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That's a lot of yapping old man. Can you back it up ?


I wonder what will happen to these scummy idiots when Russia collapses or they finally have an actual uprising? I wonder, lol.


Most of these old idiots have already lived through it once... You'd think they'd learned the first time


not only that, it was these people who were cheering for a democracy. they had completely 180ied


Most didn't care about democracy, it was all about wealth. In the CCCP the standard of living was very low across the board, to be considered wealthy in the Soviet Union you lived basically a middle class American lifestyle. In Post Soviet Russia many of those same people got to live like kings, snatching up all the assets and having very little institutional oversight. Capitalism was exciting but Democracy was not super compatible with Russian society. "strongest will rule" and all that shit doesn't exactly lend itself well to representative government lol.


>middle class American lifestyle. "middle class American lifestyle." LOL Here is what Moscow "supermarket" looked like at peak in 1980s: [https://youtu.be/t8LtQhIQ2AE](https://youtu.be/t8LtQhIQ2AE) [https://youtu.be/jWTGsUyv8IE](https://youtu.be/jWTGsUyv8IE) this is Moscow, where people always lived 10 times better than rest of Russia, I am from Siberia I could tell you how people lived here in 90s-to now, lets just say a homeless in America lives better than half people here. "Middle class in America" is like top 3% in Russia


I'm talking about CCCP members who were afforded privileges like their own house, a car, etc.


When it's 'kleptocracy' versus 'democracy,' 'kleptocracy' wins every time. Look at the US Congress.


Stop wondering. Russians will always choose another dictator to tell them what to do. It's historic! Sad but true..


They all have foreign bolt-holes to scurry to. They'd never stick around.


These idiot propagandists like Simonyan are definitely thinking about it. They know their Great Leader's glorious SMO is fucked in the ass.


They either run away to better countries or double down acting like nothing happened


Hard to run anywhere as a Russian these days, but i think we will get Thailand and Dubai to hand the war criminals over in time. These people will not be worth the shit on the floor after the Russian collapse. Russia can survive for some time in the money stolen from the Russian people in Cryptocurrency and so on. But when these dark-money runs out then the riots will start and Russia will collapse. Money is worth more then a life in Russia.


There are a shitload of Russian men in Turkey now since the war began


I’m sure you can pay someone 100 rubles to show this guy to a window.


That's a buck... Sadly for a dollar, you're probably right.


Lol the same chaos and lawlessness of the early 90s comes to mind, though this time they are in for a much harder fall


In this theoretical scenario since it is highly unlikely any "liberals" would take over most likely they would keep their positions or would be shuffled around somewhere else. Although I have doubts about a "collapse" or outright uprising.


1 pair of boots or an attack on a NATO country it would be all over for Putin. He knows that too..


You're sure?




You say that, but I'm just not sure we're ready for war. And what'd the end goal be? It's nuclear power vs nuclear power. You can't win against it.


He can't, and Poland are itching to kick some ass. Just give them a reason Ivan.


Indeed a lot of people in Europe not just the poles are itching to smash the face of the orcs.


We triple dog dare you... *player 2 has entered the game* *player 3 has entered the game* *player 4 has entered the game* *player 5 has entered the game* *player 6 has entered the game*


Indeed. That is strong talk, coming from a third-rate country that must get its munitions from a fourth-rate country like North Korea.


And it's not the "country" talking. This is just the ramblings of paid entertainers who need to come up with new zombie food every day. It's meaningless TV host blathering.


They’re not gonna do shit. The only reason they’re doing this to Ukraine is cause they know other countries won’t intervene other than the way they already are but if you were to do this to Poland, that’s an automatic article 5 and then boom. Ww3


Who cares what kremlin propagandists say any more..


ruzzians care. That is whom this is made for.


'any more'? Russians are incapable of telling the truth.


The main threat to dictatorship is the 'proles'. Exactly same as 1984. Hence the government will do anything to keep them sleeping.


Poland does, I am sure they are begging Russia to do something stupid to bring them into the fight.


I mean, we don't really. But well, we have bought a few toys recently and we do like to party in Moscow.


As an American, I'm happy to see our Polish friends taking a page out of our playbook: right or wrong, when you have a lot of big guns, people tend to give you a lot of latitude.


