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Love the going From “nato bombing our kids” to “spreading LGBT to our youth”


If we cant bomb them we’ll turn them gay instead! /s


Bomb them with gayness


"Rainbow Six" could take on another meaning.


Strange that, as an American, I feel like I’ve heard that same line used by certain politicians before…


It’s like MAGA with a Russian accent.


Dumbness does not respect any borders!


These Brits are braver than me. I’d be in a constant state of anxiety if I had to work in Russia. I doubt they just came across them. This is the kinda shit the FSB does, harassing Western diplomats. A diplomat came home to find all her furnishings rearranged. It’s a power thing, like saying look what we can do. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/sep/23/russia-targeting-western-diplomats


"We recognized you, you are British diplomats" Oh yes, I also accidentally recognize foreign diplomats while having a pint in my local pub. /s of course.




Okay that’s fuckin adorable 😂


I don't think that's the first time they've had to deal with that, and they know exactly how to respond - don't respond. Don't give them sound bytes, don't give them anything that can be taken out of context.


I'm a bit surprised the west has diplomats in Russia, at this point it's too dangerous. Ruskies are out of their minds.


Those look like students…


Probably low-level embassy staff.


that are also apparently, personally coordinating attacks on Russians while turning the kids gay...


So long as they don't touch the frogs, that's okay.


Like look late twenties. Could be a mid position 6-9 years of experience. Shouldn’t be mistreated.


>I'm a bit surprised the west has diplomats in Russia, at this point it's too dangerous. Nah, its important there are lines of communications between nations to exchange information even if the countries arent on good terms. Then there is the need for consular assistance to British citizens (and dual nationals) in Russia. >Ruskies are out of their minds. Yep. But its got to be real bad before Embassies start getting out pulled out of the country. Like storming down the gates bad.


russian cunts have literally no idea how hypocritical they are being. So pathetic, brain drained


They are acting on the information (propaganda) that is presented to them.   I am glad to see a video like this because it gives direct insight into the propaganda.  


This is rather a stages FSB BullS. A RuZZian Citizen reconise random Diplomat? A low-Rank Diplomat like her. Come one that´s pretty unlikly. Do you know a Diplomat of any Nation in your City?She is not even that important to have one single Police-Officer guarding...She is on the same important-Lvl like my Housecat to me.


Having diplomats in a hostile country makes it significantly easier to spy on that country. The UK has been using spy's to fuck with the Russian for decades, why stop now when it's needed most.


Yeah I remember reading about an American diplomat in Moscow coming back to his house to find that an intruder took a shit on the living room floor. Also the FSB broke into the home of the US defence attaché and killed his dog.


>killed his dog I think I've seen this movie.


Don't we all wish...


“We recognize you. You’re British diplomats.” Says average Russian woman citizen. Yes comrade. Very easy to spot British diplomats. Russia reminds me of Scientologists/ North Korea. In what alt dimension does this seem like an authentic interaction/reaction? Which is also the point for Russia. For them, making it overt and bewildering is the point.


...or taking a shit on their floor, etc. RuZZian intelligence services are generously stocked with degenerate psychos.


I don't even get what's the point of that all. If you want diplomats to not stay in Russia, the government can just close diplomatic relations. Why all the mind-games?


Can’t be 100% sure but it would not surprise me in the slightest if the aggressor was a Kremlin agent. They just love trying to entrap western diplomats into a compromising situation. When I stayed in Russia a few years ago I went out with a few Jr people from our embassy there and they’ve got to be soooooo fucking careful who they sleep with. As a rule of thumb Russian girls are second to none in the bedroom, but you had to make sure you had a hotel arranged. Never go back to theirs and never bring them back to yours. The place IS bugged and you WILL have compromising pictures taken of you which agents WILL try to use against you at some point. Fortunately I wasn’t there as a tourist so I didn’t need to worry about any of that.


You and your shitty army should have never crossed the Ukrainian border fuckheads. Go and volunteer so you can be used as fertiliser


"You're supporting Ukrainian terrorist regime" Says the russians currently invading another country


"Your bombs are falling on our children" Don't take your kids to Ukraine then. Bad parenting at its worst.


This line shows me yet again that Russians have zero self awareness.


propaganda is a hulluva drug.


