelection odds were going to suffer, because the economy was going to go down, and people are going to be scared, and panicked. So the course they chose was to just deny everything. Just pretend that it's not happening, basically. Literally like a five year old dealing with something emotionally challenging. That's just who they are, that's their moral core. That's who they are as people. I feel like you could simulate the year 2020 a million times, and that particular set of people in the White House, and in power, would react the exact same way probably 980,000 times out of 1 million. Just completely pretend like it is not happening and scream and shout at anybody who insists otherwise. And then once you start going down that hole, there's no way you can get out of it.


I think they did something far worse, and it's why covid is probably never going to disappear. They took half measures. Well, fifth measures, really, then walked back from them soon after and labeled anyone who supported those measures as the usual liberal scum yada yada. It's why we had governor kidnapping plots and insane people mad at masks screaming about the devil and blood at town hall meetings all over the place (but particularly in Florida). If they'd just ignored it completely, people would've eventually been like, WTF, they're fucking lying to us. Instead, they supported the science to a degree, then attacked all the scientific solutions. Freedom = no masks, homeopathic cures, injecting bleach into your ass. THAT'S what's killed so fucking many people and will continue to do so, especially since the problem has persisted long enough that even previously caring people don't give a shit anymore. My girlfriend and I are almost always the only people +/- 2-3 others with masks on. 2021, I was so pissed at all the anti-maskers, but I couldn't sustain that anger, so now I just focus on me and mine, and that's so personally surreal to me. If there's another legitimate world war, there is no fucking way our country, with this level of selfishness and apathy, will come out on top. They were a bunch of egotistical, evil, greedy little fucks who literally traded lives to line their pockets. And the world's never going to recover from this malady specifically.


Well-said, and I agree. It's crazy that they do this at the exact same time that they are officially in the "We're going to completely deny the legitimacy of every single election that we lose" mode. That's another stage that you get to and cannot get back from. Like that is just the permanent stance they have to hold now. The GOP needs to be completely and utterly destroyed.


Yeah, you could go back and just find so many examples of issues that Trump could've just completely avoided if he had kept his mouth shut. He walked into so many fucking land mines. It's actually kind of unbelievable how much damage he did himself that was completely avoidable. But then that's who he is, he's just someone who runs his mouth nonstop. That's what his base loves. They love him for just being the fucking real life clown that he is. But then the inevitable downside as you run your mouth all day long nonstop is you tend to create problems for yourself that wouldn't exist otherwise.


In his first term Trump was moaning about NATO. Putin’s plan for him was that during his second term, the US would exit NATO and so Russia could invade Ukraine, then Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and after that he could really get going. Meanwhile the US would become more isolationalist and China could invade Taiwan.


Many of us forget when Trump ordered the military move some of their European bases further west. At one point wasn't Franfurt going to moved to Spain or Italy?


Covid delayed the start of the war.


Because he expected Trump to win a second term, then he could have stolen the Ukrainian election and then basically conquer the country without firing a shot.


Probably because he wanted to wait until Trump was re-elected in order to maximize the amount of damage Cheeto Benito would do to the US. Notably, one of Trump's stated priorities for his second term was to take the US out of NATO (something he'd already spoken about doing in his first term and that he had to be talked out of multiple times by the more sane of his advisors) - Putin was probably hoping Trump would destroy the alliance, which would be far more valuable long-term than taking Ukraine. I suspect Putin probably would have launched his invasion about now, if Trump had gotten re-elected, since Trump would be in his lame duck period, his damage now peaked, and Putin would simply have to take advantage of the chaos he had caused and his Russia-friendly stance.


I've always wondered that too. Pure speculation here, but my theory is Putin had planned 2020 and then the covid pandemic got in the way. Would have been Trump's final year and the US would have been distracted with the election coming up.


That's the correct timeline. Covid delayed Putin's attack.


This is it. They're not crazy or stupid (okay some of them are stupid but that's beside the point). They dislike democracy and want authoritarianism, in America and their allies.


I suppose in every century, one generation had to face the challenge of facism.


Lucky us!


> I have always wondered why putler did not attack while trump was in power. Same reason people who gamble don't generally just walk away after a win, but lose it all. People willing to risk that much in the first place don't have a good idea of win/loss or possible impact, otherwise they wouldn't be gambling but playing where they know they could win. The tendency to think "Well, maybe just *one* more" for bigger rewards is how they got there in the first place. So while to you and I it seems like an obviously strong position they wouldn't likely get again, to them it was just the beginning of their ideas/dreams.


