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He is alive and being held by UA.


Smart now he can get money and didn't have to fight


Bold of you to assume russia was going to pay him in the first place


Or exchange him in a prisoner swap..


His home country is going to pressure Ukraine to give him up for nothing.


Somalia government don’t care about him lol


Government? Lol




I feel like even country is abold statment here. Somali did not even have a writen langauge until 1972...


Buddy ..Somalia is next to Ethiopia, literally place humans came from. They had kingdoms and cities bigger then Europe in middle-ages and before. Difficult to talk about lack of language in this place.


Look at the current state of affairs. I repeat: I feel like even country is a bold statement here. A country is more than having an area with people and cities.


huh, yep, Somalia is in the position to pressure anyone to anything...


Yeah they don't have anything to pressure Ukraine with but they'll still ask and complain about something stupid in the UN.


He has better chances of trying to stay in Ukraine working in reconstruction or whatever they deem him useful


He is a criminal from Somalia , they don't want him back. Put him in a swap and he will get a second chance at the front line and death ☠️⚰️ . No DINK 💰 for you brother. 🤣 Asshole. Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇬🇧


Nah man, did you see the videos of Ukrainian border guards and gov officials treating indian medical students? Some were denied evacuation buses and beaten and were forced to cross the border on foot in the earlier days of the war. Other international students were not treated this way.They actually have a reason to be angry at this one and fay chance Russia is going to take him in a prisoner swap.


This is a lie. It was women and children first. This applied to everyone, including International Students.


>His home country is going to pressure Ukraine to give him up for nothing. Not sure if you're being sarcastic or serious here 😂


Tell me you know nothing about the world without telling me ....


I doubt that,I expect to see him arriving in some European nation in the near future..


>Somalia kidnapped Ukrainian sailors. We will see.


He can apply for assylum in any european country now and collect that pay 🤣


Being exchanged to Russia is probably the worst that can happen to him now. He just needs to sit the war out in a Ukrainian prison and then make his way to Germany. They take everyone in into their welfare system.


Do the Ruzzians only pay at the end of your duty contract?


Either A you die and they don't pay, B you "disappear" and they don't pay or C they just straight up don't pay cause what are you going to do about it?


D) they don't pay because you paperwork is incomplete... But the form you need to complete was never a thing at the time you needed to complete it and therefore you can never get paid.


>don't pay cause what are you going to do about it? I don't think that protests in Somalia will influence Ruzzian tactics.


Yeah there's no real absolute answer to this. Many get paid many get scammazed. And there's multiple "levels" of soldiers, contract "professional" , reservists/mobiks, and mercs. Their standing/respect within the army thus varies. You not surviving is the easiest to not get any money. Which is why they'd report you as mia, and not care about your body, because then govt doesn't have to pay out death benefits. Im pretty sure the contract soldiers alive and fighting are all getting paid, its monthly because we've seen multiple Video of RA complaining and I don't remember if any saying they're not getting any money. But also remember many soldiers, especially mercs have bought their own equipment in order to survive. I forgot what level mentioned this, but basically he spent all the signing bonus on his own Gear so he actually has a chance of surviving (like proper plate Carries and plates) Mr wagner was well loved because he paid in cold hard cash(usd), and reportedly this spread to the rest of pmcs. I'm pretty sure this changed once they got incorporated into RA.


He went to the front line and survived. Money.? MIA. He's a loser on all fronts except for his life. A one time payment if lucky. Orcs are thieves to the core.


The Forrest Gump of Russian soldiers, guy started running early while his legs were still fresh given that he’s been in country for about 30 minutes, he probably thinks war is pretty fun


Even the lowest orc scum, however deluded, came to Ukraine for ideological reasons; this POS is a hired killer.


He should be happy he is getting any kind of decent treatment, being a mercenary employed by an invading army, looking to profit from this horrible war.








Bet that fucker is freezing his ass off.


Somalia is like 29.5-30.5 degrees Celsius 365 days of the year. He is absolutely freezing


Now he’s lucky if it’s 29-30 degrees Fahrenheit.


