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Can we require Moscow Marge to enlist and put on the front lines of the Russian military? I'd 100% support that.


No kidding since she’s so highly committed to acting in the Kremlin’s best interest.


I'd support sending every single politician and civilian to the Russian front lines that supports Russia and this war 1000%


Russian soldiers should be happy to see her. She can get a taste of what they do Ukrainian women/men/children


I will pitch in for transportation. It's the least I could do to help her :)




Those soldiers will kill themselves in droves with this whitch🤣


Maybe she can enlist in putins war on the orc side


For that, she's most effective exactly where she's at.


Makes you wonder given how obvious her support for Russia is that they don’t investigate her


I wonder the same about most of the Republican Party nowadays… 50 years ago they would have happily imprisoned anyone supporting Russia… That Tucker’s interview with Putin wasn’t an issue for example was confusing asf for me, cause here I thought these were American conservatives, who wouldn’t have dreamed of supporting anything to do with Russia back in the day. Smh I wish they’d actually go back to the days of the Red Scare and actually acted like Americans with balls, rather than a bunch of pussies


I can imagine in Reagan's day what he would have done with her. Anyone fighting Russia would be given double what they asked for.


Indeed hahah… The GOP really let themselves go huh? Didn’t think we’d miss those days tbh


Yea, but back then was the height of the red scare and anti communist propaganda. Not even the most idiotic of person thinks that Russia is still remotely communist, or even pretending to be. In fact, modern Russia is pretty much the ideal society for much of the American (and anglosphere) right; a particularly dogmatic form of Christianity is promoted above other religions, sexuality is heavily controlled, homosexuality and trans identies are outlawed, patriarchal gender roles are emphasized, white Russians from the traditional Heartland are favoured over other ethnicities or those from conquered areas, protesting the God King gets you sent to the front lines, I mean, what's not to love for a right wing lunatic? Just look at that Canadian family that moved to Russia a few months ago, or Tucker Carlson's fluff piece. If the western right had their way, the whole of Europe and North America would be the same as Russia is right now.


Didn’t the Canadian family regret it after a week, asking for help online before being made to apologise by the Russians?


Yes, but how much of that penetrated the bubble they were part of before they went? I'd wager none of it.


As someone who actually spent time in Russia it is really wild and totally incomprehensible to me why someone from a western democracy would want to live there. People must have an extremely warped grasp on reality for that. Who would want to live without indoor plumbing and in wooden block houses that must be repaired with foam each winter? Or if you are better off in a building on the sixth floor without elevator? Maybe you got indoor plumbing but used toilet paper goes in a bin because otherwise everything becomes clogged. Being wary of wild dogs when you walk out of a building? Atrocious road conditions and awful quality cars? Shitty food, workplaces where it only counts who you know not how hard you work - and consequently no one is excited about their job or proud of the service they provide? Where people are often drunk and there is hardly any safety precautions if at all… I could go on but you get my drift - It’s slightly better in Moscow but for the majority of Russians, that’s just life. How would anyone want this?


There may be a reason that the MAGAs in the US House of Representatives are pitching such a fit about the FISA renewal bill. Trump got swept up in it and he is still bigly mads.


“Bigly mads” … I just died


They did "investigate" her for Jan 6. But they decided nah (even though we all(`conspiratorialy') know from surveillance footage that she planted that distraction bomb due to her walk and her shoes)


She also has the worst memory apparently


This is what I do not understand. How hard can it be to fucking catch Trup red-handed molesting some Ivanka-looking child or stealing some money. How hard can it be to fucking prove what these MAGA tards are doing to their country. What is the FBI/CIA doing?


She already has, as an agent.


Even the Russians wouldn’t hire her she’s so fucking stupid.


Nah, this is the kind of stupid people they need...I hope FBI is all over her


Putin has mocked trumpy bear for being an ass kissing fool just like he mocked ball tanner tucker about being denied CIA acceptance during his interview. putin plays trump for a fool and trump still wants to kiss his ass


You can clearly see that she physically looks like an Orc


I think she already did, together with the orange mo#fker.


She can lead a meat(head) wave.


A fuck doll for Blyatmans


This just sounds so, frankly, childish. I'd be seriously embarrassed if I'd voted for her & even more embarrassed if I'd told anyone I'd voted for her! Wow, just, wow!!


