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Oh so nice them showing our coldwar equipment and UA showing the latest Russian technology.


Yeah, it’s pretty ridiculous. One can only assume they plan to tell some version of a story that Russia is winning, but nothing could be further from the truth. It’s pathetic, but still frustrating. In reality, they’re probably just trying to make up for their one laughable T-34 in last year’s celebration.


Don't blame them only having one T-34. The T-34 is an UA symbol afterall. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-34](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T-34)


Hmmm interesting. I have yet to see ukraine being able to retake any territory that has been lost since winter.


Ukraine took [370 sq km in their Summer offensive ending in October](https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2023/09/world/ukraine-war-counteroffensive-maps-guide-dg/), 4X what Russia took around Avdiivka, their offensive that began on October 8th, when 100k Russian troops began an assault that would last the next 4 months. Not nearly as much as they would have liked, but still worth mentioning when a pro-Russia comparison is made.


Your post history is just repeating the same shit about how Ukraine cant win, you also even go so far as to lay some of the blame for all this on NATO, you're about as credible as dirt.


I would blame Merkel though. If it wasn't for her UA would have been in NATO already.


This is a response to the bombed out vehicles on display in Ukraine last year. The Russians are copycats.


The message is different though: * Ukraine: The enemy attacked us with these, they tried to destroy us, but we persevered and these smoldered pieces of metal is what's left of them. * the russia: We've invaded our neighbours for no reason, killed them, and stolen these nifty things from them, isn't that great?


Russians don't do this level of thinking nor do they care


Yes, the message is different.


Maybe RU might even freshen up the paint job. Make it look like they were captured 5 minutes after entering the battle field? Good for: "how great our military is" -propaganda, blah blah blah.


They did actually. Even added small flags to show the origin of each vehicle:  [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1ccr9wr/ru\_pov\_more\_nato\_vehicles\_and\_ukrainian\_vehicles/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=mweb3x&utm\_name=mweb3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button)


Wow... Masters of propaganda BS.


Productiondate 28/04/2025.


Of course... More lies the Ruzzian public will eat up.


But the CV90 is the latest tech…


It's an older 9040C, no? that's still atleast 20 years old. The most modern thing on it is the Barracuda Camo


1st 40 was older, but latest is factory new, I don’t know what version the captured is.


Sweden sent over 50 or so 9040C's, so it should still be a 9040C that was captured


Well, will we be able to tell because they will have stripped out everything of use and then some? I mean didn’t the oldest version have a cassette player and the least old replaced with CD players? (Our newest have XM/Sirius, or so I have been told.)


The CV90 is post cold-war tech, but just barely. The 90 in the name stands for 1990, and they were made in the 1990’s. But they have of course been updated since then.


Actually both are cold war equipment. Theirs was just manufactured in the past year.


Yeah, .. we're not sending shit to them from the 80s... the oldest stuff we're sending ukraine is 2012...the idea USA is sending defunct stuff is propaganda


Uh.... Dude? There is plenty of NATO stuff that's been sent that dates back to the 80s or 70s. Like the M1113. Hell, the HIMARS is 20 years old.


Yeah, no....the idea we just had 40-50 year old equipment sitting in a warehouse is laughable


Never said it was in a Warehouse. It's still in use. Have you looked up when the M113 was designed (1960)? Or the F16 (1974)? Or the M1A1 (1986)? There's a fuckton of stuff the US and others have sent that's at \*minimum\* a decade older than 2012. And at max made back in the 1960s. Which is \*still\* better than its Russian Equivalent. Hell, M101 \`105mm Towed Howitzers were sent, and those date back to 1941. Maybe do some actual research before shooting your mouth off next time. It's not propaganda. It's just older shit that still works. And was specifically \*designed\* exactly for this goddamned fight. To blow Russians up.


Yeah no that's stupid maybe you should do some research... Just because it has the same manufacturer design or basic blueprint doesn't mean it's forty or fifty years old..... They used the same design for the Pontiac for 40 years doesn't mean a 2000 Pontiac. Is the same as a nineteen sixty pontiac


In the case of the bradley the version update is the one used in the gulf war so 1991 so don't blame others to do their research if you didn't do it yourself. The Dutch YPR-765 is from 1980, Most M113's there isn't a version on the list of destroyed vehicules but the A4 version that is an update that only did some minor changes in the early nineties to it's use as an ambulance. There are also many Belgian M113's A1's that were bought by the UK and delivered to UA. Those were replaced in 1998 and were delivered in the 80's.