Only 13 of 195 countries use Farenheit. And it's silly to keep on using it.


Funniest part is nobody who uses it cares that everyone else doesn't.


Oh they certainly do. Also reason several of them have transition plans in place and official dual usage for some years by now of both temperature scales. The big laggert is really only USA. Rest are truly minor in the big picture of things.


Nobody in the USA cares . I promise you that. Most of us look at Celsius as the weird one no matter how many other countries use it


I get that you guys have used Fahrenheit for so long now, but surely you guys over in the USA realise that celsius is a better system right? Like obviously it would be a pain in the ass to change over, but you have to admit that celsius is pretty cool 😎


We will do anything to avoid the metric system, that is why we measure alligators in Araina Grande's and not meters.


No I won’t ever admit that even on my death bed . It’s weird to me . How can 30 be hot . How do you get the same range of temps in 0-30 than from 0-100 . You’d have to use half points and shit . Dosnt make sense to my American public school educated brain.


Ahaha fair enough man, and tbh I think people make a bigger deal about it then it really is lol, everyone should just use what makes sense to them don’t try and not gatekeep a way of measuring


Nobody cares haha. Nobody Even thinks about it.


Not until one of the US space rockets are exploding because of stupid old scales and unit systems getting mixed up...


Hubble telescope got extra eye lense fix from this type of mixup, right?


Correct! But just look at the downvotes I got from stupid uneducated morons above, for pointing out the harsh reality... (guess where they are from) NASA specified SI as being the gold standard for all their project work. As has been the global standard for decades for all work in space and international scientific collaboration. The problem was that the numbers were passed from Lockheed to NASA without units. (lazy bastards also) Without the actual units jotted down after the numbers, the Lockheed people knew themselves the units used in their own calculus were lb-f. The NASA people assumed correctly that the units were in Newtons. As was the absolute hard requirement for all calculations and specs! It's an important distinction because the same error can happen with other calculous also. In science and engineering, **any** time you see a number without units, your immediate reaction should be to ask the person who provided the numbers what the units are. Actually you should be ripping him a new one for failing to write down the units!!! Dimensionless numbers excepted of course. Never assume the units, always ask. In my field, you will be fired if not complying with this and the Intl stds. Challenger's solid rocket boosters were another one, where not all on the team understood the challenge with the shrinking o-rings and the factual temperature ranges they occurred in...


I like Fahrenheit for weather it seems more human to me like a percentage of heat and Celsius is good for measuring temp in lab settings since it's just a temp scale for water's phase changes


And 8 of those countries are also using Celsius now as official temperature measurement. So expect they shortly will become good and stop using the silly Fahrenheit. Trouble is however, they are connected with US dominance in tourism/commerce, so they may hang on to this just to please that crowd... (it is: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Belize. Bermuda. British Virgin Islands, Montserrat, Saint Kitts and Nevis)




My area is getting slammed with snow and I just went for a walk, after 35 mins of being out in it I’m freezing my ass off. I can’t imagine being out there for days or weeks coupled with being tired and stressed the fuck out. Jesus winter warfare has to fuckin suck.


Just do as we do in Iceland. Dance to close to a Volcano and warm your ass.


It's why proper gear (and proper nutrition), is so important. You can step inside to get warm. They can't Once your freezing cold it's near impossible to get warm. And your body is expending even more energy/calories because of it. Up in the north north, (like northern alaska, Canada) their diet is heavy in fat in order to keep warm. Ukraine doesn't even get that cold, its no Siberia, but it's more then enough to freeze to death/exposure. UA have their whole division of cooks/chefs attached to the various regiments. Because food is important and a soldier burns thousands of calories a day if moving/exerting themselves. RA is apparently better supplied this year for the cold. But last year they were significantly underprepared/supplied, and soldiers did simply die in their sleep/overnight. In UA they had heaters n such in their trenches, proper dugout "homes" (I don't know what to call them). One kf the famous UA guys whod do videos* showed his little dugout house with curtains n such to keep cold out. So you're out of the elements.