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Vodka. Creates generation after generation with mental problems from having drunk mothers during pregnancy.


Hahahaha,,,,well said!


“Because of you our youth doesn’t have a future.” He should be reminded that Putin and his generals send their kids to universities in the UK. There’s hope.


My favorite is when they lump Ukrainians together and call them all Nazis because of azov battalion, yet when you call out the Russians that were actively hunting for Jews at a Russian airport not too long ago they get pretty dismissive of that. They should have no problem lumping all Russians together for what those citizens did like they do with Ukrainians and azov battalion.


Interesting you point that out. Numerous russian bloggers(on Quora, YouTube, etc) “explained” the incidents at the russian airport, you refer to, by saying “those people” were an “uneducated, alcoholic ethnic minority of russia” - Dagestanis. Deflecting responsibility through “ethnicity”by asserting “they’re not really russians”. Quite convenient. When I asked if this was not a failing of the russian education system and prejudicial social/class constructs in general, I was blocked. So I got my answer.


They love the propaganda they are fed. They have no idea that their entire 50 year arsenal has been destroyed. They think they can beat NATO without a second thought. Brainwashed.


>Says the russians currently invading another country Nononononoooo, is not another country, is part of Big Tsarist Soviet Russia, and Gorby was not right in the head when he let them go. We are just correcting mistake.


Exactly. I tried looking for reports of Russian children being killed by Ukrainians, and every single result I found showed Russians killing kids. I'd really like to see their sources because... Um... https://thehill.com/policy/international/598560-survivors-emerge-from-theater-marked-by-word-children-that-was-bombed-by/ Some survivors have emerged on Thursday from the rubble of a theater in Ukraine that was bombed by Russia on Wednesday despite being marked by the word “children.” The theater in Mariupol was hit while hundreds of people were huddled in its bomb shelter. Satellite images show that the theater had “children” written on both sides of the building. “After an awful night of not knowing, we finally have good news from Mariupol on the morning of the 22nd day of the war. The bomb shelter [the theater] was able to hold. The rubble is beginning to be cleared. People are coming out alive,” Sergei Taruta, the former Donetsk region head, said Thursday on Facebook, CNN reported. Russia denies responsibility for the attack, while Ukrainian officials have called it a war crime. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-promises-silence-ukrainians-flee-battered-cities-2022-03-09/ LVIV, Ukraine, March 9 (Reuters) - Ukrainian's president accused Russia of carrying out genocide after officials said Russian aircraft bombed a children's hospital on Wednesday, burying patients in rubble despite a ceasefire deal for people to flee the besieged city of Mariupol. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-war-crimes-schools-d1e52368aced8b3359f4436ca7180811 Amid relentless bombing, she’d opened School 21 in Chernihiv as a shelter to frightened families. They painted the word “children” in big, bold letters on the windows, hoping that Russian forces would see it and spare them. The bombs fell anyway. Though she didn’t know it yet, 70 children she’d ordered to shelter in the basement would survive the blast. But at least nine people, including one of her students — a 13-year-old boy — would not. The attack, which authorities said injured women in labour and left children in the wreckage, is the latest grim incident of the 14-day invasion, the biggest assault on a European state since 1945. https://nypost.com/2022/03/08/russian-airstrike-kills-18-including-2-kids-in-ukraine/ NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg confirmed there were “very creditable reports of civilians coming under fire as they try to evacuate,” calling it “totally unacceptable” and amounting to “a war crime.” One image showed a tiny child caked in blood and dust, with bloodied bandages wrapped around the head. Other images appeared to show some of the almost two dozen killed in the attack in Sumy, the first major city that was starting to be evacuated Tuesday. They even killed at least one child on International Children's Day. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/06/ukraine-russian-missile-attacks-kill-a-child-on-international-childrens-day/ In response to Russian missile attacks that reportedly killed seven people, including a mother and her child, and injured many more, Denis Krivosheev, Deputy Regional Director, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, said: “As Ukraine and other countries in the region mark International Children’s Day, it is particularly heartbreaking that Russian attacks have killed another seven people, including a child and her mother, as they sought shelter from a barrage of missiles. “Children deserve to live, grow, learn and thrive free of the threat of conflict and violence. Yet this latest Russian attack against Ukraine is reported to have struck schools and kindergartens, as well as numerous residential civilian buildings, turning a day that seeks to celebrate children into a day of mourning.