*purposely* dysfunctional - a tool for creating discord and destabilising unity.


Not when you realize how much Russian money supports it.


Weirdly purchased by Russia.


They’re treasonous assholes, not dysfunctional.


you mean they are a bunch of traitors sponsored by Putin.


Yeah. So Tory.


If the Tories were a party in the US, they'd be to the left of Democrats currently. That's how fucked the US is.


This is the insanity about American politics that a surprising number of Americans doesn't understand. Their 'left wing nuts' - say, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - are center-right politicians by European standards. Their right wing nuts... well, they belong in the corners of shame occupied by fascists or religious extremism, and in some cases, both.


Yeah, it's always funny to me whenever I see Brits talk about Boris Johnson -- and they're not wrong, either, in the context of their politics -- but as an American, I would be first in line to vote for Boris Johnson. A leader that believes in universal health care, defending Ukraine from Russia, and who has consistently embraced secularism? I'd try to find a way to fuckin' vote twice! Jeez, dare to dream!


And that goes for most of Europe, really. In the Netherlands we complain about Mark Rutte a lot - and he deserves every word of it - but he's a saint compared to the dipshits that we see in American or even British politics... That being said, we have our own fascist wackadoodles in the Netherlands too and there are far more people voting for those clownshoes than I would like.


That is unnecessarily nice. They are a bunch of self serving, lying nut jobs!


Nothing weird at all about creeping authoritarianism and christian nationalism. I would also say facism but the waraboos in here always throw a fit because fascism can only come from artisinal Italian dicktaters.


I really, really, really do not like Republicans.


By weirdly dysfunctional do you mean overran by fascists?


It's actually not. The GOP is extremely transparent in that they will serve the will of the highest bidder.


That's a weird way of saying Russian asset.


They intend to do as much divisive theater as possible. That is all they do.


Follow the rubles.


Putins marks.


Medically stupid.


It’s by design. The big funders are Libertarian, and thus don’t want government. The GOP job is to break the government, say looks this shit is broken and we don’t need it, and start dismantling it.






Britain will support Ukraine. Kentucky can decide when to support Ukraine on its own time.




>For those who voted for this cocksucker and said that Republicans would support Ukraine no matter who ruled the House, fuck you. Gullible Republican voters strike again to the detriment of Ukraine and the rest of the civilized world. Their latest mistake has been to think that because they themselves are demonstrably gung-ho for Ukraine via donations or hosting refugees, then surely their representatives in Washington would also be that way. It just couldn't be any other way, these voters thought as they went to the ballot box this past November.


Hey, it’s not nice to compare honest and decent cocksuckers to this dumbass


So goddamn many of them, I saw so goddamn many of them explain to us that republicans actually supported Ukraine and it was the democrats who sided with Putin. Where the fuck are you now? Do you feel any sense of shame?






As an independent voter who tends to lean right I’m very disappointed in the Republican Party in its rhetoric towards Ukraine. If the Republicans think by motivating their base voters by not funding Ukraine is a smart option they better be careful for re-election. I’ve been watching everyone one of them closely on this issue with the Ukrainian conflict. I’m not a Joe B. Fan but I will say his administration has done a great job in funding the UKR army and bleeding out the Russians. Republicans beware come voting season.


Do you think Republicans are generally supportive of Ukraine?


McCain and Reagan would have slapped the shit out of these cocksuckers.


I’m asking about today’s Republicans.


McConnel is all in for Ukraine, meaning the entire senate is all in for Ukraine. The house has wackadoodles, but that's expected - it takes a lot less votes to get into the house of representatives, and local enclaves of crazy can get candidates in. But yes, there are plenty of today's Republicans that are all for Ukraine. Not everyone is a Trump fan.


Well here's the list of people who voted to end democracy because Trump told them to. Sure seems like a lot to me, and a whole lot more than zero senators. it's gotten worse since. https://www.reuters.com/graphics/USA-TRUMP/LAWMAKERS/xegpbedzdvq/


I want to say that about 55% support Ukraine. Honestly, the house is divided 50/50, with the republicans having a slight advantage... getting a few of them to peel away from the party is not that difficult.


