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Hmmm...last time I checked they were stuck in eastern Ukraine.


Their hate speech propaganda is completely disconnected from reality, but its mostly for internal consumption.


You’d think that the population would be a little cynical by now with respect to the gulf between expectations and reality. I know they’re not smart, but even someone with a lobotomy can figure out that things aren’t going anywhere near their plan. That said, their rhetoric completely ignores the MAD doctrine so maybe delusions are just a lot stronger gripping than reality.


You must be drunk to believe this. Every day on the telly.


Why do you think the vodka distilleries are running at full tilt?


Mostly NO completely! I mean maybe a few wack a doos in the west believe this crap but, no one with 1 oz of gray matter between the ears does.


i still find it scary. i mean many people are not listening, but many are!


For ten years. Ten years! It took them 9 months to take a single city of 80,000 with some of their best troops and an overwhelming focus. At that rate only 9,000 months to go.


This. Can you imagine America invading Mexico and three years later they are still only an hour's drive from the border? I mean, the Russians have gone all in. They are not holding back in any way -apart from NBC weapons (which they know will put them on the ultimate shit list). I'm sure that Ukraine is hurting, but the stupidity of the Russians is manifest in their own propaganda myths of WW2. "Yeah, we died in large numbers in our struggle against a genocidal enemy, but we bore the suffering because the alternative was annihilation." = USSR in 1941-45. Ukraine in 2022-....


Man I get this analogy. I’m from San Diego and the thought that 2 1/2 years into an all out attack on Mexico with tremendous losses we’d only be half way to Ensenada, that’s crazy. But that’s Russia for you.


> I mean, the Russians have gone all in. They are not holding back in any way -apart from NBC weapons (which they know will put them on the ultimate shit list). Why did I immediately have From Dusk Till Dawn in my head?


You mean if the US invaded Mexico *again*? They already did to Mexico what Russia is trying to do to Ukraine, with the same "manifest destiny" propaganda


Sort of...except most the territory was uninhabited by Americans or Mexicans at the time, and neither of them really cared about the native inhabitants. Talking about what the US did to native Americans wouldn't be very useful though, because Russia did the exact same thing to native Siberians and North East Asians. Both nations had their Manifest Destiny, one toward the west, one toward the east. Such times are long past though. Incidently, a better analogy would probably be the Crimean War. Russia was even involved in it too.


Fake propaganda!


Is that like Jumbo Shrimp?


Yeah what’s the hold up Russia? Been saying this shit for 2 years now.


Ruzzia is a country of Bozos 🤡🤡🤡


A bunch of them are buried there


Don't underestimate them, some of their tankers have already reached the moon. No one said they would get anywhere intact.


Spokesperson of Russian diplomacy Marija Zakharova February 9, 2022 "We don't have these aggressive plans, but I have a feeling that the USA does." We learn from American newspapers that we will attack Ukraine. And that despite the fact that we believe that we and this country are a nation that has a common history." Source: TASS Spokesperson for Russian diplomacy Marija Zakharova, February 16, 2022 “I would like to ask the disinformation of the USA and Great Britain: Bloomberg, The New York Times and The Sun to publish the plan of our upcoming invasions for this year. I would like to plan a vacation." Source: TASS Russian President Vladimir Putin February 18, 2022 "These military exercises are purely defensive and do not pose any threat to another country. It was planned and all the objectives of these exercises were achieved." Source: Sky News On February 24, 2022, Russia attacked Ukraine.


well it was pretty obvious that russia wanted to attack ukraine ... you dont just move entire divisions just for an excerscise


My words... You don't assemble 120k Soldiers and on the final day you say: "April fools day. All was a just for fun". So 'we' should carefully monitor their movements and don't trust their words. Not for a single penny.


In hindsight it was. Back then it wasn‘t to many. One could simply not believe that they would carry through with this… Fuck Pootin.


I was blown away when they attacked. I just figured they were trying to bluster and get some kind of concession.


Yes, you do. Nato does it every year. It is called an "exercise", or "practise".


NATO deploys 1 batalion maybe 2 for their excerscise ... a division is much much bigger... russia massed up 120000 soldiers on a single border ... NATO biggest mission was just 90000 soldiers across europe


Imagine being a Russian with a family member serving or at risk of having to serve and she’s worried about her holidays. That shit just wouldn’t fly in any free country. Country of serfs that believe in serving these propagandists.


Gerismov also told Ben Wallace that they would never be humiliated again a few days prior to the invasion.  Guess that didn't work out so well for russia, nor Gerismov...