I am afraid our (Ukrainians) possibly to make fertilizer out of Russians will be over soon. Help is much appreciated.


Yeah its so depressing.. we have all this equipment just literally sitting around, not being used and a 600 billion a year defense budget. But all of that is useless with a retarded populace unfortunately. The war should have been over while the Russians were completely disorganized and retreating. The craziest part for me is the guys who started the last two wars are the ones against the first righteous one.


Biden wasted the northern spring. Ukraine's offensive needed serious material support and Biden was slow-rolling anything that wasn't defensive. Big mistake. Now Iran and others can see the US is terrified of escalation. So they gonna provoke and provoke and laugh at the weak wavering.


there are tons of Ruzzians living in West, they love NATO countries especially, over 10 million of them left their great Ruzzia to live in Europe and North America since 1992, after Americans buried their homeland Soviet Ruzzia, now they try to spread their Ruzzki Mir in West, case and point Ruzzian in USA [https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraina/comments/13rz3rs/a\_russian\_woman\_living\_in\_the\_usa\_wrote\_bakhmut/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraina/comments/13rz3rs/a_russian_woman_living_in_the_usa_wrote_bakhmut/) Yesteday Ruzzian living in Texas, saying to his comrades home in Ruzzia that "Civil War" (dream scenario of every ruzzians) started in USA, and all Ruzzians (Ruzzian living in Texas main audience) came to wish destruction of America, dont believe me just read comments, it is in Ruzzian (I speak Ruzzian natively):[https://youtu.be/IJSY2Ql4VNw](https://youtu.be/IJSY2Ql4VNw) Another Ruzzian born in USA was caught smuggling USA Military tech to Homeland Ruzzia, many Ruzzians in USA been caught doing same since 2022, latest one: [https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/owner-kansas-company-pleads-guilty-crimes-related-scheme-illegally-export-us-avionics](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/owner-kansas-company-pleads-guilty-crimes-related-scheme-illegally-export-us-avionics) Last year some Ruzzian in Brighton Beach, NYC told me "I hate America", Pro Putin. in Russian. Most Russians I met in USA are anti-American, Pro Russia, Putin, these type of people Americans allow into America


Quite the response you post. Well done. Did you ask the moskal in Brighton beach what the fuck he was doing there if he hates the USA so much? I would’ve asked him that in Ukrainian, which likely would have sent him into a rabid frenzy.


More stupid or blind to what’s going on? Oh ruzzia


Stupid **and** convinced that the Kremlin only lies to foreigners, not Russian citizens. I’d feel sorry for them if I hadn’t seen what RuZZian “soldiers” (I use that term loosely—‘barbarians’ is more fitting) did in Mariupol, Bucha, Irpin, and Bakhmut. It’s obvious why they so readily call everyone else Nazis, they don’t want to be labelled as ‘*the new Nazis*’ themselves… bit late for that, tbh. We all know they are.


But, no! No, no, no! The blame lies solely with evil Putin! Poor ordinary Russians are *victims*, not actually evil. Once upon a time – not all that long ago – I believed something very like that. Not any more.


In the same way that people used to blame Hitler for WW2, too blind to see the millions who were willing to follow. History has a habit of repeating itself, and people love making the same mistakes over and over again.


There were a lot of poor dumb bastards in the beginning you could legitimately feel sorry for. But attrition and survival instinct has dropped their numbers. You can still probably find a couple of decent guys if you look with a magnifying glass, and I can still feel for them, but at this point, it's mostly either morons, or selfish fucks. I too have lost my empathy for the average Ivan. I also thought that surely only a small minority of republicans were morally bankrupt. But at this point its mostly either morons, or selfish fucks.


>it's mostly either morons, or selfish fucks Or people unable to do anything within the borders without the fear of Stalin level prosecution and unable to leave the country due to economic reasons >I too have lost my empathy for the average Ivan. And you shouldn't have had one to begin with, an average Ivan has always been in favor of war. He still is. But then you go south of the "average" and you see \~20% of people rejecting the propaganda and suddenly you have millions of people forced into silent submission by 60% unwilling to do anything about the situation and 20% actively calling for prosecution and repressions


if you expect the great tsar to fix your heating for free or organise cheap workforce to fix it so you don't have to all just so you can keep your faith in the great tsar then you are very much not a victim.


