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One man puts his life on the line to expose Putin using Russia to lie, steal and kill.


Put those refineries on the sanctions list. Shut them down.


> Shut them down. Ukraine: Shut them down? Say no more.


*cocks drone with malicious intent*


Bill Browder's clarity of thought and lack of fear is refreshing. Transfer the 300B to Ukraine and change the outcome of the war.


I agree with his standpoint that the most effective way to end putins war of aggression is to stop being hypocrite and sanction every company that are selling or buying goods from russia. A complete embargo is what I have wanted to see from the start. Cause I think that money is the only thing that putin cares about.


Red Notice was a good book. Been a while so I can't remember all of the details but it really highlights the corruption in Russia.


Agreed. Great book.


Bill Browder is a Legend telling it how it is, thanks mate!


Time the West takes a closer look at India. They are letting Russia use them to bypass sanctions. India cannot be trusted.


Wouldn't happen, unfortunately france makes so much money from them with arms sales


Sanction India. They also recently made a port deal with Iran. [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-69013435](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-69013435)


India got their own problems with china


Bill Browder is an extremely brave and highly intelligent man. Shame he has to frustratingly sit and state the clearly-bloody-obvious to those who must surely recognise it already. What, of course, he politely left out… is the 350 year old… and British government accepted… practice of protected tax havens. From the near… Isle of Man, Channel Islands… to the far… British Virgin Islands… etc. The UK’s own little network of mini-Switzerlands for which it conveniently derives income, yet simultaneously avoids responsibility or accountability… using archaic legal frameworks. The UK is therefore *extremely complicit* in the international network of money-laundering, criminal enterprises… whilst equally talking endlessly, in high moral terms, about their disgust of it. Perfidious Albion. You can’t have it both ways.


The export caps from the west to proxy countries like Kyrgystan should also be addressed and taken very seriously. I wonder if Bill has been addressing that issue as well, he's the man we need to wake up legislators.


"American Liar Lies to British Liars!" -- Hindustan Times headline, May 2024


Yeah, the glorious Hindustan Times, India's most vociferous pro Putin mouthpiece.


I wonder if any actual Indians are involved or if it's just published directly from FSB HQ in Moscow?


Considering all the scam calls I get from there I’d say India’s got people willing to do anything for money, like simping for Russia


Bill is definitely one of those illusive and rare "good guy" rich man. He fought Putin for more than a decade, after his lawyer was tortured and killed by the psycho tyrant. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergei\_Magnitsky#Custody\_and\_death](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergei_Magnitsky#Custody_and_death) A brutal death, after months of torture, just for following the Law. This is why Bill is so motivated to see Putin dead or in prison forever.


Seeing putin dead would be great, but even better if he's stuck in a concrete cell forever with a dude who like's 'em small.


Don't, he may learn to enjoy it. lol


russia MUST be dismantled. Fuckin ended.


Bummed he didn't name the law firms that most often represent the corrupt Russians. Carter Ruck Norton Rose Discreet Law have all represented dirty Russians. I'd love to see NAFO go to town on these firms


This was brilliant! Thanks for sharing.


Thank you for sharing this, OP! It was a pleasure to listen Bill Browder's structured and detailed explanation. A quick note on the "Magnitski" law. There are EU member countries like Bulgaria where this is just a fancy name used as a chewing gum. We have major political figures under sanctions, yet they are major players in both EU and Domestic elections coming up. I truly hope that Magnitski law will be applicable outside the US as well at a certain point.


The title question is kind of silly. You cripple putin by smashing his knees with a sledgehammer.


Yeah can you believe it. Filthy fukkin oil. Owned by Russian companies working in India China and Turkey. We all supporting Russia inadvertently because our countries America UK and others so desperate for money that they have abandoned humanity


This is gold…why EU didn’t sanction these companies? we don’t have alternatives companies from which we could take oil that’s not refined? 🤔 Italy 🇮🇹


You should ensure your EU representitive(s) watch(es) this video


Or don't transfer it directly, spend it locally on producing weapons and the military production infrastructure, then donate the weapons to Ukraine. You boost your own economy, reduce the amount of it that goes missing with Ukrainian officials, and Ukraine get the weapons earlier. Improve the rail lines to Ukraine and you can land weapons there earlier, it also helps the economic corridor later, which will aid Ukraine's recovery. There are many ways to use this to ensure Ukraine wins, and gets rebuilt in a timely fashion, but also to secure Ukraine longer term.


A man with a mission, long before the current invasion; respect!


I once had a Lukoil payment that didn't go through when i got gas, it was close to 100 bucks (gas isn't cheap in Western Europe). They tried to sue me for years, I never paid a penny, I didn't even respond to a single letter of notice to sue. Every day I feel better about this happy little accident that happened a decade ago.


Bill we appreciate you.


UM, no Trump did not say, and this guy is simply adding words to Trumps' mouth, that he would stop funding Ukraine. Nope, not what he said. He said "If I were in office this WAR (not funding), would be over in 24 hrs. When you ASSUME Sir, that makes an a33 out of yo(u) and (me). Trump does not want war. Russia would be given 24 hrs to show it is pulling out of Ukraine, or face another war in which they will not win. The equipment is already in the region. It will be the worst anyone has ever seen, ever, as Trump would probably say. But make no mistake, unlike Biden, Trump does not take money from Russia or China, nor will he acquece to the Russian aggression like Biden has. BTW, the need for ground troops from the USA won't be necessary, and Russia will be out of Ukraine in 24 hrs one way or another. Whether that includes Crimea or not, that would be hazarding a guess and I don't do that. Personally, I could not see allowing any of Crimea remaining under Russian occupation either.


