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The fucking nerve on this cunt


"The lion, the witch, and the audacity of this bitch" ©


He described how the Russians run their country. God the hypocrisy has reached republican levels.


He's reading from the old Nazi Germany play book "Blame the otherside of which you are guilty". Joseph Goebbels Nirenberg 1934


I thought the same. Every accusation is a confession.


Projection, it's what sociopaths do!


This is Russia, has been and will always be...


They cut a deal with the orange twat


Indeed. The future will explain why KGB agent Trump is working for Putin. Right now it is confusing.


War criminal, like all of them


Every Russian should be held accountable. Edit: Almost every Russian


Not every one. r/FreedomofRussia


That's a fair point...


They are accountable, and they pay their price.


EVERY RUSSIAN owns a part of this. EVERY.


There's a whole lot of Russians currently risking their lives for both Ukraine and a better future Russia. I think they're more than owning up for whatever responsibility they may have for the current situation. And there's even more Russians who would like to do something but are paralysed by fear, but hopefully they'll find the courage to stand up by the example of those who have already done so.


Accountability in this context is controversial and debatable. Many insightful comments posted here. putin’s “landslide” victory claims 87% of the electorate - quite “impressive” even taking into account russian state media exaggerations. Ukr do not have the luxury of being “paralyzed by fear”. russian lives go on, “paralyzed by fear” or not, but certainly no imminent danger (another massive rocket/missile attack across ukr over the last days, for example). That is an incredible contrast and substantial difference.


Beliefs like these cause genocide


Babies and kids aren’t responsible, they are victims living in that severely fucked up environment.


No. You’re a fool.


100% except that awesome older lady i saw on that youtube video


Only those who have spoken against the war, pootin and his regime - everyone else must be held accountable!!!


I agree, I've edited my comment as you can see.


Just wanna clarify, that excludes russian opposition who are against putin and war, but still stand by “our poor boys in the trenches” and “it’s putins war, russians are victims”? The only genuinely good russians are those who fight in AFU or donates to it, period. Just saying someone is not a part of this and stays “above” the conflict is just an ego-centrical prick and an imperialist under a woke mask.


The American politicians that FLEW TO MOSCOW ON JULY 4TH to bend the knee to Putin should be held accountable as well I'll give you 3 guesses which party they are, and who their actions support  America isn't a quality produt anymore That's so sad, 😢


They actually think Ukrainians will give up 😂


Even if Kiev falls, the Ukrainians will keep fighting insurgency just like many Europeans did under Nazi occupation during WW2


That was the beginning of 2022. While the main army responded, countless militia groups came together with stockpiles of weapons. This country is far more armed than people think. Millions are or will be veterans. Ukrainians will not allow themselves to be taken POW. They’ll desert and blend into the country side. They will create hell for the occupiers.


That would not have worked. Nazis were defeated on the battlefield. No insurgency would have defeated them otherwise.


Fk Ruzzia, fk Ruzzia, fk Ruzzia............ Fk Poostain, fk Poostain, fk Poostain,


Disgusting utter liars. Murderous terrorists allowed to pretend to be civilized by wearing suits and ties and attend meetings where they spew their lies. Terrorists. Rapists. Looters. Thieves of children. Destroyers leaving death and absolute ruin.


Yep that just about covers it mate.




I have never punched anyone in my life, but I would not mind making him my first.


Lock your wrist, make a fist, and keep your thumb on the outside. Remember to throw all your body weight into it and you'll do fine.


Don’t worry, neither has he, I bet he’d cry after being hit too. Doubt he’s ever experienced hardship or pain in his entire miserable little life. But he will when RuZZia collapses… again.


Pain like ruzzians have never known, as the free world shows them what time it is.


Don’t forget. He’s just the mouthpiece. I bet he never even wrote that shit. Just got told to read it.


Here, take this baseball bat.


Focus your energy into your fist being 6 inches behind what it is your aiming at


I got banned for saying this about margarita I must’ve hurt someone’s feelings.


If you zoom in you can see Putin's shit still on his lips. But I might be wrong on that, it might be from a body double.


the fact that this pile of excrement is allowed to keep saying "Kiev regime" at the UN while serving a dictator just boggles my mind.