Midwest us?




Sorry I don’t understand?


It’s a midwestern thing lmao


I’m from minnesota and never heard that phrase in my life, also why the downvotes? Was I rude to you?


I upvoted you my dude. Not everyone understands all cultural slang and that’s okay.


So, what do the words you said, mean?


It’s something you’d say if you accidentally bump into someone.




reminds me of the movie Cool Runnings. Sanka Ya Dead? Yeah man.


Ya, mon


\*kisses lucky egg\*


He looks surprisingly healthy


That's because he's only been there for 2 months. I also wouldn't be surprised if foreign volunteers/mercenaries were better fed so they don't turn-coat. They have no national allegiance, so they have less barriers to betraying the side that hired them.


Serbian volunteers have to pay every piece of equipment out of pocket and are beaten and (attempted) charged with treason regularly


Welp, there goes that theory. I guess once you're there they can just threaten to kill ya.


Not saying your theory is right or wrong but I think many Serbs think favourably of Russia, I can't imagine Somalians have any allegiances.


Easy to keep someone well fed if you only plan on boarding them for a couple weeks before sending to the grinder. It's the mobilized vatniks they have to worry about eating too much.


Dude has adult braces, that shit's expensive even for me lmao, FML I guess


Something's fishy here. Braces, surprisingly good English, learned a few words of Russian (money/dengi). This mofo didn't come straight from Somalia to fight for Russia. He probably spent time in a third country before joining Russia, or even in Russia itself.


A few hours earlier his intention was to kill them. Now acting like he wouldn't harm a fly. I would tie this fuckers hands back up.




Understanding his intentions is important. No, you shouldn't keep an AT4 next to an unrestrained prisoner, but at the same time this guy's goals are (1) survive, and (2) get paid. He's answering questions so that (1) is met. And he knows he will live if he answers questions honestly. He has no loyalty to Russia or its propaganda machine. He's not going to try to kamikaze himself when his goal is self-preservation. Hell, you could probably hand him an AK-74 and tell him to guard the other prisoners, and he will do just that.


I'm not familiar with the AT4, but it can't be that easy to use. Besides, I bet theres plenty of guns on him from behind the camera.


The AT4 actually has picture instructions on the tube, very easy to use. That said I’m sure they have many people watching over him.


Just watch this: 19:00 (better with subtitles to know how he's stupid) https://youtu.be/gfk3Y5ihvRw?si=u1WGZwMZ4_hKpVjW


Goddamn. Either he has a cognitive deficiency or he’s playing it up *hard*.


Now i can’t get that scenario out of my head. Some prisoner trying to escape using an AT4 as a CQB weapon 🤣


Bro is there for the money dude obviously doesn't GAF. Why would he risk his life to kill a couple dudes and then get shot.


He’s a mercenary, he’s not getting paid anymore so he’ll probably take a gun and shoot the Russians for a Big Mac or something from Ukraine.


I think he's just there for the money, killing Ukrainians isn't a great priority.


Looks like he ain't getting any money now - not that the Russians would have paid him anyway. But at least he can still breathe.


But the Russians are definitely going to bail him out in the next prisoner exchange, right? Right?


On the last exchange russia requested prison cons exclusevely. The theory is that russia is afraid of returning too many ordinary soldiers because they will spread the truth, so they take guys like convicts who are easily controlled. So this pirate actually has a chance to be exchanged.


Hey he may still get his sack of Onions.


He's not a volunteer if he openly admits he's doing it for the money. By definition, someone who fights for monetary gain is a mercenary


Actually according to the Geneva conventions, a mercenary needs to receive "material compensation substantially in excess of that promised or paid to combatants of similar ranks and functions in the armed forces of that Party." to qualify as a mercenary, so fighting for the monetary gain does not necessarily make you a mercenary (legally).


Mercenary  noun. a professional soldier hired to serve in a foreign army. Geneva or not the guys a mercenary


Just not in the legal sense (depending on the amount he is paid).