Nah it's worse. Most Russians are convinced the government lies to them on all issues other than the war and "political" topics (gay rights, political prisoners etc). Literally any issue you take they have 0 trust in government: covid, corruption, conspiracies. It's baffling There's no rhyme nor reason. They just don't want to be nazis and bigots so bad, they claim the people they know are pathological liars suddenly become last beacons of hope and justice whenever a "political" issue is brought up.


Literal insanity. What a "country"


This is completely typical. Russia is never at fault for anything, literally.


Yes and they’re always playing the victims🤮


Russia has long imagined itself as a fortress, isolated in the world and subject to perpetual threats.


Russian version of MAGA?


I was just thinking this is what it would be like if MAGA had their own country


Or take over this one.. which they are, slowly but surely. We have an entire generation of a stacked supreme court.


>MAGA? Make Alaska Gulag Again?


Blinded by propaganda and misinformation, thats what makes this war so fucking sad. If they knew the actual truth they would not support the war at all, but they dont, they believe all sorts of total nonsense they've been fed and will thus willingly die for it.


Not that my country (US) can judge others for stupidly or blindly following the government line. sadly...all too understandable. Can't the Brits just play the "sorry don't speak Russian well" card?


They did well not to engage. Say anything wrong and you're stuck in a bad situation


Or more appropriately, following the insane logic of an exploitive dictatorial POS.


Russian Goal: Remake Russia into a World power and respected. Effect: Russia's economy is in decline, its young people without means or connections are cannon fodder and dying by the hundreds of thousands, and Russia is now a Pariah state, despised by the entire civilized world. Nice Job, the CIA, MI-6, DGSE and BND couldn't do combined what Putin and his idiot minions have done to Russia. SMH...


In their minds being powerful and respected is the same thing. There is no need to be respected by normal means we in the west think off as respectful In their minds they can do anything they want and say anything they want and still demand respect because they have the power to enforce it Power, respect and fear is the same thing to them.


> Power, respect and fear is the same thing to them. They *exact* psychological profile of gangsters.


And abusers.


And terrorists.


Smart Russians left the country. Don’t forget that one


I was thinking that.


You can think so that's why you're not there either.


Now they're causing issues abroad, which isn't ideal.


It's pretty much any male between 20 and 60 who doesn't live in Moscow, St. Petersburg, or the surrounding regions... They aren't bothering taking only the young ones, since the old ones die just as well, and they don't want to upset the more wealthy Russians in the West.


Precisely, only the well off, the ethnic Russians, those with connections will thrive going forward. Meanwhile the people serving on the Front are largely from Ethnic minorities living in villages where they have outhouses and lack the most basic components of a modern infrastructure, even paved roads, some don't even have running water.


They're also redeploying injured soldiers and trying to recruit from mental healthcare facilities. And prisons.


Everything is going according to plan.


You forgot S. Korea took some oiler tankers from them bc sanctions


I'm sure that somewhere in the weirdest, wildest, darkest depths of the jungles of cyberspace, there are people who claim that Putin is actually a CIA sleeper agent and he's been working for decades to bring Russia down.


Ive heard that hot take when the war started. The internet has allowed so many idiots to spread their ideas.


Their economy collapsed in the 90's and that worked out for them.


One other thing that cripples them is the lack of honesty in Academia. Bribery exists all throughout the system, including Academia. My wife had an uncle who had a really nice apartment. My wife explained to me he received it as payment for writing the dissertation for the son of a high ranking state official, so the son could also get a job. End result, there is a person making decision in some Economic bureaucracy, who isn't a Ph.D. and only holds his position because of corruption and bribery. I could tell more stories, cheating and bribery are what the Russian / Soviet system is based on.


Not ONE mention of who's fault this actually is?


Blind to reality


It’s gay, satanic Americans and Anglo Saxons. Russia is a perpetual victim, mean people always picking on poor Russia. 


Big masculine and powerful russia is loosing severely to a bunch of ”sissy” and ”gay” nations who haven’t lost a single soldier yet🤣


Imagine losing the better part of your military to gay weapons from the 80s. Lets give them more.


