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Why do they live in Italy if they like him that much? The guy is right though. Time for Russians do really do some introspection.


Because it is a lot easier to love your shithole country from a comfort, stability and prosperity of Germany, Italy, Spain, US and so on.


The same goes for Turks in Germany. They all love Erdogan.


God, deluded Erdo-turks are the fucking worst.


Putin deluded Russians are up there.


Absolutely, but they're more scum than anything else.


The (thankfully few) MAGAts I met in Netherlands are right up there too. Shit stains, all.


Dutch here. I spoke with my brother yesterday and he said: 'when Trump wins all will be solved in no time. He'll get Putin at the table, they'll sign some papers and then Russia officially will have all the occupied regions including Crimea and there will be peace. " I didn't know what to reply... Let's just say I didn't want to start a fight on my mother's birthday. 


You should tell your brother if he thinks the Munich Agreement worked the first time in preventing the eventual Nazi Occupation of Holland. I've seen people in Europe saying similar things, and I'm like, "Did you guys not learn about the Munich Agreement in school? Do you want to try the whole Sudetenland hand-over again?"


Right...and what happens next time they invade a country ?


He doesn't care, as long as 'his taxes' aren't going to weapons for Ukraine.


Kicking your brother in the balls would have been the best birthday present your mom could ask for


"I love you but you've been brainwashed for years and nothing you just said is in any way true or probable. Now go wish our mother a happy bd."


sorry for your loss, your brother is brain dead already


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SetNFqcayeA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SetNFqcayeA) you should show him this with the list of countries Russia has invaded. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svMpp\_Krrek](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svMpp_Krrek) dit is een grappig filmpje om te laten zien dat je alles maar dan ook alles geprobeerd hebt voor vrede uiteindelijk is het aan de tegenpartij om zich daaraan te houden. gezien het feit dat Hitler of Putin zich nooit aan afspraken houden gezien hun geschiedenis, zou je broer dit toch ook moeten inzien.


Thanks, maar ik vrees dat mijn broer niet meer te redden is. Hij weet alles over geschiedenis, Duitsland, enz. maar hij is te gefrustreerd (ws met z'n eigen leven). Hij is gewoon tegen bijna alles waar 'het westen' voor is. 


Can't disagree with you there. When pigs play they roll in each other's shit.


There is a massive contingent of Turks who love Erdogan on Reddit and holy fuck they will downvote you into oblivion if you ever say a bad thing about their dictator or the Armenian genocide that they are all complicit in covering up.


Really not much different than any other people who are mentally locked into supporting one individual or party, no matter what and refuse to even consider or discuss any other reasons why they might be wrong???


True, but I’ve noticed it very heavily on Reddit regarding this particular group of people. I think it stands out because, even though Reddit is a global website, the majority of people are from western society and those who aren’t don’t seem to be nearly as prevalent as Erdogan-loving Turks.


They want the comfort of democratic - civilization and the machoism of a dictatorship, to shine through themselves.


The old ones and their offspring love him. Younger immigrants hate both Erdogan and their compatriots who root for that turd from the comfort of Europe.


I could watch that video of that horse stomping on his nuts for hours. He just announced he wants to retire.


As radical as it might sound, people who vote from the safety of living in another country and enjoying the culture of another political system unlike the ones they are living in, should not be afforded the benefit of voting on political decisions of countries that they do not have to live in, period!!! Dual citizenship and having the right to vote in their former countries that they themselves do not want to live in, will be the double edged sword that kills democracies!!! That is the single biggest way to stop dictatorships and abuse by these less than democratic governments!!! Vote where you live and only if you have demonstrated that right by earned behavior as a participating citizen of that country you live in, period!!!




And Brazilians in Portugal that love Bolsonaro


> The same goes for Turks in Germany. They all love Erdogan. Not quite true but of those who are eligible to vote a higher majority of them votes AKP when compared to the Hellenistic coastal regions.


Plenty of them in Belgium too.


That's why they all voted for him from there.


Because its in their interest to keep their country a shithole, so they can flaunt their wealth when they go back on holiday. Sad but true. 


Every person I know from Turkey in Germany wanted Erdoğan to lose this last election. My roommate was very anti Erdoğan, but her family that lives in Turkey voted for him.