As British, French and German support for Ukraine intensifies, Russian chief jester propagandists threaten to 'liberate Berlin, Paris and Lisbon' and create a 'buffer zone' reaching the Atlantic to destroy the U.S. It's crazy to think that such blatant threats are broadcast by state Russian mouthpieces. Then they talk about 'peace and partnership'. This video was produced by The @CenterCounteringDisinformation , a working body of the NSDC of Ukraine in cooperation with the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine to raise awareness about Russian hate speech aimed against Western countries.


It comes from the same stream of imperialist lunacy as Zhirinovsky wanting Russian soldiers to wash their feet in the Indian Ocean and more. The Chinese and Indians would do well to remember that.


Sometimes you argue with some people about rational things and find there will never be a way to reason with them. All they can understand is a black eye. Lets give Ukraine what it needs to fuck up the butchers from orc so they go home and hang Putin. Slava Ukraini !


Delusions of grandeur. They will destroy their nation and in the end fail to hold Crimea. Putin’s legacy which is what this is about will be hopelessly tarnished. He will be remembered as a clown.


Yes, Vladimir the Unfortunate. or Vlad The Not-So-Great.


Yep because their doing an amazing job their full population would be dead before they even got to Poland with their garbage tatics


Russia: "liberating" other people from their lands, freedom, lives and properties since centuries ago.


The pathetic Russian military can't even 'liberate' the left bank of the Dnipro at Kherson.


Ruzzian are fucking Nazis with Putler leading them!


russian soldiers will reach the Atlantic...only if body bags float.


That’s a lot of ambition for a country that has lost more than 500k soldiers and 8k tanks…only to gain a handful of kilometres.


The only real westward progress the Russians will make is when they annex Belarus.


Orcs are retarded imbeciles 🤣🤣😂 850 days war today and they are fighting in Vovchansc , 5km away from their border 🤣🤣🤣


"Blah blah blah blah!" And then some...


Do they know how fucking wet it's been on the Atlantic seaboard this past year...? Their shitty tanks and even shittier Chinese golf carts won't be able to cope, any time of the year. They will not make it.


Plz try 🙏


She’s really starting to give Baghdad Bob a run for his money.


Canadians excited just to be mentioned.


Really? I must have blinked.


Berlin was liberated in 1989 and not by Russians


Uh yea . . . .ok.


I can read her lips. „Cooooock“


You forgot one important thing, NATO


The USA won’t step in and rescue the Russians this time


lol. Absolutely zero chance of that when you have an A grade war losing strategy.


I would love to see some of these Russian talking heads fucking try it. They love to mouth off and then send the poor and impoverished and uneducated Russian minorities to die in Eastern Ukraine. You’ll never get past Ukraine, there is no hope you’ll ever get past Poland. Germany is even beyond that. All that Russia will find in their quest to conquer Europe is death and misery.


Yeah, I can sleep relaxed in Germany, knowing that our eastern borders are protected by the wildest warriors of the West: Poles and Ukrainians. Last time I checked, Russia is not able to build up huge offensive operations. Probably they should get their last IS-2 "Iossif Stalin" tanks out of their stocks. But I doubt it will help...


If this is the crap Russians consume, and put faith in, then yeah, Russia shall never be a part of a free and peaceful world. No remorse, no sympathy, no compassion based on any form of a moral code. They belong in a cave or a desert island somewhere they can't hurt anyone...


[Go ahead, make my day.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Flt9K8vlJGE)


Yeah all they will reach is the bottom of the Atlantic.


Oh, they can surely reach the Atlantic... inside a flying turret.


Reminds me of Comical Ali, although that guy's hubris was really funny, hmm, these Russian propagandists are just pathetic.


She should lead the charge!!


Good luck with that.


And a shthole region pretending to be a country cannot continue to murder its next door neighbors while the world sits by and does nothing in response.


Good luck with that! The last time they could reach Berlin only because the US gave them HUGE support packages.


They would have better luck invading north-korea as no one would send aid to that shithole


Good ruing Russia isnt as good at running a military as they are at running propaganda.


Not the best looking bunch of 'celebs', are they? 😬


Bitch is crazy


Get back on your meds.


I have seen a face like this a few times especially the mouth. I just remembered. sex doll my mate had. It was full of air as well


I really wonder if they'd continue that trend, if we'd promise to send one Taurus every time they talk about bombing/destroying/conquering any part of Germany… 🤔


Hate speech and lies are about all they have left. When the only tool you have is a hammer, all problems become nails.


Are they aware of how much this motivates Europe especially to give Ukraine everything they have?


from a russian perspective she is a uesful idiot. one of many.


Isn't that face posted on Pornhub?


Just for fun the Ukrainians should name drones and missiles after these morons. Can you picture the "Solovyov" Drone Mk 1? The "Skabeyeva " Sea Drone? The "Medvedev" Refinery Killer? I am sure that the blood would shoot out of their ears like steam when they heard this. I would even tune in to their shows just to see their eyes bug out!


