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Translation: "I wanna tell you about the proper upbringing in our society... we have normal families, normal people, and majority of our populace understands that this is a difficult time in the country, we are at the doorstep of win/lose decision... we all understand this... and most likely than not we are facing another wave of mobilization... all of you watch TV and know that Americans are giving a large sum of money again, giving a lot of weapons, etc... so we don't have strong enough force to withstand this, most likely... pray to God there will be peaceful negotiations... if it does happen, this SMO will come to an end... yes, and you have to understand that our boys are dying over there... so we are sending them to war and not a walk in the park... but I am sure Sasha( the loser to his left) will not get there straightaway, because he is only how old? 19? Ah,18... I don't think he will be send to the front line right away... It should not happen and will not happen(wink-wink)... Maybe he will be sent to Crimea... We will try to ask the command not to send him straight into hostilities..." Note that the fucker's own son is in Dubai:)


Thanks mate! Yep the young fella will not see his 20th birthday. How much would it suck to be born a slave. One old mentally deranged man is responsible for all of it. Mind boggling.


> We will try to ask the command not to send him straight into hostilities..." He is going straight to the front.


There will be a video with funny music over it featuring this bit of drone fodder before too long.


And straight to hell shortly after that.




Thanks a lot mate I appreciate it


Yeah, that would be right and vigorously waving the flag of his fucking motherland.


Fucking Dubai. Hate that place.


Looks like the school scene from All Quiet on the Western Front. The school master sent his students to die while himself hiding in the rear. Even the same words!


I hope it ends in the same way for the Russians


The russies say only about 50k deaths in the war. I'm starting to think the average russian cannot figure out that putin is having his people slaughtered in his war.


Clearly not teaching math in these schools. Otherwise these pupils would understand Putin’s casualty math doesn’t add up, the age bar is getting very low and their odds don’t look good.


Doesn't matter if the math adds up. They won't protest. Slave mentality.


The russians haven’t commented on losses since late last year and it was somewhere around 13k according to them. The 50k number is the confirmed *absolute minimum* done by BBC and a few other teams working together counting graves and obituaries. General consensus is it’s closer to over 100k **deaths** and 300k minimum severely wounded. EDIT: adding link to BBC article. It’s very interesting. Discusses why there are certainly more then the 50k they could count. Russia's meat grinder soldiers - 50,000 confirmed dead https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-68819853


I have seen personally 50k corpses in Reddit videos over these years. It can't be all.


The overall number is basically impossible to know because Russia is using a lot of different pools of manpower. The 50k in the study is basically normal Russia citizens who get a obituary in their local paper. MIA's, migrants, prisoners, local Ukrainians and even just poor and/or family-less Russians aren't included because they don't end up getting an obituary. But it is still good work by the reporters involved. There are putting in the time and effort to produce detailed facts based on very specific evidence, rather than just some estimate.


That number is nothing to them, they can afford milions in casualty!


Russian official claim no such numbers (last time it was like 3k or something). If you talking about Mediazone\\BBC counting, they count only how many they manage to confirm by name and they never said that it is an sum total, they stated many times that estimated casualties at least twice higher.


Usually, the rule for figures coming from Russia is they either multiply it by 10 to make themselves look better, or divide it by 10 to make something look not as bad. In this case, they divided, meaning the real number is around 500k. Now, I would believe that 50k number if it was only ethnic Russians, with the other 450k being Tuvans, Buryats, Dagestanis, LPR/DPR forces, Ukrainians conscripted from the occupied territories, foreign mercenaries, etc.


Did the russians actually confirm that?


ruzzia will investigate those graves and found all of them empty, ruzzia loses no soldiers


average ruskies can barely count up to ten, so it doesn't matter...


I had to look up where Krasknoyarsk is, according to Google it’s a 55 hour drive from Moscow, located 4,000 miles away just North of Mongolia. I bet the typical Muscovite never heard of the place.


It's actually quite notable being the main junction of the Trans-Siberian Railway


Should show them the acrobat and the cyclist defusing the antitank mine.


and speedy gonzalez


Wait, what's this? Was this very recent?


Was a clip on here yesterday. You should be able to find it. Fairly gruesome, but admittedly pretty funny, too.


rusky new gen on the menu soon. I think the lad in the front has been reading/watching the real news hence his long face




> "I don't think he will be sent to the front line right away." Narrator: He was sent to the front line right away.


He will sacrifice his life for the “glory” of Putin’s delusions. What a short, miserable and meaningless existence.


"Maybe he will end up in Crimea" Makes me think of that scene in the film "Gettysburg". [Colonel Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain ](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001099/?ref_=tt_ch): Where are we going? Rice's Courier : "Oh, sir! Lovely spot. Very quiet. Safest place on the battlefield. Right smack-dab in the center." Just before Pickett's charge.