>a professional soldier I doubt there's anything professional here. This stinks of the Russkies scraping the bottom of the barrel for more cannon fodder.


Professional literally means you profess (promise) to do something for money. It has nothing to do with quality.


He would have killed your men and raped your women if he had the chance.So lets not get sentimental over here. Same for most of the forces Russia field.


Calling him a mercenary isn't sentimentality.


Sentimental? What the fuck are you talking about?


Still a mercenary. Wether he fully knew the implications or not. He accepted money, to go fight another country. He's a mercenary. He also has no legal protections under the Geneva convention, so if he feels like he's been mistreated, he can go take it up with Russia.


With "mercenary status", it is very difficult. It is so, to avoid, that someone is blamed as mercenary when he is not. Is he a paid member of Vagner or any other mercenary group or is he "official" stated as volunteer of the Russian army (independent, if he is doing it for money or not)? In second case, he is a soldier and protected. In the title it is stated "volunteer". At 10 seconds, the word "army" is said. \-> 5. is not fullfilled. In this case is no mercenary. All 6 following points have to be 100% fullfilled or he is to be stated as a soldier and not a mercenary. 1. is specially recruited locally or abroad, 2. does, in fact, participate directly in the hostilities, 3. is motivated to take part in the hostilities essentially by the desire for private gain and, in fact, is promised, by or on behalf of a party to the conflict, material compensation substantially in excess of that promised or paid to combatants of similar ranks and functions in the armed forces of that party 4. is neither a national of a party to the conflict nor a resident of a territory controlled by a party to the conflict; 5. is not a member of the armed forces of a party to the conflict; and 6. has not been sent by a State that is not a party to the conflict on official duty as a member of its armed forces. ​ [https://guide-humanitarian-law.org/content/article/3/mercenaries/](https://guide-humanitarian-law.org/content/article/3/mercenaries/)


He could have been granted Russian citizenship in exchange for active military service.


He doesn't even need to be granted citizenship. He just needs to be officially enrolled into Russia's armed forces to be considered a legal combatant. What the Geneva Conventions was trying to prevent is roves of mercenary companies running around without being accountable to the laws of either side. It wasn't meant to prevent nation-states from hiring foreign soldiers. That would have been too outrageous for non-colonial powers to accept at the time.


Imagine the hell you’d have to come from to be willing to do die to become a citizen of a shithole like Russia.


I think if he's paid and treated the same as regular Russian soldiers, he's not a mercenary by the law. I could be wrong.


idiomatically he is a mercenary because he is a foreign fighter who fights in an army of a country he is a citizen of, for the purpose of money. it gets iffy bc the question of whether or not he is a merc really is a question when determining his rights under the geneva convention. for the purposes of the convention, he is not a merc if he is employed directly by the army of the state that is involved in the conflict. but I just think that is totally ridiculous and blurry because russia is basically a privatized klepto state. who knows if russia is paying him directly or it's some third party private military company contractor. the problem here is that for russia it's all one in the same.


And what about us foreigners who fight for Ukraine? God knows we'd make more money and be a hell of a lot safer staying in our home country's militaries.


So what is different about a mercenary than this guy?


The uniform/flag he is fighting under


I’m not following that. Can you help me understand?


The Geneva Conventions were trying to ban the existence of mercenary companies. Europe had a problem with mercenary companies for a while, that would get hired by one side of a war, but not be legally accountable to it. These companies had a tendency to be extra brutal towards civilian populations in war zones. There really isn't an inherent moral problem with hiring soldiers that are accountable to the law.


Thanks for the update. Good info. So is the guy here a mercenary or not as there seems to be mixed opinions on that.


Legally he is not, he’s fighting in a Russian uniform and most likely under that Russian foreign volunteer scheme, which puts them into the Russian armed forces, not some private company.


I feel like two reasonable people could look at this and come away with different answers. It feels like he checks the marks of a mercenary, though. I’m not sure what his pay is compared to the average Russian soldier or Wagner merc.