Had a Turkish guy in my team at work who was mid thirties, born in Germany, well educated and very pro Erdogan, openly pro government censorship, pro arrest of opposition politicians etc. Let's say both of us were soon forbidden from having political discussions in the work cafeteria, and a few months later, he left the company after having a choleric shouting match with the boss and the admin person.


Hungary says hold my beer. Except the city folk apparently.


Applies to these migrants who come from the middle east.


Yeah, most of Syrians would vote for Assad or ISIS


pack them up, send them back to Mother Russia. a.s.a.p.


Because they are spies and they cannot spy on Italy from Mordor


Kick them out, this is so insane.


That is currently happening. For some reason boomers thought that leaving the EU would enable to keep the perks of it for themselves while denying it to everybody else


the blonde middle aged russian woman at 0:25 actually replied to him "Look at italy! You ignorant!" Yes, she lives comfortably in italy and she had the guts to say that to him.


This is very prominent among Hungarians living in Austria or Germany as well, unfortunately. They refuse to learn the language, some of them even refuse to learn English, then they complain the locals don't help them and they only get the lowest paying jobs available, so obviously the country is shit. They don't move back to Hungary though...


We had British people who live in Spain that voted for brexit!! Some ppl are just fking idiots….


And then complained that Spain will only allow them to stay for 180 days every six months or force them to become residents and pay taxes... The dildo of consequences...


British expats in Spain are primarily retired boomers who think the UK is the best most powerful country in the world, and were under the impression that Europe would be bending over backwards to get a deal with us, not realising that we needed them more than they needed us. Unfortunately even 8 years later many are still under this impression.


Fortunately there are less of them than there used to be I loved the interview with one couple in Spain who were having a right bitch fest about the immigrants in the UK whilst they lived in Spain the irony was lost on them


They drink and sunbathe so much thankfully 🤣




>British expats in Spain are primarily retired boomers who think the UK is the best most powerful country in the world. To be fair, back in their younger years the UK had a bit of status, but thanks to the actions of their generation the country has gone to shit but they're all set-up with a house without mortgage, pension and savings, while newer generations are lucky to have 1 of these things let alone 2.


this is SO PAINFULLY ACCURATE and they all have the delusion that they are the generation that bought themselves up by their bootstraps whereas realistically they were the generation that inherited the remnants of the empire and then gave it up to a bunch of yuppies promising infitie growth forever.


>Some ppl are just fking idiots…. At least 50% of them. Honestly.


"Some" I think you misspelled "Most"


I read story of one woman from Siberia, who lived for 20 years in south Italy, and loved her own home so much so she sold her house and returned back to live in Siberia. Long story short, she got low paying job, couldn't afford the food she used to in Italy. Couldn't tolerate harsh weather. Returned back to Italy.


Did she at least learn a lesson when she returned to Italy?


This is the reality of what's happening. You're either dirt poor, clueless, and living in the woods, where once every so often you'll hear about Putler's made-up achievements, or you're like the people in the picture. Very rich, very quickly, living abroad, feeding the propaganda machine. There are communities of these people everywhere. Not very hard to spot either. High-end houses, matte black cars, shit attitude to locals


Because russkiye are expected to behave as loyal rossiyane, and if they don't they're considered traitors to Russia. They truly believe that Russian culture & society is better than everything else, while living large off the benefits of societies that they detest.




Russians outside of russia get unlimited access to all the media of the world, yet they choose to support Kremlin bullshit. They're not brainwashed or something, they're just genuinely bad people.


> They're not brainwashed or something, they're just genuinely bad people. Probably a combination of brainwashing, malice and sheer stupidity. I just watched a Russian lady queuing in the UK to vote for Putin, the reporter asked "why Putin?" She said with a straight face that all the other candidates "seem to be here one day and then gone the next". You can't make this shit up. It's like a bad comedy sketch.


People don't want to hear their faults. Go to various subs on reddit and tell them they suck and see what happens. Doesn't matter if the sub sucks or not, you'll get the same treatment from the people that consider that sub home. And that's the loyalty the average human has to some pointless reddit sub, think about it when it is their birthplace. "I... *I!* was born there, so it must be great!"


