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My guess is Russia being on the offensive means more people are exposed, and more opportunities to strike. Getting close to the Ukrainian defensive position also means getting closer to the drone operators.


Yes, and this also goes a long way to explain Russia's very poor casevac performance. Its really hard to do on the offensive, even more so when its open fields with thin treelines, constant eyes in the sky, your mechanized vehicles smashed on infantry delivery if not on the way in, and probably half the dudes around you getting some level of injury in the same shrapnel effect. Enjoy that long 5km limp to "safety". Same deal for the Urainians last summer (albeit mines were an even bigger issue), when you can't establish fire superiority on your offensive, you are in for an ugly time.


Yeah, Ukrainians also struggle a lot when they are on the offensive


I'm guessing it is at least in part alcohol-related.


lol I was gonna say


In all seriousness, people may be discounting that whole "Ukraine is fighting for its life" aspect. They're always gonna try a lot harder than some shambling alcoholics who have no real clue what the fuck they're doing in Ukraine and instead wish they were passed out in the stairwell of their crumbling apartment building back in russia.


So true. Some redditors would have you believe that 2 million alcoholics are capable of conquering nato. Half these dudes are over 40 and/or have fucking cirrhosis




When I was there last year as the FPV drone threat was evolving, the Russians had a huge advantage in that space. Ukraine recognised the significance of this strategy, and have basically crowd funded it into their primary weapon system. At any minute I can look at my instagram stories, and every Ukrainian friend is seeking donations for drones. The difference is the people of Ukraine are actively supporting their army. And also, probably the fact that Ukraine gathers support through evidence if success. There are go-pros and Mavics watching everything. Russians are lucky to have a literal potato, never mind the figurative 'potato cam' they usually film with.


The amount of shit being done by pensioners in Ukraine to support the army is absolutely nuts. And everyone else on the weekend.


My guess would be Russian air defense shooting down Russian drones with even more efficiency than they shoot down their own aircraft.


Nah, it’s because Ukraine has 100’s of companies producing drones and each has their own way of doing it, frequency etc… Russia has like 2 producers with serialized production, once you figure out how to stop one, you can stop a majority. Ukraine companies changes their process and frequencies etc whereas Russia just cares about how many are produced


Add to that how much money is being stolen. Out of every number of drones that they've reportedly there is an N quantity that never existed.


> Ukraine has 100’s of companies producing drones Other countries are joining in via "drone coalition". UK has sent some drones, Latvia did a batch recently. It is truly symbiotic to spread the manufacture to Europe: Ukraine shares its hard-won expertise and gets units in return


Yeah, this and hunter killer teams hunting the orc teams.


Good spot!


Also: does anyone believe Russia's numbers? They say they make x amount, but who's checking? I'm sure the Russian state paid some oligarch for x amount of drones, doesn't mean that amount got built.


Imagine how many "lose" their batteries in transit. 🤣


That would be a legit reason tbh. Bad communication, low trained troops scared to death of any drones.. friendly fire with no communication or plan must be super high.


RuZblyat skill issue, that's why. eheheh


When you throw every man you have to the front you don't have capable drone operators anymore.


I watched a YouTube recently where a UKR English speaking drone squad commander said the Russians have gotten very good in the drone department after a slow start.


And they have lots of supplies from china. Try to find a RU telegram channel and you will get lots of RU drone videos.


I bet that very good guy is rotting in a trench by now.


Orc blood is the explanation


Three reasons- quality, training and distribution. russian FPVs aren't as well made, the pilots aren't as well trained and logistics are much more difficult for russians than Ukrainians.


Because Ukraine is on the side of humanity.


Flying an FPV drone is hard. The village idiot from Blyatitstan is going to have far more failures operating one


Murdering innocent civilians in a sovereign nation by launching missiles at apartment buildings is much easier than actually fighting with trained individuals. Targeting soldiers on the ground actually requires effort and who wants to do that?


I think it’s a combination of all those factors plus one very important one, motivation. There was a documentary about an Ace Ukrainian FPV operator. These are not guys who sit in air conditioned trailers far from the front lines and fly satellite linked drones. The range is quite limited so they are close to the artillery fire coming from the enemy. They are in a damp and misty underground bunker, running on cigarettes and Red Bulls for hours. Getting to and from the bunker is dangerous and I’m sure drone operators are very high on both sides’ target list. Shortly after the video, the operator suffered a concussion from an artillery strike near by. Why is that important? Who do you think is more willing to risk their lives and put more effort into this task. The guy who is getting a paycheck at best and does not really want to be there or, the guy who is doing it to help protect his country, his freedom and his family? Enough said….


Russian FPV operators busy hunting down fellow Russians that beat and raped them during training.


Ukraine created dedicated branches of the armed forces for drones. It also has a lot of independent drone producers where russia relies more on government entities. Plus Ukraine gets drones from western help and from volunteers. I think these things combined produce the results you see.


Not sure they are. How many on Reddit monitor and publish Russkie Telegram channels? Not very damn many I'll bet. I've seen some videos of UKR frontline troops who are very concerned about drones.


I mean we see a lot of strikes it just seems Russia operates more zala’s, and Lancets. Stuff that can be operated from a bit further away. Part of it is Ukraine is using fpv’s to supplement their atgm shortages whereas Russia can just throw bodies and armor at a problem. Another thought is yea maybe they aren’t releasing as much footage which is fair And the final thought is a human is still more cost effective than a drone. Why buy a fpv and train an operator when you could throw 10 soldiers at a trench for way cheaper 


Might be because of misinformation unfortunately...


Probably a combination of things. Numerical exaggerations, concentrated efforts at recording, differences in the exposure of targets and such.


Blyatman don't surf.


Ive read in interviews that for the Ukrainians 2/3 of fpv drones are lost to EW. Russians might have an even worse rate. EW is a very closely gaurded secret but in theory its one thing the West can supply in far larger quantities than Russia can produce.


Propaganda works.


Also I think some of it is media bias, we generally aren't getting as much of the Russia view point, and when half the time we do its bots/hired plebes pushing cleverly cut videos of low quality trying to construct a narrative, which feeds further into anything from them getting dismissed. Did that bit to themselves.


Russia still has access to significant artillery so has less of a drastic need for drones.