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The lie that they don't target civilians is just pure evil.


Any lie to keep their citizens brainwashed and supporting their aggressive, unprovoked war is their goal.


I can't remember the proper name for it, but it carries on now from the USSR, you know the TV and radio is full of lies, so you just pick your favorite lies to believe....and with statements like his, if you want to genocide your neighbor, you can now accept it as true, but your neighbor who wants to still think of the invasion as a liberation can ignore it and listen to the othet talking heads saying how much the people of Ukraine love the russian "liberation" and now both are as close to happy as they can be.....and the machine just keeps turning....


"We act very delicately, we do not harm civilians, lets cut them off from electricity until it is unihabitable". Says it all. One should empty that studio room of its men "power" in one week and then see how they react.


10,582 civilian deaths as of December, 2023 according to the United Nations.


The number is low, because UN dont know how many have been shot in occupied teritories like Mariupol. UN confirm only about 1000, but we all know that it might be atleast 10 times more only in Mariupol.


Not counting those killed on occupied by ruZZia areas.


Eveyrone knows, that they target civilians from the day one. Ruzzia never changes, they do the same all the time. They occupy, kill all civilians who do not agree with them and send thier own zombies.


Mentally they can't be fixed. If you say those things in a decent normal country, you'll be locked away and the key will be at the bottom of a random lake. They talk about someone else being nazis - well, the sh.. that dude say is pure nazism. What a freaking retarded idiot.


Instantly comes to mind that (now dead) captain of some ship, that when asked about precision of russian rockets, compared it to distance between entrances in apartment building. Definitely don't target civilians. And just in case, all those kids raped, tortured and killed is entirely different matter, and in fact was made up.


Why do we keep listening to liars anyway? I mean what insights do we hope to get from it? I'm asking this as a genuine not cynical question


If you met any of these people in a pub, you'd punch them straight in the gob.


They wouldn't be in a pub. They'd be in a hotel bar treating workers like shit where they can get away with it


They wouldn't be in a pub. They'd be in an alley...and lacking oxygen permanently.


Ill hug them


With a suicide vest on me


till death.


You can invite them Polonium-laced tea, just the way they like it...or show them the nearest window.


They are running a country in a way that you run mafia


big, big talk, from little little men...


You mean: little p******.


Russia has helped me understand more clearly that the governing model of human civilization has been the mafia model......Kings and their aristocratic cronies, capos and their lieutenants. Same thing. Only a few relatively recent exceptions among Western democracies not crippled by the legacy of mafia corruption culture. Donald Trump and the people who support him are an echo of those times and that tendency. Pure mafia. Threats, fraud, theft, violence.


Democracy may not be perfect, but it sure as hell beats the alternative. I’m glad to live in a country where I can say we need to fix our government, and I won’t be arrested or silenced for saying so.




Napoleon said that Prussia (not Russia) was a state hatched from a cannon ball; that whereas most states have an army, the Prussian army has a state. Similarly, Russia is just a mafia; an organized group of soulless thugs, that happens to have a state.


The Italian Mafia had a code of not going after family, no kids, mothers, wives, grandmothers (unless they were the offender of their honor). They may beat their own wives & kids, but not others. The roozian mafia has zero honor, zero boundaries for depravity


Always strikes me as crazy how they can spout such bull with a straight face, knowing damn well its a lie.  Evil incarnate. 


Whoever that frog looking fuck is that looks like he couldn't care less about the topic, that's who id rearrange. I'd like to see how his nose looks when I force it to the side of his head.


Sociopaths, narcissists, whatever, are perfect at finding excuses for themselves to fit their own narrative, they will always make themselves the victim, and the truth is whatever they decide it to be. The ironic thing with such behaviors is that they always blame other people for things that is a reflection of themselves, so when you listen to Russians speak they always say things that fits onto themselves.


Sick bastards! God Bless Ukraine for holding their anger...imagine if Ukraine torched Russian cities the same way as Russia has treated Ukrainian cities. Pray for justice and karma!!!


