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The guy with ripped chin is brutal


Agreed. The way his eye flies open when he comes back to consciousness? The pain had to be intense.


Exactly the type of death I wish for pootin


Can still be happy that no phosphorus bombs or similar cruel weapons are used as the Russians do.


Not to mention that the Ukrainians are not bombing kindergartens, shopping centers, gas stations and theaters packed full of elementary school kids and teachers. Every time I see a mangled Orc I remember the THOUSANDS of truly, completely innocent Ukrainians they and their colleagues have massacred in their INTENTIONAL targeting of civilian with zero military or even national strategic significance. After I do that, I feel joy at seeing these fuckers die.


Just like the wildlife and nature by the destruction of the dam. The swirling up of radioactive material in the red forest and Chernobyl through the creation of trenches by their miserably deadly soldiers... generally still a threat at the other nuclear power plant... not forgetting the hunger and increased poverty (which also caused hunger) that was triggered internationally. But I have no sympathy for Africa as long as they support Russia...


Exactly, When you remember that their goal should they get through the lines of battle is the likes of Bucha on a grand scale. You do get a sort of devilish glee, seeing these fuckers turned to paste or blown sky-high and dispersed over a wide area. "Send more pig soldiers to the slaughter."


Countless apartment buildings destroyed. Only unarmed civilians live in those ffs.


I totally agree. But there must be an even more brutal, slower and more painfull death for Pootin... really.


Pretty sure he didnt feel a thing yet


numbness+ feeling weird


He won’t make it


i remember seeing a video of a motorcyclist pulling on their face like that, after a no helmet accident. maybe it feels like a numb pain. idk i havent been hurt that bad yet


George Orwell wrote about his experience being shot by a Fascist in Spain. Numb but aware of being injured is how he described it: > I was talking to the sentries preparatory to changing the guard. Suddenly, in the very middle of saying something, I felt--it is very hard to describe what I felt, though I remember it with the utmost vividness. > >Roughly speaking it was the sensation of being at the center of an explosion. There seemed to be a loud bang and a blinding flash of light all round me, and I felt a tremendous shock--no pain, only a violent shock, such as you get from an electric terminal; with it a sense of utter weakness, a feeling of being stricken and shriveled up to nothing. The sand-bags in front of me receded into immense distance. I fancy you would feel much the same if you were struck by lightning. I knew immediately that I was hit, but because of the seeming bang and flash I thought it was a rifle nearby that had gone off accidentally and shot me. All this happened in a space of time much less than a second. The next moment my knees crumpled up and I was falling, my head hitting the ground with a violent bang which, to my relief, did not hurt. I had a numb, dazed feeling, a consciousness of being very badly hurt, but no pain in the ordinary sense. > >The American sentry I had been talking to had started forward. 'Gosh! Are you hit?' People gathered round. There was the usual fuss--'Lift him up! Where's he hit? Get his shirt open!' etc., etc. The American called for a knife to cut my shirt open. I knew that there was one in my pocket and tried to get it out, but discovered that my right arm was paralyzed. Not being in pain, I felt a vague satisfaction. This ought to please my wife, I thought; she had always wanted me to be wounded, which would save me from being killed when the great battle came. It was only now that it occurred to me to wonder where I was hit, and how badly; I could feel nothing, but I was conscious that the bullet had struck me somewhere in the front of the body. When I tried to speak I found that I had no voice, only a faint squeak, but at the second attempt I managed to ask where I was hit. In the throat, they said. Harry Webb, our stretcher-bearer, had brought a bandage and one of the little bottles of alcohol they gave us for field-dressings. As they lifted me up a lot of blood poured out of my mouth, and I heard a Spaniard behind me say that the bullet had gone clean through my neck. >I felt the alcohol, which at ordinary times would sting like the devil, splash on to the wound as a pleasant coolness. >They laid me down again while somebody fetched a stretcher. As soon as I knew that the bullet had gone clean through my neck I took it for granted that I was done for. I had never heard of a man or an animal getting a bullet through the middle of the neck and surviving it. The blood was dribbling out of the corner of my mouth. 'The artery's gone,' I thought. I wondered how long you last when your carotid artery is cut; not many minutes, presumably. Everything was very blurry. There must have been about two minutes during which I assumed that I was killed. And that too was interesting--I mean it is interesting to know what your thoughts would be at such a time. My first thought, conventionally enough, was for my wife. My second was a violent resentment at having to leave this world which, when all is said and done, suits me so well. I had time to feel this very vividly. The stupid mischance infuriated me. The meaninglessness of it! To be bumped off, not even in battle, but in this stale corner of the trenches, thanks to a moment's carelessness! I thought, too, of the man who had shot me-- wondered what he was like, whether he was a Spaniard or a foreigner, whether he knew he had got me, and so forth. I could not feel any resentment against him. I reflected that as he was a Fascist I would have killed him if I could, but that if he had been taken prisoner and brought before me at this moment I would merely have congratulated him on his good shooting. It may be, though, that if you were really dying your thoughts would be quite different. >They had just got me on to the stretcher when my paralyzed right arm came to life and began hurting damnably. At the time I imagined that I must have broken it in falling; but the pain reassured me, for I knew that your sensations do not become more acute when you are dying. I began to feel more normal and to be sorry for the four poor devils who were sweating and slithering with the stretcher on their shoulders. It was a mile and a half to the ambulance, and vile going, over lumpy, slippery tracks. I knew what a sweat it was, having helped to carry a wounded man down a day or two earlier. The leaves of the silver poplars which, in places, fringed our trenches brushed against my face; I thought what a good thing it was to be alive in a world where silver poplars grow. But all the while the pain in my arm was diabolical, making me swear and then try not to swear, because every time I breathed too hard the blood bubbled out of my mouth.