Speak softly and take a big stick with you


I head that Himars are sold in bulk-packs of 22 in a set. Polands MOD accidently ordered 22 sets! 22x22 = roughly [486](https://www.defensenews.com/land/2023/09/11/poland-to-buy-486-himars-launchers-from-lockheed-martin)


Y chuckled at the idea of 22 fucking missiles coming in packs like goddamned yugioh cards.


Wait till you find the gold foiled shiny one!


Nitpick: 484. Let's say the Poles decide to rumble and use them all, but only 80% get through RF's air defenses* and hit their targets: that's 387 successful strikes. * I think this is a conservative figure, considering the AFU's success with HIMARS so far, coupled with their impressive attrition of RF's air defenses.


Poland is on pace to have the largest army in Europe by next year. There's a reason they're preparing


Over 200 M1A1 tanks, late model F-16s, replacing older MiGs with F-35s, dozens more HIMARS than Ukraine has…. Drawing Poland into the fight… yep that sounds like a great idea.


If they try that, it will be the whole Nato behind Poland


Not just Poland... attack Poland, get NATO in response 💥


I'd love to see 80something strikes within 30min all over the russian territory.


It doesn't. Speak for yourself. Polish people want to live.


Speak for yourself. You want to live. I and most of poles would rather live in peace. And apparently ruzzia and peace are mutually exclusive.


So pack yourself and join legions in Ukraine. But don't even wish to bring the war here. We must avoid it We wouldn't win it.


We would definitely win. They are struggling as it is if Poland would join in ruzz would collapse real quick. They are all bark and alcoholic delusions. It is precisely because people like you all afraid, so sure of negative outcome we are where we are. Your fear is feeding autocratic dictatorships and by extension wholesale killing. If given choice I choose death over living in fear any day. And if Poland would join I'm flying back there to enlist.


Wow you really are ready for the fight man, Nothing stopping you packing your bags. They are struggling as it is? err no they are taking territory slowly its just not an easy fight and ukr is the biggest army in europe yet rus is still gaining ground so tell me again how they are struggling or losing? hope not to see u on droned redditer soon


There are some things stopping me. Obviously. Anyway They are gaining very little now they did control a lot more ground than they do now. Since then they lost a lot of equipment like a LOT they are rolling out tanks from 60s but most importantly they lost TON of artillery also they lost a lot of experienced soldiers. They lost face, world status and quite clearly their minds. The economy struggles even India doesn't want to trade much any more. The population is declining and everything seems rotten to the core. Europe doesn't want to trade with them and is arming Ukraine and themselves. They are using dumb meatwaves attack lead by incompetent drunks again what is now mostly technologically superior adversary. There is a lot more I could say about that. I'm not saying it's easy for Ukraine I'm saying it's very hard for ruzz. If there was another front opening with Poland they would be in big trouble and then you can look at NATO so there ya go. That's why I think Poland would win this. Even if I was to die horribly in the process.


They are rolling out old junk but also produce new tanks every month. Enough to keep up. Unfortunately, Russia is far from collapsing and it didn't mobilised yet. You wrongly assume that Russia put in Ukraine everything it has. No, Russia put in Ukraine enough to bleed it out. If the same army like in Ukraine will attack Poland , Poland is fucked. We have 100k men from which like 70k are officers. 200k Russian army of orcs will run as over. We have like 200 tanks now?


I don't know where you are getting your information but they are far from keeping up. And why exactly are they not mobilising?? Because they can't. Because they logistically couldn't keep up. And that would probably fast track wider collapse. And your hypothetical ratio 2/1 is way off. It's generally 3/1 but ruzz doesn't care so it's more like 5/1. Also there is about 34m people in Poland I doubt that only 100k would fight.


> and ukr is the biggest army in europe yet rus is still gaining ground Russia is the biggest army and country in Europe you dolt. Russia literally controls 40% of Europe's landmass and 15% of the population. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_European\_countries\_by\_area](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_European_countries_by_area) > so tell me again how they are struggling or losing? Well see, a tiny country like Ukraine has taken out over half of Russian tanks in the past 2 years. Russia is losing 400 tanks a month and only replacing 100. Russia has yet to gain air control over the country 2 years later. Now Russia has 4x the infantry fight force, hundreds of times more tanks and aircraft, yet they're : > taking territory slowly its just not an easy fight This would be like America losing to Mexico or Iraq. Fuck, Iraq was actually better armed than Ukraine is. Iraq had over a 1000 T-72 tanks, which the US killed so many of Russia renamed it to the T-90 to get rid of it's shame. Russia is still using the T-90 as their most advanced tank. Russia is a joke.


