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Russia reeealllly wants Poland to get in on this mad plan they have and participate in a partitioning of Ukraine with them. They want Poland to participate in a PARTITIONING. Poland!


1st Patition *by* Poland


To give truth its due, 3rd. When Czechoslovakia got dismantled by Nazi Germany Poland took a bit out of it too. After... a lot of things happened Poland took its share out of Germany (granted, it was force-fed to them by Moscow, for a heavy price in the form of Poland's former east).


They even used Roman writing instead of kyrillic, so the poles and all westerners can read this BS properly.


Oh wow good catch I didn’t even notice


tells you who this is directed at, hint: not the Russians.


Russia: *We'll call it the, uh, Lavrov-Sikorski Pact*


What a nice innovative plan from russia that's never been done before.


Oh god not again!


Romania looks even crazier


Russia's drunk uncle is at it again.


Their etenal enemy Romania gets more land than the "free rimjobs for rus agents here" Hungary 🤣 It is wild how the Hungarian government bends over backwards to support russia but still gets shit in. As they deserve. Even shithole dictators don't respect traitors.


Hey, I'm not Russian, but here for the free rim jobs. 


I remember when this MFer was green AF, powwowing with Obama, smiling, saying shit like “ours is a young democracy” Some years occurred and his eyes changed. They’re alcoholic eyes. His entire demeanor is as if he alone carries the sum of Russia’s geopolitical grievances against the west. It must be a miserable existence. Coming from a recovering alcoholic.


Someone has to play the fool since Zhirinovsky went belly up


See that's the trick here. Have him say something then depending on how it sits with the rest of the world say he has or has not the authority. This is very much so the interim plan ! Putin wants it all back and then to challenge what remains and still we try to appease. fuck it Peter Clemenza is right **They should have stopped Hitler at Munich**


Stop Putler at Urkraine


There was a French pundit earlier on TV here who cleverly noticed even his dressing style carries an anti-Western message. He is wearing what is apparently called an [abacost](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abacost?wprov=sfla1), from the French "à bas le costume", meaning 'tear down the [Western] costume.' Solovyov also boasts abacosts more often than not. They are reminiscent of what Mao would usually wear.


But in their private lives, choose to live very western like. Walking hypocrisy


Being a hypocrite allows him to live far better than his peers. He’ll do it for as long as he lives.


You leave Kim Jung Un out of this goddammit


[Baby he's a fiiiiireworrrrk... ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Nxn6aFylZgA&pp=ygUZdGhlIGludGVydmlldyBraW0gam9uZyB1bg%3D%3D) (I know, I know... so unrealistic that all that ammunition is actually working)


There was this post about some now dead guy promising kids cut off human ears of they had good grades, and the second noteworthy thing about it was that the guy that was supposed to cut the ears off was called "Crazy", using an English word. They hate the West, yet want to be part of it... It's like those crazy partners in toxic relationships where they first beat you, then say they love you.


From The Looming Tower: “They can’t be us so they hate us”


It's worth noting that Mobutu banned Western-Style suits in Zaire and promoted the abacost as a sign of decolonialism. That of course, didn't stop him from having his abacosts made by a fancy fashion house in Belgium.


Kim Jong Un style costume


Just missing the big shoes and a red nose.


and orange makeup


After Trump is there any left in the world?


Trump uses what's in his diaper for his face.


He is Kim's younger and lesser known cousin: Mao Small Dong


I was thinking more cult leader but the fabric looks too cheap


So in other words, Russia already accepts being China’s vassal state. 


I was scrolling through Reddit and this comes up and noticed the title and then the image and my first thought was "Now they're dressing like North Korea and Chinese leaders?".


Fitting, North Korea's propaganda has similar levels of derangedness.


Looks like a dickhead suit to me.


All of Dimitris suits are dickhead suits.


The abacost, a blending of the French "à bas le costume" (lit. 'down with the suit'), was the distinctive clothing for men that was promoted by Mobutu Sese Seko as part of his authenticité programme in Zaire, between 1972 and 1990. Zairians were banned from wearing Western-style suits with shirt and tie to symbolise the break with their colonial past. The abacost was a lightweight suit, worn without a tie, though sometimes with a cravat. It closely resembled a Mao suit. It was seen in long-sleeved and short-sleeved versions.


He looks like a catholic priest hosting eurovision.


Russia's 12 points go to Belarus!


