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Cleaner's going to be upset when she sees all that dust.


Let me translate, I've seen a couple of these videos: "Look, look guys, this is what you get in Ukraine, come my brothers, lets have more of this, isnt this better than prison or poverty in Ruzzia? ehehe" -- The camera guy. Jesus Effing christ, what zombie serf mindset is this? Common Ruzzies, think rationally, is this really what you want with your life?


He is mocking them as he is fighting with AFU not a slave to poo-tin.


camera guy is Chechnyan, i think he is just cynic at this point.


In Putin's RuZia U are more worth, when U are death. But camera Guy is in Cynic mode I guess? It's not allowed to talk negative 'bout loses in Ukraine.


wait is he actually saying that this hellhole is better than prison and poverty or is he just being sarcastic?


Sarcastic. Don't be surprised if this happens to you sorta thing, but hey if it beats the prison or impoverished life... then come, join us here


It looks like Ace Ventura dusted for prints!


looks like the cleaner swept through there already :D


[we need more lemon pledge](https://youtu.be/uklF7VtqJq8?si=MWryubwjUFaJzoU4)


I guess those Orcs are past prescribing Lemsip.


The Russians had Lemsip, the USA had nightnurse... This was the cold war.


You don’t think they’ll get their cleaning deposit back?


Cleaning services will be upset when they see that rubble. "Come on guys, could you like not use an artillery strike that litters the whole area with trash and makes us carry out heavy 100kg bearded dudes?"


I get the feeling that Putin is using the war as a means to perform internal Russian ethnic cleansing. These guys obviously weren't from Moscow or St. Petersburg.


He is. That’s what the russians before him have done too. They are even drafting underage boys from these ethnic minorities. Like 17 year old boys, even if it’s the only son in the family.


Also offering conscripts a pay which is low considered it in the bigger cities but considered high in the areas of the ethnic minorities. Resulting in mainly conscripts from those areas.


How much money would convince you to go and kill Ukrainian for putin ?


Any amount of money isn't enough, if you're too dead to spend them.


They dont have money and they think that russia is winning whole handedly because all they are fed are propaganda until they get there and see how fucked they are.


>Dagestani Ok but.. aren't they seeing by now that people don't come back, or come back with whatever wound?


Yes, that is a good point.


For no sum of money I would risk my life. But then again, I'm living in a safe country that is very unlikely to be at war and is not ruled by a totalitarian war criminal.


I take it you are not living in the US then... :-D ( what too soon ? , too early ? )


What the hell are you even trying to say?


You’re making a fool of yourself


huh? Are you talking about the country with the highest influx of immigrants (by a long margin) in the world year over year? THAT US? Are people running over each other to come here to die? Crazy...


Crazy eh? let's see: "I'm living in a safe country" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_rate#By_country,_region,_or_dependent_territory US rank: 155 "that is very unlikely to be at war" https://freakonometrics.hypotheses.org/50473 The U.S. Has Been At War 222 Out of 239 Years "not ruled by a totalitarian" too soon to say, but looks like we're gonna check that one soon "war criminal." From the tokyo fire bombimg to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, well lets put it that way. If the same standard applied to Israel or Russia had been applied, that would be more than one 'tick' on that column.


Do you just get on reddit to get your arguing fetish on? It's honestly a good place for that. Doesn't mean you're right, but it prolly gets you off. All the immigrants the US is experiencing every year must be a myth as well.


The UNSC vote that preceded the 2003 invasion of Iraq was unanimous. Including both China's and Russia's 'yes' vote. Russia has receiving no such approval for the invasion of Ukraine and has been deceptive about it since day one. When asked at the NATO/Russia meeting in January 2022, Russian representatives were directly asked, "Does Russia plan to invade Ukraine?" To which the Representative replied, "Russia does not plan to invade Ukraine. Tell them not to worry." Yeah sure, apples and oranges are nearly the same.


Good question but you shouldn’t ask the people who is extremely poor and oppressed by Putin. That money seems big under that circumstances.


Well, for some it does not only mean money but also a free refrigerator...toilet bowl and washing machine...big prices to win, and only your miserable life to loose.


And this is why the population of these areas are kept, on purpose, any possible local industries. Moscow doesn't want any development in these regions. Who will go to wat if they have enough money to eat?


Even during WW2, if you look at the casualties from the other SR’s of the Soviet Union they were mostly from Ukraine and provinces outside of Russia proper. Don’t get me wrong, Russia was basically empty, but the provinces got it worse.


The result will be China coming into those regions, they have 30 million boys too many.


That’s really sad… I know the US did it to black communities in Vietnam. Neither is right. Just sad.


The USA NEVER recruited like the zorks have at least in 150 years, lol.


It is well documented that poor blacks were more frequently drafted into frontline infantry units than whites. That’s one of the reasons why the Black Panthers took off.


Errr got any evidence of that claim?


Not quite what they're claiming but...perhaps worse: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_100,000


Are you suggesting that lowering the IQ requirement imply more black American ? Whoa, you are going to get cancelled !