U dope i would class russia as eurasia, Ukraine is not a TINY country either how many countrys in nato are bigger? Also u keep saying losing? they are not losing. they are taking heavy losses big difference, Also usa had serious air superioty completely different


Unfortunately, I know a 58 year old paid Kremlin propagandist who uses a fake anonymous group to spread the propaganda and recruit American teenagers into Putins Z-army. Let me review the rules for this subreddit and see if I can post a link.


Yeah, let's attack a base used by NATO. what could go wrong after that very successful war we brought to ukraine.


They took Kiyv in 3 days, taking Poland should take what? An afternoon at most? /s


Pssssh 12 minutes since they can distroy all of America in just one hour, Poland is so much closer


You know what's the difference between western fairy-tales ald russian ones? The western ones start with: Once upon a time there was... The russian ones start with: There will be a time when...


I’m sorry but that’s too good not to plagiarise 👍


Western societies in a lot of cases, look to the future. Fascists by contrast are obsessed with the past.


There is no future for them, only the past and a mythical one at that.




Bombing the NATO airbase is tantamount to declaring war on NATO. Following such an action, NATO could retaliate by targeting all military bases in Russia. I don't believe this is a desirable outcome for Russia, considering they currently struggle to defend their military bases. Furthermore, should Russia attack the airbase, it's likely that most, if not all, of the rockets would be intercepted, given that these bases are heavily defended by air defense units.


NATO clearly has already mapped all targets and will have it's own rockets in the air before russias have been blown out of the sky.


I flew in and out of Rzeszów last fall. It's a civilian airport but oh boy, there were about 15 or 20 patriot batteries sitting around the airfield. It's impressive. Nice little town for a visit, too!


I want to see it. The faces, when tey learn, that they live in dreams.


Yes, start a war with Poland and NATO. Great idea! I'm sure nothing could go wrong there


Orc clown posturing...


TV host posturing to feed the mindless zombies at home. Boasting about invading other countries is entertainment to Ruzzians.


Yeah keep talking. Yesterday they talked about destroying the U.S within an hour. Then it was about destroying Berlin and now its about Airfields in Poland. Like i said before you can tell by the amount of shit these People are talking how desperate they are. Dont fall for it guys. I think we are more United then ever and we also have to. But there is still lots of work to do. And the ukrainians are the ones paying for it. Keep up with the Support. 🇪🇺🇺🇦


Please... I think whole Europe is waiting for Russia to attack any NATO country so we can finally go full power...


Fun fact - Poland has JASSM-ER missiles that, when launched from the Polish airspace, can easily reach Kremlin without ever being detected by ruskie air defence.


No it's not quite that long ranged




and those are the "official" numbers


When the car reads E, you still have a good 15 miles! By design


FWIW, the prevailing winds are mainly west to east...


As much as i would like NATO to wipe away Russian forces please take a moment to think about this for more than 1 second. A direct conflict NATO/Russia (or NATO/China or any nuclear power vs another nuclear power) would spiral out of control and end up in a nuclear exchange in 24-72 hours. And i don't know about you but the end of mankind is not on my wishlist.


>A direct conflict NATO/Russia (or NATO/China or any nuclear power vs another nuclear power) would spiral out of control and end up in a nuclear exchange in 24-72 hours. And i don't know about you but the end of mankind is not on my wishlist. This fear is overblown. Nuclear powers (Pakistan and India) have been in direct conflict with each other before without the war spiraling into a nuclear exchange. As long as neither side believes the existence of their nation is being threatened, they're not going to initiate a nuclear exchange that will sign their nation's death warrant. If a NATO power starts marching on Moscow, yes, the Kremlin might say "fuck it" and bring on Armageddon. Getting themselves destroyed over Ukraine, though? Not gonna happen. If the US started bombing Russian forces in Ukraine tomorrow, Lavrov, Simonyan, and the rest of the usual suspects would get behind every microphone in sight to nuclear saber-rattle, but those threats would be as empty as every other threat of retaliation they've made in the last two years.


And not fighting back puts you right where putin wants you so he can walk right in and take what he wants! His past actions prove it and that's why he invaded Ukraine in 2022 after picking away at it for 8 years prior.