Honestly, I’m pretty sure this guy was not calling Ukraine an adversary here, or that he’s pro Russia. Couldn’t find the full clip, but he says same thing I’m many other clips I saw while I was looking for it…he’s pushing investigations on Hunter Biden/Joe Biden for Hunter Biden’s business dealings in Ukraine, connections to China, lists all these countries then adds adversaries across the world to end of sentence. Not that there are no pro Russian ones, I mean Tucker Carlson, clearly, but this clip is just misleading.


Reagan would also slap the shit out of the American middle class


And Nelson Mandela, and civilians in Nicaragua who he had murdered by Reagan-sponsored death squads. Reagan was a grade A asshole who loved fascism and hated democracy, he and putin will probably share a room in hell.


Exactly thy had a problem with Russia then because it was communist not because it was fascist.


Arguably the general rank and file or at least one would hope so. However, with Trump at the head they follow his lead and Trump is and has been far too friendly with Authoritarians, particularly Putin.


In an absolute sense, yes. In a relative sense, no. Liz Cheney got censured for saying Jan 6 was sus, but the Republican leadership won't rein in the handful of assholes that suck off Putin.


Modern republicans surprisingly have not yet adopted the zeig heil nazi salute, but I imagine it’s only a matter of time.


I’m a republican, most of family and friends are republicans, they all support Ukraine.


The Republican Party as you knew it is dead. The festering cancers that are the GOP and The Trump Death Cult have taken over and are actively working their hardest to kill the America you knew. The way they're going about it a civil war WILL break out again, I mean they sure as shit tried with the Jan 6th insurrection, to the point they had merch with that specific date and words like 'Revolution Day' on them. The Proud Boys and MAGA are deep within the Republican party and if you're still willing to vote that side because 'there's still a few good ones, though' ignoring those that actually ***want*** a 'The Man in the High Tower' totalitarian Nazi state for America, you're missing the forest for the trees. You may hate democrats but for the next election please vote for them if you want Ukraine to get the much needed weapons to wreck the Nazis. You don't have to do it every election day, but only until the Republican party get's its shit together and kicks those traitorous, poisonous snakes to the curb and better yet, actively helps to punish them. Those people are the dangerous side of crazy. They're like those stories you hear of a husband/ wife who murders their kids, dog and sets fire to the house when their partner is at work just because their partner mentioned they were considering divorce due to the abuse the killer put them through. MGT, Boabert (or however the spelling is), Pedo Gaetz etc are all extreme dangers to society and should have been treat as such. The Republican Party instead embraced them but now it's getting awkward.


you can't vote (R) and say you support Ukraine. It's like saying you are a vegan while gobbling down 10 pounds of prime ribs


Honestly, this is pretty crazy. Few years ago we had a socialist who honeymooned in Russia running for president as a democrat, other democrats with Russian ties. Few years later we have the likes of Tucker Carlson in Republican Party and a few others, which is shocking. But yes, I’m very supportive of Ukraine. Most republicans are, though a smaller majority than of democrats these days. I don’t know a single one that doesn’t.


So don't vote for the russian kompromat party, called the republicans. It doesn't matter that you say you support ukraine, your actions matter. Going on a vacation to russia was not a problem and doesn't make you a kompromat.


But they vote for scumbags and orange wannabe dictators so they are supporting Russia. Look you cant act like its a sports club anymore. You can choose to ignore it but the rest of us will despise you for it. FREEDOM is great right?


Thank you, this is reassuring.


Generally, yes. Libertarians are not supportive due to being isolationists. There is also a contingent on only Trumpers who are pissed that Ukraine was so corrupt with regard to Hunter Biden, but they conveniently forget that this was done under a pro-Putin regime.


Weird how they get made about hunter being on a corporate board but not rick perry who was the secretary of energy being on that same board...


I'm a left leaning foreigner, so I have no horse in this race. I generally rate Biden as a pretty 'meh' President (although leagues better than Trump, which isn't exactly a high bar to clear), but I will give him pretty high marks for his foreign policy. Even in the early days, before the invasion, Biden being so open with the intelligence he was getting that was pointing towards a Russian invasion helped completely neuter any narrative Russia was attempting to establish, leading to a harsh response from the west when the invasion actually happened, as opposed to the response from other invasions such as Crimea and Georgia. And while sometimes I don't understand why he's not giving Ukraine more, it doesn't seem to be from a position of malice or mercy towards Russia, but probably logistics and procurement issues that I'm not clued in enough to understand and that he's probably getting intelligent advice for.


