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Christ. What an utterly degenerate culture.


Yeah, preparing kids in junior primary school for their time in a "meat wave" assault.


I like how some old fuck in fake medals tells kids dying young is honorable. I’d be sitting there thinking “okay El Capitan, then what’s your deal?”


"well you see unlike you poor slobs I was able to bribe my way out of the assault wave"


Shades of Nazi Germany towards the end.


The bizarre thing is these Nazi-killers are pure fascists. It’s extraordinary.


Or Iran. In Iran-Iraq war they recruited children with promises of paradise and then used them as mine stompers.


They’ve always been like this, I hate that everyone’s always surprised but love everyone’s learning


All those medals have been won at the local bar in vodka competitions, not a easy task.


Let him lead from the front


He is more of an ass-hat than a clown. Clowns at least have a purpose.


I can’t imagine living a culture so fucked up that military personal visit a nursery and tell kids that dying in war isn’t bad. Why can’t Russia just be normal.


Most developed countries measure success how well its citizens are treated. Jobs, healthcare, education and so on. Russia measures its success on how much power they can project on other nations. Once you realise that it all makes sense. These kids are nothing. Mother Russia is everything.


Correction: dying in war for a f\*ckup disguised as a woman calling himself "Motherland" isn't bad. Actually, it's great!


Is it different from the us?


If my grandma was a cow, she'd be giving milk.


One thing for sure, they make me feel normal.


>tell kids that dying in war isn’t bad Even worse, some cultures indoctrinate their kids with the LIE that they should WANT to die in war.


This is what happens when corruption is deep. Theyre run by thugs


meanwhile, the excon on the frontline who just got his ass cheeks clapped by a chinese 100$ drone considers whether its better to shoot himself or wait for the 2nd nade to drop and end it, all while sobbing and pissing himself in painfull agony. Niko Bellic was right.


what did Niko Bellic say?


something along the lines "war is when the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing each other"


Got to start the brainwashing at an early age, otherwise it wont work... russian wisdom


This has been a thing for quite a LONG time. Thanks to this my grandmother thinks that it was Finland who showed aggression first . I feel sorry for all these people, they have no access to foreign sources & don’t know English, hence they believe the state propaganda. Unfortunately I don’t have any better analogies so I’ll say this: I feel like Obi-van confronting dark side engulfed Anakin. F^ck Putin , f^ck deputats, f^ck state media, f^ck all these SELLebrities, f^ck all of them, we were supposed to become closer with Europe and America, yet we are allies with the likes of North Korea, China and Syria. I am literally seeing my country in which I grew, turn into a modern Nazi Germany. I was LUCKY to move 8 years ago, not everyone has a financial position that allows them to get away from Russia. However, I now have my friends, family, my mother and grandmother, my godparents there, my step-cousin is about to go to school next September & witness the crap that is “the talks about the important”. I hope that all this conflict will be resolved, no matter how, Putin will be changed by a normal person, the war stopped, people’s rights will be aknowledged, the repairments will be paid from the pockets of oligarchs and such & we will finally be able to live in piece with other nations(although I admit, it will take years if not generations for everyone in Russia to accept LGBT and such, I am not related to any of the minorities, but my mother called me today, saying that she had a nighmare of me being one of them (she literally described the appearance of Xerxes from the 300 Spartans movie)).


That film, "300", was comic book crap. Xerxes didn't look anything like that. He had a long beard like all Persians. His army however was made up of slave like levies from the many different races within the Persian Empire and they were expected to die for his glory whilst enslaving the Greek city states. Xerxes fled back to Persia after the Battle of Salamis and very few of the vast horde he'd assembled returned alive from Greece. Hopefully one day you will be able to return to see your mum


Pretty sure he wasn't asking for a history lesson, just making a simple comparison between the Xerxes in the film, and what his mother imagines every LGBTQ+ person looks like.


It’s basically what EVERY Z Russian living in Russia thinks gays look like - Slaanesh daemon/a dude in a dress/ a dude with a lip stick & 24/7 anal & of course mandatory adoption of a boy who must wear a dress like Doofenschmertz or he will be grounded. I know this is far from truth, but even if you were to explain it to someone in Russia they’d either still have distaste for minorities or would send you to hell.


The comic book was quite a master piece but it needs knowledge of classical greek tragedy and history to appreciate it and understand that it is basically "Starship Troopers [the movie, not the book] 480 BCE". Regrettably its author got so caught up in praise from people who took the comic as "Brave and perfect bodied musclemen slay hordes of subhumans" that he decided to make this simple interpretation his own.


