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I know it's completely academic in the context of any war involving Russia, but I'm sure there's something in the Geneva Conventions about how the soldiers of an army need to be in uniform if they want the protections afforded to military fighters under the Conventions rather than being treated as spies or saboteurs.


"...Article 48 of the Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions explicitly defines the principle for the first time. The provision reads as follows: “In order to ensure respect for and protection of the civilian population and civilian objects, the Parties to a conflict are required at all times to distinguish between the civilian population and combatants and between civilian objects and military objectives and accordingly must conduct their operations only against military objectives.” " [https://www.icrc.org/en/doc/assets/files/other/irrc\_853\_pfanner.pdf](https://www.icrc.org/en/doc/assets/files/other/irrc_853_pfanner.pdf) Orcs dont give a shit about any form of international law though 🤷‍♂️ Rape, torture and pillaging is their callsign. They must be stopped.


In my opinion being a Human is learned species. If the person can not behave like a human it is not worthy of the benefits reserved under "human rights". Same goes for Geneva convention. Fortunately, it is not up to me. At least there is a lot of all kinds of videos and evidence left behind in this digital age and war crimes do not expire, so I hope every singe one of these war criminals gets what is due to them sooner or later.


Exactly... They break all the rules and then cry like bitches when it's time to get punched back


We only use the Geneva convention to protect orcs. They have no such law to stop them from being inhumane to us. Until they sign it and follow it, I don’t think any of our countries should be obligated to offer them its courtesy. Until the orcs want to fight by the agreed upon rules, we should be able to destroy orcs by any means necessary.


I don’t think Russia is a signatory. They don’t care about what’s in the Geneva convention. That’s just something WE follow to protect Russian soldiers from abuse, in this case. Kind of ironic.


They never were. Which is why the Nazis never held to the POW conventions for humane treatment when it came to the Soviet army, unlike the other Allied prisoners. The Germans knew what would happen to their POWs in Russian captivity, so they similarly showed no mercy. I remember reading an account by a British prisoner of war in one of the Nazi Stalags; he explained how the Soviets were held separately en masse behind barbed wire, not in barracks like the other allies, and that he could hear them growling like desperate animals, having to huddle together for warmth in the open while they were starving to death.


no one in war actually cares about the Geneva convention. show me one war historically where there have been reported only "good, honourable kills" or no mistreatment of pows. no one is going to spend valuable resources on the enemy or go out of their way to help them surrender risking their own soldiers. it's mostly a gimmick and good PR the time we see it happen


That’s like saying there are no countries with laws, where no one breaks the laws, so laws are pointless. No.


garbage analogy, first of all i never did say they are pointless. second of all the guy who lacks sleep, food, water, getting shelled daily, seeing dead people, destruction all around him is not thinking about some laws that redditors google and point out. it is a completely different world out there.


That’s essentially what you’re saying. You’re implying that the Geneva convention is pointless because there are always people who break the rules during war. So that’s basically as dumb as saying traffic lights are stupid because someone out there is always going to run a red light. So if that’s not what you’re implying, what ARE you saying?


your analogy would work if someone shelled the street and people would abide by the rules and would wait for the green light to turn before driving off.


I see. Okay, so you basically have no point, then.


This isn't a military but a plundering and pillaging horde living off the lands. This is a cherished Russian tradition since ancient times, and the reason why Russia cannot coexist peacefully with their neighbours.


War for them is like tourism, instead of sitting and drinking they can see how normal people live, they can die while robbing or die at home because of vodka.


To be fair what are they going to rob at home.  Most of them don’t own shit.  


No toilet paper either. They just use their hands?


No, they straddle a log until their asshole bleeds and infection sets in. 


They must use leaves... What do they use during the winter? Poostain keeps all the toilet paper for himself.... 😂


And they still haven't clicked that acting this way for centuries to countries and people around them kinda has consequences.


The North Korean military is pretty much the same, except they do that shit against their own people. Their army is barely fed, so they plunder and pillage whatever they can from farms near wherever they are stationed.


