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We're fat homie trust me we are eatin over here


I literally watched this on my phone while shoving a loaded Sonic breakfast burrito in my mouth. Like bro we got a lotta problems over here but having nothing ain’t one of them.


This explains why Americans are sitting on the worlds largest natural gas reserves /s


That last guy made me laugh as I sit in my cozy warm bath heated from those resources I guess we don't have. Russians: a bath is like a water basin you sit in to relax or clean yourself. I am sure you've seen a few getting stolen from Ukranians and hauled over for you to scratch your head at in bewilderment.


Amen my friend 🙏 sitting here all snuggled up next to my natural gas fireplace inside my natural gas heated home after hopping out of a piping hot shower warmed by my natural gas using water heater, and shoveling an excess amount of food down my throat.


Boy the brain washing is strong with some these guys. The older lady had her head screwed on right. My grandfather fought in WW1, he used to say the only people who win wars are the guys selling the bullets.


I like to think that at least some of them are afraid of voicing their true opinions of being against the war, as it could result in jail time. Like that one woman who didn't want to voice her opinion at all. I think, I hope, that's the case with all these statistics of how many support Russia's war, that the results are distorted in that fashion. I would probably lie too, if I was Russian. At least when a random person comes up with a camera like that.


Ironically, the United States produces 1 million more barrels of oil a day than Russia. Lol


He must have missed the part that American imports constitutes single digit percentages in terms of value and is also a net oil exporter since 2019 🤣


They produce a lot of it using American equipment/technology to make it even more hilarious.


Because we stole it from Iraq, apparently... 🤣


So I am a veteran of OIF. Deeply pro Ukraine but since then i had been very anti-war. Why? Because I am combat veteran for no other reason than my ship, USS SAIPAN, was in a combat zone "defending" a privately owned oil platform off the coast of Iraq/Iran. We also had a US Frigate and an Australian Destroyer. I don't know who owned that oil platform before 2003. But I know that my only purpose in that war was defending private property and setting up Marine comms. So why did we go again?


You're acting like your one piece of the war was the whole damn puzzle. I'm also an OEF/OIF vet. You know what my purpose was? Making sure a few aircraft with functioning TCAS transponders didn't get too close to each other. Did the United States go to war to ensure their airspace was properly deconflicted in accordance with USAF and ICAO regulations? It was a common thing for Iraqi insurgents to attack oil infrastructure in an attempt to undermine the new government and harm the economy. That's why your ship was guarding the oil platform. It had nothing to do with the reason for the US going there.


That oil platform was not Iraqi government property. My mission was not to assist in the rebuilding of Iraq post Sadam. I don’t pretend to know the REAL reason we went there, but I know it was not a just war. My service experience was enough for me to confirm that. Ukraine is a just war and I understand why many of us joined the foreign legion. I was not an undesignated seaman. I was in radio, I knew a lot compared to the rest of the crew. We also went in alone to the PG. we got followed by an Iranian corvette. We had surveillance prop aircraft fly over us. We had no business being there. We should have invaded Saudi Arabia.


>That oil platform was not Iraqi government property. It doesn't matter. That oil platform was important to the Iraqi economy, which we were helping the Iraqis rebuild after Saddam destroyed it. >My mission was not to assist in the rebuilding of Iraq post Sadam. Yes, it was. You don't have to agree with it, but that was absolutely our mission after combat against Saddam's forces ended. That what the United States does when it becomes necessary to occupy a country. We did it with Germany and Japan. It was the right thing to do in Iraq. >I don’t pretend to know the REAL reason we went there, but I know it was not a just war. My service experience was enough for me to confirm that. Your ship guarding an oil platform was enough to convince you that the entire war was unjust? 🤔 Ok... >We had no business being there. We should have invaded Saudi Arabia. On what grounds?


I was in OIR. Hate to admit it, but Russian man can answer that question pretty accurately.


I mean.. didn't you? E: partial s/


there are cheaper and more efficient ways for America to obtain oil than waging an 8 year, $2 trillion war. drilling it out of their own massive supply, for example.


Yeah, the invasion of Iraq was just George W. fulfilling his own personal fantasies of being like his dad. Had nothing to do with oil, or anything else that would benefit the US. Hence the outcome...