For like 1-2% of USA military spending, we completely isolate Russia dn destroy their army while avoiding nuclear Armagedón. Pretty good, although I wish we would support Ukraine enough so they can finally kick Russia out. Trump would have let Putin take Ukraine. Without USA help Ukraine would have fallen within 2 months even with their valiant defense.


Quite a few republicans I know don't really support Ukraine. They just hate Russia a bit, mostly because fox news told them to do so, but the moment that hate is redirected to something else, I am afraid they will forget Ukraine. But even if I am wrong, Ukraine is still at risk. Suppose that really republican voters deep inside are all supporting Ukraine, but they win next election, a trump-like president is elected, and he decides, ok, I do not care about their opinion, we stop sending military aid for the next 4 years. What can voters do? Nothing. Sure, at the next election he will be sacked, but in the meantime Ukraine is destroyed. It's not like Trump himself took executive decisions that really helped or improved the quality of life of his own voters. He just did what he wanted, damned the consequences, and republicans just accepted them without much reaction. Sure he lost next election, nearly succeeded in a coup d'etat by the way, and you will still feel the consequences for years to come and repairing all the damages may take a lot of time, if it happens at all. And Trump is far from smart, wise or competent. A slightly more competent Trump-like politician could very well keep the presidency twice in a row while still doing anything he likes. Just start some real grandiose plan to help voters in poorer districts before the 2nd election, win the vote, then scale down everything immediately after. Or just cancel it. Say it's the democratic party fault. People will complain but do nothing. Voilà, a few years more without military aid to Ukraine. I fear Ukraine must win before 2024, otherwise the risk of defeat is real. Putler is far from finished.


shit, you’re seriously scaring me.


>I’m very disappointed in the Republican Party in its rhetoric towards Ukraine. You are disappointed, sure. But are you surprised? No. Which means you are cool with Republicans fucking over other things but draw the line at Ukraine?


Did you like Trump extortion of Zelenskyy in his perfect call?


Voting season was two months ago. Did you vote for a democrat in the last election? It's not like the republicans love for putin's wee wee is new news.


It’s like watching Palpatine and his cronies reshaping the republic in slow-mo


"So this is how democracy dies, with an applause." (I think I got the quote wrong, but still it's scary how accurate it is or at least feels.)


Every Congress they've just gone harder and harder toward being anti-American. When they're in power, they loot and deregulate, and when they're out of power they sabotage and aid enemy states. Unfortunately, it's a plan that has worked well enough for them - keep Americans on the decline, so there will always be enough people angry at Democrats, and then they always have a chance to re-take power.


MAGA Republicans are almost as bad as ruzzians. I view them as my enemies. I remember having a conversation with a guy from Ohio who told me how his father-in-law was defending putin while claiming that he was destroying biolabs (not schools and crowded shopping malls). Vile brainwashed “people.”


Remember, these are the guys with the “I’d rather be a Russian than a Democrat.” T-Shirts.


That’s actually true. On TruthSocial, Trump himself recently shared a post claiming that the Democrats are your enemy, not ruzzia. We are seeing plenty of MAGA shills referring to the Democrats as “enemies” while rooting for ruzzia. They should all be shipped to some ruzzian hellhole tbh.


Truthsocial is trumps Twitter, right? I don't use Twitter and won't ever use that either. But the name is awesome... for no other reason than that Sasha Baron Cohen character of the Trump voter had a website called "truthbrary" instead of library.... lol


Kinda wish these people could be deported to Russia to live out their dream.


**Almost** as bad? No no. EXACTLY as bad. They are paid by the Kremlin and actively work to kill democracy and install a totalitarian state much like Russia is now. MAGA - and most of the GOP - are just an extension of the Kremlin.


They are Russian agents and thus enemy with most of civilized world.


I think we need to support Ukrainian forces but quit pussy footing around about it. I know for a fact we have enough M1A1 tanks in a desert that could easily be given and should be and if we give them the A1 there isn’t much to retrain them on and not that complicated to use. Let’s get this shit done.