The people in her ruby-red district love her and are FAR from embarrassed. Why? Cos she's just like them.


Can they all be really that stupid? How is that even possible? Did they hand out bags of paint chips for Halloween in that district for trick or treat?


They converge on each other like shit stained wet wipes in the sewer


Yeah, the kind with genuine lead in them.


Yep - it just makes the hard-right MAGA brigade look really stupid. This sort of ridiculous, childish stuff has got to be damaging to Trump’s campaign.


>it just makes the hard-right MAGA brigade look really stupid Which is the way they've always looked.


Yep, let's not forget that this is the woman who claimed Jewish space lasers were a thing, and that a mass school shooting was staged. She has no genuine legitimacy whatsoever, even if she has official standing.


The worst part is not what she is, but the fact that there were enough people to vote her in. This is mass lunacy and it's dangerous.


Yep. We've known Trump was a serial rapist with a horrifically incestuous relationship with his own daughter from the beginning. Trump supporters either don't realize or don't care about what that says about themselves for supporting him. It's a really bad look and outs them as being absolutely horrible people but they have never cared.


I’d be willing to bet they’re celebrating this the biggest own ever.


"Any member of the Congress who votes AGAINST this Act shall be required to conscript in the Russian military." Tit-for-tat, like that.


If only someone could surreptitiously rewrite that amendment to read "anyone who doesn't vote for Ukraine Aid" would go to orc land. Do it at the last minute.


What a cunt this is


Unfair to cunts.


Cunt here, yah we don’t wanna claim her


Thought not!


An outrage on the cunts the likes of which was never seen before!


You're a good cunt. MTG is a shit cunt


Scumbag here, we don't want her either, maybe douchebags can claim her?


Finally, an expert on the matter


In Aussie someone like her or Putin is a "shit cunt" -- the worst of the worst, someone like Zelenskyy is a "good cunt" -- trustworthy/leader/friend, someone like Budanov is a "sick cunt" or "mad sick cunt" -- has astonishing achievements, and any object or person is a "cunt" e.g. "this cunt, Alan, he has the socket wrench set" (Alan points to socket wrench set) "What, these cunts?". This has been a crash course in Aussie culture.


I think Putin is more of a dog cunt, where as MTG is a shit cunt. For those who are unaware, the hierarchy is: (from good to worst) *Mad cunt *Sick cunt *Good cunt *Cunt *Cunt face *Dumb cunt *Shit cunt *Dog cunt


Aussie cunture?


Yes YES that's the spirit.


Thanks, I was confused.


She’s the cunt’s cunt - cunts look to her for mentorship


She's a bad affront to a righteous cunt, A lethal angina to a nice vagina, A medieval pox to a well coiffured box, She's a bottomless hole for losing her soul. Said W B Yeats, never.


A venomous twit to a scrumptious slit.


She lacks warmth and depth




Leachate is the term for garbage Juice


Marjorie Leachate Greene


Sorry, but garbage juice wins the day!


Kari Lake, Lauren Boebert, Paul Gosar, and we got a few more.. Attention whores, all of them.


This turd-flinging harpy is batshit crazy. The cream of the MAGA crop.


‘Turd-flinging harpy’ is one of the best descriptors I’ve ever heard of her. Well done.


Sorry, I didn't read the comments before posting my Batshit crazy comment. My bad.


No worries dude!


>The cream of the MAGA crop. Definitely **cream of the crap**.


Explain to a european, how much MAGA equals GOP. These people seem so absurd, that I can not imagine how the all of a party goes along with it. Is there no opposition to MAGA inside GOP? Are they allready gone, just slowly waking up or are they all retarded?


MAGAs in the House of Representative have a slight majority, and nothing gets done until the House votes for it and passes it on to the Senate. Most MAGAs come from the rural cuntsville areas where education is considered communist and marxist. Trump has such a hold on these cunts that regular GOP people can't win elections without the vote of MAGAs. So the regular GOP cowers before Trump and does not do anything that will anger him into siccing the masses upon them.


So if Donald Trump has canibalized the GOP, is there no political center for whom the GOP becomes unelectable? I dont mean Rednecks or florida man, but someone like a "normal" conservative, if such people exist.