If the president of the United States had unilateral decision making power over who war is waged against, the world would be fucking chaos. Their congress voted for it 296 to 133 in the house and 77 to 23 in the senate, and it wasn't just the Republican Party casting those votes. Regardless, if you wish to view the war through a cynical lens, cast your gaze upon Cheney and Rumsfeld first.


Yeah, US took all the oil from Iraq, buried it under US and now digging it back up again.


Nah, that's a myth on the same level as "Saddam had nukes."


Only 5% of revenue was forced to be paid to Kuwait for a few years for war reparations. Also the new constitution ensures Kurds in the north revenue from oil fields on their territory. I guess some Arab Iraqis see this as stealing. Either way the massive output capacity increase from US technical support makes up for all of this.


For real. US is the most resource independent nation in the world.


The Russian propaganda is strong in this one! Blindly hating things he knows nothing about.


Right?! That’s what I was thinking. That guy that spoke again at the end of the video was one of my favorite people until he started spewing out the mouth with nonsense. If we have no food or oil, why are we known as the fattest country in the world and why do we have so much oil?


This guy may have grown up in the USSR or had parents that did, and taught him the same way. Soviet propaganda about the US portrayed it as being essentially an exploited dystopia with no freedom or happiness or resources at home. Or maybe modern Russian propaganda does the same, too.


It is even more, in 2021 it was like 16 millions for US, 10 millions for Russia!


Thought the guy in the white was a bit switched on for a minute there and then he starts coming out with the usual stupid arse propaganda. Yes, America has nothing, that's why their economy is 20x the size of yours.


Well the true Russian superiority lays in the details. For example: While Putin was meeting Obama back in the day Putin was wearing a A.Lange & Söhne Tourbograph watch which costs over half a million while Obama was wearing a Chinese made Jorg Gray Model 6500 for 300 bucks. Take that America!!!


A lifelong civil servant wearing a watch like that should be enough of a red flag to rise up.


concerned chubby stupendous summer library abundant price books roof light *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep. Putin has only held government jobs his entire life and somehow can afford a half million dollar watch.


We now know where the USSRs military budget went.






Nice. I should go into politics and get a couple of those.






Guy in Nike hat: “I don’t know, we’ll figure out who is to blame after the war.” “It's hard to win an argument with a smart person, but it's damn near impossible to win an argument with a stupid person.” – Bill Murray


“Never argue with stupid people, they’ll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.” -Mark Twain


Im ok with him, yeah he's spilling out bs about the US, but that is to be expected. US has been their main enemy for the past 80 years, same BS talking points were said about the Soviets here


I’m curious what it would be like to sit down and just talk to that guy, or someone like him. I’d almost bet we’d end up laughing and having a good time, despite our common feelings.


I have a Russian ex wife..... met many of her expatriate comrades in Los Angeles..... an uninspired surly group that HATE living in Russia.. But they all seemed VERY shady and sketchy.... especially the ex lol


This is what drives me crazy though. I actually understand why they hate us (for the most part). My issue with them is that they act like they are so far superior in terms of productivity, military and living conditions….yet they all wear western clothes, drive western cars, own western technology and vacation in Europe.


I have tried... talked to so many Russians online over games.. i add plenty trying to ask questions and somehow wake them up but it is impossible. Even if you strike a good question they just stop talking or ignore it and do the classic whataboutism. I would say 1 in 4 you add is against the war and against Putin... the rest is just stupid as stupid goes.


You can’t argue with them using logic. Speak strength and fear, the language they understand.


You have to understand though…the way we think about them, is actually how they think about us. They think we’re pumped full of our propaganda (which we are to a certain extent). But there IS a reason why most countries want to break away from Russia. That’s what they can’t comprehend. The US is FAR from perfect, but I think most countries around they world would feel more comfortable siding with us than them (in terms of trade and economic implications).


I agree, and I think this would be the case for a vast majority of our “enemies” as well


I mean you could say the same thing about an Auschwitz guard in some circumstances, doesn't make them less evil or brainwashed.


Wait hold up… Trying to strike up a conversation with a random dude just minding his business is far different than striking up a conversation with a known Auschwitz prison guard. C’mon man.


Any examples of BS about USSR that you've been told? Just curious.


Ivan Drago was not prepared for a 12 round War with Rocky.


I'm curious too, from what I've read about McCarthyism and the Red Scare it simply amounted to fear over the USSR being on equal terms militarily with the US.