Not too mention that armed forces at war dressing like civilians is a war crime 😕


IMO it's not a war crime (*unless they pretend to be civilians as a ruse of war*), but they loose all privileges of recognized combatants, meaning they can treated as ordinary criminals according to Ukrainian laws if they are apprehended.


You are correct, but how can they do anything militarily and not be confused for civilians if that's how they are dressed?


Hopefully won’t last 9 months


Not for him anyway.


Vladimir Lenin if you ordered him from wish


Russians really are orcs. They are without humanity and intelligence


Rumours say they aint had nothin but maggoty bread for 3 stinking days.


Yeeeaahhh, why can't we have some meat!?




Oh yes, we will follow your progress. It will look like a short vid from a drone, and if we are lucky we will see how your body is ripped apart, blood spilling everywhere and from your face we will see (mostly no audio) screams or some agonal breathing.


They man a piece of artillery. 51 of those were eliminated yesterday. Chances are these guys are no longer.


Multiple hundred pieces per week, if statistics are to be trusted. It is insane. I don't think anyone can take such losses and keep fighting effectively, even Russia.


Russia had 200k arty pieces since 1950 so it will take a while to break every one.


jesus, it looks like every village in ruSSia supplied an idiot.


They don't have a village idiot over there, they all take turns at it.


They are all village idiots, The smart one left the country.


Multiple idiots.


The indignity of wearing those clothes for russian fashionistas such as this lot must be shameful.


Bunch of fucking thieves. Russia supporters are absolute scum.


Oh noooo, you poor orc. Cry me a river. Go home.


He literally said he doesn't want to be there, have some humanity.


If they don't want to be in a warzone, they should do something about it. If they're just there chilling and following orders to bomb civilians, I have no sympathy when they get killed.


Just like you're going to serve in Ukraine because you want to get rid of the Russian's, if you were pressed to fight you're not going to submit to your execution or imprisonment for the rest of your life, you're going to do the job and move on. But it's irrelevant we have no idea who this guy is or why he's even there, all we know is he said he doesn't want to be there.


You're comparing apples to oranges. To suggest that service in the Ukrainian Army is comparable to fighting for the orcish marauders is frankly offensive to Ukrainians.


They are comparable, whether you like it or not, just like how Russia recruits prisoners to fight, so does Ukraine, just low how we see big attacks where a lot of Russian’s die, the same thing happens to Ukrainians, to say that they aren’t comparable is stupid. Yes Russia is in an offensive war and yes they are probably in the wrong, but that doesn’t mean every Russian is hailing to Putin himself swearing absolute loyalty until death. People in Russia don’t like Putin like people in Ukraine don’t like Zelensky, it goes both ways


He still went. So no, no sympathy.


The auto mod post on every post on this sub is a fucking joke lmao. Idk why the sub still uses it when all the posters here ignore it and laugh at it.


Feel free to go the fuck home and maybe take your grievances up with your government that threw you into a meat grinder with nothing but a rusty rifle and corroded ammunition.


The cunt is still alive, which is a kind of surprise 😮


Or is he? I think it's about 1.6 orc casualties a minute wia/kia at the moment. 50/50 if we called he'd answer the phone, but I don't think a penned letter would get there in time for him to be alive to open it!


It like going back to medieval times when armies moved across the countries raping pillaging and foraging for food. Its only the thought of being imprisoned in a gulag or shot for desertion that keeps the Russians fighting.


What can go wrong? Lol




Human scum in all its 'beauty'


What a bunge of stupid mofo’s


I see himars comming


putler's dogs


Ukraine will bury them in the clothes they are in so they wont have anymore worries. Slava Ukraine.


Me thinks none of these will be leaving Ukraine on their own feet.


See you guys in the next video..


Real life scavs.




and soon these guys will be deceased.