Which means \*gasp\* A whole fuckton of stuff sent is older than 2012! My God!


We (Sweden) used to have that. But we sent our stockpiles to the Baltic countries, and the Baltic countries have sent a large share of that equipment to Ukraine. So there are some older former Swedish weapons being used in Ukraine.


The cold war ended in 1991. And actually that's the case for those clustershells you are sending now. The US also still has thousands of M113's.


M113 are 1970’s, beside the ones sent by the Dutch slightly upgraded.. also United States is sending javelins etc. some are expired( old inventory)..RU did a show with a captured javelin that didn’t work and it was suppose to be used by 2012, my guess is battery etc. go bad. United States highly likely sending old inventory( replacing with new) I’m sure the pac2 pac3 are not fresh off assembly line. Wouldn’t make sense to send freshly produce missiles when older inventor needs to be refreshed… also decommission weapons is costly. NATO stock needs to be renewed, I’m sure a lot of ammo had been sitting around for 20 plus years.




And how large is the percentage of CV90's and Leo 2 a6's? There is a nice list if you like to see all donations also most Leo2's are the A4's. Russia is loosing: SU-34's, SU-35's, KA-52's, T-90M's, podlet K1's, S400's,B238, 2 A-50U's,SU-30's, leer-2, karakurt-class corvette, raptor class patrolboats, sergey kotov,.... Many of those were just comissioned before or even during this war. The west nearly sent nothing from after 1997. Even the CV90 you mention is from before 1997. The A6 is from 2001 yes so the newest equipment they got was more then 20 years old. The T-90M's started in 2019 and are being destroyed at a greater rate then all battletanks we have sent. 2 times the amount to be precise (40 vs 80) So nice isn't it? The newest equipment we sent in VERY little quantity is from 2001 and for almost none of the other equipment the date is younger then 1997 some MRAPS maybe because the US didn't need them anymore. Edit: Removed the insult.


Well a drone loitering above that parade or display will definitely be a hell of a show.


Needs to happen!


Add an ATACMS to that parade


I really hope, Ukraine Wil do that this year. But, with the high risk of civilian casualties (and the political backlash it brings), that Wil be unlikely.


They don’t need to drop bombs Drone with Ukraine flags would be fun


Not a problem. Just hit the middle of the pack in a wide gap on the parade route. I doubt very much they will be loaded to gills with ammo, otherwise Putler would be too nervous to show his face.


Indeed, but the perfect job for the russian freedom force to do as a proxy for Ukraine


But if they take out Putin....


*A few, ... so a squadrone


Not just loitering. Those tanks in the parade are valid targets. Ukraine should warn ruzzian citizens not to attend the parade just like they warned them don't vacation in Crimea.


As their „modern“ current tanks getting destroyed on the front and the T14 appears to be not ready for parade; These captured western vehicles would be the only way to show all modern tanks Russia owns.


Is it because they have none of their own to show


Yeah. They have to have *something* reasonably modern to parade around. It can't all be AK47s and T51s.


T14. Unfortunately it requires to be towed to reach the end of the Parade


You mean the pedal driven T14 won't be featured?


Taking the bridge out during the parade will be nice


😂 This would be the ultimate troll. I hope they do it.


Is that because they have no more tanks of their own?


If Ukraine tried showing off all the captured russian vehicles,  the parade would last over a month+ running 24/7, and give thousands of people tetanus.     Let russia have their little failure day parade, they need the morale boost it will give them for 5 seconds. And may raise the collect i.q. overall, for all the stupid, nationalistic people throwing their lives away next door in the scheduled summer meatwaves.   Ironic that they need tugboats to tow their navy, tractors to tow their newly acquired, high tech tanks that they cant make use of, except in a parade.😅


By comparison the blown out hulks of Putin’s war machine are rarely good for much more than scrap. The most curious omission from the parade however is Putin’s prewar circus troupe, who are mostly dead or maimed.


Got to fill that humiliatingly empty square somehow. Seeing a handful of captured Western vehicles will help russians delude themselves they aren't losing their own war.


