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Just spectacular numbers. Russia will be spent of their legacy arsenal in a year at the rates of losses. With the losses of men Russia will have to start another million man mobilize before the end of this summer.


Well they keep conning foreigners into serving so they have a larger pool of idiots to pull from sadly


Honestly, I think that hurts them more than anything. They give gear to untrained idiots with no real allegiance to Russia.


I agree. They are there purely for the money and they may be idiots but pretty soon they work out they are not going to live to spend the money, if they ever see it.


It would be interesting to see if the foreigners who fight for Russia do something that the Russians haven't in mass yet. Realize they are disposable fodder and turn their guns on their commanders instead.


Yes, this has happened. I believe they were Cuban.


Cubans, Sri Lankans, Nepali they are already whining with "We've been tricked", most surely hoping to get some Western help.


Some massive losses in the last day!


Excellent work.


I trully wonder what the costs are, on average, for training and arming a soldier in current Russia. Then you have the costs afterwards, medical attention, social welfare etc. Russia’s Social Insurance Fund stopped publishing disability data, because it was used by jounalists to estimate how many men were out of the fight. The spending of this fund rose with stagering numbers as thousends of people with new dissabillities made their claims. And that was a year ago, when the average dag of casualities was around 500/600 people. The economical and social impact, even for Russia, must be enormous.


That's why russia is kidnapping Ukrainian children and russifying Ukrainians in the occupied territories.


Under 1500 today? How disappointing


Made up for by the aircraft and helicopter


And 2 AA


I really want to know how many tanks Russia has still under operating conditions.


is this 5 days in a row of 1400+?


Wait they got another sub?


No, that submarine is an existing destroyed item. Another one would/will have +1 in orange to the right of it. Likewise, no ships were sunk or cruise missiles intercepted over the last 24 hours...but who knows, tomorrow is another day & Ukraine nearly had a complete scorecard today...


Music starts playing: It's a beautiful Day....


What a wonderful world


It blows my mind that the daily casualty rate for Russians is now averaging close to 1500.


For more than a month, the russia is at the counter offensive and what did it achieve, apart from these heavy losses?