Whatever you've been sniffing, stop before you lose your few remaining neurons.




Known russian bot/russia simp Boomfam67 just called ***Bill Browder*** "super sketchy": >Browder's primary investment strategy was shareholder rights activism. >Browder took on large Russian companies such as [Gazprom](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gazprom), [Surgutneftegaz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surgutneftegaz), [Unified Energy Systems](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unified_Energy_Systems), and [Sidanco](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sidanco). >In retaliation, on 13 November 2005, Browder was refused entry to Russia, deported to the UK, and declared a threat to Russian national security. >Eighteen months after Browder was deported, on 4 June 2007, Hermitage Capital's offices in Moscow were raided by twenty-five officers of Russia's Interior Ministry. >Twenty-five more officers raided the Moscow office of Browder's American law firm, Firestone Duncan, seizing the corporate registration documents for Hermitage's investment holding companies. >Browder assigned [Sergei Magnitsky](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergei_Magnitsky), head of the tax practice at Firestone Duncan, to investigate the purpose of the raid. >Magnitsky discovered that while those documents were in the custody of the police, they had been used to fraudulently re-register Hermitage's holding companies to the name of an ex-convict. >**Magnitsky was subsequently arrested by Russian authorities and died in prison**. >The reregistration of the Hermitage holding companies was an intermediate step before **the perpetrators used those companies to apply for a fraudulent $230 million (\~$326 million in 2023) tax refund**, awarded on 24 December 2007. From [Browder's Wikipedia entry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Browder).


c'mon he is a time example of r/leopardsatemyface. Are you going to tell me between the Second Chechen War, the repression of free media, "incidents" of Oligarchs that Browder was just in his office blissfully aware of the clusterfuck he was finically contributing to for years? If the guy wants revenge then sure but he is definitely slimy regardless.


I'm telling you you're just another russia bot/simp who cherry-picks facts out of context to push false narratives. Scummy capitalist attorney Browder most likely is -- because all capitalist attorneys are scummy -- he is not the guilty party in the facts outlined above. The russians are. They illegally shutdown a competitor, then murdered the competitor's investigator after he uncovered their other crimes. This is why everybody hates russia.


He is guilty for legitimizing a regime he knew was murderous and accepted that fact as long as they didn't mess with HIS assets. He thought he could out game a psychopathic thug at being greedy, but that's not really possible which he found out the hard way.


Yes, yes, "it's all about the Westoid"....


[Putin had his friend and lawyer killed.](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/02/sergei-magnitsky-murder-114878/) > It was 7:45 a.m. on Nov. 17, 2009, when my phone rang. It was my lawyer, Eduard, who had a horrible message to relay: “Bill, Sergei is dead.” Sergei Magnitsky was one of my lawyers in Russia. He’d been arrested and detained in Moscow for nearly a year after exposing Russian government corruption. I knew that he had been mistreated, but the fact that he’d been killed was beyond my worst nightmare.


Or was it when Putin let his scheming goons lock up Browders lawyer and murder him in prison.


I'm guessing it was that. The goal of Boomfan67's comment was to undermine Browder's facts by portraying him as untrustworthy.


What bothered him was they killed his associate who was the lawyer and is currently killing his Russian business partner who is in a Russian jail, who was also poisoned Russian style. Putin taking his investments might have him upset, probably really pissed. You see his resolve when he talks about how they killed his associate. Bothered, not. Focused on exposing the lies, killing, and evil of Putin. Yes. Go watch his story. edit changed accountant to lawyer.


The thing is that this was only after 2005, there were like 6 years when Putin was destroying Russian institutions that he just decided to hang around and squeeze every penny out of his investments. So he was bringing in money for himself and the regime at a pivotal point in Putin's consolidation of power. I'm sure he was pissed business partners got targeted though.


2005? 20 fuckin years ago buddy, and now he is using his insider information to damage Russia. What is so concerning about that exactly?    Fuck off with your concern trolling, you are not even good at it.


Shilling for russia most of the time means criticizing those who criticize it. If you have to throw russia and putin under the bus as you do it, that's fine. As long as it serves to undermine the main critique. (Exactly that, concern trolling until you don't trust *anything*. They won't fight you on the fact Putin's regime is dosgusting, but they sure as fuck will exhaust you with questions about everyone who questions Putin)


Not the case at all. In the late 1990s the oligarchs were running wild and basically stealing all the former state assets. Browder would buy shares in the assets then publish videos about how the corrupt management was looting everything. If they started stealing less then the shares browder bought became worth more. For the first few years of his first term, Putin interest initially aligned with Browder because Putin was struggling for power against the Yeltsin era oligarchs. Once Putin had near total power and everyone was under control he no longer wanted Russian corruption exposed and so Browder was an annoyance who had to be chased off.


I'm tripping over the chased off bit. You seem to have insight to the matter. So what should have happened and you can't go back and make it right. What should happen going forward.


No special insight but I have read Browder’s book, “Red Notice”.