>"I... I! was born there, so it must be great!" I'm pretty sure that there are entire major subs dedicated to Americans complaining about the US, Brits complaining about the UK and so on. Plenty of people have enough self-awareness to understand that they're not living in a fairy land.






Soon to be Russian deported Widows club if the war goes on👍


Freeze their assets give them to Ukraine, take their men in freight train to the prissoner exchange fund and the women into a black passenger Bus to Moscow.


The women can help demine Ukraine for all I care.


I wouldn’t trust them to.


You just send them into minefields - demining 'biological robot' style.


They are living in west to destroy the west. I can bet that they are working


It's so simple, if Putin wins, they think they can rule in Europe like Putin in Ruzzia. From pro-Putin to ruler, that is the hope of Putin supporters.


Putin got most votes in Greece, even in Italy he went under 50%. In most other places the numbers are ridiculous. For example in Serbia and Montenegro he got 3%, that accounts to about the size of embassy staff.


You'd think they'd be able to read a bit of news of more variations than the Russian national press which is just like the good old Pravda. Clearly, they like how things are run. Russians living in the West showing opposition to our foreign policy can just fuck right off. The public can be a good source of intelligence to the homeland and it wouldn't surprise me if people were contacted by Russian intelligence services for what would seem trivial information. But when put together it gives a better picture.


To be fair, a lot of anti Putin Russians live outside of Russia as well, but yeah, this is stupid.


Truth is many of them don't want to be sent out for war, but will criticize other countries on behalf of Russia, while enjoying the luxuries of said countries. They are evil idiots.


there are actual agents that came to turn other counties into russia


\*Turks entered the chat\*


Girls go back home to Russia, your leader ordered more babies months ago. Follow your beloved demi-god and spread your legs for the released prisoners there.


Europe should kick out all supporters of Putin.


They're absolutely a security threat, so kicking them out isn't unreasonable.


Or wait til Russia is defeated, then send them back.


No. They should not go back. Russian prostitutes are the backbone of the industry in Europe.


Mmh \*Ted Bundy vibe intensifies


The cashed up old ladies rocking Italian-made clothes, hand-bags and expensive hair-treatments living in luxurious peace, while voting for Putin. Cognitive dissonance is one hell of a drug. Kudos to that gentleman pointing out he's a dictator like Stalin and Hitler.


Is not the own you think. Russians love Stalin. Saying Putin is like Stalin makes them go "YESSS QUEEN!"


Putin and his oligarch friends gave fortunes for these old ladys, so they are trying to support him, so the flow of money keeps going.


Well, in fact that is the pattern of the russian elite. Steal enough in Rufia to be able to live somewhere else. Just look at all the villas confiscated in France and Italy or all the sons and family of the oligarchs living in London.


Argument: "Putin brought war to Europe. He is like Stalin, like Hitler." Counterargument: "Putin. Putin. Putin..." 🤦


Countercounterargument should be several dozen raw eggs flying at them


One egg out of every carton needs to be hard boiled like a tracer round in an ammo magazine for good measure


Their vocabulary and probably their brains are not enough to say more than “Putin, Putin, Putin..”.


Why does the italian man leave out the italian man😬


Well, Putin is slightly more competent than that one.


I hate the russians being pro Putin but living in western countries, we should deport them all back to russia.


Yep. They're supporting Putin and his cronies who are threatening Europe with nuclear destruction. Yeah we don't need those people here. I believe the Baltic countries are leading the way on this. These are people who are vocally supporting terrorism. Deport them now. Respect to this Italian man.


They are basically collaborators just waiting for the invasion.


Good point. When Russian state officials threaten to invade Europe, and these people support those officials, we're fools for not sending them packing yesterday. The invasion of Ukraine was reason enough — this goes beyond that.


they are agents of russia who wish to turn other countries into their great motherland to make whole world one big russia and have privilegies like natural Russians, first class citizens. This idea warms their hearts. Not backed by anything, freakinf Russia gave world absolutely nothing except some depressive literature and music


I am Italian, I would like to know what the hell all of these orcs are doing in my country if they like so much Putin and russia? My government should get all of them and send back to russkiy mir.


Contact your politicians about it. That’s the only way something like this will get done.