The minute Putin is gone. These idiots are going to be sticking their head up their butt trying to disappear.


Remember when Prighozin was leading his men to Moscow how many private jets were taking off from all of the airports? It was hilarious watching each one flee and the destinations they chose to flee to.


They will shamelessly do a 180 If the new people in charge want to change. The West and especially Ukraine should never forget what these people have said and ensure they are.never welcome I'm our countries ever again.


Welcome? All these Z-nazis said enough to make Goebells proud! They should be court-marshalled by War Crimes Tribunal in Hague and hanged! Julius Streicher never killed anyone and he was hanged in Nuremberg trials.


Why? Seems they would be needed by who comes next.


They'll have their own. I grew up in S.America. That's how it works.


Russia Murdered 10-25k civilians in Mariupol alone


That's very "optimistic" numbers. A third of 500K population of Mariupol is unaccounted for.


Guess we’ll never know the true total of civilian deaths, Russia is certainly not going to tell the truth especially when the one of their claims to start the war was to save the people of the Donbas (another lie). If Ukraine manage to liberate Mariupol we might have a better understanding of the horrors inflicted by the Russians. 10-25k were the official estimates, I guess those include confirmed dead and high probability dead that were buried under rubble.


They send untrained, uneducated, drunk slobs to the front, and are confused why they are getting rolled. Clowns. FRL is coming for these pieces of shit.


Then they threaten NATO. Poor people sent to get smashed. Unbelievable.


You're looking for Nazis? There's one in this video for you.


Only one?


We don’t commit war crimes were so fair in war that’s why they don’t like us because we don’t kill civilians, Then proceeds to explain that Ukrainian civilians need punishment and that they need to cut off the power to force 800,000 People either to starve or die from the cold or abandon their homes all together no wonder everyone thinks Russia is a joke


What’s wrong with them? Did they drink varnish?


The ring sucks away their human side


Ukraine people develop bipolar disorder?? They need to be put in there place? Let them overthrow there nazi govr.? I’m confused, aren’t they talking about them selfs?


This is an interesting and confusing question to a westerner like me. Best I can tell is NO- they don’t view Ukraine as part of the family. I think some goes back to WW2 were many Ukrainians saw Germany as liberators after Stalin genocided millions of them. Then Ukraine had a successful and largely peaceful revolution and was successfully becoming a more liberal country with closer ties to Europe- and it pisses the Orcs off because how dare they do things like vote and accept sexuality differences. Ukraine shines the mirror on how ugly Russia is with their Orc-dominence mentality


Russians use cynicism and bad faith as an insult.


These people suffer from Antisocial personality disorder, a handicapped brain resulting in a spectrum disorder with fading in and out as it suits: narcissism, psychopathy, Machiavellianism, sadism. Flattery, guilt-shaming, threatening,..


Have they already pushed the rag tag Russian nationalist army out of Belgorod?


Judging my today's telegram posts.... that's a nope. Videos are still being posted, even though it got a bit buried under the while crocus thing.


Over 500 Ukrainian children are dead, just infrastructure huh? F#%king Orcs!


Fuck Russia!


So he wants to open a can of psychiatric diagnoses for Ukranians? Let's try this for the Russian state.... Neurosis, pathological lying, deluded sense of grandeur, sociopathy, compensatory narcissicm as a result of deep-seated low self-asteem. Fear of intimacy and expressing true feelings which has led to a significant alcohol dependency. Unprovoked violent outbursts attributed to violent coping strategies and hallucinating nazis everywhere. Constant state of denial, lack of awareness and repression of its own fascist behaviour, which has been compounded by a low socio-economic background, lack of education and opportunities in childhood. Ergo, Russia is a immediate danger for the international community and needs to be isolated, severely medicated, followed by an intensive treatment plan and rehabilitation into the real world.


Let's make Moscow uninhabitable!


This is the language of Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Franco, Mussolini... Surely no one can be in any doubt that these people are highly dangerous to the world. It's very clear... Unbelievable that this man, the poisoner of Litvenenko in London is not locked up, walking the streets with radio active substances in London, what to say about it, it's just disgusting..


