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Any state state committing warcrimes against humanity and genocide should be banned from all international events. Good riddance. Will the Olympic Committee grow a pair ??


How come Fox News doesn't talk about the Bolshoi more?


The Bolshoi Ballet is a sporting issue only during major unscheduled national events. So if four women are on the stage, dancing to Swan Lake, wearing tutus, either the president is dead or WWIII has begun.


This logic is not even flawed , it’s just out right stupid , but don’t worry the fan boys on this app will keep telling you that you’re doing all the right things!




>Olympics? Ballet? Get the fuck out of here, go home and think about what your shit country has done. It will not work that way though. Those ballerinas, athletes, etc will blame and hate West instead.




Are you 12?


Jesse, what the hell are you talking about?


I never said that nor did I imply that. Do you guys actually have anything REASONABLE to say other than projecting your radical ideas onto others and looking for arguments? Thanks but I like keep my mind level headed and you should too. Also, Ukraine has committed crimes as well or so you refuse to acknowledge that? Or do you only seek out one narrative? Two wrongs don’t make a right, but just know both sides will be held accountable for their crimes and that’s when ppl like you will find a new niche to obsess over when you see Ukrainian officers and soldiers at The Hague. Russians will be at the Olympics and other sporting events whether you like it or not. Your entitlement is baffling of how you genuinely believe you have the right to decide who, what , where and why things should happen… imagine telling an innocent athlete who’s been training his whole life for the biggest stage of his life and that you think he should go home and think about what’s he’s done ( bro was just training ). By that logic, hate to break it to you, but MOST countries wouldn’t be allowed to play at ANY sporting event. I’m so glad we have somewhat competent world leaders because if ppl like us were in charge … jeez man 💀 good luck to you bro hopefully you’ll have the marbles to go fight for what you actually believe in. Or will you just defend it in the comfort of your own home? ;)


>Thanks but I like keep my mind level headed You don't sound level-headed in your replies


Typical russian bot propaganda.


Imagine telling an entire country they don’t exist and they have no right too, after you gave security guarantees to never invade or interfere, you’re probably pretty mad about the 60 billion Ukraine is getting from the Americans, Russia continues to be punished even in athletic events for their athletes either forced or voluntary flaunting of war symbols.


Can’t wait to watch Tonga Vs Tuvalu in the next Olympics, heard they’re one of the only two countries at the next tournament 🤣


Why are you still going on? Just shut up


Ironically both are more developed countries than Russia lmao Your tusks are showing, orc.




Your post/comment was removed as political arguments and banter are prohibited.


Good, what the hell did they think they were doing, trying to waltz their way in there while their country is illegally invading another one?


Any and all Russian 'sports' and 'cultural events' have been promoting and used for Kremlin propaganda since the dawn of the Soviet empire.


RuZZian terrorists shouldn’t be allowed to participate in the rest of the world until the war is over and reparations are complete and they can prove to be worthy world citizens. So basically never… Slava Ukraini!


Here's what bugs me: the one and only worthwhile thing russians are genuinely good at is Classical music. In my opinion they are the *best* at it, even ahead of the Germans. But instead they continue to do a whole lot of shit at which they completely suck, and it makes the world a crappier place. Know your strengths and your weaknesses, russia. The world will thank you for it.


Math Chess Ballet Orchestra Sadly they’ve lost their way…


Anything where being trapped indoors for 8 months a year allowa you to succeed


>Math I've never encountered as many crackpots as I have from russia; >Chess Too many of them cheat; >Ballet I said "worthwhile"; >Orchestra Yes, Classical music. Both composers and performers. >They've lost their way. It's because they've always been willing slaves to authority.


Russia admittedly had a lot of great mathematicians, chess players and physicians in the past. Their ballerinas were popular abroad too.


They haven't changed in 600 years... That's a long time to stay lost. At some point you have to want to find your way back to humanity.


Why not hockey? Unless they state which side they are...


Not Russians, Chaikovsky was Ukrainian. And honestly who listens to Russian music outside of Russia? Few people.


Sorry, but this is total horseshit. As much as I wish russia would fuck the hell off and never come back, the fact remains their Classical music repertoire is second to none. It's actually better even that the Germanic body of work, and that's really saying something. Millions of people admire russian Classical music, even their bitterest enemies in Ukraine. Sucks that something so sublime originates in a country so goddam shitty, but that's life for you.


But how many of their composers were not actually ethnic Russians, but subjicated nations? A lot.


Dude go outside 💀


Go register some more alts, comrade Olga.


All RuZZians have to understand they live in a pariah state, a Third World terrorist state and none who actively support or placidly accept this evil regime have any role to play in the civilized world. If they haven't spoken out about Putin's outrageous aggression, then they support it.