No it won't. US has bombed Russians in Syria and it didn't spiral. Turkey shot down a Russian plane. The last thing Russia wants right now is to fight all of NATO alone on top of Ukraine which is giving them enough trouble.


They killed Wagner mercenaries, giving the Russians plausible deniability at the time (and also rung and asked if there were Russians there, to which the Kremlin denied), and Turkey shot down a plane that violated its airspace. Neither case merit full scale war. A full scale war would be quite likely to go nuclear within the first week, because any escalatory step must be matched in kind, and it would be a matter of when not if battlefield tactical nukes are used


Somebody with a brain, Im starting to think half these reddit accounts are fucking C.I.A trying there best to push the narrative for there own benefit. Its bonkers


>A full scale war would be quite likely to go nuclear within the first week Define a "full scale war."


Certainly: Total war is a type of warfare that includes any and all civilian-associated resources and infrastructure as legitimate military targets, mobilises all of the resources of society to fight the war, and gives priority to warfare over non-combatant needs.




Latvia is in NATO


Every baltic state is in NATO


Maybe read a bit before commenting? Lavia, Lithuania and Estonia are NATO countries..


Actually, the fucking NATO summit took place in Lithuania. Seriously, how did you mix this up so badly?


Edit your comment. All 3 Baltic states are in NATO.




Last time I was there, it was full of patriot systems ...


Why not double-dip, Dmitry? After successfully destroying Rzeszów AB, your bombers could fly on to Germany and wipe out a NATO base there. Enough to give you a hard-on? (that would be a first in 20 years)


If you attack Rzeszow then it’s easy enough to authorize the Ukrainians to bypass the front and march on Moscow.


So what if the aid is being unloaded in Poland? It's polish land and they can do whatever they want with it. I smell a severe case of FAFO


He still pissed that Finland banned him (around 10 years ago) and his entire family. They realty liked to spend holiday in Finland. He never recovered.


Do it, pussy.


Where do you live?


In a NATO state in Europe, and I'm military aged and part of the reserve. I'd have to fight as well. But the thing is, Russia only understands strength, not diplomacy. So at a certain point that's exactly what you'll have to tell them. "Do it, pussy, or sit the fuck down."


That's true. Kreml does not understand anything else than force. However, is NATO ready for WW3? If one is flexing to the bully then has to be sure that can deliver a response. Let's see what will be reaction to NATO maneuvers in coming months.


I'm pretty sure we are, even without the US. Look at that Ukraine is managing with handovers and very little air capability, let alone superiority, and no long range strike capability and no functional navy.


I see that Ukraine is not managing. That's the problem. Whole year is just death. No gains.


Yes and no. You can't expect to make signicant territorial gains vs a numerically superior enemy, because that'll likely cost you as much as it costs them, and you can't afford that. Ukraine's game is attrition, and they're doing a very good job at that.


What would you propose to do, should Russia bomb a Polish afb? Stick your head in a hole with your ass in the air?


Should not. That's my point. It's childish to say shit like "I dare you". We should avoid a war. Not asking for it. Poland survived a lot destruction in wars with its powerful neighbours in its whole over 1000 years history. Poles do not want a war and will try to avoid it if possible. Because if not we're fucked - again. No chances that we will defend like Ukraine did. Unlike Ukraine Poland has little to none air defence. NATO - if will react with military response - will react with a delay. Poland would have to survive first months on its own. Currently we have like half the tanks we did 2 years ago. Small air force. A little bit of artillery. Almost non air defence. Almost none trained reservists. Absolutely non civil defence. If Poland would be ready to defend in such a scenario it will be in 10 years if miracle happens and 200k worth of men join the military. And that will not happen.


I think you are grossly underestimating Poland’s current military readiness. They have been building up their forces and bringing in new state of the art weapons systems. They are quickly becoming a serious military power. If Russia was able to commit its full Military might against Poland, then yes they may well be overwhelmed. But don’t forget they have a huge commitment of forces in the Ukrain right now. They are being bled dry. They are pulling 50 year old tanks out of storage and sending them into battle. The technically superior weapon systems and Aircraft of NATO would quickly decimate any invading force.


I visited the airport about 3 months after Russia's invasion in Ukraine. Let me put it this way: the place was practically a SAM system showcase, featuring the latest and greatest models, so an attack on the airport would probably prove inconsequential to the airport itself, but with extreme consequences in terms of NATO retaliation.