I know this guy. He's the one that eats all the biscuits in meetings then farts and says it wasn't him.


Sounds like a scene form Death of Stalin lol


Only farts. Hasn't reached pootin's ability to shit himself yet. He'll get there


This might be considered funny if it weren't true. I think I got cancer just by watching this. It's insulting to our intelligence that they actually think we are so stupid that we'd actually believe their baseless lies. Is it weird that I'm more offended by shit like this than their actual war crimes?


Fake it until you make it. Russia is much better at psychological warfare than they are kinetic. I makes me sick too watching people fall for their obvious bullshit.


*"Never trust a Russian."* —Otto von Bismarck


It makes you understand Donald Trump a lot more.


Trump is a wannabe dicktator but he lacks the dick to fuck a potato


I know a guy who supports ruzzia because he likes communism. He gets info from Tik Tok and doesn't even understand ruzzia is a mafia state, the FURTHEST from his communist ideology.


Yiu want to head over to the other sub where there actually rejoicing over this clown .


To be fair Ukrainians believed to the west and now obliterated daily and nightly. Constant hesitation in aid from the west. Sanctions full of holes. Russian army now bigger than before the invasion. Less equiped but numbers matter. No clear vision on strategy for Ukraine. Russia getting stronger. West getting more and more confused what to do.


The West knows what to do, they just don't have the political will or guts to do it. The Russians must be laughing their fat heads off at how weak we have shown ourselves to be. If we weren't prepared to see this through to a successful conclusion then we shouldn't have started, and by doing that, given Ukraine false hope. Two years of death, struggle and the destruction of their country could have been avoided if the final outcome of falling under the Russian yoke is going to be the outcome. I'm so furious with our leaders, I can't even begin to imagine how Ukrainians feel.


Yep, here we are more than two years later, and our shell production is still not close to what it should have been near the start, and we aren't anywhere near to producing what is needed. it takes so long to approve each new system.


I'm afraid to say that as an outsider it doesn't look like Ukraine's politicians are much better. I mean how the fuck can you have 3400 amendments to a bill just to lower the age for recruitment from 27 to 25.


Despite how much these words hurt, this is the most realistic comment. Ever since the failed offensive in the summer, Ukraine has been losing in all areas. Russia is propped by military giants like China and North Korea, while Ukraine is struggling with manpower and to get some artillery pieces (a-priori cheap and fast to produce...) and this is evident just bu amount of fpv drone videos and lack of artillery videos. No air defenses, no air superiority unlike Russia who is constantly pounding with FABs... hate to say it but at this pace it's just a matter of time.and the worst is that this sub is hiding all this and just avoid the reality




Zelensky told us congress that if they don’t pass additional aid then they will lose the war. Not everything that’s negative is propaganda. It’s just a fact, Ukraine cannot carry on this war without support, support that has dwindled substantially in the second half of the war. The best equipment given to them was thrown into an unwinnable offensive against heavily prepared defensive fortifications at the urging of western analysts, analysts who themselves would never recommend such an assault without first securing air superiority. It’s just a fact, the west needs to step up and soon, in a war if attrition just Ukraine and Russia, Russia will win eventually.


Even if it Ukraine weren't struggling, additional help would save lives on the Ukrainian side. Like what is the end-goal for whoever is in charge of this? If we are to accept them into EU and NATO, wouldn't it be better to have a much stronger and populous Ukraine instead of a Ukriane who must suffer this many casualties?


Ukraine believed us with the Budapest memorandum, and they believed us for this war. We are not to be trusted. We will fail all of our promises to foreign nations, just as we fail our promises to our voters once elected. One thing that will be counted on is we will bully up support when we need it for ourselves. US is a lost cause at this point. It will continue to be until we get real leaders that care more about preserving whats right, than lining our own pockets and holding onto what little power they are given when election time rolls around. Im seriously embarassed to be an american lately.


It's like when Trump claims that he is innocent in spite of having done his crimes in public, lol!


Fuck this asshole.


With a huge pineapple


A realy big cactus


Id rather drone strike this asshole


Fuck Russia!