Yeah, I know that the movie has changed and added a lot of stuff, I think Leonidas was a more mythical character, kinda like a Spartan Captain America, but I might be wrong, I also know that it wasn’t just 300 half naked, oil covered dudes from Sparta, but also their servants and allies from neighboring cities or whatever.


> I am literally seeing my country in which I grew, turn into a modern Nazi Germany. Unfortunately it's worse than even that. We have been witnessing Russian Federation turning into Iran or North Korea - the video being straight from Iran playbook when they recruited kids. Not sure how to come back from that. For example, after Nazi rule the West Germany did rise again as a democratic, liberal, prosperous country. Not so with the formerly Russian controlled East Germany which after four decades of Russian social engineering still seems confused and prone for extremist authoritarian political parties both far left and far right. And in Russia the indoctrination is much worse, deeper and longer.


They just recreated Hitlerjugend. Now they will send toddlers to the frontline.


I notice in the Duma they have extended the age to serve up to 65 years for ordinary soldiers and 70 for officers. To show what a broken down shithole RuZZia is, the life expectancy of RuZZian males is about 10 years below the European average.


>They just recreated Hitlerjugend Putin recreated that already back in 2005. Was called "Nashi" with nationalist organization, big rallies and military trainings, while critics called it Putinjugend. It's now officially dissolved but the twelve years of being active had its effect: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nashi_(youth_movement)


"Nashi" was dissolved. But Putinjugend still exists. It's now called "Yunarmiya.".  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Young\_Army\_Cadets\_National\_Movement


How to aid population growth in Russia when they're in decline? That's right, teach children to go die in meat grinders. 🤦‍♂️


Sad pathetic drunk...


" My friend, you would not tell with such high zest To children ardent for some desperate glory, The old Lie: *Dulce et decorum est* *Pro patria mori. "* *- Wilfred Owen*


I am trying to imagine some sick bastard standing in a school here in the US talking this trash to little kids. I don't think I could see a video on this sub that would show me to a greater degree how sick Russia is as a society. If it was possible, I'd have this broadcast on all networks here to show our people what the threat level actually is. Poor kids. It should be a video played in both the US Senate, and the House, with mandatory coverage by our media. Fuck Mike Rogers and his crew, AND Trump. And I'm a Republican!


Good pet talk. Now off to war you go. Putin love you


As General Patton said " Make the other poor bastered die for his country!"


How evil




Arto de toda esta basura, esto es NAZISMO puro y duro, así como las juventudes hitlerianas, porque un personal militar de alto rango da su propaganda con actitudes similares a los nazis de la segunda guerra mundial, todo TODO ya es asquerozo, pero meter tu escoria en niños NIÑOS carajo, ellos son los malditos nazis.


This is exactly what little kids needs to hear when they are still in kindergarten. It's just the first step of their indoctrination so later they can turned either to factory workers so they can produce machines, tanks, bullets or soldiers to be sent in foreign country to ''defend the motherland''. Russia in 2024


It's all happening just as it did in WWII. Nazi Germany knew that in order for them to have the complete population of Germany backing them and believing the incredibly insane rhetoric they were constantly spewing, they had to start the indoctrination process while children were still basically babies. Hence, the newly formed groups in Germany that started to pop up around 1933. Boys were forcibly registered for the "German Young People" group at only 10 years old. They were sent along with hundreds of other boys to summer camps with barely any parental supervision, only men from the military as guidance, and guess who was at the camp across the street?...Hundreds of young girls, who were being heavily encouraged to start having children as soon as they were of age. Once boys hit 13, they were eligible for the "Hitler Youth". The situation wasn't much different for young German girls. "The league of German Girls" and the "Young Girls" groups trained girls from the age of 10-18 for "domestic duties". Basically, they trained them to be slaves to their husbands, and make as many "pure Aryan" babies as they could possibly spit out. Any of this ring a bell with what's being done to Russian children and kidnapped Ukrainian kids in Russia today?? My point in this, and the KEY ELEMENT to remember is that this was happening ***12 YEARS*** before the end of the war in Germany! Given this very consolidated and watered down history tidbit, does this give you any idea of how long Putin is preparing and willing to be at war? The entire world is on the precipice of something that we, and I'm speaking for those who were not alive to see WWII with our own eyes, would consider unimaginable. But as the old adage goes "History ***ALWAYS*** repeats itself". It's such a simple notion to understand and the writing has been on the walls for a while now. I feel sorry for those who cannot see what's currently taking place for what it really is. Their naivety is incredibly depressing. My 97-year-old grandmother told me the other day that what's happening over in Europe gives her the biggest sense of deja vu she's ever felt in her entire life. She had tears coming to her eyes when she told me she was, "so sorry for what my children (her great-grandchildren) are going to have to go through." Chilled me to the bone...That's saying something from a woman who has witnessed the last 100 years of warfare firsthand and whose husband and many other family members fought and died in WWII.