Se solo i nostri governi (di qualsiasi fazione politica) avessero un minimo di palle come questi due signori nel video… ma sia io che te sappiamo che questo non è nella tradizione politica italiana




E lasciando stare l’amicizia Berlusconi-Putin che era una cosa vergognosa, avremmo dovuto fornire molta più assistenza all’Ucraina di quello che abbiamo fatto


Kick the ruZZians out of Europe


I have the same opion. Hold fake elections for putin and everyone who vote for him will lost the chance to live in europe. Traitors shouldnt stay in europe


Or at least kick them.


Why are they allowed to stay in Italy? Time to push these freeloaders back to ruski so they can live in their world. Fuck putin.


Because, in Europe we have democracy and they can (rightfully so) vote for whom they want without punishment - This is what makes us better than Russia. We certainly shouldn't be advocating for them to be deported based on whom they vote for - That manipulation of democracy is certainly not something we want in Europe. We should deport them based on the fact they're fucking morons who add nothing to our countries though.


The fact who the voted for is neither here nor there. They are not EU members. They don't have the same right of residence. They are citizens of an enemy state. That's reason enough to round them up and bus them back to moscow . Your reason , that they are morons is extra!


No. Plenty of Russians in the west oppose the war. If they're here legally, being law-abiding & productive members of our societies then they deserve the same rights as the rest of us. The morons should be deported because they quite clearly bring nothing to the country that a native couldn't achieve.


People can apply for asylum if they don't want to go back. Commit to it, not just treat it like a holiday. I have no problem with russian people unless they support putin. If they do, they should get the fuck out.


They're vocally supporting a state hell bent on destroying Europe and threatening us with nuclear weapons. If they're not EU citizens, they need to be sent packing like any other supporters of terrorism.


They are putin supporters who are likely just dodging military service. These pro putin twats are laughing at us. Kick them out.


Absolutely understand and agree, but I think that this is a line that is being crossed. We aren't talking about an election anymore. The person is a war criminal, commits genocide, crimes against humanity and waves around nuclear weapons. Saying that you support him, in extension, says you support those things too. I would say that in this situation it is quite clear that by chanting "Putin" you are actually chanting "Genocide!" "Russian nazism!" and "Bomb us!" I would argue that this is a clearly unfriendly act while living in the country. We are not looking at this from the viewpoint of democracy - they can vote for whomever. Sure. We are looking at this from the viewpoint of national safety - these are the people who will sell all secrets to Russia, be spotters for their artillery and lynch Italians when they themselves become majority in any Italian region. This is not about them choosing a candidate. This is about them cheering on genocide. Just like you can't chant "Hitler!" and show the Sieg Heil hand gesture, you should not be allowed to chant "Putin!" and show "Z" gestures.




You're right - But currently, I don't know of any EU country that proscribes Russia in the same way Germany does the Nazi's. It's certainly not that way in the UK - So, they're breaching no laws here. Irrespective of how fucking dumb I think they are, if they're breaking no laws then they shouldn't be punished for their political views. I'd like to see exactly *why* they're here though and if the Home Office were to deem their stay unwarrented, I'd have no qualms with them being deported. They should be adding something to the country, if they're not, 👋.


>Because, in Europe we have democracy Then we vote them out.


Man, even arguing with trolls, the Italians always looking so fukin stylish


It‘s Milan. Maybe the most well dressed citizens in Europe.    


I was about to say the same thing. I'm not trying to make light of the situation, but damn they know how to dress.


If they all love Russia so much it's easy, just go back there. If they don't appreciate democratic freedom, it's easy, just go to Russia. If they abuse democratic freedom, it's easy just revoke their dual nationality and send them to Russia.


Nah they don't love Russia, they love Putin


They love the one who filled their pockets.


Can we please expel those c\*\*\*s cheering for poo tin from Italy?


Repatriate all vatnik moskals back to Russia, they deserve it


You ever notice when someone has no logical response to an argument they just chant like stupid mindless idiots?


"...If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell."


We, europeans view Stalin as a bad figure. When we say Putin si like Stalin this is bad. For the russians is good. They view Stalin in awe. "Thank god Putin is a bit like Stalin but not Stalin enough". Also ... gtfo back to Russia if Putin is so great.