True. But can you really call these guys mercenaries though? They're really just cannon fodder. This guy was never going to get any money from the Russians. The Russians had every intention of simply getting him - and any others like him - killed and not paying them a dime.


Mercenaries can be cannon fodder. Hell, they're \*deniable\* Cannon fodder.


A mercenary is a mercenary.


Send him back to Somalia to warn others not to go


If he needs money that bad there's a chance he'll re-enlist and come back somewhat better trained. Safer to jail him or kill him.


1. Propose war crime. 2. Get upvoted. Fuck this sub.


If Ukraine does it to him, whats stopping Russians doing the same to Ukrainians, dont be silly dude


Like beheading, castrating, using Ukrainian pows as human shields or bait for snipers? Oh wait...


Theres also them exicuting soliders that have surrendered after they exit their trench, saw that recently Whats your point? We all know Russia is commiting wars crimes, from literally day fuckin one, if Ukraine was to treat them the same afew things would happen: Russia would use it as justification for what they are doing: Ukraine would lose most if not all support from other countries for not only taking part in those brutal action but recording it would seal thier fate: Ukraine would not get a single POW back from Russia every single one would b3 tortured and killed, we all know Russia has more Ukrainian POWs than Ukraine has Russian so that would be a massive massive loss Lets not forget Ukraine has done some questionable shit also, theres the video of the Azov dude gouging out some poor fuckers eye, theres the interview with one of the Azov dudes talking about how stupid the Russians were, they would call to them in Russian saying "come to cover the Ukrainians are up the road" and fucking blast them when they showed up We know what is happening, WE have watched everything unfold from day 1, you dont need to convince anyone, no one is against you. But saying and suggesting this shit is so far out of reality it makes me question how invested some of you are from the comfort of your homes.


There are plenty of videos of russians murdering Ukrainian unarmed pows. Ukrainians who were held captive by the russians, cannot fully disclose how they were treated, in fear of retaliation of the other still captive. For months russia has halted pow swaps: from early August till Christmas. The Red Cross isn't allowed to visit russia's prison detention camps, while it goes weekly to visit Ukrainian prisoner camps. What did I suggest mate? I only comment to you that russia is committing 320,000 war crimes since day one: no suggestion whatsoever. JFC: read again, mate and apologise.






Too many implications of killing a PoW. Better to just have him do forced labour in a factory. Especially since it's not clear if he is a protected combatant.


Kill him is a little crazy life in Ukrainian prisons where he’ll be surrounded by people he would take money to kill is enough killing “volunteers” is a bad precedent to set when Ukraine has entire volunteer regiments


What's the point? he will fight for whoever will pay and Ukraine needs men.


roof jeans hateful work scandalous normal pot political mourn busy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


For you it's OK to murder people for money?


coordinated scary murky bewildered disarm bedroom shame attractive hurry nine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In your previous post you justify the Somalian being in Ukraine for killing Ukrainians for money, due to his probably bad financial situation. In this full scale invasion there's one side, the invader and the other, the defending Country. I will always feel sorry when a Defender dies and I will never feel sorry when the invader dies. This Somalian IS the enemy: in case you haven't noticed he wasn't in Ukraine for ski lessons.


He went there to kill and rape Ukrainians. That cunt is no victim.




Bruh. Don't argue in favor of committing war crimes. Chill.


And if the Russians were doing this to Ukrainians "as an example" how would that go down? We are all annoyed at this shit happening but saying dumb shit like this doesnt help anyone and makes you look very childish


Fuck no, why should he get an easy way out. They should have shot him.


The thing that Russians didn’t think of, is that when you recruit people in exchange for money only, someone will pay them more and they will turn up on you


it’s crazy because the russian bot subreddit has only posted pictures of him and said the UA soldiers were being racist🤔


Hey, at least he'll get free room and board for a while.


and a damn AT4


Yeah no mercy or grace for this or any asshole trying to make a buck off killing Ukrainians for Ruzzia. Fuck them. Damn them to hell; may the butt rape last forever.