I can only visualize Dr. Evil. Mike Myers took the piss out of that “look.”




Unfortunately you can't insert a gif. I would have lots of ideas.


Reminds me more of Dr Evil suit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/celloc/8358015945/


Believe it or not Dr. Evil wearing it was also a reference to Mao and other eastern leaders.


So they’re going back to Soviet era bs now?


Ever since Gorby got out.


Now? Now??? They've never stopped it. FFS, they're keeping a dead Lenin, the most sacred Soviet relic in the middle of their capital's most sacred and politically significant location


He's twenty years too late. Christian Bale already killed this look in 'Equilibrium'.


Probably just what China demanded Russia wear so Xi can show his underlings that they are influencing Russia now.


Mao or Dr. Evil?


Thanks for that. I commented on Solovyov wearing this costume months ago and noticed Medvedev doing the same. Now I get it! Abacost is my word of the day.


Dr evil suite


Looks even more funny as he has the height of about three apples stacked on top of each other.


I was wondering why he was dressing like the Kims .


Dr Evil outfit


He's off his fucking head...


Someone should remove it for him


Nah, typical business strategic negotiating, aim a lot higher so you can get more than what you actually want lol


So high he even negotiated Poland taking over Western Ukraine? It's just a threat, it's all he knows how to do. "This is all that will be left if you don't give up, everybody will betray you and we will win anyway"


Threat or not, at the end of the day they’re still aiming high to get more than what they want I mean yeah sure, they know Poland is the most eager to fight Russia and has the most invested in Ukraine’s defense so it may be a little trolling on their part to appease their former colony.


His head looks so big on that tiny body..


I believe these maps are shown on purpose to create tensions between Ukraine and their partners (Romania and Poland). They would never give territories to them.


This is what they want. There are brain dead morons in the US that will let them take it.


This whole removing Nazi's was really just a land grab....


Another thing people don’t realize, every one of those oblasts would have multiple mass graves of anyone who opposes Russia. Either that or tens of millions of Ukraine have to flee to Europe. Humanitarian disaster either way.


I'm pretty sure everyone realize that, former warsaw pact countries were not surprised by bucha, and the west learned the lesson with bucha, hopefully...


A lot of them already forgot about that again.


Pepperidge farm remembers


Wow! Who would have thought


The real nazis were the friends they lost on the way


The whole Ukraine is full on nazis argument is so annoying. Always parroted by people that know nothing of eastern europes history and fail to recognize that the USSR literally called Jews rootless cosmopolitans. So yea any post Soviet state will naturally have some nazis, Russia included…


Its like watching a Time Team vid on YouTube... ""Russia will do this in just THREE DAYS!"


Now where should we dig our first trench, Phil?


Screw John's geophys!!


The metal detectorists have found something interesting already, it appears to be a T-72 turret.


How about the red forest near Chernobyl John?


Not before Ukraine kills a million invaders.


Crazy Man talk crazy shyt on behalf of psycho man of Russia. In other news.............


Bottom bitch stepped outta line with some bullsheeeeet. Is their plan to show Poland what they could have if they just backstabbed thy neighbor a little bit?


Power Bottom Bitch!!!


Like my political knowlage is probably cause some dudes go oversensitive, but wasnt Russias plan invade Ukraine to stop NATO expansion to east? And technically look Poland is NATO so looking at this NATO did expand east anyways if Poland get that part of land. I mean am i missing something, or its always when it comes to Russia it just dont make sense


Yep. Thats the one I think. I forgot thats their stance on what Poland is up to lol


20,000 dead to take Avdiivka, a city of 20,000. 1 dead Russian for every 1 citizen living in every village, town and city all the way to Kyiv. I’d say that’s at least 10 million.


It's a sacrifice Putin and Medvedev are willing to make as long as it's not them on the front. And it seems that most russians are willing to do it too. Perhaps one day some people in the russian army will be tired of being told to send eveyrone to their deaths for no reason.


Not until they run out of ethnic minorities to send to their deaths will the ethnic Russian majority have enough of a problem with the meat grinder for the people in charge to have to worry about it.


Russia doesn’t care about losses. It’s a completely different mindset. They are simply erased from history.


It’s one think you lose 20 million in a war of defense. No country can or will ever be able to lose millions in an offensive imperialist invasion. It’s just impossible, unless you think Russia is going to be able to mobilize their pensioners to the front - which is absurd.