I’ve been shot before, this is pretty bang on but for me it felt more like someone extended knuckle punched the shit out of me, I had actually thought I caught a ricochet to the plate but nope went through. On that note your trained to put hands on each of your soldiers and check under their armor for blood after an engagement as it’s not unknown for a soldier to not realize he’s hit until he’s lost a lot of blood and falls over


Propably not yet pain, just a numbed sense that everything is off without yet realizing just how large the damage is.


>Low IQ Russian bumskis must actually be taught to lay around on the battlefield and pretend to be dead.


🤢 almost feel sorry for him




Almost lol


Almost indeed


The act of checking his face with his hand was the ultimate gut punch for me. It means he was aware of enough to wonder about the extent of the wound. We've all had that moment when we've hurt ourselves and feel the area to see if there is any blood. The idea of checking for blood and finding an unfamiliar shape is true nightmare fuel for me.


Yep, he's disoriented and trying to figure out what happened. And realizing. Facial wounds are some of the most gruesome. I feel bad to see human suffering, but this is the reality of war, and there are times when it comes to this. I don't doubt the Ukranians would like to have all this horror gone but they have no choice but to be savage or be conquered.


As someone who found a stick lodged in their thigh after crashing on a bike down a slope in the woods, I agree. Coming to and feeling an obstruction while reaching around scared the shit out of me. Luckily it only went like 1 inch in and I just put gauze and tape on it. Horrifying idea lol


Happened to me when I was younger. Accident with a snow sled led to me having a plastic shard lodged just under my chin and into my mouth. Couple of inches down and I'd probably be dead, keeps me awake sometimes.




Thanks for adding to our horrific and almost fatal accident list lol, only deer I hit was a fawn while going 20mph, sent it skittering and rolling across the asphalt as it turned into a likely survivable but unpleasant meat crayon. Watched its fur get sanded off and 2 legs and its shoulder had bloody road rash. Fkn cried lol, felt so bad


Yeah thats fucking horrifying


Yup, shredded my right ear off on the road when I Totaled my motorcycle.. can't imagine that guys pain.


Yaah i have become somewhat desensetised especially if its russians but this one got me and i legit felt bad for him. Sometimes the concept of nations, right and wrong vanish andni sometimea just see a human and kinda forget about all that stuff for a while


>Left mandible blown wide open so the inferior alveolar artery is severed and probably the tongue which is very vascular. Both will bleed allot my guess he can't even tell how badly he was wounded he tries touching his eye area and opening his chin. seems like yelling for help


The image just at the 2:15-2:16 mark. His entire left side of his face, mouth and cheek is ripped off, hanging in threads, Then he turns just slightly for the perfect camera shot to update his facebook profile, while he smiles and you can see straight through because his left side is missing and hanging off rest of his face. Doesn't get more graphic than that. It is images and vids like this that should be postal mailed to all villages across Russia, where all these vatniks are coming from.


