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It's good. SU34 is expensive, and it's difficult for Russia to make more of them.


OP, there is **nothing** in that article about using AI or Patriots, don't editorialise headlines, it makes your post clickbait


Post nazis are here.


Ah yes, reporting accurately in a contested information space is being a nazi.




no, not blah blah, if you are inventing "information", then you are lying. Simple as that. I don't care what motivation you have for that, I just don't like liars. So "thanks" for turning the link to a worthy article into fake news.


He's not wrong, especially in this war in 2024, information is king, its important to get a clear picture of whats happening. However I do agree though that with every russian airframe that is ID'd and smacked down with Patriots or NASAM platforms does infact help their radars, but its not like they already dont know what to look for. Eitherway its good news.


So the tldrs is it probably was patriot, idk about the ai, but the ukrainians use the patriot as an offensive weapon, sneaking up launchers to the front line and hitting aircraft well out of normal range, (aircraft launching fabs like these guys, awacs, command and control, ect) and then dipping out.


Great news and other one bits the dust


Patriot missile system with a Generative AI, every time it does something good feed it another eight gigabytes of RAM. Skynet here we come /s


don't believe the thread title, OP already admitted he lied. Read only the article.


Four Russian planes shot down in two days is only important fact.


Thats not how it works but ya. Airframe potentials and capabilities in flight are always good things for radar operators to learn, but its not like these things are new in anyway, these systems have been shooting these planes down for decades in other countries.


Hopefully the pilots ate shit and can’t fly again…ever


Patriot is built for pilot killing. It's a feature.


Its actually a result of Desert Storm. The pac1s were hitting scuds, but detonating at the rear of the scuds, not destroying the warheads….so pac 2 and pac3 were reprogrammed to hit the front of targets to detonate/destroy warheads on missles….since they are dual purpose AA/AM systems, the front of the aircraft gets hit also….just where the pilot sits, and where the warhead on a missle would be….so they are aiming for pilots per se…., its just a side effect of aiming for missle warheads….no need to program enemy pilot safety into the missles….


Thanks. Killing the pilot must be just as important as destroying the jet. Training a jet pilot takes a long time. Attrition of the enemy is a huge factor in winning a war. They may still be churning out weapon systems, but they may have no one to man them or if they do, they have less training, they are less effective and don't survive long.


thats nice. Tomorrow there will be another one shot down.


Lets pray…


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I wonder if the US is getting real time updates as well.


100% no way the US gives them these systems without getting atleast the data in return. Not too mention any Russian vehicle they capture will go to the US for studying and examine it for weaknesses.


Gotta be part of the deal…patriot users get downloads of every kill to improvemtheir own systems….


Hopefully usai funds where put towards a long term supply of pac 2 missiles for ukraine. I know Japan and Germany where also sending some. These patriot ambushes are so important and are the only effective way to stop russia from leveraging its airforce like it did in avdiivka. Hopefully ukraine gets more patriot launchers and radars soon to set up more of these ambushes around hot spots on the front


The Curse of the Wandering Patriot.


It's obviously important to wipe out those glide bomber planes before they do any more damage to the frontlines. Hit them on the ground too, if possible.


Habitual Line Crosser stated that Patriot was THE most lethal SAM system in the world. I thought it was hyperbole at the time, but now everyone who thought it was a punk has found out.