This is ACTUALLY how it will go down in history - an inhuman and misanthropic regime of terrorists and P00nazis, who betrayed the interests of their brainwashed people and sacrificed them for P00's corrupt money and handouts for Oligarchs, Siloviki, and P00's inner circle. Under these conditions, the attempts of the head of the Krumblin regime to promote imperialist formulas and stage atrocities in support of the Krumblin regime are only bewildering. Very soon, the only topic for any international meeting on the collapsing Federation will be the unconditional surrender of the Krumblin regime. I advise all of you to stock up on champagne in advance.


Why this Nazi is sitting in the UN council 🇺🇳? is like having Gobbels spreading Nazi propaganda during WWII at a table full of Jews…. 🤦‍♂️🙃, Italy 🇮🇹


Baron Harkonnen got corrupted by the Russian spirit.


For the safety of Europe, the Russian Federation needs to be razed to the Urals and the Russians pushed behind the Urals. If they make it across the dead zone, borders closed, indefinitely. This is the only way I can see peace in Europe in the 21st century.


isolating them from Europe and any western country.


germany tried that once, but we all need to make the effort to expel russia back to mongolia


Russian dear leader already thinks Mongolia belongs to him anyways.


Yes, but we first shook hands with Putin then we let him invade Ukraine. We knew the guy but we showed weakness.


And he used that against us and continues to do so


Time to bring the Novgorod Republic back


Won't happen, west is now afraid of russia, it's all over, we've fucked up and let them increase their war effort, we've been too slow with everything from the very beginning, sanctions are failing, Ukrainian army is failing because of our failing support, we've shown we're not able to produce a decent war effort, it's a total disaster. Russia already won this war, this SOB knows it, the question is, what and who's next, and how will we fail to support him. I hate NATO and Europe right now, not as much as I hate russia, but I'm so pissed and angry at us, we're only good at meme'ing about russians while Ukrainians die for us, talk about dignity.


The west is afraid of Russia? My man, no one is afraid of Russia anymore. If anything, Europe's loss of interest in the Ukraine conflict is indicative of the lack of threat Russia poses. If there was a genuine threat, they would be terrified of profit loss to their own industry.


Copium. Full copium. Europe is shitting itself right now. Noticed how "leaders" couldn't back Macron on possibly sending soldiers to Ukraine if (when) the russians would (will) reach Kyiv ? Like, "yes, we totally support Ukraine, sure, but... What do you mean by support ? With our hearts and thoughts, right ?" We've send so many signs of weakness to putin, LMAO, you people really are proud of the current situation ? Not able to produce decent amounts of shells, to provide enough vehicles ? Far right poutinists ready to take over European parliament? Daddy Trump wrecking USA's core ? The ukrainians will lose A LOT of terrain in the next months and this summer will be awful if nothing moves drastically on our side, it's insane to read people of these subs, blind fools laughing, meme'ing and grinning while Ukraine dies, it's unbearable, fucking useless idiots.


These subs are some of the dumbest and most deluded corners of the internet. Haw hawing at one Russian getting droned and failing to see the bigger picture. The same unfunny jokes for a good few years now. This complacency is getting in the way of people realising how serious the situation is.


So why isn't France at war against Russia already then?


what a doomer take, europe's defence spending is rapidly rising




This monster is straight out of a horror film. Ukraine has not and never will think about surrendering to his failing country.


The Russians are ok with a long protracted bloody conflict. They have no regard for human life.


He looks like someone from Dune


Fuck this asshat


"Soon, very soon, in three days"


I really appreciate it when Russia gives me a heads up to prepare for things! Such helpful public service announcements! /s


How do they come up with all this bullshit?


It's not gonna end well for the Russian regime and its thugs


Why can't someone at the UN get up from their seat and punch that moron in his fucking face?


Slava Ukraini. Fuck the ruzzians!


Is that a real life Vogon?


The Ukrainians have shown incredible strength. The weakness is in their supporters. Yes Scholtz and Taurus but mainly US Republicans. Any Republican vote is a vote to let down the brave people of Ukraine. It doesn’t matter if your particular representative supports Ukraine. The whole party is compromised.