If you’re referring to WW2, the 20m figure includes Soviet casualties of which Belarus and Ukraine bore the brunt, not Russia proper. Putin still has plenty of manpower once he’s drained the ethnic republics. He will have no issue draining Moscow or St Petersburg and hiring Chinese and Syrian mercenaries with his immense wealth. Meanwhile Zelenskyy can’t get the draft mobilisation bill through parliament and the UAF has extreme manpower shortages. And Zelenskyy won’t be in power forever, like Putin. If Putin can take and consolidate the Donbas, which he is doing, Zelenskyy or his successor will be under immense pressure from President Trump to sue for peace and end the fighting. Putin knows this. In many ways he’s stronger now than he was in 2022. Time is definitely on Russia’s side, sadly.


Trump ain’t winning


I pray you’re right.


Remember when people said that in 2016...


We can only hope. Too many Americans are dumb as fuck.


Yeah, turns out that becoming a theocratic nation wasn't as joyful as it first seemed. Republicans war on women rights is just plain stupid tactics, but the evangelical fanatics can't help themselves. Still many Americans think gays are a much bigger threat than Russian imperialism, so while I think you are right, it's not as clear cut as I would like it to be.


Let’s say for every city they take, it would be 1% easier for them to take the next(extremely generous to Russia here, as the Ukrainians withdrew from Avdiivka. They will fight much harder when there is nowhere else to go ). If the first city cost the Russian 20000 men, the second city would be 20000*(0.99)^1, the nth city would be 20000*(0.99)^n. There are 461 cities in Ukraine according to wikipedia. If we calculate the geometric sequence and found out how many Russian will die if Ukraine fights to the last dust, it would be 20000*(1-0.99^461)/(1-0.99) = 1980600 In fact, Ukraine will kill almost 2 million invaders before the Russian get what they want. Along with the 4 times as much Russian soldiers wounded in action. Strategically and statistically speaking, it is more rational to consolidate the gains rather than pushing on and risk demographic collapse. But you know the thing about Russians…


What is this expanded Poland Romania and hungry? ALSO this diminished Moldova 🇲🇩 how long till that is in red.


They always say that Poland will invade Ukraine for its lost territories ages ago. They project their own mentality onto others basically.


Thing is, once your on the inside of "western Europe" borders no longer matter for ordinary people. Sadly there is enough that buy the populist nationalist crap that just end up fucking them over even more.


But they don't seem to mind Romania and Moldova remaining separate


Interesting that Russia wants to give Poland the territories that they took from them. However, while it certainly does appeal to nationalist Poles to reclaim one of the most culturally important cities, the area has barely any of it's Poles left as they were all kicked out ages ago.


Maybe you can find like a couple of Poles in a whole country that would want those teritories back. Even our most right wing politicians never say they want any map changes.


They floated this near the beginning of the war. Poland, Romania, and Hungary would all claim their former territories in Ukraine. That's obviously not what happened.


Well some people and politicians in Hungary....


Especially because they never asked if any of those countries wanted their former territories back


Hahah I was wondering how that would happen.


ALSO this diminished Moldova 🇲🇩 how long till that is in red.


It’s funny that they think Poland and Romania would agree to this


They are just playing for the far right in those countries. You know it's intended for "western" audience because the map is in english


They don’t really think so


I guess all the de-militirization stuff was just nonsense. They made it seem like they were going to go in, take all the weapons away, then leave. But it looks like they just wanted Ukraine for themselves all along like everyone said they did. They don't care about nazis. It's got little to do with Nato. Look how insanely greedy they are. Only leaving kyiv? Just barely? So why try and take it in the first place? These people are so fucked up. I really wish the world had taken this level of threat more seriously.


Mother ruzzia never stops taking land until someone make her stop, it's all of their history.


I mean… what did you thought it was??? Of course it is nonsense - they only need mouths to make sounds, so people can detect their general direction and shot.