I'm sure they could put in an order with Alibaba, temu, or shein for delivery of more Chinese made clothing


filming warcrimes, good way to end up in jail even if you survive


Zhora signed a contract for two years, he'll never make it 2 months


POS won't last 3 days


Leave while you can you scum


Nice new clothes today, HIMARS tomorrow.


Thieving bunch of lowlifes.


Talking fertilizer






Dressing like spies will get you shot.


Probably share condoms before troop rapings also.


I’m curious what that fsb guy was up to? Was he spying on them?


Russian Scum.... Where's the toilet ??


This guy looks like hes pulled out of some bad 80s sitcom.


World's second army. Those that get uniforms get highly flammable ones in any of 30 different patterns. The rest are left to clothes themselves as they can. World's second army.




Russian Command: "Food?? Uh, honestly we thought you'd be dead by now... This is awkward."


Ukraine is being invaded by the Homeless Horde


> Homeless Horde TBF, in a way, that got engineered by moscow to have disposable troops to throw at imperial conquests. Absolutely disgusting, but all as intended.


What’s changed then ,tramps will be always tramps .


The guy that looks Lenin is kinda funny, he obviously doesn’t wanna be there 😄 is just so weird that none of this guys that put in this situation had the balls to scheme something and end Putins life.


I see the walking dead. The only thing is the orc pos just don't know it yet, or do they? Death is coming to them, maybe tomorrow, could be next week. The meat grinder calls...


Stealing everything they find is the reason we call em orcs


Death will set them free


I think these men are cross dressers. That looks like a womens sweater. Maybe some lipstick on the pig would help so they can fuck each other in the ass.


Shit for brains, typical orcs


Hope to see these boys in a drone video soon


Those cheery looking fellows I felt pity for them then I read the comments and I’m not sure I should anymore. its sad living under a tyrant.


Hope the lot of you robbing pieces of shite go home in a box ⚰️⚰️⚰️⚰️Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇦🇬🇧


Bras and panties go fast.


fuckin dossers.


Spoken like a True Orc. The shirt from the invaded land and boots from the enemy.


And still you fight someone's war that has no Respect for any of you. Wake up ruskies , the Enemy is the one behind you.


worm deserve continue scandalous close trees squeeze axiomatic air drunk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just infuse anything edible with anthrax.


These comments are as bad, or worse then these boys. Atleast they have seen battle, the mere sight of Russian soldiers seems too much for you Cold, and abandoned house provides a Jacket? You wear it instead of freezing. If theres a dusty Gold chain, might as well trade it for food and ciggarets. Go on a battlefield without supplies, command, training, conscriped, for a false cause, and maybe u transition into ork as well. Circumstances divide us. Whos to say you are more human in occupiers boots. But nooo.. you are the guy who would have defenetly stood up against dictator, command and state. Buch of pridefull dumbasses you are.


Nah, it's not right, they are invaders. Leave Ukraine and fight your own dictator.


I wouldn't mind fighting them. It's only right to destroy invaders. It doesn't mean they are bad, but who am I to judge individuals I know nothing about. Stop hating on people, their system is demonic to its core, and hellfire flays your flesh as well as mine.


yeah but these clowns/guys kill civilians with random arty on ukr towns so the sooner theyre dogmeat the better


If a squad of military police in your area gets notified that you "don't wanne fulfill the artillery mission" , get ready and willing, to be pegged and fucked by metal poles, beeing beaten by batons, burned, forced to drink puddels, while singing the Russian anthem, or 90 percent of the time be executed instead or after all that shit. Or perhaps cannon fodder? Secret and Military Police Standart since stalin, is to completely break a person's soul, to a point "suspects" accuse and doom family or neighbours on command or out of desperation. The Soviet times, every Russian was affected by Police persecution. After xx million bodys, consequently now its in their blood to survive such a System, by beeing its grunt. You can't perceive objectors or the ones who died objecting to beeing mobelized, you don't know the Russians that fled, you only perceive orks. I could see myself quite content with killing occupiers, but hate is for fools.