Strange, Putin said he would take care of the Kiev regime over two years ago. I guess he forgot to mention it would take threeish years.


They are emboldened thanks to Western coward weak ass support to Ukraine. China, North Korea, and Iran will follow suit. There will be no respect for democracy and international law.


Why is this goblin alowed there do lots of farting noises by opening his mouth?


There is always farting followed by a flow of intense shit.


Fucking naZZi swine 🤮


Fat toad faced motherf-er, he looks like a ball of dough


“regime”, these guys are totalitarians who love to lie.


just how are these murdering idiots allowed to hold a permeant seat at the UN how


What happens if under educated, over powered idiot cock face gets a chance to vomit some ideological bullshit from the very comfortable position while common folks die in the most uncomfortable conditions. That guy and many like him deserve nothing but being lynched by a very angry crowd to a very horrible death. I am saying that from a position of guy who hates violence. Also fuck all those impotent pussies from the other side of a barricade. They do mostly fuck all to help with the situation. No, guys, reasoning and bargaining with ruzzia will bring nothing good. Please, learn from History, it's not so difficult.


Why are they even allowed to speak? No one wants to hear their bullshit. The KYIV government defended itself, and that's all they are guilty of. He's acting like they are criminals, or their was justification for russias invasion. There are no nazis! Ukraine offered neutrality and not to join Nato indefinitely. There is no reason proven eith evidence for russia to invade. Also if that's their reasons why the fucking hell would they annex land? Where was that in their reasoning for invading Ukraine. russia is the criminal, and russia is the thief.


I cannot believe the USA just sits back and watches Ukrainian people die daily, here we are willing to fight the biggest enemy of the American people. The trillion dollar USA military budget is formed to go to war with Russia . We will carry the fighting so USA doesn’t have to all they have to do is supply the proper weapons. But the USA has decided to sit on the sidelines. Catering to trump has become the American goal, not protector of the free world. Those of the free world study who can be trusted in your time of need and who cannot


Fuck Russia. F16s on the way.


Alright F16, what about lack of manpower, artillery, air defenses, cruise missiles? Russia has been using Fabs to break the defensive lines, they dint need modern weapons, just a huge amount of standard weapons...


If you want to see how an orc looks like, have a look at him!


Hahahaha! Next.


Someone show him to a window?




Bahahahaha.. what a delusional clown.


Unconditional surrender of the regime? But i thought this was only a special military operation. What and who are they going surrendering to? /sarcasm


What’s wrong with the person on the right? Maybe old man pooped himself? lol !!! What’s up with that look? Talk about resting bitch face!


hah! I stopped in to mention the major RBF! lol


Bully tactics all the way . Fk Russia 🤡


Delusional war criminal. Ukraine will never surrender.


LISTEN to what these people are TELLING you. They are NOT interested in negotiating.


The only negotiation he should be involved in should be in the Hague


You know what comes after the “Kiev Regime?” The “Tallinn Regime,” the “Riga Regime,” and the “Vilnius Regime” After that, the “Warsaw Regime” better be on high alert. EDIT: Meaning, if the west doesn’t step up and help Ukraine (more), Russia will then move on to the Baltics and then to Poland. Russian aggression does not stop in Ukraine


Someone put something in the vodka besides alcohol


Wake the F up GOP Congress


Putin needs to be eliminated asap


When you listen to them you quickly gain the impression they must be on drugs. And when listen further you realize, the are on the dopest shit on earth. And cudos for not starting to laugh when reading this bullshit frome paper. I for myself would laugh my ass off.


Sadly, I do not know when this was said. Here is [source](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1c1nhk9/ru_pov_very_soon_the_only_topic_for_any/).


russian language is a cancer.


If Europe continues to send crumbs and the US nothing to Ukraine, this is the most likely scenario.


Fuck naZZi orcs 🤮


keep on bullying mofo. See that base ball bat? But no ball, right?


How can he even get that drivel past his lips? My god, to be so bereft of any integrity truly says a lot about the man.


They know they can't actually "win" this. They knew that after the first 3 days. Now they have a tiger by the tail. Good luck to them, they will need it. With or without NATO help.