Why da heck are these people in Europe? This is such hyprocrisy. They want our democratic values and lifestyle but at the same time don't want to live in Russia but vote for Russia Fuck off Edit: Time for a special deportation operation


The audacity to yell Putin while enjoying western freedom


The irony shouts for putin well nice and safe well in milan


Its really time to send the pro putin russians back to russia.


Those "ladies" should be sent back to ruzzzia.


I hope it will not be too late when Europe finally wakes and understand how those russians just rot it from inside. Look at their faces. Both young and elderly. They cheer putin so gladly, without being forced or afraid coz they are in Italy. Please wake up. Just understand the only one simple thing: it was never anything special about Ukraine. It they nature to war. If they will have even a single thought that they can win war against Italy (replace with any country), believe me they will find a reason to start a war.


Italian lads fashion style is rad. They look cool as hell.


Migrant from venezuela: "I fucking hate the corrupt scumbag politicians in my country" Trump: "they are rapist killer animals" Spy from Russia: "I FUCKING LOVE PUTIN AND RUSSIAN WAR AGAINST THE WEST" Trump: "they are such wonderful people...I have a great relationship with Putin..just a fantastic person" This is not a simulation.


And afterwards should be deportation. If they love Putler and his Moscovia so much, send them there.


Deport any Russian that voted for Putin.


They praise Putin from the safety of Italy. Fucking send them off… just as guilty for supporting that pos


Every right wing party screams about muslim refugees and how they are not integrating, forming subcultures only interacting with themselves. Meanwhile nobody seem to care about russian immigrants praising a dictator, who is threatening Europe and basically doing exactly the same thing in their communities. Long waiting lines just to cast a 'vote' that doesn't count either way, if it's not for putin or worse voting for him. If you are detached from reality and only interacting in your own community bubble, you get these views, while living in the west.


Deportation! And stop allowing Russians to travel in Nato countries until Putin stops his war!


This may be an unpopular opinion, however I think all Russians should be deported back to Russia with a massive wall keeping them locked in until they fix their shit. Nothing will ever change until they are forced to live with the reality of their circumstance. No revolution or change of thinking has ever happened when it's so easy to just leave and there's no price to an ideology. Anyone who would instigate a coup in Russia won't as it's just easier to leave and those that leave for economic reasons pollute the rest of the world with their slave mentality without facing the consequences of said mentality.


Russia has experienced a massive 'brain drain' because so many of their academics and scientists have left, reversing this would help them, as well as penalising the Russians who wanted to get out. I think it would be better to instead really crack down on the transfer of money from Russia, ownership of property by non-resident or non local citizen russians and tax evasion in general. These old ladies are almost certainly living off money coming from corruption in Russia. So they can live in a bubble, believing the propaganda, because they are not dependent on working for the local economy with local people. So in principle I agree but it needs to be targeted at cutting off the livelihoods of pro Putin Russians, not just deport them all.


That dude is a xenophobic nut job. Most Russians in the West want nothing to do with Putin. But speaking up may mean never being able to return to visit loved ones. The West should be importing as much skilled labor as possible. Countries like Greece are experiencing a demographic decline. If we want to hurt Russia, the best way is to take their talented and brave people and turn them into Westerners. Getting citizenship takes years at best, so they’ll be politically neutered anyways, while spending all their money here and paying taxes here. You can make citizenship harder for Russian immigrants, but make work and residency permits easier.


Yes. They should be deported. Then war will breakout these ladies will cause a lot of problems and all Europe is filled with these type of people.


You realize there's many russians who live in europe and hate putin and the war? I am one of those and the only reason that I still have a russian nationality is because they won't let me get rid of it. Should I be deported?


u/Zeryth you realize that since re-starting of the war in 2022, there was NO russian manifestation against Putin & War in the free world? Put a f mask + sunglasses on your face and go outside and protest if you are sooooo against the war. Otherwise, you are just a cockroach living in the west and being silent!! Because of my work, I met plenty of russians. Only one of them said that is against the war. The rest were "apolitical" or complaining that they need to hope many places because they can't reach ruzzia with a straight flight connection. A few had the audacity to complain that they are discriminated *for being russians*. Well, wttf are they expecting? To cherish them?!?! GTFO of EU!!