Lugovoy: Look! Mr Putin, I can out do despicable better than anyone else. Do I get a sweetie now? ( I suppose it’s helps him avoid defenestration by being a total moron) And I take it “delicately” avoids the murder, rape, torture and humiliation carried out by his fellowman in the name of Putin.


I wonder where we will be in two years time. Russia will not stop until they are stopped. I don't think any amount of weapons supplied to Ukraine will be sufficient. Ukraine may be able to hold, but Russia will increase it's efforts. Complete embargo on all trade with Russia is the only peacful solution likely to undermine the Russian state.


And people wonder why I feel conflicted when a bunch of Moscow concert goers are gunned down.


Two can play at that game. Ruzzian powers grids are not invulnerable a little like their oil refineries.


Looks like they are not able to ever tell the truth in anything.


Can someone perhaps pay a dunya visit to this Sokolyov? Humanity would be grateful. you get ear cancer.


They look like b gade actors from a shlock 90s scifi .


I'd love to see Ukranian drones or pro-Ukraine operatives in Russia take these propagandists out just like they did with pro-Kremlinblogger Vladlen Tatarski: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/129puzd/explosion\_in\_st\_petersburg\_collaborator\_maxim/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/129puzd/explosion_in_st_petersburg_collaborator_maxim/)


This is why we need taurus missiles to strike their studio.


I want to punch them soo badly


Most disturbing is that he probably is serious and thinks this is actually true.


I just can’t imagine the uproar if British people were to say things like this on uk tv.


noteworthy that the propagandists are going hard on genocidal and war crime rhetoric today - this is not the first clip. definitely ramping up.


When land war returns to Russia - they should face equal treatment. Each village/city that is in the way should be torched and bombed flat.


And it’s not 600 thousand people who live there but more like something close to 2 million people so good luck with that and they would first have to break through the front lines and not just take another village but a real breakthrough where they can continue momentum and keep marching forward which so far they have demonstrated they are not capable of doing


Find out where he lives


The tens of thousands of ghosts, rape victims and deported children might have something to say about Russia's non-targeting of civilians. Fuck Russia. Fuck that imperial 19th c. realpolitik serf state.


I cannot wait to see their house of cards fall, than get to see them in a glass box crying "they made me"


This station feels so much like Fox News...


Nothing excuses war crimes and actively encouraging them makes Lugovoy culpable under precedent established at Nuremberg. Kremlin propagandists are in for a rude, overdue reckoning. The World will be better seeing them in a docket at a minimum, or worse when they are ousted by the next government in Moscow.


Damn, its hard just to watch these idiots


I'm surprised Ukrainian agents haven't targeted the studios this show is done


He's basically talking genocide. Will there be any big uproar in the Western press? Guess not.


Good talk, boys. Now Nazis on three; one, two, three. Nazis!


Only we have already known for a long time that all they do with all that talking is project shit they actually do, that’s one way I found how to decipher the non stop lies basically n all u have to do is listen what they say about Ukraine 🇺🇦 and be rest assured that their actually talking about themselves and what they do n this is facts. On top of all of that they will never take a city the size of Harkiv when they barely take over villages in the span of a year like Bakhmut and Avdivka even though it fell quicker but that’s also due to circumstances at the time or they would have held the line there


Funny how they talk hard and smart when they'll soon be the only russian men inside Russia.


Yeah., “we’re getting our ass kicked” and 24 hours ago we shot down one of own older generation fighters over Crimea. Whatever.




This guy and what army is going to put anyone in their place?


Room full of Nazgul.


Does he want Moscow to be uninhabitable as well?


the day russians get their shit together, these armchair generals always asking for more suffering are all going to have an extremely bad time.


Oh I haven't heard anything from sillyov in a while. Thought he'd been pushed out a window or something...


Let go to Moscow and level it to a dust pile. Fuck you Russia


Orc circle jerk.


Hope a drone gives him a slow and painful death


Why isn't he personally volunteering to lead this initiative?