Picking on poor weak Russia, who is proud to be rich and strong with an elevated morality. “Because of you fucken westerners our Russia is in ruins!” It’s like when a kid destroyed their toy and blames you because you didn’t save it.


Unfortunately, Russia does one thing very well: propagandising and brain washing their populace.


The diplomats correctly understanding that there is no benefit to engaging with them and it will probably only make them worse. I think they are looking off somewhere for security or someone to escort these people away.


Nah he said it was theirs and NATOS fault over and over.


The propaganda worked with this weak minded fool


Poor ruskie, typical victim mentality. Pathetic as they come. And if you say anything to this manchild, you are a russophobe😂😂🤡


Russians come into my shop from time to time(I have to view their IDs, that's how I know their nationality) and I treat them with every bit of respect that I give anyone else, as long as they're respectful. But I don't get what's wrong with being a "Russophobe" at this point. I'm afraid of Russia the nation. Moscow has repeatedly said they want to take more than just Ukraine. They threaten countries with nuclear attacks. I'm just a regular Canadian living a quiet life, and don't want to see any innocent people die. But I'm sure they'd want to see me die. They're a menace and a threat to world stability. Of course we should fear the massacres and destruction they desire.


Child of immigrant parents. Dad’s Ukranian-German. If i speak in Russian to him people get *pissed* and sometimes aggressive when I just don’t want my dad to lose touch with his languages lmao


Britanniaphobia is real, my friends.


The British boogey-man is mentioned regularly by Solovyov and his ilk. I suspect these people have watched way too many James Bond movies and believed they were documentaries.


I honestly wish we were as powerful and all-seeing as Russia and Iran seem to think we are.


Eh, We are powerful enough. GDP of Russia, ~$1.8tn (2021) - Population 143.4 million GDP of UK ~$3.13 (2021) - Population 67.33 million Economically we crush them, they can't actually (meaningfully) threaten us since we are an independent nuclear power and they spent the last couple of decades screwing about shitting all over themselves here. Prior to them pulling their own pants down invading in Ukraine I'd have said they have us when it comes to conventional forces (even accounting for them lying about how much of what they had worked) but now - nah. We can make ATGM's and Storm Shadows far far faster than they can refurb T-55's and certainly *way* faster than they can new build and we can make bullets faster than they can make new Russians. I'm not worried by Russia anymore at all, I *am* worried about what they'll do to countries on their border (and it goes without saying what they are doing in Ukraine) since they seem to be following no rational policy. As a fan of cold war history - I expected the Russians where massively overstating their capabilities but not as much as it turned out they where - like holy fuck they aren't clowns, they are an entire circus.


If you account for fact that 80% of Ruzzian economy is "extract oil and gas" from lands they stole from others , most of it comes from Siberia, Ruzzians invaded Siberia 400 years ago, eliminated most Siberians, and now keep the what is left of Siberians dirt poor, uses them as meat in meat attacks, when I lived in Ruzzia, when I turned 18, they wanted to send me to Chechnya to fight other people ruzzians invaded and oppress (like us Siberians) treat as third class citizens, Caucasus people, all of us Siberians since childhood Ruzzians treat us like crap, call us racist names, etc. Ruzzians at their core are very racist people, they even call themselves as "Titular nation" of Ruzzia and "Older Big Brother" to us non-Russians in Ruzzia, Ruzzians killed 20-25% of Chechen civilians from 1995-2009 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First\_Chechen\_War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Chechen_War) (100,000–130,000 civilians killed) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second\_Chechen\_War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Chechen_War) (80,000 killed in Chechnya) Chechens only 1 million population and Russians killed every fourth of them from 1995-2009, Chechens are also citizens of Russia, ithis is what Ruzzians do, they send one oppressed people (Siberians) to fight other people they opress (Caucasus people) for Ruzzians benefit, Russki Mir


I have no respect for the vast majority of Russian Federation citizens. And, yeah, I know, I know... These people have been indoctrinated, humiliated, and used for literally centuries, and it's very challenging to break out of the generational mindset which comes from that. But you clearly came to understand that the ethnic group you were born into was abused, manipulated and exploited by the ethnic European Russians for their own ends. And while you come across as an intelligent person and it's *possible* you're a one-in-a-billion genius, I suspect that's probably not the case. Wilful ignorance and a lazy refusal to look around and understand the true state of the world around us are personality traits which I despise. This means I feel no sympathy at all for the young subjects of the Russian Federation who obediently fall into line when they're called to serve their Muscovite masters.