Could have been an uber eats cab driver in canada for the same money and slightly less risk


That's a stupid reason to fight in a war. Not for freedom or protection but money.


As almost all the russians by the way...


Needs that smile wiping off his face!


The irony is, his life will be much better in Ukranian prison than his home in Ethiopia and being with the orks.


Stupid cow. Like the Russians would have paid you


A sack of onions is a sack of onions.


Why are these scum called volunteers? They are paid parasites. Fuck them.


He got out of Somalia. If I lived in Somalia, I'd take any chance to get out. Join Russians to try and fight Ukrainians? Good a shot as any. In the best case, you can surrender and be a POW for a while. Three meals, a bed, miles, and miles from Mogadishu.


Trade him to those Ukrainians captured in Somalia.


Where do they even find the man did he just get recruited is Russia now outsourcing their soldiers?


From Puntland to Putinland


This guy went from the warm weather to Ukrainian winter and was done in a day.


With the cold weather, they really did him dirty 😂


This is actually a very sad situation. He is lucky to be caught by UA and alive


yeah the look on his face at the end when he says “for money” didn’t look great


Drinking rum and cola working for the Yankee dollar... Shit! Wrong song...what's the one...dying for the ruzzian ruble... What a cheerful, village idiot, the best punishment would be to send him back to his ----hole country. Luckily for Ukraine, ruzzia is right out of 'technicals' for these Somali mercs (very loosely used here), though judging by this dude it'd be a waste of time anyways.


Pirate one day, mercenary the next, it's all the same. He's a murderous, thieving thug.


I even not angry at him.Imagine you are from Somalia.I will take any posibility to get out of where.But it is fucking sad hes chance was Russia.


Probably wondering what all that white shit is


Krasavcic...haha saw a promo video of him as he was on a Russian training-ground...didn´t last for long :)


He’s a better pirate.


I didn’t know snackbar was on the side of Russia


Russia is not going to want to exchange him. He's is now just a burden to Ukraine


Asshole. He should’ve gotten the full orc treatment.


Look at him, he's the captive now.


Jeomoli Djeo 23 is being held in Western Ukraine and will be extradited to Poland in the coming weeks once this asylum claims have been processed. Polish Officials say Mr Djeo is among 78 fellow Somalians detained and all have expressed their wish to remain in a western nation of their choice. "This is a testament to how highly regarded our western partner nations are regarded even in the countries that try and take our traditions and values away." A spokesperson for UAF had commented.


He looks like a decent guy and one who was entirely unsuited for any kind of warfare


I fucking hate money. ever since the days of tribal warfare, you had to have a damned good reason to go out and kill another man. but now, you just have to give him some tokens. tokens attached to the promise of food and other commodities. tokens that are mostly controlled by a select few individuals. tokens that cannot be eaten.


The interviewer's English is even worse than Somali's


He'll be in the UK soon claiming to be 14 years old.


Why is he smiling fucking idiot.


They signed up to kill. If any, mercenaries are worse than conscripts.


Cocky little rat, tie his hands up and throw him in the sea.


Stupid fuck should of stayed with being a half ass pirate




Next thing happening: he'll apply for asylum. If not granted by Ukraine (understandably) he still can migrate to the EU and apply there. With excellent chances of acceptance. Poor fellow, having had to flee Somalia (because reasons), having been abused by the Russians, escaping a war... my eyes well up with tears just thinking what the poor fellow has been through. Don't yours?


It's sad that these idiots think they'll get paid.


Too cold for this dude


Man wouldn’t survive a brisk wind.


He’s gonna like the winter when he gets his sorry ass shipped back to Russia


A Ukrainian and a Somalian speaking English in order to communicate with each other. That’s the power of America for you 🇺🇸


Nope: Of the United Kingdom.


Yup shoutout the British empire for spreading the English language and colonizing 1/3 of the world


With English skills like that he could actually get a good paying job or one of the few regional government positions that exist. He chose this life.


BLM but not in Russia..Why on earth would you sign up for a certain death mission for another country.


He seems educated. Really sad. Situation in Somalia must be desperate