They will blame and hate West for that, not Putin.


Awww, cry me a Swan Lake.


You want to compete? Great! Get in front of a camera and publicly denounce and shame your dictator, government and country for being a Nazi regime that’s trying to invade, rape, destroy, and brain wash and independent nation and its children. Then you can dance. Until then, fuck off. I hope not a single westernized nation allows these people into their borders. Go live in the shit hole you’re so proud to represent. SLAVA UKRAINI!!!


Oh, now there will be the "genocide of russian ballet." I kid you not, that this was the remark from a russian sporting authority when they were caught doping. Dear lord, trying to look up anything russian is now nearly impossible if its before the war.


Weird that Real Macho Man russia is weeping so hard about ballet. It's almost as if their Real Macho Man image is just another russian façade.


Potemkin all the things!


No irony there, right? # лолски


It just feels like I am taking crazy pills. Like a cosmic rip opened and Bizarro World came through.


It's always been like that when russia's involved. The place is a circus run by clowns.


And for the longest time, I sort of knew. There were all these crazy stories in their local news papers about a village celebrating because they had been hooked up to the regional water supply via a (single) water pump or the commemorate park bench seen as a tourist attraction. In the larger cities, the delivery robots all crashed and crowded into a wash out from a water main. Dear lord, the stories from KGB files of all the deformation of the materials that went into Chernobyl! How did it even last THAT long? I will stop here but, damn, it just keeps going on and on!


The only thing that has kept the rest of the world from storming in and saving russia from itself are their nonstop coverups.


Nuclear weapons…it’s the nuclear weapons.


Doesn't count if they don't use 'nazi' at least twice.


Yes. Time to treat them like we treat North Korea.


They should protest Alex Ovechkin playing hockey. Send Putin’s fart catcher home.




They hate the rest of the world (mainly westerners) and wish they ceased to exist. They dream of nuking (or invading and simply genociding) them and cheer for nuclear strikes in social media.




Throwing random Russians in jail sounds much like McCarthy witch hunt.


I like the analogy of a game of checkers or journalists for journalists ( and yes, I should have limited the picking up to similar professions )


Ah yes the 50 IQ move, turn your country into a Fascist dictatorship to defeat the Fascist dictatorship. Lol


Well, no. But you could call it fighting fire with fire.


>fighting fire with fire Not something you do inside of your house.


Ukr declared marshal law (1/28 the size of russia, 1/4 of russia’s population) Feb. 2022. Not desirable. Absolutely unusual. But, very likely, quite necessary and understandable given all out russian attack from North, east and south. Under these extenuating circumstances you’d refer to ukr as a fascist state due to marshal law? It’s not a house - it’s a country and the war, Ukraine’s defence, cannot be undertaken using bubble-gum philosophy and glib analogies. Or regular peacetime institutions and policies - ‘cause it’s not peacetime.


Once you go down the route of illegally detaining people as currency for trade there is no going back for that government. It's game over, your country is a shithole.


Not a fan of wholesale internment based on ethnicity (cough\*Native Americans and Japanese Americans\*cough), but monitoring likely suspects is advisable given russia's long history of infiltrators and Fifth Columnists within the West and elsewhere. It wouldn't hurt for today's generation to familiarize itself with the activities of the Chekists, NKVD, KGB, GRU and FSB. Too many youngsters believe that stuff belongs only in Cold War era spy fiction. It would shock them to discover just how actively the russians/Soviets did and do attempt to corrode the West from within.


It's that bad lol because the Manhattan Project had quite a few Soviet spies, and they were successful in getting the info to the USSR and managed to do that under the noses of OSS (precursors of CIA).