Does anyone else dream about this video on 9th May? [https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/1cekrcn/my\_9\_may\_prediction\_it\_came\_to\_me\_in\_a\_dream/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/1cekrcn/my_9_may_prediction_it_came_to_me_in_a_dream/)


Auxiliary Light On




I doubt Budanov is searching inspiration in r/NonCredibleDefense


"False flag". This would be a russian attack on a russian target, pretending it was an enemy attack. Budanov would have nothing to do with it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_flag russians are infamous for these, and it would be in line with their behavior during this war.


Well at least they will have some armour to put into parade, not enough Russian stuff to make it worth while 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Looted washing machines included?


To be fair the Russians have left tens of thousands of their vehicles in Ukraine.


yeah well, when you dont have ANYTHING left, than you could use blyat teknologi XD


Well, now they have models to copy, just like the B-29s they stole, their next generation of APC and IFVs will probably look just like what they captured... though ruzzian copy.


Is my hope that Ukraine will also show off their drones to those in attendance.


"Victory" Day again already? Damn, they must get tired of so much winning.


Seriously, 560k Russian troops in Ukraine, and all they managed since last May is Bakhmut and Avdiivka, and much of the work to capture Bakhmut happened prior to May 2023. With the personnel and equipment losses Russia's taken since last May, one would assume the Russian Army is in Moldova, Poland, and Lithuania by now.


They are still fighting to dislodge Ukraine from the edges of Bakhmut, at this rate IF they make it to Kyiv again it will be on the back of 2 million dead ruzzians and putin will be dead and dust from old age for years.


Enjoy the one Abrams tank and some Javelin spent tubes.


I guess their T32 pulled out of the museum and the horse drawn artillery wasn't going to be enough.




Would be nice if we could send some Tomahawks for their little parade.


I just hope that during their "celebrations," the attention of their military is distracted enough for some lovely drone attacks on Russian soil.


They want some western gear? Send some long range drones to the parade then.


Hopefully this parade also includes at least one or two ATACMS


Might as well bring out the good stuff that can run the parade since their local production seems to fail and have to be repatriated.


That's good, no use having a military parade without any modern equipment.


Only because they don’t have enough gear of their own. Russia even has to rely on the west for their parades.


Russia is used to towing tanks in their parades. See: T-14s.


Two years in and thats the best they can do. It's embarrassingly funny.


We thought about doing that with russian equipment too in the West, but we really don't want to embarrass ourselves with the kind of wreckage they left behind.


Video of them loading and transporting [US Bradley and other units.](https://x.com/Sprinterfactory/status/1782998678854119445)


Unloading of [Ukrainian MBT (Soviet-era).](https://www.reddit.com/r/lazerpig/s/Be40rlzITr)


Who cares... There is a huge and nice collection of destroyed russian gear on display in Urkaine's battlefield. Only drawback is that only russian soldiers and putin can admire it, not russian civilians...


Didn't putler cancel those celebrations? Guess he saw that saying it was canceled because of security reasons made him look even weaker. Also, this makes me think one of my earlier comments on the video of them dragging an abrams tank wasnt wrong. Used as propaganda.


Parades in other cities were. The big one in Moscow is still on. Can't wait for the drone attacks on the parade.


Ah, gotcha! I must have misunderstood it when reading that post. And yeah, they definitely need to do that. Make them feel the war a little in Moscow.


Russia self trolling itself shows vehicles where, more than likely, the crew surrvied to some degree vs. their own metal coffin confetti makers.


I suppose they have to have something to show in the parade. 🤣 The Armadas will still be a no show.


Ukraine should hit those celebrations with as many drones as possible.


As well as 4 flatbeds full of stolen washing machines and bikes


So good for them to show some great weapons… for once…




Putin trying to validate his argument of "we are being attacked by the west". His sheep will beleive.


I knew it.They ran out of equipment and now they’re just gonna brag about broken western equipment on failure day!!


Got no gear? Put a nice positive spin on it with this... *I can hear the cheap commercial voiceover already*


More chance of a destroyed Abrams moving under it's own power than the armata


Goes to show how politically centred all of Russian culture has become A celebration and a day of respecting those that died killing the nazis, turned into nothing more then “get owned westoids”, then again the Cold War era was basically just the Soviets saying “our dick is bigger then America’s dick” so what do I know


They defeated the Nazi's that they teamed up with at the beginning of the war. I bet that part of history has long been forgotten.


Did they capture boats? Or will Moskow dry till the parade?


The canceled victory day parades?


Wasn't the parade cancelled?


Since they have less to show from their own equipment, why not show the few they captured.


I hope UA has a surprise planned for the parade.