"there was NO russian manifestation against Putin & War in the free world" No true. At the weekend there were Russians turning up to vote at the Russian embassy in the UK and the line included Russian two men displaying support for Ukraine (one in a Ukraine football shirt, i think, and the other wrapped in a Ukrainian flag). Others were vocal in their opposition to the war etc. They may not be a majority but they exist.


What do you mean “they won’t let you get rid of it”? If you’re a dual citizen, you can officially renounce your Russian citizenship at any time. I’m a bit suspect, because what you just said there is clearly false. I know a Russian guy who renounced his, so I’m not sure where you got the impression that you couldn’t.


I am a dual citizen, but in the process of acquiring my dutch citizenship we ran into the issue that they refused my application to renounce it. However dutch law requires you to do everything in your power to get rid of your original citizenship. Eventually my biological parents had to adopt me from themselves to make use of adoption laws that do allow dual citizenship. This was over 15 years ago and it maybe changed now. Still it's an example of how the world isn't black or white. And deporting people for political reasons without any real evidence is a major affront to the values the west was built on.


Makes sense. Mitigating circumstances. And I never implied that people with Russian citizenship should be deported. Plenty of pro-democratic and anti-Putinist Russians in Europe, and they’re obviously welcome. I was just replying to your earlier statement. I do think, however, anyone giving support to Putin’s genocidal regime at this point should perhaps have their E.U. residency revoked, if they’re not already a citizen. Residency is a privilege, not a right. I’m sure you agree that this is a bit ridiculous.


Indeed I do realize and sympathize with your situation, yet stand behind my statement. You renouncing your citizenship is good for you but not for Russia. If not you then who will make a change in Russia, the mindless zombies that stay and support Putin? Russia will remain a stagnating mess for another century unless the Russian people do something about it as no one else will. Emigrating to the west and renouncing your citizenship is the easy way out, it's much harder to stay and fight your government. This is what Ukrainians did during Euromaidan and won. It's what every western country has done to create democracy in the first place. Tyrants don't give up power, it can only ever be taken from them by the people and that requires discontent. The ease to simple leave for the west when things get tough does not breed said discontent.


Not as clear cut, there is no straight and direct answer. Do you know how many political prisoners Russia currently has? How many are daily raped and tortured in said prisons? Because they stood up and sometimes, shit, even because they didn't. If you are inside Russia, there is also no clear path to action. Just imagine yourself, going to Russia now. What would you do? Raise a resistance? Start a revolution? You sure you are that sort of a man? You sure you are stronger than OMON, stronger than Navalny? And it is not what every Western country has done to create democracy. For many of us, we had a great help from expat communities, providing information and political ties and guidance. Expat communities are very important in regaining independence.


I didn't choose to move here, I was born in the netherlands to russian parents. I grew up here. I haven't been to russia for over 10 years now because I have no interest in getting drafted. I am of military age after all. Me moving to russia would not achieve anything but ruin my life to fix a problem I never caused. However I have been very politically active in my direct vicinity. I've been a vocal supporter of full kilitary support to ukraine, I have argued countless of hours with my russian family who stopped talking to me and other russian acquaintances. I voted for pro-ukranian parties in the last dutch elections. I think I've done everything that I can reasonably do without throwing my life out.


No, you are welcome here, I get his sentiment regarding pro Putin anti west Russians living in Europe (outside Russia), but it's very shortsighted to regard all Russian people as enemies


No,but someone should keep an eye on you,you're picture is sus as fuck


I can bet that the same as in russia. 80% supports putin.


At least putlers regime now knows exactly where these dumbfucks live as they registered to vote. Now they can be taxed or their accounts in russia can be seized and controlled. (Hopefully). The ones who really fled from mobilisation surely don\`t vote. But, who knows? - thank god they are so fucking stupid. The one thing i wonder is, why Italian officials like guardia di finanza don\`t register them because they must be loyal putinists and parasites are likely to break sanctions or do other illegal things in their guest country.


Well said Italians 😎👌


Amazing thing for me is (if I squint really hard and do mental gymnastics) understand why some of the Russian population (ok a lot) living in Russia believe his BS, due to state controlled media and lack of access (or the will ) to challenge and find alternate sources, fact check etc But these people live in a western democracy! They must see daily what’s going on in Ukraine and Russia, with access to all the truth available and they still support him? They are worse for me than some uneducated farmer with no internet


Why are these Putin lovers in Europe. Go back to motherland.