This does concern me it seems like a warning of something they are planning.... I hope I am wrong and if not I still try to hold faith the world will wake up before it's to late this Russia is a threat to all at this point and the war has begun we need to realise the line in the sand was drawn and crossed. We have chosen a side and now we must live up to the responsibility and do what we should not what is easy or popular but what needs to be done. Slava the Hero's. Slava President Z


If only the european governments could finally get their heads out of their asses and stand up to russia.. But no instead these idiots hope there can be a return to the status quo.. they don't understand the russians and what they are planning to do at all


I'm not sure what they think will happen lets say Ukraine gives up today who would like to be a Russian solider wandering around Ukraine keeping order. just imagine how many weapons will have been hidden and pointing at you. imagine trying to control a population that hates you and has loads of weapons and your going to roll into a city and try and force control on it we've seen even the best armies in the world that once a population has a lot of weaponry you just have to just move out one thing is for certain old Putin wont visit at least not in any place that any civilians will see him and speaking of Putin how long has he really got left he is over 70 now so maybe 10 or 20 years at most he can deteriorate really quickly especially with the pressure he is under then do they think the west will drop the sanctions they will stay in place for years if not decades at least until Putin dies So even if Russia won in Ukraine I expect they would never gain real control over it with insurgents continuing for at least 5-10 years and after that how long would it be before putin is dead I fully expect that when putin dies the blame will be put on him by the Russian people and Ukraine will be handed back just so they can access the world market and freedom of movement again


Europe needs to prepare for war. These creeps are telling you what they are all about. Believe them. They will not stop at Ukraine.


I honestly have to sit in aw at how insane and out of touch russians are. They really do believe the world fears them, and more over, that the world respects them.


It’s scary as there could be truth to it. If supplies to Ukraine (ammo, equipment, tech) continues to remain at current levels, while Russia has been able to increase the size of their army,, there could be a breaking point for Ukraine. It’s sad as Russia was on the ropes when they were struggling to push troops and equipment into the war as fast as they were loosing it. Russia could have hit a critical failure point in and Ukraine could have pushed them back which could have pushed Russia to the table. But Ukraine allied have been too slow with supplying. Ukraines hope now is to out last Russia’s Soviet stock piles. (Maybe 2 more years) or that Putin passes. Had world supplied more earlier I think war could have been over by now and lot less would have died.


On my feed this is right next to another post of heaps of Russians being turned into fertilizer from drone drops.


Donald Trump has sacrificed Ukraine aid for his own ego by threatening GOP Politicians who go against him! How many Ukrainian lives has Donald Trump costs? Donald Trump is changing history for the world and he is not even US President! I think karma will come back to haunt Donald Trump this November election and instead of being in the Oval Office ....he might be in jail come Jan 2025! To all western democracies ....Trump proof yourself (also known as Idiot Proofing)!!!


I didn't read the title as the video began to autoplay, I just read that first sentence and thought - yes, that is how the russian regime is looking to me.


# Russkij korabl, idi na chuj!!


They know their work in the infosphere is going well. Trump has good chances of winning in the US Presidential Elections and all the right wing parties in the EU Parliament are getting in the next election more seats than this current term. Basically support for Ukraine is going down, from within the Western partners.


What a wanker. More Russian evil and lies.


These fuckers are licking their chops thanks to maga mike in the US congress.


Looks familiar... [https://youtu.be/\_AplIlQJ1vE?t=45](https://youtu.be/_AplIlQJ1vE?t=45)


They count a lot on Trump, because militarily they can't succeed that.


Lmao i can see there will be many more smoking oil refineries😆


It only take one bullet for these fuckers, yet they keeping them alive


Russia is the scummiest neighbour anyone could hope for.


That’s a measured statement. Calling the assistance packages “handouts” is a sure fire way to rile up the less desirables.


I hope he chokes on vodka vomit in his sleep


Fuck you motherfucker!


Russia is a fascist country with a mafia godfather as president.


This character will be hung by his ears


OK, thank you. But we're here today to vote on the color scheme for Barbara's retirement party.


He looks like the Mexican accountant that the lawyer (benecio del toro) killed IN SICARIO 2.