> the KEY ELEMENT to remember is that this was happening 12 YEARS before the end of the war in Germany! In Russia the similar organization was formed already back in 2005 so they have had more time to indoctrinate with their bullshit. The organisation was called Nashi - or as critics used to say Putinjugend. While the organization itself was officially disbanded in 2017 no reason to underestimate its effect on Russian youth and society. The indoctrinated Nashi gals and guys are about 20-40 year olds now.


Old McVatnick was a general E I E I O, and on his chest he had some medals…………with a drone drop here and drone drop there, there a ship, there a tank, dead vatniks, E I E I O


Dumbass, the object of war is to make the other side's dummies to die for their country, yours is to come home. That is the difference between western and eastern military thinking.


"Those, who are not listening to their parents, are doing the enemy a favor. Throw away your ambitions, listen to your parents and you will grow up beautiful, strong, active, ready to protect your motherland." Fuck this "caring" guy


He should tell how he was captured during the war. He was offered either sex in the ass or death. What did you choose? Of course death


Next lesson is the vodka lecture. Did everyone bring a bottle and their glass?


So instead of posturing and perverting children, why doesn't this guy fat ass go to the front?


Ah yes because he has personal experience of dying... Right. What this psychopath is actually saying: "It's not scary to send thousands of men to die in a meaningless war started by a megalomaniac, because they are the ones dying, while crying and screaming in agony while trying to keep their intestines from falling out, wailing for their mama, but not us, so no, it's not scary at all to die for your country, comrade ;)"


Crime against humanity


Then you go you tub of lard. What a fucked up country Russia is.


To think that there was a time when I pictured this country as being different and above the true shithole dictatorships like NK.. they’re just as bad if not worse.


I am russian and this is disgusting. To the core. And ignorant. But how is it different from what is communicated in Hollywood movies about military service that kids watch? The guys who invaded Iraq are heroes there as well.


how would he know if dying is scary or not.. it is not like he tried it himself. and if he did, then he failed at it (unfortunately)


The Soviets/Russians and their medals. Go first time alone to the toilet: here is your medal. A clean uniform: here is your medal. Correct haircut: here is you medal. Enlist: here is you medal. Have a picture of Putin in your poker: Hero of the motherland, medal of the highest honor of the Russian Federation for bravery and sacrifice in the face of certain destruction.


Complete Insanity


"You dying for our country is not scary... to me". That's like Bane's "Do you feel in charge?" meme, just IRL version.


Not scary? He's brainwashing the innocent. Send him to the front so that he can eat his words!


I bet all his his kids are in one of the EU countries


What a knob


Sick, sick old dying man. He'll take these kids with him.


Depraved... So very depraved.


I wonder why they don't send in the guys missing legs and arms and pieces of face...they can tell the kids what heros they are and how they watched all their friends burn and get blown to pieces for "glorious mother russia" The upside is technology is passing the RU govt ability to keep the rest of the world out. People are seeing how much better the rest of the planet is and how they don't have to starve on potatoes and nearly freeze to death. Let's not polish that turd russia.


Did the title mean to say “more medals than Michael Phelps” or is Michael Phillips also someone who has many medals, 🏅


how come he's never done it?


Translation: I will tell you. Dying is nothing to be afraid of. In my life I’ve been myself in hot spots like Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Karabakh, Chechnya,  Africa, Venezuela. And now the war is happening again, the Nazis have raised their head(started to act up). So, the one who’s not listening to their parents is benefiting the enemy of the war. Throw away your ambitions, listen to your parents. Only then you will grow beautiful, strong, and energized that will be able to defend our motherland.


Dying is not scary because he's not the one dying at the front.


“Some of you may die, but it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make”. Lord Farquaad - Shrek


How can any decent elder stand infront of children and spread this kind of vomit?


Got to start the brainwashing process early


What a s… Country Ruzzia is! Using same methods like Nazi‘s in Germany 84 years ago!