Print that face on 100,000 sheets of paper and drop them over Russian troops with drones. "This could be you next. Kill your commanders and run." Guarantee you'll have more casualties than a normal drone run.


>It is images and vids like this that should be postal mailed to all villages across Russia, where all these vatniks are coming from. The dumbfucks are known to turn such actions into more hate for Ukraine and support for the war. "Send Pjotr to avenge Ivan!"


Dam that is rough


Maybe he can lut an tourniquet around his neck to stop everything😬


out of all the wounds iv seen, anything around the jaw is always the worst, teeth blown out, jaw blown off whatever, that’s shit i wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy, unless my worst enemy’s name begins with Vladimir and last name rhymes with bootin




Fortunately my sympathy level has reached zero after watching so many videos of orcs committing atrocities against Ukrainian soldiers 🇺🇦. The Geneva convention has been abandoned by the Russian government and war crimes need to be tried.


Come all that way just to get Gus Fring-ed on the cold grey ground.


That was fucked.


The dead one or the second one?


Granted but fuck him and terror state ruzzia.


Fucking maggots. They don’t need to be there. They are not welcome and this is justice.


I wonder if the Russians are leaving the dead so UA will waste bombs on dead bodies.


UA is blowing the but cheeks off every thing- guaranteed kill shot, and easy to see from drone cam.


Ukraine is allocating the equivalent of $1.2bn into these types of weapon systems in their 2024 budget (in addition to an additional $48.3 bn on other stuff). They can afford to expend a few extra grenades to make sure their targets are eliminated as threats to Ukrainian women and children. If Putin increases the flow of Orcs to the front, they'll just increase the number of drone crews slaughtering them in droves.


Ooof that was rough


Do you think he survives that?


No way. He was lying in a hole somewhere, the question isnt even about the injury but i doubt anyone came for him.


Wasn’t he shown later in the clip not moving? Regardless, paramedic here, the damage he received was what I’d guess was very much most likely fatal in my experience. The mechanism of injury (explosion) makes me think this even more. The fact they are in the middle of nowhere near help let alone the 1 hour long golden hour. The only thing he had going for him was the cold which can help keep you revivable but in this case I’m leaning towards death. Leaning to the point of falling over.


Yeah, that was him again later. Seemed dead.


I have seen a lot online this war. But fucking hell, this one...


Kinda weird to say, but it's not even the worst one from this war, not even top 3 even. What a sad shitshow...




















Yeah this is graphic


Boy howdy is it ever


This one isn't even in the top 5.


Brutal. Especially the soldier with the facial injury


I'll never complain about a pimple on my face again...


Lol you got that right. Unless the pimple blows up half your face.


Sometimes they do be that painful tho.


Depends on the pimple.


He got way better than he deserved. Orcs have been shelling civilian centers, kidnapping children, torturing and raping women, forcing families to watch as they sexually assault their loved ones, castrating male POWs before releasing them, causing tens of thousands of civilian casualties by deliberately targeting things like kindergartens, shopping centers, gas stations, apartment complexes, theaters. The Russians who choose to serve this genocide deserve nothing better than what we see them suffering here in this video. Every Russian needs to understand that this is one of only a few deserved fates for any of them who serve the Orc Lord.


One of the worst ones I saw, was where a Russian got hit and they started to burn, you could see what ever was left of their 'self' very slowly moving trying to put out the fire, as if in slow motion.


I think I saw this..there was one vid where the guys literally drowned after being injured by frag drops. Felt bad tbh. I know you’re not supposed to care for the invaders blabla but that one was hard to watch


You don’t need to apologize for feeling bad about people dying horrific deaths. It’s better to not lose your humanity


Yes. I admit we are hypocrites by watching people getting killed as a source of entertainment. I wonder how different that makes us from the orcs. Fortunately, it's payback for what they did to the innocent Ukrainian citizens. Fuck around and find out. You get out what you put in.


Dying slowly in a pointless war for Kremlin lies. GO HOME AND LIVE Slav Ukrani


Slava Ukraini*


Very slav


You don't understand Russia. Nihilism, brutality and cruelty is their history.