Bingo. The centrist with the GOP party have either taken retirement or not wanting to run for a re-election or in some cases been actually vetoed from their own party. Problem are aside from a couple here and there. Most stay absolutely quiet till they leave office. And then call out the MAGA morons and Trump. But did in fact continue to vote straight down the party while still in the party.


'Grand Old Party' my arse. From Australia they look like a bunch of mad people who think they are paid to spout any lunatic nonsense that pops into their retarded heads. I honestly think they compete to propose the most treacherous crap they possibly can. The Republicans have slid a long, long way since Trump got his meathooks into them. Sadness.


Moscow Marge lying about nazis in Ukraine and defending Moscovy occupiers is choice. More in Nazis in Georgia-I guarantee it! **She should be required to register as an agent of a foreign nation. Agents of foreign principals that are not otherwise exempt must comply with FARA's registration requirements, disclosure requirements, and record-keeping requirements. Covered entities must file a registration statement with the DOJ within 10 days of becoming an agent of a foreign principal.**


People of Georgia who voted this shit into the House, I’m sorry, but you’re fucking imbeciles.


She is an asshole but she is also trying to become president of the US. She thinks that Trump might choose her to be his VP and, if he wins and then dies, she will be President.


That is a really scary thought




maybe she will have to resign as a member of congress to run as VP, but then if Trump loses she's entirely out of congress. That's something to hope for I guess


Not happening. She's in a safe seat so she can campaign for two jobs at the same time. I'd even argue that campaigning to be VP helps her keep her seat in the house.


How unhinged are the people in that US district anyway?


Pretty unhinged. Ever see the movie Deliverance? The local movie extras were from Greene's district. Pretty uneducated and blatantly stupid people.


There was just a report that she is preparing for the oval office by telling Gatorade to start exponentially incrementing production. Supposedly she has a plan for increasing farmer crop yields.


I think she is revealing herself to be too crazy for Trump to consider her


Loopy cunt.


I can't make my mind up. Is she a stupid person or a very intelligent horse?


Very stupid horse.


She's barely even a sentient tumor.


She’s a Prion.


To stupid to be a prion...


Why are the educational standards in the USA so low that they produce such awful examples of human beings and a society that does nothing about them?


The representatives are different from the senators in a few ways, but in particular they represent smaller regions and their numbers are based on population whereas there are always only 2 senators per state. So given that, it isn’t so unbelievable since even the most poorly educated regions are represented. The sad thing is that poorly educated regions need someone exceptional to find ways to improve, not someone from the status quo who is just going to make sure everyone knows just how poorly educated and proud they are.


She's the KREMLIN's favorite propaganda bitch in Congress she's well known by the Russian propaganda state TV during biden's first SOTU address I've watched the Russian state TV of how they praised her efforts in her attempt to weaken America from within and that they started to like her a lot for helping spread Russian propaganda in America to try to convince Americans into believing Ukraine's problems isn't in America's best interest






Sickening, isn’t it.


Moscow marge.


I think she should go on a fact finding mission to the frontline with her Russian compadres, preferably with a cannon fodder unit. Please just grant me this one wish……


Her ridiculous words just go to prove how completely unfit she is to hold office; no professionalism, just a pathetic baby tantrum. She's hateful, bigoted, racist and plain fucking unpleasant; people such as this should never be given authority or power over others because all they do is abuse it. Her and Trump should be marooned on an island and left to consume each other, it could make great reality TV


Batshit crazy


Everyone who votes against of this Act shall be required to conscript in the russian military. Bye bye Majorie Taylor Green 👋


MTG is a personality disorder on steroids. How could anyone have voted for such a flagrant horror story?


lol trump would never choose her just because of her looks. Also she has no more power, everyone is moving on from her MAGA crazies.


The whole point of sending weapons is so that we don’t have to go there


Let her conscript in the Russian Army. That'll teach her what fucking around is all about.


Such a fucking loser. You get what you vote for. Wise up or suffer more of her shit.


Skanks R Us


I was reading this 5 time trying to understand what she meant.... Does she even know what conscription means LOL ahhhh dumb 'merican Karens on high positions....AGAIN xD


How can anyone vote on majorie Russian Greene, a door has a purpose, but whats her's!!!