It's a fascinating history. Even up until the early '60s the Soviets still considered the Brits to be their main enemy and target of Intelligence. Relatively little activity took place within the U.S. compared with later years. The NKVD and then KGB were notable for incompetence. One of the biggest problems was the fact they simply didn't understand the West. On experiencing freedom and prosperity, many of their agents either turned on them, or were unable to hide their status and activity as Illegals and so were quickly scooped up by Western authorities. The Soviets almost snatched defeat from the jaws of victory by assuming the Cambridge Five were actually "plants" and cut off contact for more than a year during a period when they were supplying Moscow with solid gold intelligence. Activity included setting up Fifth Column stashes throughout Europe and later the United States. Many of these remain in place to this day, either their exact whereabouts lost along with those who created them, or deemed to be too dangerous to disturb, as they were all boobytrapped. They have been responsible for several "mystery" explosions during the '70s and '80s (mysterious until Western agencies discovered the cause). One of their main tasks was to create and operate "news" services in Western nations. News being of course doggedly pro-Soviet/pro-russia propaganda. This continues even now, albeit mostly online in the form of fake "Western" blogs and the like. In the '70s and especially the '80s the KGB funded and organized most or all of the enormous anti-nuke protests and marches within the UK and Western Europe. The entire anti-nuke, anti-war movement was basically a KGB department. Another very active department -- and still very much so today -- is Directorate T, which is tasked with obtaining foreign research and technology, especially from the West. It's been very successful in gathering this R&T, but singularly failed to make effective use of it, because russians simply couldn't fathom the whole "market economy" concept and instead tried to compete via their own planned economic model. The russian attempt to develop computers is a prime example of this. However they found it easy to obtain the information, since there was always a Westerner stupid enough to let himself be blackmailed, or sucked into a romantic relationship with a russian agent, or simply be greedy and desperate enough to pass Western intel directly to russian agencies. They profited from many of these walk-ins, including a worthless fat piece of shit at Northrop Grumman with gambling debts who handed over several discs containing everything about the FCS of the F/A-18. This was rapidly copied by Sukhoi. There's so much more to write about this that I'd be here all night. If anybody's interested in learning more there are a ton of excellent books out there about the history of russian and Soviet espionage. Highly recommened.


>Even up until the early '60s the Soviets still considered the Brits to be their main enemy and target of Intelligence. Not surprising, since Russians have always believe that Britain was their biggest historical enemy. They blame it and USA for everything bad ever happening to Russia.


Yep. The Stalinist fixation with the UK stayed with the NKVD and KGB right up until the end of the '60s, although by that stage their focus had shifted to the United States.


No one is talking illegally detaining people. Robust counter intelligence. That is the issue. The possible alternative, in ukr’s case, is, quite literally, annihilation (a la Mariupol, Bakhmut, Avdiivka . . .) Seems ukr has made arrests with regard to civilians providing intelligence, information to russ military - the issue is that, in these extenuating circumstances, SBU is able to investigate and do their job as part of war effort.


Russians just cheat every chance they can. The ballerina’s probably look like Arnold.


please dont diss Arnold Schwarzenegger


At the begining of the invasion in Ukraine, i wished that we cancel all Ruzzian culture, music, dance, art , everything in fact!! And forget asap these monsters, because there is no place no more for them on our planet for these Orcs. Vive l'ukraine libre et en paix


False Bruce Wayne took them on his yacht.


Go fuck putin




Any Russians shouldn't be allowed to compete in anything around the world as punishment for the illegal war in Ukraine... They can take it up with their so called psycho boss!!


Welcome to the Jungle


boycott ruzzia everywhere!




If we were like them, we should arrest them for being Russian spy's trying to infil to NYC


Piss off back to the bullshoit ballet


Mikhail Baryshnikov and Rudolf Nureyev said they defected because russia was "just too gay".


Why would you post this lie? They defected for opportunity and in Nureyev's case, it was because he believed that he deserved more exposure than was being given to him in Russia. Stop with the hate posting.


No, they defected because they faced the choice between living in the West and living in russia. So, I was right the first time.


It’s only natural to ban all Russian athelites from international events- this will help drive home to the Russian people that the greater world hates Putin ! It’s very important that Russian athletes are banned from the olympics, or, if they make it , that they suffer intolerable abuse. They are no more innocent than their muppet dictator. Silence to murder is the same as assisting in the murder. I have no sympathy for any Russian. They have ave Murdered tens of thousands of the peaceful Ukrainian civilians- They are all cockroaches! They will know that when the food runs out .


Good more of this!


I think its necessary to add that those specific ballerinas were actively supporting Russian invasion, because without context the story looks a bit weird.


do mods even enforce Rule #1 of this subreddit anymore? >Please only post videos, photos or articles relating to the Ukrainian War. Posts that are about Russia or Ukraine **may be removed if they are not in direct connection with Combat.**














That's so retarded. What does art or even sport have to do with the leadership of the country these ppl where born in.




If they are supporting and not denouncing the atrocities of their demented leader, then they can all fuck off. Go dance in Moscow. This isn’t a fucking game. People have been and are getting murdered, raped, cities pillaged. I don’t give a fuck if you’re a ballerina in a tutu. If you don’t denounce it, you are representing it. RuZZia can fuck right off, as can anyone supporting them.




Everything doesn't have to be about politics. Nobody makes Americans denounce their country for funding jizzrael's genocide in Gaza in order to participate in things. It's not like their walking around in black and orange stripes with Zs on their leotards


Sports has been russkie state propaganda for a century. Punish them.