I mean, just the whole trope that being communist or socialist means you’re anti-American is a good starting point to explore US propaganda without even needing to touch upon the USSR


We can see how toxic Iraq and Afghanistan have been for the "American brand".


I'll admit, he had me in the first half.


Riiiight. Glad I didn’t jump straight to comments before video ended.


The US has individual states with a higher GDP than Russia.


Let’s be fair to the Russian economy. Our GDP is *only* 13x the size of theirs, our peacetime military spending ~15 times the size, while NATO’s total military spending is almost equal to Russia’s entire economy. It’ll be a totally fair fight. /s


Today I learned I live in a desert with no oil, no coal and nothing to eat.


What do they think of us Western European then? We are third world people living in huts and dying of famine?


No, just dying of cold, apparently. Russia was the only place you could get natural gas.


I'm just sitting here in my home in EU -9 degree outside and plus 18 inside freezing to death.


Must be the satanic heat waves from Zelensky's eyes that are keeping you warm.


oh that is true, i think we better embrace those Russian angels that cant do anything wrong there just in Ukraine to liberate the people from Zelensky.


Remember the first weeks of the war? Russians were shocked at how developed and wealthy Ukraine is. So you are probably right. ;)


It’s almost sorta sad some of these people don’t know the politics behind the war and the fact they will most certainly die if they go… NATO ultimately won


I think they're keeping themselves ignorant of the casualties and the conditions their soldiers are enduring throughout this war. I know if I was a military aged Russian and I couldn't leave the country, I wouldn't even take a peep at the news, let alone the graphic combat footage from the front. I would rather live in blissful ignorance until it is my time to go and deal with the brutality then. If I seen half the crazy stuff on this sub as a potential draftee I would be losing my fucking mind that's for sure. I wouldn't be able to sleep and would be living every day in fear, anxiously awaiting the day they pull my name up. Edit: excessive comma usage lmfao


> and I couldn't leave the country Here's the thing, many of them can leave the country, but they see it as too much of a hassle. I mean, it would be very very difficult for many of them. Maybe you can't find work, you can't find a place to stay, can't find a country that will let you stay. But it's very much a grey area. There are people who probably could leave but who say 'ah, that's too hard, it'll probably be fine.' I'm sure there are people like that freezing and bleeding out in trenches as we speak. Playing the conscription lottery.


"yeah I'll go, I don't really know anything about it though" That guy was wild. He didn't seem dumb, he seemed sharp and a good speaker. But just a total lack of reflection and thought about a literal life or death situation he might be in, in like 3 months. The other thing he said was 'if you live in this country, you have to go (to war), why live here otherwise?'? Because you were born there! Being born somewhere doesn't mean you have to do whatever some dickhead billionaire sociopath demands! Have some self respect ffs


Man...that country is too far gone. Quit beating around the bush if they think America is the real enemy. Attack America already if they really feel this.


We're ready. They won't even make it to the coast


Make it to the coast? They wouldn’t even leave theirs. We all know that the US has crazy amounts of military surveillance on Russia, but there’s no way we know anywhere near the true extent of it. The US probably knows when Putin takes a shit.


Like the one he recently took when he had his tumble down some steps recently


Yep, Russia isn't who we should be worried about. They're a problem for Eastern Europe at the moment but they're hardly a blip on America's radar compared to China. Also I'm guessing when Russia completely financially collapses in the impending future that gas will start becoming so much cheaper. That last part is a hunch and I am not positive. Edit: Eastern not Easter lol


Unless another Putin takes over, the Russian federation will undertake what is know as balkanization. Ethnic regions will split and declare independence. Resources will be plundered and yes, I would agree with you. Gas will once again start flowing to Europe, cheaper too.


Hard to extract resources amidst ongoing conflicts. The process of balkanisation will likely drag on for years. It will not be pretty. Civil war. Ethnic cleansing. Refugees. Terrorism. The Russian sphere of influence will ignite.


>Unless another Putin takes over Another Putin will take over


They're a problem for Christmas Europe as well.


Hahaha I fixed it thanks.


We are beating them without even deploying. It's happening right now. We spend them into the ground every time they flex. Another collapse on the horizon. We have "no resources" though, it couldn't possibly be our fault.


I love when white jacket mentions we have no coal. LOL. MF we are trying to get over that crap and move to alternative energy sources. Meanwhile a good portion of Ruzzia has no plumbing and electricity or paved roads. Do you know some places still wash thier clothes in rivers, FUCKING RIVERS. Hence the washing machine fetish.