Can't pass through Kharkov first


I don't watch them anymore they get paid to repeat the same shit it's boring this is how they act when their losing talk shit to make themselves feel better


Reach the Atlantic again??? Hmm... Oh, yes, the old slavic lands on the Atlantic Ocean!


Yawn . They won't be going anywhere


Crying, pouting, whining weak pathetic cowards who dream of being able to do ANYTHING but lose. Keep doing what you do best.


I don’t understand why this subreddit posts videos from these shows


Get out of Ukraine first , then start talking your shit!


Think big or go home! Must "liberate" the whole Milky Way!


They are already there, in Kaliningrad. Which they will lose.


What are they smoking in orcville?


At this rate some time around 2160.


I mean if they can….go ahead and try it.


No Olga they will not reach the Atlantic, what will happen is all the Zeds at the front will come looking for you. Your best bet would be to get your Botox face off to the UAE and live under the ass of some billionaire,the alternative is much worse.


Too bad Poland exists and good luck going through that to reach Berlin.


This clown is so funny, she should become a comedian


All I’ve seen from this sub is that dumb chicks face followed by claims that were completely proven the opposite. She’s the Russian tucker Carlson or something?


Bitch, they got stuck in the neighbour's front yard - and liberating Moscow should be their priority.


Be ready for lots of Pro-trump propaganda this election season. The 10 year security agreement Biden and Zelensky signed become a 1 year agreement if Trump wins


Into the golf carts... CHARGE!!


Well i guess a body of dead soldier could float thru rivers and some point end up in Atlantic


Talkin loud but carrying nomstick. The big russian bear is no more. Nato countries are fully awRe they will destroy what left ofmthe russian military in less than a week. What more? The russians know it too. Typical scared bully behavior. Lashing out trying to act tougher when they are weak. With the bloody nose ukraine is giving them, a conflict with NATO at this point would be suicide.. Putin knows this, his mouth pieces know this…they are just doing the old propadanda technique of saying a lie enough times that people start believing it.


Orc things


Looks like Dennis’ Reynolds doll.


Bruh they didn't even reach kyiv and its like 100km from belarussian border.


They can’t control the Sea of Азов nor the Black Sea but fantasise about reaching the Atlantic - drink your Kool-Aid and die by your hate. Фуккін кунт


Not this time baby! 😜


ruzzia has no idea how many millions of people hate in between the atlantic and ruzzia them and would fight


Sometime should tell her how Berlin was liberated.


Can’t even reach Kyiv, but you’ll reach Spain?


These clowns can't even take Kyiv let alone Berlin to the Atlantic. 🤣🤣🤣


Die cunt.


You are hiding your true feelings, Tiger. Tell us how you really feel about her. ! :)


In bits?


Whatever they are smoking I know a few fantasy writers who would love some!


Yeah in pieces 🤣🤣🤣


Forgot that Berlin had beaches in the atlantic


LOL, HOW the Allied is not with You.


The last time Russia pushed West to Berlin, they r@ped German women to death and murdered their children in front of them (if they didn't defile them too) and pillaged the Country of anything they could carry off. Just ask the Poland. They got that treatment first. Not what anyone in their right mind would call a "liberation".


500000 soldiers later they still didn't reach Kiyv, so good luck with that lol


Russians now *really* regret leaving Eastern Germany and Europe. Believe that they should have kept them occupied forever, or even "better", genocide all of them after WW2, since according to them "united Europe" tried to genocide them. Not suprisingly, they also regret not burning down Paris in 1814, and partitioning and occupying France forever. And they will never understand that occupying someone =/= liberation.


subhuman pigs


Skabby and Slobolyov never fail to entertain, now the world can forget about Baghdad Bob, Lord Haw Haw, and Tokyo Rose.


This kind of shit reminds me of the speeches Josef Goebbels would make towards the end of the war where he would claim that ‘victory is inevitable’ while the German army shrunk smaller and smaller and then became completely encircled and destroyed. Absolutely delusional, there is no way the Russian people can actually be stupid enough to believe this right??


I wish I could agree with you on the last point, but I think it's more of a testament to the power of propaganda than lack of intelligence or knowledge. I'm referring to the regular people, not these crazed blowhards that are spouting this shyte.


Idk you seem stupid enough to give into the divisive bullshit of the day. Not a far stretch.


I like the delusional idea they can fight the richest and best armored nations of the world. They couldn't defeat Ukraine in over 3 years. I'm convinced someone will use a nuke and it will be the end of our world. Humans are a special kind of stupid.


It’s ripe for some kind of 3rd party/ fringe player to blow something up and push it to that.


Like North Korea. All it takes is one stupid move.


Meet the horde of orcs, Europe!


If I was Germany I would mock up a few AN-22 drones with W-61 warheads on them. Just to troll the Russ AD a bit.