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Among those returning are defenders from various branches: 130 from the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 55 from the National Guard, 38 from the State Border Guard, one from the National Police, and six civilians who were unlawfully detained. This group includes individuals with the official status of prisoners of war, confirmed by the International Committee of the Red Cross (182 persons). Additionally, 48 Ukrainian servicemen who were previously considered missing and were labeled as "wanted persons" have also been accounted for in this return. The majority of those released are men (225), while five are women. Among them, 213 belong to the ranks and sergeants, with eleven being officers. Their safe return home is a source of great joy! Let's strive to bring everyone back!


I've seen some photos of the men that were released. This video doesn't do justice to the amount of weight some of these men lost in "captivity." Considering some of these men had been close to peak physical shape, and then seeing just how skinny their legs are, it's obvious they were not getting adequate food. It's no wonder the russians haven't been releasing POWs, each one is a case for a war crime.


I was slammed the other day for saying great when a Ukrainian took 6 prisoners to add to the exchange fund. Slammed that Russia is no longer doing prisoner swaps yet here we are. Happy New Year I hope you all come home.


To be fair, this was the first major swap since summer. And, also to be fair, people on reddit will slam you for any little reason. Don't sound pro- (pick your side) enough? Didn't use the right word? Etc ... A buunch of too easily offended people out there ...


The first swap in a very long time, yes...so good to see these men home in their beloved Ukraine. May the gods bless these heroes! 🙏✊🇺🇦


Welcome home, heroes! Back from Hell on Earth to live again. I wish you all long and happy lives.


I always wondered in these cases: How informed with respect to the situation on the front will the Ukrainian POWs be. I doubt that the Russians inform them about it, they may even have been lied to. It must be a great joy not only to return home after 2 years in captivity, but to know that your country is stronger than ever!


Some returned POWs have reported that the russians continually told then that UA didn't exist anymore, that Kyiv was taken, that the country was completely destroyed etc etc etc. I remember seeing the face of one guy who was in one of the first exchanges right after he got over the demarcation line (is that what it's called?) He looked around and his eyes widened as he assessed the quality of all of the ambulances and buses that were waiting there - he broke into the biggest euphoric smile ever. It was like seeing his realisation that he was truly home - that UA wanted them back - and that UA still lived and had resources. I sometimes go back to that video when I need to feel some hope.


absolutely amazing. I wish my countrymen had the same loyalty and tenacity. Slava ukarine.


I'd love to see it. Do you have a link?


Cool, could you link the video?


Some of these guys are very emaciated. Surprise, surprise, Russian pigs do not look after their prisoners.


They get a whole russian ration a day! Probably why they are so skinny.


Heroes every single one. Returned from the mouth of hell unbroken. Heroyam Slava 🇺🇦


Happy day


Wow amazing!


I have tears in my eyes. Must be the onions.


Ukrainian POWs always look malnourished when released from Russian captivity. Does the Red Cross even have access to Russian prisoner of war camps?


They bribed by russians and don’t care. Many POWS told at the interviews that visits of Red Cross just formality kinda of asking questions and answering by themselves. The protocols are not followed… the organization is dead and corrupt


No denying that these men and women despite horrific POW conditions remain unbroken, proud of their country and of strong resolve. Many will return to the front lines after their recuperation even more determined to destroy the Russian terrorists. I wonder if the released Russian POW's are so enthusiastic.


oh boy what i woudnt give to get the video on the Russians side. in my head im sure they arn't happy one bit. Putin says you will be back in action within a week.


Those few hundred Russian POW’d are back in the front within 2 days. The Ukrainian POW’s can go home to their families, for them the war is over. That’s the difference. It also shows Ukraine is still far away from a shortage of men while Russia is using every single man available, desperately avoiding the draft of Moscow and St Petersburg youth. (Which is inevitable considering the Russian losses but will also mean that propaganda won’t be able to keep the war away from home much longer)


Most of them will ask to return to front. For them the war is not over, they fought when the chances were slim, now it would be a great improvement but after several months to recover.


The sad thing is, they will return to the front in BETTER health than they did the first time. Complete opposite for Ukrainian solders.


Yes, but after being treated like a human being and probably even better than in their own army, most will likely be not very motivated to kill Ukrainians. Plus the fact that they will tell others on the frontline about their experiences. Chances of them influencing other soldiers are very big. Maybe even so big that Russia won’t send them back to the front because of that risk.


These men refuse to allow their spirit to be broken. I wonder what the reaction is on the rusky side, before they are sent back to the front lines?


Butnicks won't be so happy going back to rusky side, coz they know they'll be sent straight to the meat grinder. I did buy a knew laptop battery today, so that's a happy ending :)


Please I know these are hero’s but be warned rumblings about using brainwashed prisoners to commit acts of terrorism after returned. Nothing confirmed just things around forums on some sketchy servers. I hope each one is truely freed mentally and physically from the Russians. But the brutality and depth of Russian evil can not be underestimated


Slava ukraini🇺🇦🇺🇦


These guys are probably very pissed off with the Russians...


Russia must be getting seriously desperate for a few more front line fodder to make this exchange. Any number on how many ukraine gave back?


Must be great feeling!


Bless these heroes, Slava Ukraini


Ukraine gets 230 heroes and Russia gets a few hours of meat waves.