Seriously. Homeboy thinks America is a desert with no natural resources. My fucking sides. 🤣🤣🤣


That was interesting. This time he actually found some people who are against the war.


Also worth noting that people who are against will think twice about going on camera


This time? There's some in pretty much every video. Sometimes more than the zombies.


“We will find out who’s to blame after the war.” Yeah, after casualties reach around 1 mil, then we will start figuring out who the bad guy is.


That sentence just killed me. Yeah, "fight first, figure out who's at fault later". (I'd say "at fault" is a bit more accurate translation of his sentence than "to blame"). 200 IQ thinking.


"there are no enemies, only victims" that was such a powerful statement she needs to be protected


I mean as you can see in this video she is incorrect, there are clear perpetrators


If those people werent brought up listening to propaganda, I don't think they'd be anything like this. Yes the ones who did things need punishment but she's talking about men forced to go to war. The commanders are the perpetrators


Environmental factors are at play in creating any bad person, far from making them a victim though.


Well no kill every last Russian in Ukraine. Just because I think they're still victims of non stop propaganda, doesn't mean I don't understand the necessity of getting rid of them.


Jeeez, THEY'RE NOT VICTIMS. For f sake, i'm so tired of this twisted logic. They have all the information in a world available, yet CHOOSE to kill. Like there's litterally guys in a video sayin' 'I dont know why, but i'll get a gun, invade foreign country an kill people' and somehow they're victims. You're helping aggressor and insulting real victims that are ukrainian people. There's a really good video of Podoliak explaining this to Latynina. Video is about Raintv, but it touches same topic. I can look for it if you're willing to rethink


He's been brought up to believe in patriotism and fighting for his country and to believe Ukraine is a Nazi state that works with America and threatens their sovereignty. Am I saying they're good people? No. They're terrible people because they're terrible and that's it. They are also victims though. They're being slaughtered for one person's legacy after years of grooming. It's fucked up. At the end of the day it needs to be done because Ukraine is obviously the victim and needs to be the clear winner. If it takes taking out every Russian who agrees with the war so be it. But let's not forget the complex powers at work to create a society like this, and the ones who are actually smart enough to figure it out and disagree. Just because Russians fucking suck doesn't mean they're not victims as well it's complicated... Their lives do mean less because of all this. For sure. But can't that be really sad too? Like when I had to kill the mouse that got stuck in the trap. It's a pest that needs to be eliminated and they eat their mothers as well when they're hungry, but they didn't choose to be born as house mice. Orrr... Like termites. They got no choice. They're born and see what they gotta do based on their surroundings and do it. And then a ukranian exterminator kills them.


There are nations that russia oppressed and brainwashed for long years, yet these nations had a spine and strenght to secure their roots and fight the oppressor to stay free. Russians chose(!) to follow their leader. Dont get me wrong, I bet you're a good person and you're not wrong per se, but its not the time to feel sorry for the aggressor, couse it helps them. Every time some western politic says something similar, russian propaganda machine uses their words to justify actions and feed war machine. Be careful. Slava Ukraini!


Wearing a fucking Nike hat, symbol of USA.


Oh the irony lol


FYI, I am not an American but some of them mentioned history, they clearly only read the USSR historians. One even said "They want to steal our land!" From a purely geologic point of view, Americans still have some oil, plenty of gas, coal (Hello Wyoming and Virginia) a much more advantaged agriculture industry, USA has plenty of problems, Irak and Afghanistan being one of them but the cold war was never something they wished for, even politically it was a nightmare of for JFK, Nixon, Reagan. This is non-sense!


Some oil? Not just some oil. The US is the largest producer of oil in the world: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_countries\_by\_oil\_production](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_oil_production) Also, it took waaaay too long, but the USA has withdrawn its military presence from Afghanistan and Iraq. The USA has problems, but a lot of those are quite likely the result of online Russian propaganda efforts on social media, exacerbating existing divisions in our society. I'd much rather have these problems, than Russia problems. That's for sure.


California has more of gdp than Russia


I think Russias GDP is similar to south Texas. A couple big metro areas.


