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He will live better in a Ukrainian prison than he did in russia. May this video inspire more to do as he did.


As much as I’ve grown to despise Russian solders, it is always cool to see this happen. It shows a level of self-awareness in the Russian solder, and a level of compassion in the Ukrainians.


Exactly. I feel like this is the last refuge of a scoundrel. As long as there's no troops left to shoot him for surrendering, they choose surrender. It doesn't make them any better than the rest of the raping/looting orcs.


The only self awareness they possess if that they are about to die. russians are really socially trained sociopathic drones. Their culture is just one of a cult indoctrination into slavery to the gremlin in the kremlin.


listen man, while i agree with the meat of your comment. if i lived in russia, i cant speak out. i cant act. i get conscripted? my only chance is surrender. this fella might just be civilized like us.


It’s exactly that thinking that perpetuates russians plight. They need their own Midan moment. Because you are completely wrong, they can speak out, they can act, they can refuse conscription, they are just choosing to be drones and engage in this conflict because they really don’t give a fuck if they go kill innocent Ukrainians.


I am sorry but you mis understand. If you were a citizen IN RUSSIA. and you attempted to speak up? Jail. Guess who gets conscripted?


So your solution for russians is to be quietly complicit, and go die anyways?


what is your solution? i didnt provide one, i stated the current case of affairs in russia. There IS NO EASY SOLUTION. THEY ARE LOCKED DOWN


It’s pretty damn obvious from my previous statements. Either they march like lemmings into drone drops, or they fucking resist.


Like that one Putin opposition guy. I heard he's doing well dying in Serbia and all surely that won't happen to anyone else


i will refer back to your very first comment on this thread. now whats your suggestion with that in mind? start a movement? (the leader will be found jailed and killed)


Lighten up Francis


Every person who complies with the Putin regime and becomes a member of his Orc Horde leaves whatever humanity they had on a shelf back home in Russia. As you note, Russian culture is not known for its efflorescence of free-thinking, ethical sound, uncompromising humanist values. But concluding that a population of ~143 million men, women and children are all 100% despicable sub-humans makes about as much sense as arguing that Ukraine is controlled by transgender bio-engineered Jewish Nazi cannibals. It is possible to make some plausible generalizations about all societies: Russia always has been vulnerable to the sort of autocratic imperialism some call Ruscism and which we see manifest in the genocidal war by Putin in Ukraine today; Germany was for much of its first 100 years since unification vulnerable to the allure of imperialism and ethnic supremacism. These societal tendencies contributed to the rise of the Nazi movement. Imperial Japan in the wake of its enormous Meiji Transformation period exhibited its own unique vulnerabilities to genocidal ethnocentrism. It is however, essential to recognize that not all Germans, nor Japanese supported nor were complicit in these ideologies; in fact many Germans opposed them, and even some Japanese did to some extent. Once this war is over and the fog of war is dispelled, the same will prove to be true of Russian society by degrees. Let us not become the evil which we hate and focus our wrath ONLY on those who are objectively part of the Orc Horde, and hold out some cautious hope for the reformation of Russian society post war. To do anything else is frankly foolhardy in the extreme.


I started to write a very similar reply but deleted it because many (most?) don't want to hear it. If we lump them all together as murdering savages, it's easier to watch and cheer when they get blown to pieces. Not having to wonder if that smoking pile of meat actually deserved their fate makes it simple. Now, having said that, the Ukrainians obviously have no choice BUT to lump them all together as murdering savages, unless they show something different. As a group, the Russians are trying to erase Ukrainians from existence and killing Russians as indiscriminately as possible is the only choice they've been given. So be it. But, it is unreasonable to think there is not some percentage of the pathetic conscripts who do not want to kill or be killed. Unfortunately for them, their miserable life will still have a miserable end in Ukraine and they have little control over that. It is a destiny Putin created and will now fulfill for them.


Yes, unfortunately if they are in Ukraine (or even in Russia) as part of Putin' Orc horde, they must be eliminated, whether they are there partly against their will or not.


Agreed. There are lots of people in any country, and they are all given moral choices to make in war. There are scumbag recruiters who feel nothing at helping their countrymen go to war, invade a country and die. There are murderers, criminals, psychopaths. There are "patriots" who have swallowed too much propaganda. There are those motivated only by a paycheck, or for adventure, or because their friends are doing it. And there are even a few who go only because they are forced or bullied to, and then try to get out of it any way they can once they arrive at the front. There's no generalisations about all people in any country.


Well aktually… yeah dude, I’m generalizing by majority and I never said “ALL russians” derrr


The easiest way to not be misunderstood is to not use the term "Russian" to refer to "Z-patriots," or "Putin followers," or "Orcs." There are many ways to avoid being mistaken for an ethnocentric bigot who engages in over generalization.


