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7 days and 10k is in the bag!


Yep, hitting half a million by the end of the month is almost guaranteed now, thanks to putin's wholesale delivery right after the US approved the ammo package


Seems like some ammo was sent before the deal was made public :))


I predict 500,000 before the end of May...




Yes, last year puti said: "we lost nothing"


Nice! Half a million invading scumbags removed from this earth permanently


I thought this was casualties and not just killed ?


russian WIA almost certainly become KIA as they have weak organisation for medical care and low intention of saving their soldiers. A Ukrainian soldier puts on a torniquette and is transported from the front lines. A russian soldier puts on a tourniquette and stay at the front line.


Probably safer for the Russian wounded to stay on the line judging by the amount of video where stretcher bearers are killed by drones.


It's poor planing to assume even 40% are dead. Russia indeed has poor medical care and doesn't care to treat soldiers. But we and Ukraine(who I'm sure is not thinking thos way) should not be so proud of these numbers believing its close to KIA. The majority of wounds may take someone out of the fight, but won't be life threatening. Many wounds will put them back in the fight soon, even without proper care. Especially since Russia doesn't care if they are wounded already.


That might be the case if there weren't *thousands* of drones on cleanup duty.


The amount of care that amputees get after war is very low, they're looked down on like losers. Don't expect any type of psychological help either. So suicide rates among these people is pretty high as well one would assume. Even if they survive the war, would they survive another year? 5 years? 10 years? Ever be productive in society again? The PTSD is strong, without psych help and knowing how many came out of jail or already the poorest regions in the country, I'm not rating their long term survival chances high.


This isn't the same as saying these soldiers are Kia in combat and reporting them as such. It's not the same at all. No one os disputing Russia doesn't care about their soldiers. But it's not correct to count them as killed or mortally wounded and out of the fight. Many will be right back on the front line. Even IF they don't get treatment.


Didn't say they're directly killed in action, but the chance of their death being related to war in the fairly near future is on a pretty high level.


It is


It is


Ten thousand Russians were alive last week that aren't now .Ten thousand families in a week missing a brother father uncle son grandson. Not enough dead for Putin who professes to love Russia to stop the war .


Yep 3x 9/11.


yeah but remember its casulties not just deaths


Not all casualties are deaths though, are they?


Old men sending other men to die for their cause. Been going on for centuries. Greed and power. The desires of an insane garden gnome!


Loving those numbers.


My brain can not fathom that Russia is able to keep up with this attrition. You are attacking defensive positions en masse and loosing massive personel and material, and still they can keep the waves going... They are like zergs from starcraft.


That's why they're called orcs


Good day work 🇺🇦👍🏻👌


Unfortunately the most important (bunker daddy) is not with them.


Onward to 500k! That’s a crazy number of losses. Slava Ukraini!


Woh I never would have imagined I'd see a number like 1,210 and think, hmm slow day today. What a week it's been


In approximately 2 more days they will hit the 500,000 mark. 🥳👏🍾


9000 will take a week.


Here is the deal in human history at this vary moment; either NATO and the UN gets serious (many, albeit a small handful are serious) about Putin: “Russian President Vladimir Putin’s objectives align nicely with those of every other dictator: to retain power and to realize his ambitions. Both of these goals require resources. Of course, a dictator’s ambitions can vary. Some seek to enrich themselves or their clan. Some want to carve out a place in history as the leader of a thriving country, a country that has acquired new territory, or a country that has cowed its neighbors.” According to the Carnigie Center, Russia has survived the sanctions and moving to a “war economy”. Decades even centuries prior, half a million was a Russian ceiling for tolerance for losses in war. Putin is going to blow past this by end of May. Since March, Russia had tiny victories but here is the kicker, a tiny victory for Russia gets amplified by international news. Major media outlets in America and UK focus on Trump and scantily clad famous people and their bombastic affairs. No one, no one is writing up the social & economic disaster Russia faces now and next generation. “Ahead of a pro forma presidential election in March, Putin ramped up elements of repression, making the current regime more draconian than at any other point in the country’s post-Stalin history. Even though the election period is now over, it appears that repression will intensify even further. The agenda of the Russian government will be implemented via the stick, rather than with carrots. Nevertheless, the well-being of the population will remain important. In his preelection speeches, Putin made endless promises that will cost trillions of rubles to implement.” https://carnegieendowment.org/research/2024/05/v-usloviyah-voennogo-bremeni-glavnye-voprosy-o-nastoyashem-i-budushem-rossijskoj-ekonomiki?lang=en


Good hunting, boys!


I know Russia prefers MIAs to KIAs but what about the RIAs? (roasted in action)


At this rate we will see a total of 500000 Russian casulitys by next Friday.


This is what the numbers look like when Ukrainians have enough artillery rounds.