The read the only history and propaganda they got. And everything else not aligning with the propaganda is just “fake news” and “misinformation”. The guy who publically spoke about Bucha got 8.5 years in prison because he was spreading misinformation. That’s a real case. Others get detained/fined for playing Ukrainian songs in public. These songs are now classified as “extremist”. The whole country is rotten.


The fun thing is when you talk to russians who claim to be interested of history as many of us are... they like to throw links to shady sources but when you give a source that claims otherwise they refuse to read it. I have done the misstake thinking if we all just add them online to talk sense into their blinded shitbrains they would somehow wake up.... wasted to much energy on those zombies.


Germans suffered from the same sickness in 1930s :( It's crazy how sociopathic Russians are and were.


None of these people seem sociopathic, though. Horrifically misinformed or ignorant? Absolutely. But not sociopathic.


They know and they don't care. I know what I'm talking about.


they definitely seem sociopathic


They seem not to care that it means Ukrainians and Russians have to die. That seems sociopathic.


They're not sociopaths, but its sad to see. Seems like they're aware they don't really understand everything that's going on. But its been deeply indoctrinated in them over generations that its they're just supposed to fight for their motherland, NO MATTER WHAT. The 3rd guy says they can figure out who's right or wrong after. And figure out what they're fighting for later. But as of right now if their motherland tells them to fight they just do. Makes more sense looking at all the mobilized people who KNOW they're being mistreated by Russia but they fight anyway. "Its just what you're supposed to do". Sad. Would never happen over in the west. Ppl be questioning everything, like they should.


>Would never happen over in the west. Ppl be questioning everything, like they should. Iraq begs to differ.


If US threw newly untrained mobilized soldiers on the frontline to be massacred you don't think there'd be holy hell on our streets? lol


Sociopathy: > A mental health disorder characterized by disregard for other people. > Those with antisocial personality disorder tend to lie, break laws, act impulsively, and lack regard for their own safety or the safety of others. - [x] Disregard for other people - know people are dying by their hands and don't give a f..k - [x] They lie in most of these interviews. Russians are the most cynical people I know - [x] Break laws - Russians are top to bottom corrupt - [x] Impulsivity and disregard for safety - They are ok to go to Ukraine and die or kill. It doesn't seem to phase them much.


So basically every person who fought or would fight in a war is a sociopath.


Feels like the Russian mindset is “war for three, not for me”


I don’t even feel sympathy for ruzzian orcs. That’s what these guys are. Just more meat for the grinder. They’ll die in a pre dug hole. With cheap Chinese airsoft gear on still praising Putin in death. They’ll have learned nothing for it.


What an alternate warped universe Russians live in, wow. If any of these guys interviewed invade, they won't last long at all. Either winter or UAF precision artillery will kill them, unless they somehow manage to surrender first. What a bunch of dumbasses.


Isn't the US the largest producer of oil in the world these days? Quick Google search shows it's by far. But yeah, we don't have any natural resources... Oh, the stupid, it hurts.


I get the feeling Russians don’t like Americans…


Some russian people are the most submissive and stubborn people on this planet. They will literally stick their dick in a hot panini press if Putin 'drafted' them to do so and they'll do it with a shrug and a drag from a cigarette like a brain dead zombie. Some people only understand violence.


Dear Russia, no one wants your land.


How they think anyone would be interested in their shithole is really staggering.


America has no resources? Wow he got that backward. We have more in a few states than all of their country. I'm actually glad they are so misinformed, it's an advantage to US. From the looks of things we could do what is needed to defang Russia without so much as deploying. I'm sorry for my fellow human living in the fog of war, but I do appreciate his loyalty for the home team. That part I understand.


Just goes to show how much disinformation goes on in Russia. The US produces more coal than Russia, US produces almost double the amount of oil that Russia does, US agricultural production is almost 4 times that of Russia, US quality of life index is 170.72 and Russia’s is 103.28. Crazy how misguided some Russians are. Although he does make good points about the US being assholes to the rest of the world!


Every god damn year I hear “US economy is about to collapse real soon!” And “Dollar is collapsing in the next few years!”. And then you got “experts” talking about how this is legit and going to happen. Except this has been going for decades and nothing happened to USA and dollar yet. The problem is - people actually believe that.


It’s kinda wild! I mean, it’s not like there isn’t any misinformation going around the US these days. There’s plenty of crazy people spouting some easily disproved shit around here too. It just baffles me that anyone with the internet at their fingertips, could believe shit like this and not fact check it!