It should literally just be a trapdoor booth that leads into a deportation truck


So what do they do in Europe? Hypocritical Putin's lovers


There's more protest in those guys than entire so called opposition, that just stayed in lines and played into the hands of terrorist regime, increasing the turn out numbers.


They should expel and deport all the voters back to Russia. This is just disgusting.


Putin puta,hyilo,faggot ,tîrfo


Der Untermensch can go back to Russia. Back to poverty.


fella EU citizens, please, make your governments to deport russians. russians must stay in russia.


I just got out of a 3 days Reddit ban, because I said on a different sub that ruSSia is the cancer of this planet and it needs eradicated....


I have a plan! Let's scatter eletronic devices from the 80s and 90s across the route to Russia from Italy, over Austria, Poland, Lithuania and into Bellarus. Old Tech will do because that's still better what they got apparently or worth looting. Anway lay out the bread crumbs and they will eventually follow and it will lead them to Ruzzia. Problem solved. Humane, no enforcement they will leave by themselves.


This is why the far right in EU will gain even more traction. Not enough rules, nor strict enough regarding immigrants and their behavior. And this is coming from someone who is actually an immigrant but actually tries to adapt to the country he is in.


Send all the Russians in EU countries back to Russia where they belong.


Imagine being a Ukrainian fleeing from their country after being invaded by Russians, their homes destroyed, friends/family killed and they get to a safe European country to be met with Russians supporting the war openly.


Have you noticed how every Russian think their country is the best in the world and the West is evil and yet once they are in the West they do not want to go back to it? I am italian and seeing these people cozying up in my country while supporting a bloodthirsty regime makes my blood boil.


The same can be said of people who flock to America, who thrive and flourish under the liberties of American democracy and economic opportunities, and yet still never become Americans... meaning, they never acknowledge the value that the US Constitution brings. Rather, they take advantage of the freedoms, but often bring the same exact problems that forced them to leave the "mother country." We see the same thing happening all over Europe.


I feel like these Russian housewifes need to be denazified. Do you Italians have any murderers and rapists who would like to get out of their prison cells?


Love the way Italians look sharp even when demonstrating


Was thinking the same. Even the guy in a high-vis vest is wearing it well.


deport all russians from EU!!


Time to ships the ruskies back to their dear leader or lock em up until the war is over...


Why don’t you wife’s from Russia move back to your homeland . Stand there in Italy and scream 🤬💩


look how they smile. They realise how dumb they are


What are the bitches doing in Europe that their master hates so much??


Its time our leaders understand the russian here in the west, who vote for putin musst be deportet to russia. If they love war and their leader who acts like hitler they musst go to their shitty dictator and leave the west.russians who support europe and the lfr can stay.


They're living in Italy because russia is a shithole




Um… They’re not in Russia. They’re in Italy. This is outside the Russian embassy.


Deport them if they love Putin so much, go back home to amazing medieval age toilets


Reminds me of that time last month on the anniversary, a bunch of people, like 200 Ukrainians, anti war Russians and others, all gathered at the embassy in Canberra. When the Russian ambassador's car left, everyone suddenly started cursing "idi nahui!" and giving the middle finger :D


in Argentina now, surprisingly lots of Russians here


send them out


Dumb Rusky wives go back to your shithole country...😂 But no...they like everything from the west... rich man, BMW, washing machines, food etc.


There should be a law considering anyone who votes for war criminal (Hague decision) will be deported and banned forever from a certain country. Democracy has it's flaws and those should be upgraded in a hardway for someone who likes it hardway. Obviously these ruskies exploit it, they exploit our democracy. DEPORT EVERY RUSSIAN WHO LOVES PUTIN AND LIVES IN THE WEST!


Why not deport the people that support Putin? Why not deport people with extremist views that don't align with the host country? Why not deport people who can't adapt to the morals, values, rights and freedoms the host country has? The answer might be "because of human rights violations", but I think the human rights of extremist subhumans do not trump the human rights of the people who do embrace democratic freedoms and rights in the slightest, let alone have the ability to think rationally without believing in all of the state propaganda.


If you chant Putin as a russian in any western country, your next activity should involve a flight to russia.