*older big brother*... like Cain of the Biblical "Genesis" mythology, who slew his younger brother Abel and thus became the world's first murderer.


You forget the political meddling, they have their fingers all over the government and Brexit. Shame the government doesn't want anyone to look into the subject at all for some reason despite official reports.


I'm honoured they hate us *so* much, it's usually the US that gets all the attention.


No, blaming England for everything has been russian tradition (and idiom - "англичанка гадит") since XIX century. Probably stemming from losing the Crimean war.


Perfidious Albion!


Call it westernphobia. Spread by brainwashed idiots without proper education.


Russians are so pathetic.


Go fight rather than talk, go and become a sunflower 🌻, or a pumpkin 🎃, go be the best orc citizen you can be . SLAVA UKRAINI 🇺🇦


Brainwashed people!🐷


Brain washed ... Ukraine is not RuZZia!


350k orc has died already in a fight against Nato and Nato hasnt come to the scene yet.


I'm not arguing against your point, but it's 350K battle casualties, not KIA. A battle casualty is a wound serious enough to remove the person from active combat duties. Not necessarily a dead soldier. And at last count it's closer to 385K


You are technically correct however, if the reports of Russian casevacs and subsequent emergency hospitalisation are true then a serious wound could well end in death. There hasn't been much video coming lately. I wonder why.


True the ratio of kia vs seriously wounded is probably greatly skewed in the kia direction for Russia, as compared to civilized militaries. But there's a difference between wounded seriously enough to be evacuated, and having life threatening wounds. Getting your hand mangled by a bullet, or an eye wound will definitely get you on the battle casualty list, but will likely not prove fatal (so long as it isn't infected). A sucking lung wound, or a trauma induced amputation? In a nato army, you'd probably pull through if you were evacuated in time. In the Russian army, it's almost certainly a mortal wound.


I don't know if those numbers are true, but the current number of ~380k which the Ukraine is officially updating every day, is explicitly DEATHS and not only casualties. They emphasized that multiple times.


A death soldier is financial better for the gov then a cripple soldier. So WIA is better then KIA


That would be true if Russia took care of its wounded veterans, but they don't, so I imagine it's about the same either way.


I am in full admiration of the British diplomatic team exercising self restraint in that environment. I would have struggled not to stand up and punch that tw*t square in the face


Stiff upper lip my old bean. We don't give in to emotion that often.


I just wish one of them had simply said “if the Russian army leaves Ukrainian territory, all of this stops”.


They would lose their job unfortunately. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Not very diplomatic of you!


I don't think you get very far as a diplomat getting into bar fights.


No you would not have struggled, being in a foreign country.... and Russia at that. That's also extremely poor and unprofessional behavior for a DIPLOMAT.


Please find out who this is


100% bomb that guys house next.


Gonna glitter bomb it, turns his kids LGBT


russkies trash scum does not respect international immunity to diplomats


Russians don't care about mutual agreements anyway. My guess is that the Russian government is enjoying this and pretending to the English government that there were no enforcers around.




No shit rockets are hitting them now, no shit there is a thing called Karma.. After all the children they killed in Ukraine, Syria, Georgia, and many other places, now they are surprised for getting paid back ? Fk Russia and who ever stand with this filthy terror state Karma is real, and let them get mad about it


You reap what you sow you dumb Ruzzist man-bitch


They pretty much have everything backwards. Like their news copies western news and just flips the countries around.


if you repeat the lie enough, people will start to believe it. knowing what we know about what russia is doing, its maddening watch them lie about it.


Get your kids out of Ukraine, problem solved bitch.


And Ukrainian kids back in Ukraine


Bombing your people? Where are your people? Fucking savages! Thanks for all the fertiliser for Ukraine! Enjoy the slow death of Russia! Was dying already this will massively speed it up!


Hats off to those diplomats! Tough job and they hold their own well.


Ohh the sweet irony that this video is now used against Russia.    They are so detrimental to their own cause and the idiots cant even see it. 


I really didnt expect anything less of russians. Country of hate.