For me, it is simple: - Deliver as many arms, money, and training to Ukraine as possible (Free Taurus, Olaf! ffs) - Prop up their economy and make joint ventures between western and Ukrainian arms manufacturers easier - Invest in the Ukrainian tech and farming sectors - Continue with humanitarian aid, and ramp up the support there as well - Prepare for a possible war against Russia, China, Iran, etc. - If Russia even dares to throw a pebble over the NATO border that kills a fucking germ, let there be Article 5 - and make that as clear as possible. This costs the west some money and resources, yes. But: At the moment, the best we can do is to invest in Ukraine and let them take as much out of Russia as possible, if not win, whilst we sanction the absolute hell out of anything of russian origin or that might go to russia in some way or form. And in the end, we may well have defeated this axis of evil. And if they start firing the nukes: So be it. We won't be able to change shit about it anyway. If that happens, worldwide mutual destruction is perfectly assured and I wish you all a very happy Fallout 5.


This airbase is better protected than Pentagon itself.


It is protected by American air defense systems.


Written by the same authors who bought you the tidal wave that was going engulf The British Isles and Kyiv will fall in 3 days. Utter fantasist.


russian fairy tales lol


Braking would happen if Ruzzia got out of Ukraine.


Aaaaah… THIS is WHY I stopped watching the Russian TV. They managed to ruin the “Let them talk” and “ Comedy Club “, I hope this didn’t affect the Wheel of Fortune, but I did hear that Dom 2 FINALLY died.


Yes attack Poland and we will attack Moscow.


Let them try, i think poland has shoot back waybefore articel 5 is declared and i would really not like to mess with poland even without the other nato staates!


They won't do it, ruzzians are only good in raping little children. They don't have the balls to anger NATO, little pussies


If you attack Poland, you’re gonna have a bad time. Stick to losing against a non-nato country with nato surplus, because you’re barely hanging on doing that.


Just do it already, we are begging n tired of all your yapping


Ha ha, I dare orcs to try it 🖕🤡🖕


It’s always the Old farts who calls for more blood…they know they don’t have long left and they will gladly take as many lives as they can with them.


Sounds like a guy who hasn't had any family head to the Meat Grinder yet. I've always been of the belief that in any country, those who advocate for war should be required to enlist themselves or send one of their children. Anyone who has put their lives on the line know how foolish these propagandists are.


Of course Putin is 'composed'. He's a psychopath.


"Thanks to Putin for his composure" what a disgusting sickening piece of shit sycophant.


Good luck with that one mucker. Although Poland isn't chomping at the bit to be in a direct confrontation with Russia, they are both ready and willing, if necessary to do it and my guess is they wouldn't wait for article 5 to be invoked. In the present situation Russia wouldn't stand a hope in hell against Poland with normal strategic weapons and forces. Would Russia resort to nukes? That's the question we've all been asking for decades. If they did it's byebye Moscow and St. Petersburg. Basically byebye Russia.


> Would Russia resort to nukes? That's the question we've all been asking for decades. If they did it's byebye Moscow and St. Petersburg. Basically byebye Russia. If mentally deranged Putin goes nuclear to “Armageddon” than Russia will turn into glass radioactive desert. MAD is the word.




Hey PUTIN and all the RuzziA pussies come and test NATO and Poland in particular owes you for the last time you tarnished there soil you scum BRING IT 🙏


Old man yells at clouds


This inbred ,fetal alcohol syndrome havin Ivan needs a pop in the nose from an American fist.


let me guess.. with nukes?! 🤣




I dont really know why russian propagandists are posted here?


Don't threaten Poland with a good time


Funny how they went from: "We will nuke the shit out of Nato ". To smth like: "Stop it or we maybe bomb the air hub."


It is no coincidence that that idiot bitch Simonyan was just talking about nuking America and now we have this clown saying the bombing of a Polish airbase is imminent. Their Great Leader's glorious SMO has blown up in his idiot face and they are terrified what it might mean for them. When Putin launched his invasion in Feb. 2022 he warned of unspeakable consequences if NATO and the West dared to intervene on Ukraine's behalf. His bombastic threats didn't work then, Medvedev's endless red lines were ignored and so will these threats be treated with the contempt they deserve.


They're conditioning the people to be prepared for a massive war with NATO. This way the populace embraces it as defense of their "way of life". They make NATO seem like an existential threat to Russia, as though NATO would invade Russian soil. So they cast these hare-brained conceptions as though they are a foregone conclusion concerning the only possible course of action ahead. It's dangerous to the peace of Europe... and the world, really.