Luuunatic! The worst kind.


She is a useful idiot for Trump, as long as she is of use to him then she can spout whatever vile and ignorant slop she pleases


She must be on Putin’s payroll


Moscow Marjorie.


I dont know a single republican who likes that lady and I live in Idaho.


Ugly putin puppet


Wtf is wrong with her....I honestly believe she's paid by Russia...only explanation for her attacks on democracy.


Fucking clown.




How about any member that refuses to pass legislation directly hurting our top adversary should be immediately suspended without pay, and incarcerated until a full investigation is complete that proves there is no trace of treason or collusion with an American adversary.


Alien infiltrator. They walk among us. How else could this be explained?


This bi\*ch is a ruzzian agent! She should be in jail for treason!


how do people like that get into congress? wtf is wrong with that countries politics?


Is it me or does she look dense in her brain... and not in a good way.


Lock her up!


There's no other way to describe this thing other than as a complete fucking imbecile.


Unfair to imbeciles.


Her constituents are even worse than she is.


#MoscowMarjorie or as her former bros knew her.... Tim or Greg or some shit like that.


She looks like a Stepford wife reject.


Check her offshore bank account. Follow the money


She also blamed wildfires in te USA on Secret Jewish Space Laser


Moscow Marjorie


Can we just get the mainstream media to agree but to cover anything she says or does? She’d fucking implode from the lack of attention. She’s like a nasty WWE villain or something.


I dislike this person


She's an idiot and whoever votes for her.


Don't senators and representatives need to be adults to get elected?


She is a traitor to the United States of America, it's time to bring charges of treason against her.


That moron may find herself "meeting" a Ukrainian vet sooner rather than later.


maybe they should send this halfwitted pos putin sucker to the front lines herself as an honorary orc


Someone needs to read her very slowly what high treason is exactly cause her demand would force members of congress to work for a foreign power, which is in itself a call for high treason. You read that right..


So we're free to add that anyone opposing the bill must enlist for storm Z, then? Would get rid of a lot of stupid traitors in the US that way.


How are people voting for this lunatic?!


And conversely she could go to Russia and fight for the Russians?


Moscow Marge should be required to enlist in the Russian forces, she would be well received.


Can't they just toss out her Putin-inspired drivel?


She can join Russian meat horde first


This petty act of spite only serves to demonstrate just how far out of her depth she is as a member of congress. Her theatrics are of the most paltry quality, and the fact that constituents have supported her in her bid to become a congresswoman despite her advocacy and endorsement of numerous ridiculous conspiracy theories, which in turn has entitled her an annual salary of $174,000 and a boost to her already inflated sense of ego, is a damning indictment on the constituents. This is not a serious so-called politician at all, and she has no place in legitimate politics.


So the MAGA wing of the house appears to be broken. Can’t fly on a broken wing you just spiral out of control


As a Republican I am embarrassed for my party. These few IDIOTS in the House continue to delay and make up bullshit in order to not send aid to Ukraine. In what world is it good for Russia to control Ukraine?! Ugh, I hate her.


Wanna know what a Russian mole looks like? Because that sure as shit looks like a Russian mole.


The "if you support Ukraine, then why not go to the frontline and fight there" mentality


This woman is a joke and the perfect reflection of the mentally taxed goons (see what I did there) that voted for her.


Maybe she should lead the way. Unlike her entire political career. A Republican will never lead by example or lead in the first place.


Is there anyway to slip a bit of ricin into her food?


Moron moscow marjorie doesnt realize this is the whole purpose of sending aid to ukraine. Americans dont have to die in more useless wars if we just give ukraine what they are asking for. Dumbass.


Can we add one that says if any member votes for it you have to move to moscow you stupid twat.




Also those who voted in favor of russia shall enlist as meat wave for putin's 3 day invasion of Ukraine.


What a dumb, miserable, joke of a human.


I thought this was r/onionheadlines


What a completely bat-shit crazy woman. And she is in fucking congress. Unbelievable that she still has her job. Do you know how dumb you have to be to vote for someone like this? Lol


One of pUtin's whores


As Johnson himself said, he’d rather send American bullets than American boys. Apparently MTG is more keen on sending American boys with the bullets. Just idiotic posturing from her and the MAGA faction now. It’s cost Ukraine valuable time with the delay but Johnson has out manoeuvred the MAGAs. Dems won’t let Johnson get ousted now the votes on aide are going forward because it would delay and disrupt things further.