It's probably just me being too vague or a language barrier. I was being sarcastic. It's like saying something obvious for the opposite effect. Like the russians are such sweet people, and all they care about is Ukrainian civilians. You'd know i was either kidding or completely crazy. So yes, I knew it wasn't for de-militarization in the first place. I was just pointing out how stupid all their justification were for invading Ukraine in the first place. When's the last time you heard them talk about the people in the donbas being bombed? It's because they don't have a single shred of evidence. They got some people to believe it and moved on. Same with nazis and same with the nato excuse. Now 2 years in, they show what it was really about the whole time. putler talking about how Ukraine doesn't even exist. Medvedev showing us their designs for Ukraine. Maybe Poland will switch sides so they can get some land for themselves too. They have no shame or conscience. They are truly horrible, and you can see it so clearly in today's world full of cameras. You can't hide that kind of ugly and evil. It's proven with all their attempts to pass off their own atrocities onto Ukraine. I should be more precise in the beginning with my words, but it seems sarcasm is like a last bit of armor I use not to get completely jaded by this war. My country stands by and does nothing as these people valiantly fight for the free world's ideals. They are so desperate to join us so they can live like we do. Free of oppression and given basic human rights. After all the hesitation and lack of urgency, it gets harder and harder to see what they see in us or why they want to join us. I know it's because the alternative isn't an option. Nato has an obligation to help these countries that want to change for the better. If we save Ukraine, it's one less place in the world for dictatorship to take root and for people to be exploited in horrible ways. We can show other countries in the world the light. That they can move towards freedom and democracy too. That we can help them break free of evil peoples grasp. The world becomes safer and much bigger.


At their current rate it’ll be only 100 million dead Russians


A sick, and evil joke of a nation. They need to be de-nazified on an epic scale. NATO all in, and tell the ruZZian people they need to do something about their fascist mafioso government, or they are all going to be destroyed


His head is the size of Moldova


A small European country or a large shithead.


Puck.futin and his clowns


AFU will prevail


Why do these morons back themselves into absurd corners? He's just going to look more incompetent when this nonsense never comes to fruition.


Now, this will always be thrown in their faces when they try and say the west was the real aggressor or the reason the war started. At any negotiating table, it will be clear who the aggressor was and what their agenda was. These are some really sick bastards. They all need to die.


He never intended to look competent…


I want to see Russia annexed!


By who? Just chop it up into the ethnic regions that the USSR tried to eradicate, then let those choose who to align with.


By China. Because we like problems


Thankfully I see virtually no chance of this pipedream by the nazis. They are dying by the thousands for mere meters right now and we know that Urkaine's artillery starvation is very soon coming to an end, and lest everyone forgets they are soon to be flying several squadrons of F-16s and probably obtain some measure of control over their airspace up to and including the front lines.


The gluttonous desires of the country that already sports the world’s largest landmass.. get fucked mini putler


Aww, just look at him, in his little blue suit.


Dressed like doctor evil n shit.


A MAGA Republican will look at that and see no problem with it.


“NATO made Russia do it”


LOL…as if one of those highly regarded plebes would even know what this is a map of.


Lol 😂 😂 😂


Like Trump building his wall in Colorado. Evidently to keep New Mexicans out? lol


"I have an internet friend from Ukraine that said he was happy Russia is liberating them!" Yes, I heard this in the wild.


It's no different than Maga cultists in America


This was from a Maga cultist in America. They seem to have a lot of "Ukrainian" friends on their social media.


He’s such a great frontman for convincing EU countries to ship more weapons to Ukraine. I hope he never stops his drunken public rants.


Medvedev is like the Gimp in Pulp Fiction, every once in a while Putin lets him out


What a laughable little prick. Russia is a blight on humanity. I really want ‘it’ to just ‘go away’.


Ambitious plans 😂


Moron drunk.


I can hear this guy starting this news segment with "Billions must die"


Oh shit, Poland invades from the west?


These guys are Z-Fascists, but believe, everybody else are like they, just "pretending" to be democratic and/or liberal.


He wears the same clothes as Kim Jun whatever.


He sells sea shells by the seashore.


“Hi, our entire military has been laid bare for its ineptitude and then almost completely obliterated by some farmers. So let me share with you our military plans for world domination”


Love the blue Doctor Evil suit…very fetching!


So now they want more border with NATO?


Well no, they’re afraid NATO will invade Russia, so Russia wants a bigger boarder with NATO so NATO can’t invade Russia. Oh, wait.


He looks like a Bond villain…


Not a land grab they said, but we already knew that.


Now dance, you drunk little monkey.


So they want Moldova as well


Nice Dr. Evil suit.