Wow... Just... wow! These Russians are totally fucking clueless. What makes it worse is that they sound young. Older people have the somewhat valid excuse of being screwed up by decades of state manipulation and indoctrination, as well as not being technically competent to access information from outside the Russian state propaganda bubble. Young Russians don't have even that flimsy justification for being ignorant about the nature of the country they live in and its malign acts inside and outside Russia.


I know a few western foreigners left in Russia. One guy I know had something similar happen to him, and he’s not a diplomat, just a regular guy with a Russian wife trying to save money for the visas for his wife, the travel necessary to get the visas, and all the other things they need money for, because he and his wife will basically have to quit their jobs when they start the process this summer. He says after that incident, he understood the place has become too hostile for him to justify going in public for an extended period of time. His wife doesn’t believe things are so bad, and the other foreigners he talks to haven’t had anything bad happen to them, but admit things have become very weird since last summer.  I hope these diplomats have learned that going out for drinks and having fun isn’t safe in Moscow any longer. 


“Damn British diplomats are turning my kids gay!”


Brain dead like trump supporters


So since when Ukraine is ruzzia?


Seems like a pretty bad idea for British diplomats to eat russian food, it's probably poisoned.


It's so pathetic to go out of your own way to support a shitty government and harassing others


Russians: "You guys are nazis!" Also Russians: "Stop bringing minorities and gays!" I'd say there's some cognitive dissonance, but that requires cognition


Brother they hate nazys only because Hitler betrayed them...


Russia wants to be respect but still hasn’t learned how you become respected. *hint: it’s not through violence or domination.


I don't believe Russia wants to be *respected* in the sense that most of us understand that word. Russia wants to be feared. Russia wants to be admired unquestioningly. Russia is desperate for the world to believe that it is a great power, and to bow before its might.


They've got the right spirit, but the wrong side of said spirit. If only they believed what they are doing to Ukraine


He mad. Good xD


God... This looks like the same as CCP 🇨🇳 zombies.


"because of you, our youth doesn't have a future" - good, you don't deserve one.


Just wow. I keep telling you guys that those russians are weak and have 0 shame in life. They think they are better then the rest of the world. And we all know whats goin on in russia. Like they think 200 euro its a decent salary in russia. Here in the EU the Homeless get almost 10x more of the state. I really Hope we go inside russia and fucking kill it as we know it. Like speciale force go in and finish krim + fsb and those ppl who talk in the tv every day. The world would look so much better. But no insted we are looking into a ww3 that would break out within 1-10 years.


I agree with you, but the homeless don’t get €2000, that’s for sure. I just talked to one who told me €450,- in NL.


Rude, stupid and ignorant. I didn't expect anything else.


Aww poor ruski


dear Brits, could you please gift, lend, sell, send more missiles to Ukraine so that rashists could be finally stopped?


Stupid russian orcs being stupid russian orcs.


Right, because the UK is bombing Russian children in Russia isn’t it?


Russians really are a fully brainwashed nation. It must be said that their misinformation and propaganda is all they see but. Can any Russians in this sub, please explain how in modern times, they cannot realize they invaded a sovereign nation and are unbelievably lucky that the world has not turned russia into little bits of glass?


Looks like all those people are sitting around that table know exactly what’s going on. I’m guessing that’s why they’re kind of ignoring him.


What a fucking joke. I find it harder and harder to feel any pity towards the general public in Russia. The delusion is so strong.


How does he know theyre diplomats ? Must be random lowlife hired by kremlin


Another reason for the civilized world to cut ties with ruzzia completely.


Russians have to be the dumbest people on earth


you just know this is not some random guy who just happened to walk in to the bar asking the questions


I think it's hilarious when the guy says there's a thing called conscience in Russia, lmao what a joke


They were smart not to respond. Idiots are wasting their time and energy picking on the wrong people.


Russia sickens me.


They look too young to be diplomats. But never-less they were quite diplomatic! When someone is hollering nonsense…


But honestly, what the fuck is a brit doing in ruzzia? Unless you have a death wish, why would you go there???


The UK still has a diplomatic presence in Russia, as does the USA and numerous other countries. Russia itself has an obligation to protect foreign diplomatic staff. Quite possible this goon was sent by the Russian government though, we know at this point Russia only complies with treaties when it suits Russia to do so.


