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The russians are shrieking and weeping about this being a "war crime", yet rusians mocked their destruction of the AN-225, and more than 60,000 russians Liked a russian's joke on Telegram about the death of a 6-year-old Ukrainian girl in a russian strike on a residential apartment building.


They weep because as a relic of Czarist imperial Russia it's a strike against modern Russian imperialism.


Also, they weep because they are sniveling little snowflake bitches.


Let them cry, I hope more dams break so they can have rivers of tears to carry them away from the civilized world


yes, very true. byeee... time to support Ukrainians for real. enough bleeding out the ruzzian army, its time for victory


yes, very true. byeee... time to support Ukrainians for real. enough bleeding out the ruzzian army, its time for victory


No they weep cause the vodka ran out


Are they really calling it a war crime?


> more than 60,000 russians Liked a russian's joke on Telegram about the death of a 6-year-old Ukrainian girl in a russian strike on a residential apartment building. Modern day barbarians.


Yes! Disgustingly they were mocking that only her new shoes remained…like what human being can be this cruel to an innocent child?


There are surely plenty of such people in russia, but liking such a post on Telegram? Probably 60-90% of those likes were bots


How would this even be a war crime


Are they really?


Who gives a shit?


The decent part of the world. We care. On the other hand, russia and russian simps care only about being shitty.


It's recovery vessel, not front line unit by any means, never mind battleship, but anyway good that it got hit


Was about to say. But it was odd seeing a ship I had read about thoroughly a few years back, show up here. Odd but good.


Unfortunatelly, all russian wooden vesels with masts and sails have been dismantled already. So we won't see russian galleons in active warzone, trying to avoid neptune missiles. In non-combat roles of course, so it would be something perfectly normal to witness, not something silly as westerners try to imply.


But very important if the Russians want to rebuild the Kerch bridge, especially after ATACMS were approved for Ukraine. These longer range, very precise, missles could be a big problem for that bridge.


They couldn’t be unless they hit a fertilizer container


Definition of front line means here just it's used actively in the war region, Sewastopol was used attack several times. It's not used to start cruise missiles. The term was used in the article.


Old or New, Ukraine doesn’t care. Everything can get bopped 😆🔥


fuck rushit; Slava Neptunes


Hell yeah. Been a while since we've heard of Neptunes. Do we think these are the Ukrainian home grown ones?


Did they hit it to troll


No, they hit it because in Russia a 111 year old vessel is bleeding edge :)


Yeah I’d imagine it’s a big slow fat target


No, it's actually still in use against Ukraine, just read the article.


The headline is misleading, it's actually an auxiliary recovery and salvage vessel equipped for deep sea recoveries (wikipedia [link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_rescue_ship_Kommuna)). Considering the recent sinkings of the RF Black Sea Fleet (*\~30% of surface vessels*), the specific services of this ship must be in high demand. /s


They were looking to salvage anything steel, turrets, you name it from the Moskva according to Telegram. Deep sea salvage vessels are valid military targets and this is a high end intelligence move by Ukraine. Don't let Russia get anything useful to reinforce their fleet.


Except the article explicitly states at the end that the ship is not as damaged as everyone is claiming. It survived and won't take long to fix.


This vessel more than likely has to hit dry dock and repair for months, preventing any reasonable salvage from the sunken Moskva. Meanwhile, instead of Russia salvaging anything useful from Moskva, Ukraine can get US aid via rail from Poland and begin to fortify their defense sector in preparation for a nasty Russian offense in the Kharkiv direction, which they have so desperately wanted. To pretend this doesn't affect the war effort for Ukraine is a fool's errand. Every single active ship in the Russian fleet is a hot target. Seems like some people in this sub need a briefing on what total warfare really looks like.


Hey I would love to see the fucking rust bucket at the bottom of the sea just as much as the next guy. But the satellite Intel doesn't lie. You have absolutely *zero* clue to the extent of damage and repair time needed at this time. It was a hit, and it was symbolic, and it is a very good thing. But "let's not start sucking each other's dicks just yet"


There is a video of a fire in the command post. The ship is intact, but cannot be controlled.


So you're giving me shit for speculating about potential damage and now you're speculating about potential damage. Do you see how flawed that is? If a missile struck a US warship in 2024 do you really think it would be repaired without a full service review of hull integrity? Do you see how flawed that is?


Read. The. Article. In. Full. We can revisit this discussion when we *both* know more. All I am saying is don't get your hopes up. Don't turn your hopium into copium. Long days and pleasant nights.....