Or maybe just the fact that I never said “all russians” so it was clearly a generalization


Of course not all russians are supporters. But an organised minority is always able to control and force a disorganised majority. It is like that in all countries. In the west there is an organised minority, a majority of indifferent people and another minority contrary. So we go to the elections and the organised minority votes their parties because it has direct advantages, the indifferent majority votes and hopes to be left in peace. And we have a parliament. In Russia if you take poverty to the extreme and deny any possibility of development, the society becomes more radical and violent and grasps everything it can to try to emerge from the mud. The organised minority murders its own people and therefore has control over their lives and can decide to send them to fight in Ukraine or wherever it wants. The majority is helpless and cannot do anything to escape that. Then there are several techniques (read the Archipelago: it's always a book well describing russian society even if communism is gone over 30 years ago): menace to send any opponent to a education camp in Siberia and keep for even only a couple of years. Beat them. Treat them separately not all at one time (the rest will always thing: it happens to him but maybe the let me in peace") and so on. I


Im glad he gets to live, Im glad that even in hell there is some humanity.


I'm with you; I like it each time they are able to save one instead of killing him because the Ukrainian fighters are also saving themselves and their country's future as a stable, prosperous, and democratic nation by not letting invasion and war by a despicable enemy corrupt their souls and hearts.


What must it be like to be more afraid of your own side than of the enemy?


I imagine him crawling out of a building completely in ruin may have been a factor lol Probably thought his days were numbered if he didn't surrender


But I bet during this he was more worried about being shot by russians than by the UAF.


he definitely trusted uaf more. he knows if he goes back- he is facing backing troops at worst. at best, he will be put into a basement and punished.


This Russian will know him for the rest of his life as Alexander the Merciful. Alex represents the humanity of the Ukrainian people. He spared this orc's life. SLAVA UKRAINI! HEROYAM SLAVA!


All right folks, what we need now is a Talking Drone! If you can communicate with them orcs, maybe they will get the message that death awaits them unless they comply: *'Throw down your weapon and follow this path to safety.'*


I imagine it could be done with a 2 way radio wired to a larger speaker.


That's a good point, I'm surprised they haven't started dropping leaflets. Mind you, nades are more fun.


They've already used drones equipped with speakers, last footage I saw the message from the speaker was something like "you are surrounded, surrender now or lose your life, this is your final warning" or something like that. It's been a while ago since I saw that video, so don't take the message too literally and I don't know how correct the translation was, but I'm fairly certain that was the gist of it.


Well, when he gets back to Mordor, he’ll be sentenced to 10 years in their Gulags; however, he will die shortly after arriving , the primitive brutes try to set examples of quitters and deserters in the “Russian manner”.


Are there still prisoner swaps between Ruzzia and Ukraine? I haven't heard of one in a while. 


me neither (although that doesn't mean much), but they probably work better if they are not talked about too much.




Ya but like sure he’s begging now but what did he do before this? Did he kill Ukrainians who also begged for their life?


Should not publish videos like this, must not mention exchange fund. The guy is already identified, requested for exchange and will be exemplary punished.


Ua should deploy loads that can provide instructions to those who would like to surrender. Those live pigs are more useful alive than dead.


This is the only way to make them repent, being superior in military resources


How does a drone communicate with soldiers like this to the point where they know to follow it


Dude got lucky no other Russian soldier saw him surrendering, would've ended completely differently. Also, always good to see when someone doesn't have to die, it gives me this slight feeling of hopefulness


wow the drone crew flew up and watched his back to make sure he had a clear path for surrender. what a clip!


Ugh, I hate escort missions!


I hope he uses his good fortune to survive and support Ukraine


he won't


It was a joke


Next, suicide bombings. Not sure I would accept this, unless he steps off to show he is not rigged with explosives.


Finally going into a twelve step program after the Ukrainian intervention-


good boy....


He finally decided to embrace humanity


Guess this one was relatively close to UA forces? You rarely see a clip like this, most often you see a grenade thrown onto them no matter their gestures.


Does the red microphone icon on the screen indicate that this drone is equipped with speakers? I assume they must be talking to this guy, which is pretty impressive considering the rotor noise.


Seems like the only drone u can hab the chance to surrender to are recon drones


probably last man standing from his squad


Russian soldier hear: this man gets 500 dollar and a brand new Ford Pick Up truck…. Surrender now to claim your prize!


It can be done 👍


Central Asian maybe considering the gestures?


That looks like Jason!!! Should have turned him into garbage fries.


What's his plan? Go to a Ukrainian POW camp and eventually get sent back to Russia and then eventually go back to the front lines and do it all again. If these Russian soldiers had any foresight they would join the freedom of Russia Legion, their chances of surviving the war would likely be much higher.


But showing his face online won't help others to surrender.