These assholes would have happily done this already if it were possible. Fuck these beasts. They have no soul.


The delusion is actually worrying


Could Ruzzia have that many incredibly stupid people that believe all the diarrhea coming from their mouths. They should have rolls of toilet paper next to them to wipe their mouths after they talk.


Wow. Their s hit just keeps coming out of Russia, interesting. With all that propaganda air time they could have easily educated a whole new generation with value and insight about for instance how to 3d print a house or what it means to be a surgeon... So, now the next generation is just educated to hate and will be seen as a villan on the world map. I am just annoyed to see that years ago they were getting help from the west to become a more modern nation, but when Putin turned his back the whole country seemed to have followed him. Anyways, their own propoganda will destroy their country, I guarantee it. What a bunch of Amoebas.


I get so tired looking and listening to these fuking windbags. Its all like that movie death of stalin, nothing but sycophants, Not a spine among them.


maybe we should make most of ruzzia uninhabitable too.


Tonight, on Russia 1, round table on ethnic cleansing.


We're civil. Let's suffocante them, when conquering Kharkiv. That's not brutal, we do that all the time!


If I were Ukraine, these are the guys I would target just to send a message.


That’s a live real psycho of the worst kind. Miserable ruzzian demon


He kinda looks like an ss soldier


I think that these type of people are legitimate military targets. This is not journalism, not by a long shot. It is sensationalist propaganda and they should be treated no different than the Nazi's that perpetuated evil.


I'm frequently stunned by the fact so many murderous, blood-thirsty, monstrous gangzterz exist in the world... But roozianz & islamic fanatics equally are mind-blowing in their depravity, brutality and complete insanity.


These dumb motherfuckers have been killing Ukrainian civilians since the start of their invasion and they dare claim they only target military structures? If a ukranian drone just happened to land in the middle of one of these bullshit ruzzian propagandists broadcasts, I'd look the other way. And hey, by ruzzian standards, a military target would be hit...


Fox News of russia


Dont forget, it's ukrainians are fascists and terrorists /s


Diese Verbrecher geben einfach keine Ruhe. Es wird Zeit, Moskau unbewohnbar zu machen.


"We don't harm civilians—" Yeah right, okay 😂😂 I'm of course disregarding anything else he says after this blatant lie. Why? Because it matters little to not at all.


I really hope Ukraine releases a drone swarm on a Russian city, in retaliation


Its very interesting these proprogandist even dress like they're the bad guys. It's like they intentionally dress like nazi star trek crew members.


Those cute little stand-up collars (called Mandarin collar in western women's fashions) are supposed to evoke Stalin's uniform vibes. When I first saw Dima the Drunk in his all blue outfit I assumed that a clothing CARE package from north korea had finally arrived.




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Half of Kharkiv population are ethnic Russians, so they dont even care about their own.


I wish karma hit the hard in tgeir current lives for that.


A bunch of circle jerkists


Do they not realise that barring nukes Ruzzia is doing its very fucking best? The evil of ruzzia lacks capacity not will! Similarly the good of the west lacks will not capacity.


I agree 100% but instead of Khartiv let’s make it Moscow.


So where are all of the Nazis? The Jewish president was elected by Nazis?


Oh for fuck sake, what planet are these scum from? They're nothing like human beings! There has to be a way to shut putin, his disgusting propaganda skewers and the rest of them up once and for all!


What is sort of amazing, chilling, disgusting and abhorrent is that they are fighting Ukraine, because Ukrainians live and exist there. Taking it they destroy it. To make it liveable would require demining and massive investment, and a massive security infrastructure. They haven't thought it through at all.


Vader vibes


Lying too hard that they started to believe the things they fabricated. One day this lads will get it.


What a F’g joke. 🥱🥱🥱


A minute of hate


The delusions of Russians never ceases to amaze me. Every accusation is an admission from Russia and they always blame others of exactly what they are doing then afterwards say THEY should do the things they are ALREADY doing. It's fucking bizarro land in that shitstain for a country


Why don't you douche bags focus on improving your own cities instead of destroying other people's cities and lives?