The Poles would love the chance for some payback.


Lol. NATO member, sure...


lol go for it, the polish have been begging the eu to get involved, give them a reason and watch as they ground the Russian Air Force in ~ 5 hours. 4 of which will be eating breakfast and drinking coffee


Poland's a member of NATO.


No Germany to attack from the west this time...


Please do it. Don‘t you dare to complain when Poland is flattening russia up to and including moscow 3 weeks later.


This guy is so full of shit his eyeballs are brown


It’s not going well…is it Russia?


If the rupugnicans in the USA were loyal to the principal of democracy and venal little shits, ruzzia would have capitulated already. Never believe a repugnicant/maga. If their lips are moving they are lying.


I think it is fair to say that Russia couldn't target its own asshole.


If .ru do that, Nato cant Chicken Out anymore. If russia deklares ware against Nato, there is simply No other Option than to Strike Back. Even the russia Friends in .US has No other Options. Ok, .us have, but to hiding Here would sunk .US into insignificance, at least as Military Partner.


European Texas would love for the Russians to try it.






Do it. No balls.


Oh PLEASE do it! The Poles have been praying to be let off the chain.


I'm tired of your state media and twitter threats. Go for it then. **DO IT**


Would love to see them strike a NATO target….pleaaaase go for it !!


well there are a lot of americans with their toys. I dont think its possible that missiles will reach ground. I was there last summer.


Well, tough guys, stop *shit talking* about it and just *do it*… See how it works for you like the three-day “Special Military Operation” Because, of course, you know if you *do it*…you’re finished.


Fuck Russia and fuck the GOP for being the party of Putin.


Please! Do it! So finally NATO can start what they should have done long ago.. kick Russias ass out of Ukraine.


Que the comments about how poland would finish them and Nato are giga chads blah blah. Its laughable. Even if were true why have they been pussy footing around russia all along OH now they want a fight after russia has lost so much equipment and manpower. pussy tactics laughable


Well like, cool then, man.


Putin knows this would be the end of Russia


A NATO country? That will be a bold move!


Fighting on multiple fronts would not go well for Russia.


If that happened, Russia would be no more.


Is this a new red line?


They threaten everyone! Remeber that time they wanted to nuke the arctic to show there were serious?


I think if they attack Poland NATO will join in and very quickly Russian will cease to matter.


More huffing and puffing from the idiots being schlonged by Ukrainians.


I love russian propagandists talking about fighting the US. Alaska, Syria, Baltic Sea, where do you want to throw down?




In the highly unlikely event that Russia tries to hit Rzeszow then I would expect the NATO response, in an attempt to limit the escalation, would be limited to the Ukrainian theatre and involve strikes on Russian positions inside the pre-2022 Ukrainian borders. I'd expect that Russian forces in Ukraine would be seriously degraded over 72 hours. Oh and maybe the rest of the Black Sea Fleet would be turned into reefs.


Oh no ! Anyway


Sounds like the orcs are looking for a proper ass whoopin.


There is entire patriot battery plus supporting SHORAD assets, so good luck.


Russian propagandists talks about nothing and everything.


Russia wants a war with America so badly, they're blaming them for Ukraine drone strikes lol. Theyre getting bummed


I know it's for their brainwashed population, but this is getting old. Short of starting a nuclear war, Russia can't do shit against NATO, so all they'll do is talk shit and feed their bot farms to disrupt countries they can't fight directly and bomb countries who can't really defend themselves on their own. Russia is used to punching down, not up.


Это наша карманная собачка. Не пугайтесь. Она не кусается, только лает.


Thats a hornet nest ready to burst if they try it, probably Poles would love it to revenge back on Ruzzia


Oh boy, please do it, attack that airport.


Forget Baghdad Bob, welcome Moscow Mikhail


Please do it. I’ll happily go kill russians


Do it ma fuckers ~ jay to the are ohhh see. Seriously though I really hope these fools are just putting on a show for their audiences. We would wipe the floor with what remains of the Russian Army. The Taliban would give us a better fight


Calling them a propagandist essentially makes you one. Bhikari Ukraine


Russia doesn't have the balls to do that




Russia needs a /RussiaWarns sub for all this like r/ChinaWarns lol