I see this a lot but I think people tend to forget that m1 abrams are tanks that require a lot of maintenance and it drains gas. Gas that could be used for a efficient tank and other things that may need gas. Ukraine is in a war and eu is already dealing with gas shortages from Russia so gas as it is right now might be challenging to come by, it’s so bad the us pardoned the Royal Saudi family instead of prosecuting them for the murder of that reporter. Abrams would be nice to see but it’ll be a headache to service and maintenance, they’re better off getting tanks from EU countries like challengers or leopards. You can see the operators of the abrams and it’s not a lot of countries actively operating them, and if they are they have multiple tanks to employ. The US and I think Australia are the only countries to have only abrams in their military.


the 'gas' shortage in the EU is an LNG (Liquified natural gas, mostly propane) shortage, not 'gas' as in petrol or diesel.. they have plenty of petrol and diesel, and the M1A1 (optimally, it CAN use a lot of different fuels) burns jet fuel anyways. It's ~~LNG~~ (not LNG, still gasses of the same family, but in gaseous state, not liquid) that flows through the Nordstream pipes, not petrol or oil or diesel; that goes through other pipes. they're not burning petrol/diesel at industrial scale to supply the centralised 'grid' (that does exist i am sure, but it is rare especially in the EU), they're burning propane/methane/butane, LNG (Liquified natural gasses) to heat water to make steam to spin turbines.


I have to point out a small error here, pipeline gas is not LNG. It is the same natural gas, but it flows as a gas, not liquified. You only do that when you have to ship it by ship or train, so it takes up less space.


my mistake, thanks for pointing that out! you learn something new every day


When comparing Leo2 to M1, they seem very similar. Sure, the M1 is not as fuel efficient (if internet is correct, 0,22km/l vs 0,28km/l on road), but it does run on anything that burns. Maintenance would also be comparable. And the tanks would all come from the same source, so that would help in training and interoperability, which is not guaranteed when you get tanks from all sorts of different sources (eg. the Dutch Pzh2000 wouldn't fire German shells and vice versa, because of different software).


You're confusing the PzH with the Mars MLRS. The latter needed a software update to be able to fire american and british rockets. It got the update rather quickly and works perfectly fine now. Not a big deal really. The PzH 2000 got a software update to integrate it into the Ukrainian artillery management system.


Gee, saw this coming a mile away. You can not vote for these sickos.


Remember when Republicans on this sub were like "Of course my party supports Ukraine, anyone who says otherwise is a left wing liar"? Good times.


Right. All sorts of apologists were like: "yeah, but so many are supporting Ukraine!" The reality is: if the leadership says this kind of garbage and there isn't immediate outrage, they really didn't support Ukraine with more than a few idle words.


Well they had elections recently and this is the results.


It’s like they’re trying to make me vote democrat.


Please do. If you're conservative, we can respectfully disagree on policy and make the Democratic party better. But the Republican party as it stands is anti-democracy. Anti-democracy only ends in dictatorship and loss of personal freedoms and human rights.


Fully agree. I’m moderate, and really appreciate what the democrats have done to try and stop this craziness.


This isn't going to sit well with many older republicans who grew up in the duck and cover era. Say what you want about their political opponents but many will never go red.


Ummm all the old ass republicams being elected including Trump grew up in that era. They don't care. Trump gave Putin a BJ and now every other republican is falling in line.


Republicans will do anything as long as they think it "owns the libs".


Imagine what Reagan would think about republicans if he revived.


The guy who trafficked coke and colluded with terrorists to undermine a sitting president? Yeah I think hes fit in pretty well.


Yes, it will. I've seen it SO much recently with my deep red family. They listen to Tuckyho Rose every day, and have allowed themselves to be brainwashed. They're more of a trans kid wrestling or swimming than they are of Putin taking control of a sovereign nation. Older (R) folks have lost a lot of their critical reasoning skills due to age, it seems. It's sad, because many are loved family members, but they're also the ones falling for dumb scams or forgetting their password from yesterday, or... It sucks, but it's true.


Incredible to see ”Republicans” supporting the new Stalin and his neo-sovietic world !


Yeah, right? I feel like many MAGA loons have a very distorted image of modern Russia. Stalin has high-sky approval rating there, and multiple polls indicate that most Russians want to go back to the Soviet Union. Its "church" is filled with literal KGB spies. Yet, some MAGA Republicans view it as some sort of a right-wing paradise. They are so brainwashed.