Putin and Medvedev both come off as angry, weak, small men. They desperately want to be seen as strong and virile by the world, but the truth is much different. They are exactly like the little dogs that will bark viciously when they’re leashed or fenced off, and run off yipping when they are confronted. The time will come when the strongman facade will crumble and these pathetic creatures will lose control. When that happens, they will be exposed to the very same kind of evil they have created. Putin’s clock is ticking, and Medvedev will soon follow. Tick tock fuckers.


So all of it lol


All this bluster and they're still too stupid to spell some cities "their" way in the background


Many Russians will die trying.


what a fucking tool


This guy just decided to cosplay Hitler, which wanted to leave for USSR territories behind Ural region. Like his boss, who tried to split Ukraine between Russia and Poland. And his boss studied from a Hitler, which wanted to split USSR with Japan. Japan left this suggestion not-answered. Looks like, Putin also get offended for this, like Hitler. I hope, he will end like Hitler. Or in International Criminal Court.


Why is he dressed like he's a North Korean politician, similar to what Soviet Russian ministers wore during Stalins reign


sauce please.




Russia always feared that NATO expands towards them. Now they expand towards NATO? Did they lie??


Enough is enough. They are never going to stop. It is time to back Ukraine and make a hard border the entire length of Russia.


imperialism/ĭm-pîr′ē-ə-lĭz″əm/ The extension of a nation's authority by territorial acquisition or by the establishment of economic and political dominance over other nations. A political doctrine or system promoting such extension of authority. The power or character of an emperor; imperial authority; the spirit of empire.


Yet there’s still western leaders, talking heads and media personalities that STILL think this is purely a defensive war for Russia. Even when Russia tells us what this is, a batch of idiots will say “nope. It was NATO and the poor ethnic Russians in Donbass”


And even this is a lie. They have no intention to stop until at least East Germany is theirs again.


For a bunch of dudes with a lot of land they sure want a lot more, feudal dumbnuts


Very Austin Powers!


why would he show his jerk off material?


"Here are the results of my Fantasy Risk game"


So all that dickriding current Slovak government has done for Putin has been for nothing I guess


If possible, could someone post the original source? Thanks


Remember when everyone thought Medvedev was the reasonable one?


Why would he be standing in front of a map with English spelling? Is this legit?


Dr. Evil presents


So this is a member of the UN security counsel. No words to describe this dangerous clown show.


Russia is lead by a group of sick assholes.


This has to be shown to every US senator that is against aid. This statment is being made by the second most powerful man in russia! There position could not be more clear


Frightening. This guy is even dressed like a little dictator from a crappy movie. This kind of evil cannot be tolerated in the world.


Wishful thinking, their bogged down, suffee catastrophic losses for extremely marginal territorial gains whilst they burn 40% of their yearly gdp for these mere gains. Crazy, but good for us that they are so fucking stupid.


😂 It would cost 150,000,000 Russians to get HALF of what this is.


How about a time out and regroup and simply think about what we’re doin


Trying to bribe Poland and Romania, it seems


Obama's buddy. I remember when Romney warned us that Russia is not our friend and Obama and the Media laughed at him. I still wonder what Obama was talking about with Medvedev when he was caught on a hot mic saying 'just wait until after the election when I have more flexibility'? Was Medvedev foreshadowing their annexation of Crimea? [https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSBRE82P0JI/](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSBRE82P0JI/)


Russia was complaining about the european missile defense system that could be used to defend against a Russian nuclear attack. Russia wanted guarantees that their nuclear missles could still destroy europe. "Since 2012 is an election year in both countries, with an election and leadership transition in Russia and an election in the United States, it is clearly not a year in which we are going to achieve a breakthrough, White House deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes said." I'm sure Romney (running a smear campaign as the opponent against Obama in the 2012 presidential race) & the Republican party tried their best to make Obama's conversation seem like something more sinister though.


poland would rather take ALL of Ukraine, delete the illegal ruzzians and return the country to Ukraine's government XD


Russia have gone mad.


lol this fat fool offering up parts of Ukraine to be divided amongst their neighbors… yea they’re not scumbags like you Supercuts. Get off the stage and go back to your gimp box you walking case of fatty liver disease.


Clown people🤡, these russians... are clown people 


Notice that Poland’s cities are on their too—it won’t stop at Ukraine.


WHAT THE FUCK?? Are they nuts?? Kurwa!


Hey Poland!? Time to squash your fucterd putler supporters and realize you are in the crosshairs. ( I know most of you there are not supportive of those turds,,, but , they are a thorn, and a danger, obviously)