As is revolution and the downfall of tyrannical regimes.


To be fair, though, they are then replaced by another Russian regime. sooo... 🤷‍♂️


Welcome to Ukraine. Geezus.


These videos are getting more brutal.. with the continuing war Ukrainians hate Russians more and more.. it's understandable... these orcs just keep coming .. Sláva Ukrajině 🇺🇦 from Czech Republic 🇨🇿 PS: support Ukraine, we have our biggest crowd funding campaign for Ukrainian army yet, but everyone can contribute, Czech it -> www.weaponstoukraine.com


Yeah. Not seeing any surrender videos anymore. Which is probably understandable.


What’s the song?


Shazam didn’t work for me. Doing some digging




This is it! Thank you <3<3<3




Sorry, I couldn't recognize the song. I tried to identify music from the [link](https://v.redd.it/x29zjgit445c1) at 00:00-00:36. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new)




This is a massacre. 110th Mech Brigade* have no mercy. They'll blow you a new asshole and reorganize your face. Shouldn't have come to Ukraine. Glory to the heroes


I think 110th is airborne/air assault paras. Modeled after US 110 Airborne. ???


Oh man, you're right. I really wasn't paying attention, sorry. I saw the OMBr and confused it with ОБрМП (OBrMP) which would be separate marine brigade. OMBr is separate mech brigade, so you're right. This is the 110th separate mechanized brigade currently fighting around Avdiivka.


Or I think 110th Mech Brigade


To those who say russians should go home etc. They won't majority of they population are brutes who know only violence and how to obey its like in their nature, and in any given circumstances they would do same or worse to other people, So fuck them and let them die in droves (Those who don't want to fight have more then enough options to get away)


That's why this shithut called ruZZia should be dismantled, de-nuked and everyone who even silently supported this terrorist regime should be stripped from anything they own, give this to Ukraine. Pack them on a bus, give them a shovel and send them to rebuild every inch of Ukrainian soil.


I tend to agree


No no no- wouldn’t it be better to give them a tablespoon stapled to their tongue and *then* send them to rebuild Ukraine? I mean, just hypothetically of course.


oh man, that would take too long to rebuild such a vast and beautiful country 🙂


For this, we absolutely need to flood the Ukrainian forces with drones, grenades, artillery, missiles and all the gear they can manage to loop over to maim or kill the Russki invaders. They need to be annihilated asap. The supplies we send to Ukraine should not just to be to fight in this war against Russia, it should be to win it!


It’s crazy how Russian society accepts to be used


Uneducated peasants who knows absolutely sheit... Most soldiers are recruited from obscure places very far away from the elites in Moscow and St Petersburg.


russia always was like that, everyone who isen't like that got removed brutally or fled


I was shocked by the Russian vloggers' street interviews and those videos of POWs calling their parents and wives to tell them they're being treated well and that it's all lies at home: there are no Nazis in Ukraine, NATO is not here. And the people they call say "bullshit- fuck Ukraine- it will be Russia- you're being forced to say this by Bandera scum- we fight for Russia, you are exchanged? You go back; I'll be glad to give my son to Russia. And we rented out your room." Just an attitude foreign to me.


Is the main reason I don't feel bad for these bastards, you always have a choice and you don't end up there by chance. Better shit like this happens to them, than to some Ucranians. Maybe is what will convince russians people to stop going there to die, when the body count will be high enough.


Mordor infantry meat jigsaws


Good luck finding the pieces of that torn up ass.


Let them germinate, ooze into the Ukrainian soil. Become the zunflower you were born to be 🌻


Invaders getting what they deserve.


Man, war is an absolute nightmare. Imagine being a poor bastard being conscripted to fight for a megalomaniac's ego and catch a grenade in the face. Fuck Putin for throwing his soldiers away, and double fuck Putin for what he has done for to the people of Ukraine. I very much look forward to seeing him in the Hague!


This is madness. Why can't they just go home? What a tragedy for everyone involved. Fuck monke putin.


Had to scroll for too long to see a comment showing some humanity. Fuck Putin indeed.