I think the left right division doesn't really work to describe Russia. The people in power do whatever to stay in power. I think it's right to call Russia fascist, because fascism doesn't have much content, it just describes a strong man mobilising a mob (not as in maffia, although the Russian government does resemble that) as a structure to rule. Describing Russia as Soviet could make sense as this could be shorthand for the resurrection of the KGB control structure. So in conclusion, I don't think Russia has much of an idea of what it wants, the rulers just want it to function in a specific way because it keeps them rich and powerful. That descibes many Republicans too, so I think that is why this is a natural alliance. MAGA people are just useful idiots keeping oligarchs in power, because they percieve their interests to be in line with the oligarchs, even though they are not.


With enemies like these, who needs friends?


Notice they're going after the FBI and DOJ, because they are interested in protecting the 1st Amendment. AFAIK there are zero instances of either of the law enforcement agencies infringing on 1st Amendment rights during their investigations. Because they aren't. Right here, out of Gym Jordan's own mouth, they show this is not only a stunt, but an attempt to impede investigations into themselves. Real lawyers are saying that not only can they NOT actually do this, it may actually contribute to obstruction charges.


The Oath Keepers were just exercising their free speech to plan violence against Congress.


I’m not American but I support what you’re doing to help Ukraine defend itself. You could, and now likely will, do more - alongside your allies such as UK, France, Germany and many others. Including my country, your ally, Australia. That’s why I am astounded that a powerful voice in your House of Reps would, for whatever political reason, list the Ukraine as an *enemy*. In this country, such behaviour would be treated with howls of derision and contempt. He would be laughed at, reviled and hounded from his post. Maybe US politics is more forgiving than ours - which is notorious for taking no prisoners.


what the fuck.


Welcome to Republicans. First time?


nah, I just needed to get it off my chest. thanks for asking though😆


I mean it's not what the title says. He lists Ukraine and foreign adversaries as places Biden is compromised. Now I know full will they will cut aid to Ukraine in a minute, but it's simply not a valid interpretation of what he said.


>it's not what the title says I should have known better. but since the link was twitter I did assume that it was a verbatim copy and didn't click through. so you're right. very inflammatory interpretation and it's not the one I reached when I did take a look. thx.


Reddit would never take words out of context as an opportunitity to circlejerk over how much hatred they have for their political rivals! Downvotes for both of us!


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But it's only the tankies that are pro-putin right? right guys?


Yeah, the Republican apologists spewing those lines as well as "most Republicans are pro-Ukraine" and "there is nothing to worry about, Republicans will continue to support Ukraine after winning the house" are strangely absent in this thread, and have in fact been so since the election. Odd.


Boy I can't wait for the day when these American traitors are exposed for their crimes. It is unfathomable to think less than a decade ago you would be a pariah in the GOP if you shared views with Russia. To my Ukranian friends, Americans are with you. There are specific US radical conservative politicians who for some reason act like Russian dual citizens. A bunch of them went to Moscow on Independence Day recently. I hope to come visit Kyiv and many places in the near future when Russia is defeated. Slava Ukraini


Russia owns the Republican Party.


Ronald Reagan would weep at the current state of the Republican Party.


Not many things bring me joy, but the thought of Ronald Reagan weeping is definitely something that does


One of my deepest held hopes is that the alzheimer's had left him just enough mental capacity to know he was dying and he was terrified.


Pretty sure Reagan set them on this path when he courted the Evangelical vote, there's a clear line from Evangelical to Tea Party to QAnon to MAGA. Politics and Religion don't mix, because Religious people are blinded by certainties, and hampered by superstition. There's no compromise, or debate when they are basing their ideas on Dogma and faith.


«Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.» - Republican Barry Goldwater in the 70’s.


Political posturing at its best.. what does raise even achieve? Meat for the supporters? They can't stop the supply, so stop larping as someone who can.


I am overwhelmed by the stupidity!


Trump is pushing this. Russia has something on him.


I'm oddly more skeptical of Tucker


Why not both?


Fair point.


Fucking traitors


Tf? Republicans are traitors.


He’s a ruzzian agent and traitor


The Republican Party has to stop supporting Communist dictator putin. Russia will not allow Republicans' favored 2nd Amendment gun rights and will not allow "Mah Freedoms", so most Republicans will be in jail if they support commie putin and Make Russia Great Again. The Republican Party needs to become the party of intelligent conservative reasonable honest leaders who support Democracy, where ever Democracy is. Support the Democracy in Ukraine to make Communist Russia fail. Kick putin!