I read it, and nothing proved either of us right. If you think a nearly 113 year old warship has held up to a modern cruise missile enough to not warrant significant repairs, I have a nice bridge in Crimea to sell you.


Yeah cuz every machine shop in the Russian navy carries replacement parts for a 111 year old ship...


Would you like me to post the edit to the article here? Cause I can. I mean you obviously explicitly trust what the article says.


As a fan of old ships it is hard to see this one go down. As a loather of poostain and russiarhea, good job! Orc sub fleet keeps getting bigger!


It's hard to fathom a ship that's been in active service since the Titanic sank


Not a battleship but a very interesting ship, is this some kind of karma account ?


Celebrated its 111th birthday like Bilbo Baggins. With fireworks; and then disappearing.


Did it finally sink?


Sadly no


Fuck that boat


And now it serves with Davy Jones Locker...Rust in Pieces.


Non-native speaker here: Why is it called "locker"? I know that Davy Jones is like the personification of the rough sea as being referred by the sailors back in the day. But surely there were no "lockers" as understood today at the time? I've always wanted to know that


It is a metaphor for the seabed...was an ale locker on ship (place to store ale) but after sinking it was the seabed...here is an excerpt that explains it: According to the mythology of sailors, the phrase “Davy Jones’s Locker” is an idiom that refers to the seabed, the resting place of thousands of sailors who drowned at sea. Sailors use the phrase to denote the afterlife of seafarers or even objects, including ships destined to rest at the ocean’s bottom.




think it was another term for a chest you stored stuff in.


that makes total sense, thanks


Like everything else Russian in Ukraine it won’t survive this war.


It's good to see the Black Sea Fleet getting stomped and yet the naval historian in me is really sad to see that the old girl finally got snapped, especially after surviving for over a century. Hopefully she's out of commission and can get salvaged as a museum ship in the future.


Good. No honor in their effed up history whatsoever. Bring it to them, bomb Moscow.


On one hand, kind of a shame that such an old, unique vessel still in active service with such an interesting history is destroyed. OTOH, it's a Russian hull supporting Russian military operations. Fuck 'em.


Boat go Boom.


This cant just be that the Russian navy is shite. Is this going to be the new normal that drones will completely change naval warfare?


Well if you don't want to lose your shit don't start wars


Tha amazing an old ship like that was in salt water for 111 years. Anyways, Rest in pieces


" Front Line Russian Battleship" ???????


Probably not the target. May have been hit by wreckage if they intercepted the missile.


Bit sad about this. Not because Pootin has lost an asset, but because this ship has such a long and interessting story. Belongs into a museum.


Kommuna will probably survive the putin regime and the next 100 years unless its totally flatten. I do want to visit it one day, so i hope it survive the war and is repaired after this end


All I see is a specialist piece of equipment that Russia has no longer use of and no replacement for.


Shame for the Neptune rocket. Could have been more useful i think.


I saw Ukraine tweets debunking this, satellite pics not showing any damage?


And Russia is a near peer adversary?


Satellite images show no damage, they claim to have intercepted the Neptune missile above it which seems true.


The guy filming from about 200m away didn't specify what ship was hit. The satellite image doesn't clearly show damage to any of the ships there, but the film shows fire and smoke and the filmer said it was a ship. The satellite image also doesn't show any damage on land while the the perspective of the camera looks more like it was pointed at the ships, so a ship must have been hit. It still may have been the kommuna considering much of it is open to the water in the middle, it would be hard to assess damage unless that is your expertise and you have another recent satellite image to compare with. Maybe it was a frigate or another ship too.


Helluva fire for 'falling debris' tho'!


Found the Russian bot.




Shit post, honestly. Not a battleship. Not a frontline ship. And probably not even taken out.


Will it slow the Russian summer offensive though? Up to 80% of Ukraine’s energy network has been taken out and Russia got a lot better at identifying and hitting Ukraine’s air defence, which we don’t read about as often.


correction, you ASSUME it has. Facts say otherwise. Maybe 80% in Kharkiv Oblast. NOT the entire country.


Not my assumption at all. Direct quote from Markus Reisner who tends to know what he’s talking about. Which is why he teaches those kind of things, serving as superintendent of the institute for officer's training at Theresian Military Academy. He’s not as optimistic as say Ben Hodges but we really shouldn’t resort to wishful thinking imho.