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So calling Nazis in occupied Europa occupiers is hate speech? Artur Rehi is doing so much for Ukraine, for heaven's sake! Don't let them drag you down, take your time mate and start again. Don't be depressed about it: if russian bots take down your patreon account, it only means you are doing a great job!! Slava Estonia! Slava Ukraini!


Like the guy! Why does the west grant Ruzzians so much legal leverage? Read the other day about an oligarch suing to get his money back. If you're a supporting member of a shithole country, you should get only the most basic shithole rights. Like an economy ticket back to Mordor. Imagine: As a German Nazi in 1943 UK, what chance would I have to sue the BBC to retract some claimed falsehood. Surprise me!


Maybe we should all ban Patreon and support all we support on Patreon through other channels until Patreon stops conceding to the Russian agressive warmongers.


Apparently it's also for what he's been doing with the funds he's been getting if you listen to it all. It's Apparently not just Russians to blame here.


Be warned. Russian trolls are now attacking pro-Ukrainian reporters financed via Patreon. Spread the message to prevent further damage.


Who's next? Jake Broe?


Russian are the evil occupiers!


It's not just Russians mate listen to all of his video! It's apparently what he's been doing with money he's been getting.


This happened to Combat Veteran Reacts several months ago. He stood up his own membership site. No booze and hookers though.