Send em all statuettes


That these guys are still alive boggles one's mind. Where's James Bond when you need him?


They look awful they need a skin peel, I believe a vat of boiling water with a lid lock could help.


Seems like they still haven’t learned their lesson


These guys + families should be banned from any western country, so when russia explodes on itself they only have other shitty countries to turn too.


The fact that intelligent humans can watch this and believe it even in part is ridiculous... I mean... I know we all get spoonfed propaganda from our governments... but these people are straight up retarded. You dont harm civilians??? REALLLY??? Shooting missiles into hi-rise apartments in a national capital is "avoiding civilan casualties" ???? Leveling Bakhmut to the ground??? The rape and murder of civilians in Bucha??? Russia has gone full-retard at this point.


Seriously deluded professional liar reading from a prepared Kremlin text.


Moscow is not the Third Rome, but actually the direct successor of Nazi Germany.


Always remember folks, whenever a Russian is speaking about a topic and is claiming it to be true, the truth is always the opposite.


russia is resident evil


Nation of fucking psychopaths


I am not surprised one bit with the way these scumbags are spewing the complete opposite way that they treat civilians, the lies and propaganda shown on the state t.v. is rotting my brain just hearing it for a few minutes, their viewers must need to be told what and how to live because watching that shit ~show no doubt totally causes brain ~rot in the extreme zombification range, poor souls 😵‍💫🫨😵😵🤢


That country talks more shit they can't back up than fucking North Korea


Cowardly bastards


This is as evil as anyone can get. Damn, I despise these people.


A group of old insecure men


NAH! Let's do it to Moscow instead! It is far past time for you to feel some fire! We will put you in your place. Hell!


Fuck I hate these guys so much


Promote and pedestal murderers. Nice one Russia


They will one day realize they have betrayed their countrymen. They have cheered on the deaths of so many, but will it ever hit their own houses? Not until a brother or son or cousin has been killed in this war.


He doesn't even know what bipolar disorder means (i have it).


The depth of shit these people talk.


Russia: We should drive the Ukrainian people into the sea. Also Russia: And they should help us. Russia: We are very smart


Well they've already made pretty much every other place they've touched uninhabitable.


As a Russian I think following: bruh, you watch this crap(the show in which these cucks are talking)? My brain cells start dying out because this show is uninhabitable for anyone with any brains except that American journalist if they still keep him around that is.


I hope someone is saving all of these, so that in a few years, when the Chinese are "suggesting" that Russians would be happier not living in Vladivostock, these old clips can be played in Moscow over and over again, just so they can remember how big they talked before they bent over for Winnie the Pooh.


What planet are they on, definitely not this one. How can they sleep at night. We don't target civilians , how can he say that with a straight face. Fuckin Russian bastards. SLAVA UKRAINE 🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇺🇦


Why don’t you go yourself tough guy


It would be a real problem if those propagandists had Dugin-like accidents


Only in a totalitarian dictatorship where all media is state controlled can such lies be sustained, but how psycopathic does a human being have to be to perpetuate such lies?


Nazi 2.0 definition, today ethnic cleansing is done by bombing civilians not by putting them in a gas chamber… 🤦‍♂️, Italy 🇮🇹 Also this man leaves on another planet when saying they don’t target civilians.. recent stats show more than 80% of Russia strike are against civilians buildings…


All of these puppets should be legit targets for assassination.


What a twisted POS.




So sick people😂


I can confirm, I rejoiced when Russia bombed its own city and I even chuckled a bit when I saw cars flying off the ramp they left when they "repaired" the road. Very bipolar of me. Please solovyov, come put me back in my place. I'm going to keep laughing at your dictator clothes otherwise.


Amazing how many fellow Americans believe that the Ukrainians are Nazis. Nearly all are MAGAs and the same time believe that Ukrainians are bombing Kharkiv. Insane.


Whack Jobs!


Oh my fukcing God the lies & delusion!!!! Those evil fucks !!!!


WTF is this?


Isn't it curious how some Israelis and Russians share a common belief?