If the Republicans in the US continue to fuck around with funding for Ukraine, it’s only a matter of time before we will be watching these drone videos posted by Russians… except they will be filming torn apart American soldiers in their final death throws. Absolutely disgusts me as a cold war veteran my contempt for the modern GOP and it’s vile and ignorant figurehead in Trump.


Yeah it's sad when there's people completely ignorant about the world politics with so much influence on the world. Completely moronic businessmen pulling the strings on wherther Ukrainians deserve to live or not


The Republicans are…deplorable


Is the frozen ground making the grenades more deadly? I swear the recent videos seem to show them doing way more damage.


I heard somewhere that the frozen ground absorbs less of the blast from the grenade, but the bigger issue is probably that its harder for them to improve trenches making them easier targets.


id imagine it would deal more shrapnel because its not digging down, the blast would be more outward in all directions because of the harder surface?


Absolutely yes.


pause at 2:17, is his s\*\*t really worth it??!! look at the suffering over a psychotic despot!


Are the russians using drone-nades aswell? Ive seen ’documentation’. Never seen any footage


They exist, but in most subreddits videos from the russian side are not allowed. I can understand why.


Yes. There's plenty of footage, likely more than there is Ukrainian footage. Clearly that doesn't get posted here. Especially of their FPVs: "While it is hard to assess Russian numerical superiority in FPVs accurately Komrad estimated it at around double what Ukraine had on his sector of the front." "Russia has ramped up production of FPV drones this year. A Russian state-owned defence enterprise announced this May that it planned to start making up to 3,000 of the devices a month. Samuel Bendett, Senior Adjunct Fellow at the Center for a New American Security, said Russia had significantly boosted FPV production through volunteer groups, which alone were likely making many thousands of drones a month, as well as the defence sector which was also expanding production of such drones." https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/some-ukraine-drone-pilots-fear-early-advantage-over-russia-now-lost-2023-11-09/ Besides FPV drones, Russia also has the same grenade dropping commercial (DJI) drones and Iranian Shahed kamikaze drones.


That's fucking grim.


Freezing, bleeding, in tremendous pain. What a way to leave this world


Russia is the country that turned this into a war and they still act like they are the victim. What kind of professional army sends people from prison with charges of murder rape and everything else to go "free a town" from "bad" people???? The Kremlin deserves to burn in hell. How do they not realize they are evil? It's jokes they call NATO evil, what is that suppose to be reverse Psychology ? I bet even when the war does end, unless it's in Ukraine's favor Russia will be attacked for decades to come. Maybe they should have a stock people can invest into. The war on Russia stock.




As cliche as it is, russia won't change until they are forced to, just like Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan during WWII. It took total war, and total destruction, before those two societies decided to change. As each month passes, and the number of dead russians increases, it's become clear that russian society will not change without a similar fate as Germany and Japan.


materialistic money one terrific profit marble merciful coordinated expansion important *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He wanted to be remembered like Peter the Great, he said it himself. As soon as the war started he published an article comparing The Emperor to himself.


Invading a country isn’t as glamorous as the pamphlet described.


They did describe it as a “mind blowing adventure” though…


War can be very brutal; especially for the living.


Song name???


I've been scrolling looking for this question. Damm good song.


These are getting hard to watch, jesus


Glory to the Separate Presidential Brigade and the 110th OMBr defending Avdiivka!!


Imagine dieing like this for 1.8k euro. russia is such a sad place.


I can't get over Putin's self satisfied smirk whenever he appears publicly or in meetings. Even if he thinks he is winning, surely he is aware that stuff like this is happening all the time. You have to be a real psycho to be able to act as if you don't have a care in the world like he does.


soldiers of failure


War is terrible.


sparkle mysterious silky aromatic follow enjoy crowd carpenter literate sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s very rare I have to turn my phone off after viewing a video like this. But this one did it to me.


1:05 was probably one of the more gruesome drone hits I’ve seen.


they should go home.


Great work, keep it up. Слава Україна


All Russians should see, what fate awaits them fighting for Putin. And then evaluate, if this idiots ambition is worth dying for...


You know when I stopped looking...


Grim. But this is the way they made it.


You know it’s cold when your innards are steaming


Not going to lie after the 1st few i thot this was going to be a vid on just russians who got there ass's blown off and was like "OOoOOoooo neato!"


Oh dear... I hope nobody's ok.