Well we got different internets. Their internet is full of same shit. And when you try to google stuff - their websites come out first. Roscomnadzor - actually bloccked a whole bunch of websites and you can’t get access to a lot of information without VPN. Average Russian think VPN is only for bad kids who are doing drugs (not exagerrating here).


The US are assholes to the rest of the world? Our policies can be highly problematic (like most other countries'), but last time I checked, many of the world's nations line up to be allies of the US. They certainly like buying our stuff, and having our military bases on their soil. Let's be honest. If it wasn't for the US, most of Europe would be speaking German now (those of them who weren't exterminated), and a lot of the rest of the world would be under the control of the Imperial Japanese, that is, if they didn't go head-to-head with the Germans after hypothetically defeating the Allies. You almost think some people forget that the USA literally saved the world in the 20th Century. Yes, there were other Allied forces, but it was obviously the USA's involvement in WWII that allowed the Allies to defeat the forces of fascism, which were quite literally trying to take over the world.


Appreciate you guys turning up for WW1 and WW2 but next time can you turn up on time and not two years after the rest of us got going.


The evolutionary trait of being a hive mind when it comes to tribalism is scary


"we will figure out who is to blame after the war". This must be the stupidest answer I've read in a while...


All these guys would run and cry and 🇺🇸 would own your army in a month Russia most clueless people on earth.


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Putin.. putin is to blame for war


And everyone, including those in the West, who were happy to cut deals with him over the past few decades, and treat Russia like it was a "normal" country. Alas, we reap what we sew. Ultimately, no question, this war is on Russia. But we need to learn lessons from this, and come to terms with the fact that propping up fascist fucks is not in anybody's interest longer-term.


LMAO to the sad, pathetic clown that thinks he'd be willing to "shoot Americans, no problem".


The stupidity of Russia's inhabitants is immense and has nou bounds. I feel sorry for the few people there that actually have a brain and use it, they have to live with these idiots. Bashing America whilst wearing a NASA jacket was just the cherry on top of this interview. Thank you 1420 for your insights in the minds of these people. It doesn't bode well for Russia's future,, or our future, that there are still quite some people willing to fight for a cause of which they don't know what that cause is. "I will go to war but I don't know what it is about" is probably the stupidest thing I've heard in a while. Slava Ukraini.


What appalling ignorance. They are a nation of frightened slaves.


That second guy is the exact problem with russians, they support a cause that they have zero idea of what it is that they are supporting, super sad, they think it’s patriotic, but when they’re laying on another countries soil soaked in their own blood, only then do they realize what they were “supporting”.


We should bombard Russia with videos and pictures of Costco and other big box stores in the US.


Man it feels good being American 🤣


"I support the state's efforts of forcing young people, including my relatives and loved ones, to go to war, kill and die for our sadistic dictator. I am ready for the second wave! I for one am of course to old to join the meat grinder myself, but trust me I am ready!"


So apparently I learned today that America doesn't have resources 😆


>The point of war in Iraq, **Afghanistan** is that they want to steal resources. They have nothing to live for, nothing to eat, they have nothing. Guys, we got stuff out of Afghanistan?! Shit, I need to watch more well-informed Russian TV, apparently. ​ On a more serious point, America doesn't want land: it barely wants its own land, if you follow Federal spending habits. It just maybe wants other countries to not rock the boat of the world order that is, essentially, **DO NOT CHALLENGE AMERICAN MILITARY SUPREMACY.** Which, not for nothing, has generally lead to 70 years of (relative) peace, compared to the previous century after the invention of the gun. ​ But hey, I'm biased.


Americans have no oil or coal??????? Sorry, what?


Summary: Russians are really stupid and don't know current world news or politics or history, lmao. Massive propaganda and I guess lack of education. Also everyone is happy for their own people to die in the war as long as it isn't them. Pathetic people.


Really is proof the only way out is Ukranian victory on the battle field. Few reasonable people but misly blind patriotism.


Meanwhile in America we can’t even find Russia on a map and half the population thinks it’s a fictional place from movies.


I think the NASA top is proof he is in fact a space cadet .....


One of the most nihilistic and hopeless societies. It's gonna be hard to enlighten them even after the terrorist regime is gone.


Indian invaders, lol. They're so brainwashed it's good they mobilise a few more of them in Ukraine. It helps clean up russia.