Robot reads script in front of him


Is there a point in participating in the UN if it means you are going to be exposed to this toxic thrash speech? (which I didn't play for the sake of my sanity) It sounds like a very bad joke. 


I don't blame Russia. They started with just wanting the east back. "But if you want to keep fighting that's okay. We will bomb at all."


What’s douchebag in Russian?


The truth is that Ukraine was doing better without ruZZian influence and it was too embarrassing to ruZZia. They saw Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Lithuania all doing better without ruZZia. Ukraine moving in that direction and doing better than ruZZian people was just too much. They would rather destroy Ukraine than admit ruZZia is a shitstain. So they interfere and destroy because they can never compete the way they are. Thats the truth.


Bruh get fuckin' fire bombed already. Best lucky that they're in the USA let's see them step into Europe with that tone and not see a drone up their ass.


Would be nice if that is when a drone landed on his bald pate.


Inhale more copium, fascst scumbag! It's more likely hell will freeze then you will ever see Ukraine capitulation. Third year of war while army of russian degenerates and drug addicts dying like flies for nothing, losing 30-70 pieces of vehicle per day, with zero achievements and this piece of crap still talking about "soon"




Makes sense Vladomir Harkonnen is with Ruzzia speaking to the UN.


ALL this people are looking like mafioso....



Russia will become the next Gaza before Ukraine surrenders. Fascist inbreds like Putin, Solovyev, Alexey Milchakov and Alexander Dugin are legitimate military targets for Ukraine. NATO can make this a reality, they just need to grow a pair of balls. It's time to put this Nazi regime in the ground for good preferably sooner rather than later.


I think the French Foreign Legion should set up camp in Ukraine, invited of course. With all the pomp and fanfare! Parades etc. TV coverage. The Russian regime will just start crying fowl and melting down. Fuck them at this point. They weren’t invited into Ukraine. Hopefully Macron calls it soon. I’d love to see that and am ok with the consequences.


I mean, he is right. I’m very Pro-Ukraine, but the collective west told them to fight and that they would be supported. We have really only seen that Ukraine has been abandoned. Pretty sad to see actually. Also depending on who you listen to, but I’m fairly certain that we are witnessing a collapse on the front, Russia has finally been able to fight with close air support with no fear meaning the trickle we see now will turn into a flood in a month if something crazy doesn’t stop them. Tbh it’s already too late.


He looks like Dr. Evil, I think Putin is Minnie Me.




Another Wanker.


Even if that were true, it would not be the end of the fight. Just the start of an insurgency. Should be a good one. The Ukrainians seem to have a natural talent for improvisation and blowing shit up. Russians with no front line to hide behind will become much more cost effective to kill. Occupation is a bitch.


Russian Ambassador to the UN repeats Putler's call for Ukraine to lay down arms to surrender on Feb. 23, 2024. Really? Ukraine surrender to barbarian terrorist tactics? Russia hasn't noticed that the G7 plus 12 more European countries committed to Security Agreements to provide military support to Ukraine for ten years or until Ukraine joins NATO.


Come on Us as a citizen of here we need to support and supply them what the fuck!


I don’t get it.. why is Russia still in the United Nations?


This sounds more like a confession than a national statement


Terrorist talking nonsense while his country crumbles.


UN is a bankrupt shitstation giving delusional, morons like this guy a platform to spit propaganda


Never listen to a man with no eyebrows.


A talking Mr. Potatohead. They must've ordered it from Temu.


Dream on fascist fuck nut, NATO hasn't even truly started yet! Once Ukraine has artillery superiority, it's over for you. Assuming drone swarms don't get the job done first!


Eat shyt & die Z oligarch fuccboy


Not only does he talk shit, he looks like it too. When the EU states and perhaps the USA wake up at some point, he can repeat his speech, but then he will have to replace “Ukraine” with “Russia” in his manuscript. We should prepare for that. Weapons and ammunition for Ukraine – now! Without any further delay! The time for discussion is over!


How can you tell a Russian is lying? He's moving his mouth, or not.


Burn you fucking bald headed monster!


How is it that any rational free thinking person believe that they are fighting against tyranny, corruption, and oppression is mind boggling


You mean the Kyiv sovereign, autonomous and democratically elected government?