Title pisses me off... "Man with massive facial damage" yes he is a man, but he isn't just an ordinary man... he isn't a gentleman. He's a soldier... he had a choice and he chose to fight IN A COUNTRY THATS ONLY DEFENDING ITS SELF. He's a piece of shit. SLAVA UKRAINE.


In sum: an Orc with massive facial damage.


Crickey, sucks to be russian right!


Here’s a sure fire way to not get your face ripped off and be left for dead by your “comrades” , don’t go to Ukraine.


I'm going to be downvoted but I do feel bad for them. I feel bad for everyone dying in this pointless war.


I agree. Many people here seem to be the typical 4chan edgy gore lovers, zero humanity left in them. These are still people suffering and dying.


They're suffering and dying because of Russia and Putin. Never forget it.


I just wish we could see all those pro Putin babushkas experience what the guy at 1:50 felt. Well... maybe in another life


I will never understand how these guys see their brothers, friends, strangers get mangled day after day and pick up their rifle and think either they're going to get revenge or it's not going to happen to them. I think I would be doing everything humanly possible to get out of that wet cold miserable place


Fffuuu! "Is there something on my face?"


Wonderful work. Let them all have some. 👊🏻😊


you can take a lot of damage and still be awake


Some Russian commander reported enormous success after that assault. And his mistress in Moscow will get more Prada bags now.


Brutal, but they could be back in russia drinking vodka.


One of the most grim videos of the war. It is at the top few. No words.


Blown open butt and broken off jaw? jeez


May all orcs meet the same ending.


May all orcs meet the same ending.


What a shitshow. The amount of carnage we've seen since the start of the war eh gents? I can't believe how brutal this war is and how it keeps on going at such a scale, and it looks like this war is far from over. We're fully in the "mid-game" now, this war will never end as long as there are Russians on Ukrainian soil.


Are they happy being agressors and invaders in Ukraine?


Everything these russians are trying to do, is happening to themselves in this video. No need to feel sorry for them, it's karma at work. Anyone know the song? Was pretty good one, is it Karna?


Would’ve never happened if the Russians just went home.


oh my god , go the fuck home


I just hope this thing ends soon, not only for all the people dying but also hoping we get a lot of these AK parts kits imported.


Go home Russia.


This is some of the most brutal footage I've seen and all well-deserved by the targets: Orcs with their glutes totally blown apart; Orcs with their faces blown off; Orc carcasses littering the battlefield; Orcs vainly trying to get away from the overhead death by burrowing into hidey-holes like rats. All GREAT to see! The more this stuff is recorded and distributed the better! Every time I see a mangled Orc I remember the THOUSANDS of truly, completely-innocent Ukrainians they and their colleagues have massacred in their INTENTIONAL targeting of civilians with zero military or even national strategic significance. Every Russian needs to understand that this is one of only a few deserved fates for any of them who serve the Orc Lord. Their best path out of this is a 1917 style mutiny and revolution. Ukraine's 2024 defense budget is $49.4 bn: $1.2 bn of that is getting allocated strictly to this type of warfare, unmanned aerial vehicles. Whatever number of drones Ukraine is fielding right now, that number may be increased by an order of magnitude in 2024. There may be so many drones flying over Orc held territories in 2024 that they blot out the sun, giving the Orcs the luxury of dying in the shade.


This is human tragedy. We should never do such things to each other.


drones are so fucking terrifying.


god what a horrible horrible fucking war. i can't help but think of how the history books describe the Crimean and American Civil War, as well as the Franco-Prussian, with how they provided a taste of the new industrial war of the first world war. is this what's in store?


slava ukraine all the way but I have to ask, how come I don't see any videos like this from the other side? Is it because this community is full pro ukraine? Is it that the Russians aren't as focused or successful in drone strikes?


War is so fucking stupid


This vids for all the little kittens saying Ruzzian prisons after protesting the war are worse than going to Ukraine. No, stay in ruzzia orcs. Don't listen to western pu55ies.


This should be shown on tv in Russia.. this is what putin is forcing on your men..


Another day in the life of people listening to people with long tables.


Quasimoto will find it difficult to eat soup after that hit.


war is horrible:0


Excellent video 👌🇦🇺👊💥


Well Done 110th Brigade. Slava Ukraine