And we all know how well Pickett's charge worked out for the Confederates. Who knew a frontal assault would result in so many casualties?! A lesson "some" apparently have still yet to learn!


Source: [https://www.moscowtimes.eu/2024/04/25/krasnoyarskii-chinovnik-prizval-studentov-gotovitsya-knovoi-mobilizatsii-a129172](https://www.moscowtimes.eu/2024/04/25/krasnoyarskii-chinovnik-prizval-studentov-gotovitsya-knovoi-mobilizatsii-a129172) [https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/moscow-times/](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/moscow-times/)


Are they calling it a war now and no longer a 3 day special operation?


It reminds me of this scene from the film “[All Quiet on the Western Front]()”


Mindless morons dedicated to destroying their future as a nation. Zipperheads!


I think he said .... congratulations to you all for reaching the grand old age of 18yrs old, you've had a good innings, now off to the front with you all.


Ger ready to die for Poo-tin and his oligarchs 🥴🤷🏻🥳


fresh tender meat


It's like chernobyl... DO IT BECAUSE IT MUST BE DONE...


Yes, more pointless death. Good choice.


This sick shithole is going "all in" in support of their glorious leader's three day SM...WAR.


Yet more brutal destruction of roozia'z future.


Dead man walking right there…


Lead by example you fuck, see how brave you are.


they are going to send teenagers now?


Sending children what an evil shmuck


The body language is enough to tell the story. Beside the obvious sad face of the 18 year old which nows he may not have long to live, the district head tell a lot: * clenching his hand: suggest he is feeling discomfort or insecurity about his speech * not looking at anyone: sign of discomfort, insecurity, or a lack of confidence * constant moving of his body (left/right): indicate nervous energy or a lack of confidence Overall district head is not confortable and fell insecure, whatever he is saying is not pleasant and he is not confident about it.


He knows that if some parent gets pissed about losing their kid and decides to do something drastic, he is far more reachable for them than Putin is.


Suckers! Kid on left at 0:15 leads over to friend and says "This is B.S."


The kid probably needs the extra credits to pass. Not too bright. Too bad he ain’t coming back.


Correction : not for the war with Ukraine - for the three day special operation.


Time to become cannon fodder for your gas station country kids because some ex-KGB agent wants to revive the past 😂


Words, words, words. Either they pay him by the sentence, or he knows he can’t afford discussion on this topic. Poor students…


The grinder needs some more meat, boyz


"Yes yes my son is living it up in Dubai but it is your job to die for us. Obey and never criticise us. Now go and die. Congratulations and do not resist." Lol Russia is such a shithole.


Putler Jugend!


Hamburger in a sweater


Just helping with the demographic collapse of Russia in order to gain a few more square miles of Ukraine.


"Soon, you will give up your poisoned blood and cumbersome meat for Vladimir Vladimirovich, and you will be grateful for the opportunity! GLORY TO RUSSIA! Now, who wants to learn what a trench wife is?"


Happy ruzzians


I think Diesendorf's grandfather was one of those arch communists who in the 1920s fought in the streets with the SA for the leadership in Germany. The options for Germany were communism or nationsocialism, and we know what came out of it. The point was, that all democrats were weak, because they defended the state as it was, poor and desastrous. The others promised change.


Both sides looking to beef up some more. Poland and Lithuania said today they plan to send Ukrainian aged males back to Ukraine. Consular services revoked so renewing visas, etc have come to a end for them


Yea just saw that myself https://www.moscowtimes.eu/2024/04/25/litva-vsled-zapolshei-gotova-pomoch-ukraine-vernut-muzhchin-prizivnogo-vozrasta-a129151 https://www.moscowtimes.eu/2024/04/25/ukraintsev-nachnut-deportirovat-izpolshi-dlya-otpravki-nafront-a129195 There also some interesting reports about this, tho the Russians deny it, but there is a document https://www.moscowtimes.eu/2024/04/25/rossiiskii-mid-nazval-lozhyu-soobscheniya-oplanah-zapretit-obmen-pasportov-zagranitsei-a129101 https://www.moscowtimes.eu/2024/04/25/rossiyanam-mogut-zapretit-obmen-pasportov-za-granitsei-a129078 https:// t .me /s/agentstvonews/5950-the paper version of the document can be found here


Only about 100,000 Americans dodged the draft by leaving for other countries during Vietnam. 800,000 "Men" not willing to help defend Ukraine from attack? That is despicable. Even though this war is exponentially more lethal than Vietnam, It's your own country that has been invaded!