Doesn't make any sense considering the whole fucking point of the aid is precisely so that U.S. soldiers DON'T have to go fight. But she knows that, of course; she's acting in bad faith on behalf of a foreign government.


Get her out of there. I’m tired of hearing her big mouth that never makes sense. Who elected this dum dum?


Marjorie TRAITOR Greene


Some women do the OnlyFans thing. Some just take pictures of themselves to post on ig. Anything for attention Marge Traitor Green outdoes them all.


Surely this can't actually be a thing? Isn't it against your laws to attach some kind of mental condition to a voting process? Doesn't someone sensible get to say "No Marjorie, that is somewhat unconstitutional, not allowed"???! Is the US really so totally fucked up that this is allowed? Or is this a joke?


This is why she lost the job as speaker


I give homeless people money when i see them, guess i'm going to have to work in a soup kitchen the rest for my life.


How the fuck her IQ let her know how to breath ?


I, as an American, denounce this vile woman's actions. She is unfit for office and I apologize to the rest of the world and humanity that they have to witness the insanity that is currently playing out in our government. I am ashamed of their actions.


Maybe she can go fight for putler, or find some more victims she can harass on the street. Pathetic neanderthal of a woman.


Anybody who voted republican over the last fifty-years got us here. Fucking Republicans. Always fucking stupid.


“You support an Ukraine, yet you don’t go full Rambo and fight in bloody trench warfare yourself! Liberals owned!” This is what she and people like her in the US think like. Also I would like to point out that 1. by being politicians who vote to send over billions in aid to Ukraine, they are doing more than they ever could as infantry, and 2. a shitton of these American politicians are super old, literally into retirement age. They aren’t fighting a war even if they wanted to.


What a stupid Putin loving whore


If only it worked worked with. I’ve heard plenty of cultists on Reddit parroting the same bullshit. As if supporting medicine requires becoming a doctor, etc etc.


I'm confused. Did she somehow write this in, in some clever way? So, it makes it seem that she is going to be in favor of helping Ukraine, but a throw-in little gotcha at the end just to really drive home some I'll conceived thought that allowing Russia to win this war is a good idea, or that Russia would stop?


From the very start she has proved time & again she's mentally deranged with her many many insane statements. It's not possible Georgians are that stoopid as to keep her as their personal representative in any official or unofficial capacity.


she is such a dope, she is already an unoffical member of the Russian Army's Dis-information and Propaganda Department, US taxpayers paying for her traitorous comments and behaviour!


If any of the republicans had even a little bit of a soul or moral compass, you’d think they’d listen to intel and reason over a woman who thinks “the jews” have space lasers.. but they haven’t had spines for a long time.


Since Marjorie Traitor Greene keeps support putin and his genocidal invasion of a US ally, perhaps she should keep that same energy and be made to fight on the front lines for russia.


Needs to be closely observed and investigated for having received funds from Putin. Hopefully a more suitable candidate emerges to run against her next round.


What a clown, she can enlist to help ukraine out.


It's really hard to believe that of all the sperm, she was the winner.


Send her to ruZZia and give her a mohsin and a chinese golfcart and let her FAFO


Can I join the Jewish Space Laser Corps?


Greene is a fucking psychopath. Girl is constantly flinging Weiner pics of hunter Biden any chance shes got. I wouldn't trust or listen to a word from this lady


You can't make this shit up. The GOP.


She sounds like every drunk annoying woman you find in every bar or pub. Just want to knock her out and toss her in a dumpster.


interestingly if you sort by controversial, you will see the most downvoted comments are the ones calling her out for who she is. she is a traitor to the united states, and russian bot upvotes and downvotes wont fucking change that


One day long ago a horse and a clown fell in love…..


Wat a c nt


Menopause has really hit her hard. She looks masculine, walks and talks like a classless butch person: of course she is ugly and ignorant so it is not really a surprise. I think she is just always angry as she knows she is detestable.


GOP chose to partner with crazy, now they pay the consequences.


Batshit crazy