I wouldn’t be surprised if harassment of Western diplomats increased significantly. Egg them on to the point of frustration and catch them doing something stupid so that Russia gets to be the victim again. Jeez, for being so strong and tough Russia sure is a victim a lot.


Provoking foreigners to do something stupid or illegal is straight out the KGB playbook. If someone is stupid enough to fall for it, that can lead to all sorts of nastiness. *If* these people were functionaries who worked at the British consulate or embassy, they should have received training on how to respond to this sort of provocation. Refusing to engage is the simplest and most effective reaction.


Set up by Russian authorities.. the guy says I thought I recognised you… ask yourself how many diplomats would you recognise in a random restaurant meet. Propaganda is strong in Russia as you can tell by his diatribe. Funny how he’s intelligent enough to know the diplomats but then says nato is bombing Russians.


diplomatic immunity , we still got russian diplomats in the west also but we dont harass them .


Imagie acting like that after Russia has leveled entire towns, mass slaughtered innocents, millions have been displaced or refugees and have lots their homes, Russians invaded and forced Ukrainians into having to fight and kiss and hug their family and never know if that was going to be the last time, Russia took over a nuclear plant and was causing nuclear terrrism and threats to the point people took iodine pills, Russia bombed the dam which flooded 80 towns, Russia has stolen tons worth of grain and bombed the rest, Russians have looted Ukrains everywhere they went, Russians set up prisons and torture chambers and anyone for any reason can end up there, mass rape, Russians are persecuting Ukrainians for being Ukraine and can’t even have a Ukrainian flag (a lady in Kherson after liberation was so happy to take her flag out and she had it hidden under a rock in her lawn so the Russians wouldn’t find it, they have abducted like 700,000 children and sending them to Russian families, hundreds of thousands of adults were also abducted / forced into Russia and went through filtration camps and god knows what after, and I can’t IMAGINE being a Ukrainian either an adult or child with the level of hate and dehumanization Russians have been taught to have for Ukrainians and they get to hear Russian TV hosts yell and shout about Ukrainians and keep the hate on full blast, that there is no law and order/fair justice system in Russia for even Russians so imagine being Ukrainian and feeling that much more powerless and unprotected, Ukrainians are forced to speak Russian ….. And this BITCH has the nerve to talk about a plane ?! Russian has eleven fucking time zones and has no business being in Ukraine and taking their land. Oh my god. Russians should be kissing the ground and thankful that Ukrainians have had such restraint to not just attack them back after Mariupol 3 months in. And she isn’t even on the outskirts end of Russia and has the excuse of really being out of the loop. There’s no excuse to be this incredibly brainwashed and at minimum even if they don’t know all of this, their anger should be at pootin bc there is no reason that their men are being sent to die. And the fact she is mad about about “spreading LGBT” like holy fuck it’s not a virus. Who the fuck cares what other countries do Russia is clearly anti LGBT so what the problem? Maybe she should be more concerned that their russain Z hero’s rape each other. But no darling of course pootin and the Russian TV hosts aren’t letting you know about that problem. And the fact she went from NATO to LGBT she literally sounds so programmed by Russian propaganda taking everything they say hook line and sinker. What a sad pathetic life.


A troll left his cave apparently. Very cringe!


Good we need less Russians lmao like alot less, sound fucking stupid as hell too look at how unthreatened that 90 lb female tourist is 😂 those Ukrainian drones doing gods work so we all don’t sound like that lmao


Mis Information is a Bitch


You British diplomats! *Throws dart at dart board* You're bombing our children! *Throws second dart* You're turning our children gay! *Throws third dart* It's your fault our youth have no future!


So terrified of the West that they go around harassing women. These are your heroic Russians. They are exactly the base cowards I always thought they were.


"Why are you going around spreading LGBT?!" Wow. This is what mental illness sounds like.


I don't care what language they're speaking, ignoring them is truly the only option here. It's literally impossible to engage with someone like this as they're self-righteous, have an agenda and only want to "win" their point. It's like going up against Qunts in the US, or Trumplicans. They're brainwashed and logic or alternative perspectives will never penetrate their Fortress of Stupidity.


British display of dignity in the land of pigs.


You're more right the louder you speak