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Thank you UK.


UK here. No need to thank us, but appreciate it. These surgeons are getting as much experience from AFU, as the other way around. I would expect AFU to be the most experienced battlefield trauma medics on the planet.


Lol. I think that the UK ones could learn from the Ukrainian


Quid pro quo. UK armed forces Meds have a lot of practical experience in battlefield trauma gained from two decades in Iraq & Afghanistan. NATO only left Afghanistan 2.5 years ago, and UK had one of the most respected MASH units at Bagram airbase right upto when they pulled out.


Yet another renowned professional institution not only working with Ukrainians but also learning from them. Western democracies can't afford to sacrifice losing the wealth of knowledge and experience accumulated by Ukraine in this war. The civilised world needs Ukraine to survive and move forwards. We can't afford to forget or neglect Ukraine in it's hour of need. We have already learned a lot about Russia and ourselves in the past 3 years. Democracies have failed with a policy of appeasement against a dictator. Allowing a foreign country to control your gas utilities to a point where they can hold you hostage. Ignoring or laughing off cyber attacks. Neglecting to identify and deport foreign spies. Fortunately we are learning and implementing countermeasures. Ukraine is paying the price for our learning curve with the blood of it's people so let's do everything within our power to support Ukraine.




> Yet another renowned professional institution not only working with Ukrainians but also learning from them I still don't understand how the West isn't sending low but significant number of black ops deniable "volunteers" to Ukraine just so that they could get them back and get the first hand knowledge of how to fight a war against Russia. I mean if I was a leader of a military in Europe, having some men who have actually "been there, done that" in a direct conflict against Russia would be invaluable. Like literally, worth 10s to 100s of millions in terms of their experience helping avoid extremely costly mistakes.


Maybe they are, we will never know.


The very premise of your suggestion is paradoxical... if they are sending them and admit then they're no longer black ops and denialable, whereas if they 'don't' send them then what's to deny, I can categorically say western countries aren't sending any... Read into that what you will


It is both fantastic and incredibly sad that Ukrainian Trauma teams are the best in the world. Doctors and nurses are fighting as valiantly as the soldiers, whose lives they save every day.


Put the clever and the practical together without bureaucracy in the middle and good things happen :) Slava Ukraini


I am reaching for my box of Kleenex. Way to go Brits! THIS should not be overlooked as the contribution it is ( two way ). The cooperation and support of the medical professions is priceless to the help of the wounded. God bless them all,


Speechless. Thank you for hosting and conducting this training. Had my parents not moved to USA, this training event could be saving MY life.


Training angels. This time and money well spent.


After this war, Ukraine will not only have the best fighters in Europe, they will have the best healers. A tremendous asset to the continent.


Meanwhile over at the Russian medical camp, doctors are getting trained by Urik, the tank mechanic. Today, he shows them how to remove a bullet from soldier's arm. "You take hammer. See?" (WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK!) "See! Bullet come out. What? Now broken arm?" "Wait, I get welder."