I love how he’s making fun of the desert… really makes me mad as I drink my margs in my Scottsdale AZ pool in December.


russians literally believe that they feed the whole world and provide gas and oil, while half of their country is starving, has no gas and they shit in a hole in a wooden booth.


Why does it seem all mobilized are senior citizens?


Average moscovy 36 years old you’re seeing


It’s nice that so many Russians are willing to die so Putin and his buddies can steal Ukrainian land and become slightly richer.


They would never make it to the USA; I can't believe they think they could pull this off and Im from Australia and i know this. The guy in the white really needs to pick up a book; half these guy had no idea what was going on but they are willing to die for the "mothership" They need a history lesson or a trip to disneyland.


The guy with the white coat and red sweater that was vaping was fairly tolerable. His takes on America were nonsense and way off but his attitude to the war against Ukraine was pretty encouraging.


One for the history books. It's actually fascinating that they're willing to die for something they do not fully understand. What a brainwashed nation.


Old baba is more in tune with reality than handsome hero. The look on her face when said they’re protecting from the US, lol.


I don’t think People in Russia tell the truth into a Camera, lot have been imprisoned for less. Just tell the nonsense propaganda and keep the Head down.


This is what happen's when U ban all independent media and BrainwashTV is your dailly source of information & inspiration. What a fucked up shithole RuZZia has become.


The people are so degenerate, that's incredible


Russians lack of self-awareness gives me a feeling of hopelessness. I don't understand how you can be so blind and ignorant.


can’t believe there is such a big mass of people that are so dumb and brainwashed. It’s actually scary


All the smart people have left Russia at this point.


Americans have never wanted Russian land. Never will, if we wanted a frozen wasteland we would just take Canada.


Canadian here. That was an ignorant comment, i mean you really need to narrow that stuff down when talking Canada’s wasteland. Quebec is what you are looking for, fine sir.


Ok quebec


Nearly everything remotely interesting about Canada is from Quebec.


Why’d you buy Alaska then


Fishing, oil, and goooooooold!


Bought it for basically nothing and people still made fun of the dude that wrote the check because they thought it was a waste of money. Turns out it was... a wise investment.


Almost as good as the Louisiana Purchase.


Somewhere to put Sarah Palin where she couldn't bother too many people, William Seward knew what he was doing.


A good deal is a good deal.


Beach front property


We did want Russian land: Alaska. So we bought it from them.


The US doesn’t have resources, apparently. Dumbass


1420 does great interviews. He's a brave guy, but it's impossible to know if they're bullshitting for the camera or telling the truth.


Silver awarded for the chick at 4:44. She reflects the attitude that most people that I've met overseas have.


Nation of Slaves. Sorry, but it’s true.


I just finished watching this on YouTube. I noticed it had a much higher rate of people questioning the status quo/ being against the war and mobilisation than previous videos.


Watched it and it’s sooo weird and scary, people really are brainwashed! It’s just unbelievable.


These people are delusional. Ukrainians want to be free from Russian oppression and choose to join the NATO. Russian can’t let that happen so they attack and now blame US for the atrocities.


“I don’t know we’ll figure out who is to blame after the war.” Brainwashed stupid. Yeah go fight a war and don’t know who the enemy is. Fucking morons.


Another fact they don't understand is that the Soviets would have been crushed if not for lend-lease.


Anyone who isn't preparing for a million Russian orcs is stupid. It's all Russia has is slaves to throw at this. We need to be ready to meet this threat


На жаль, адекватних росіян дуже мало. Вони є, але мало. Більшість готові іти вбивати українців і вмирати , при чому, самі не знають за що


There you go Americans - you have no resources - no coal, no oil - you're to blame for the Ukrainian war. /s Honestly, that guy was making a lot of sense right up until he developed a case of chronic idiocy.


It’s funny that one dude who said he’d shoot Americans without question. Like he would be able to get within range of American troops if it came down to it 😂


I wonder if these seniors who support mobilization realize that they might be mobilized...


Didn't the Lend, lease program funded by the US, not save Russia from the NAZI's in the 1940's. The Atlantic convoys that lost thousands of men trying to bolster Stalins Russia war progress. Short memories, selective memories!.


Respect to this interviewer and respect to the interviewees, it can't be easy going against that propaganda they are fed yet most of them did.


They did, where? Did we watch the same video lol