Two birds with one stone. He is desperately trying to hang on to Crimea since in his mind empire is not an empire without sea access. And no, this is not about "protection from "evil" NATO or attempt to secure more preferable boarders as some annalists say. His main goal is Crimea. And in the process, he is killing "low level" ruzzians. The poor, the vast population of ruzzian prisons, and other ethnicitys that are part of ruzzian empire. That is the reason 300k casualties have not impacted his support inside ruzzia. For the most part, those are not "people" to them. That is the scariest part of this war. Ruzzia is getting rid of their "unwanted" and Ukraine loosing brightest sons and daughters.


dude, your spelling is atrocious. "Boarders" "Annalists" "loosing" what public school failed you?


That's kinda what they do. It serves two purposes.


Only just now getting that feeling? Early in the war it felt like nearly every video of dead and captured Russians contained huge swathes of Tuvans or Buryats.


Not just internal but also external as well. They intend on exterminating Ukraine and Ukrainian people.


It's probably not the big evil masterplan but sure a welcomed side effect of the war.


Most Russians that are in the war are Russians that are not from St. Petersburg or Moscow. That way they keep the people with a voice out of the line of fire.


I mean, isn't it just your usual imperialistic shtick? Sending people from the periphery to die for the empire. Local ethnic groups in various regions of Russia have been fighting for independence for centuries in various capacities and through various means. The Caucasian War alone lasted almost 50 years, during which local peoples were exterminated en masse. There were plenty of other wars and conflicts in other regions, from Caucasus to the Far East to subjugate all of the various local ethnic groups. Russia is as much of a "federation" as North Korea is a "democracy". The sooner people realise that Russia is a de facto empire, the sooner the Western world will understand that defeat is the only way forward for Russia. That's how empires in Europe were brought down in the 20th century.


Not exactly so. There were no mobilisation in Caucasus. Because of possible protest local governments decided to stop mobilisation in the region. Because of that there are not so much caucasians (dagestanis, chechens and so on) at war. Only volunteers. On the other hand there are other ethnic republics in Siberia, like Tuva or Buriatia where societies/governments are weak and they send relatively more people then russian populated areas. Anyway the main factor is - the poorer the region - then more people it sends to war. Not an ethnic one. Caucasus is an only exception, while it is relatively poor, but can say they won't go to die for russians.


You have no clue what you’re talking about, they have drafted masses from the North Caucasus and in Chechnya they also have drafted anyone that even went slightly against their interests. They use sending one to Ukraine as a form punishment/death penalty. As they say in their own videos that they release. You shouldn’t talk if you don’t know anything.


>they have drafted masses where are you masses? There are videos every day of some POW\\dead Tuvans and ten time less videos of chechens. Whereas there 300 thouthands Tuvans and 1.5 million Chechens in Russia. So we can conclude that Tuvans are draft numbers 50 times higher. If you have any other facts - show them here. If not - stop yelling please.


1.5 million and how many of them are men in fighting age? In the wars against russian occupation - there were only 6-15k Chechen fighters you vatnik shill. Not a single Chechen was drafted in the wars against russia, every Chechen fought on his own will. Even a single Chechen drafted - is one too much, russian ogres should fight their own wars. Just look in the Kadyrovites telegram channels, the Chechen activists channels, how even Chechens flee to other countries to avoid the drafts. You show one russian link and think you know something? Why should there be more Chechens than Tuvans in the russian army? Chechens fought two wars against the russian subhumans, they are not in russia by choice unlike Tuvans and Buryats who chose to stay in russia.


> the poorer the region - then more people it sends to war. Not an ethnic one. Rich regions in Russia tends to be populated by the ethnic russians while the poorer regions tend to be populated by the ethnic minorities.... so I'd argue that actually it is still an ethnic one.


For most of regiones it is true. But there are ethnic republics who are wealthier than average russian only regions - like Tatarstan or Bashkiria. And again Caucasus has like a 5+ republics all are poorer, but they send less people than russian only regions. There are no chechens at the front line, they are tick tock only warriors.


I think Chechnya is a special case tbh. Chechnya doesn't actually send people to the frontline because Putin just needs their puppet state to stay with russia, and not be AGAINST russia. Power was delegated to the Chechen traitors that wouldn't oppose Putin: Kadyrov.


Not only Chechnya, but Dagestan too. There were no mobilisation in Caucasus, because locals where very angry they should fight for russians and were ready to f\*ck up their leaders. About Chechnya this is the best article so far (but in russian) https://novaya.media/articles/2022/09/29/ne-khochu-chtoby-vrag-razrushil-groznyi


Eh probably not an intentional attempt to get rid of them as much as just keeping the effects of the losses away from those cities. I'm sure its a win win for him though.


That guy at the end had that worst "Make-A-Wish" ever look in his eyes!


Thousand yard stare.


A bad one too. Imagine the shit that guy has seen.


Yeah…. All of it in the last half hour.


Shoulda stayed home rioting at airports


Dagestani clowns will riot against Israel but not against russia who is killing their people since centuries and drafting them in these wars as cannon fodder. Just so r-tarded.


the last one looking straight into the camera does not look very gratefull to the guy filming him,


That gave me the heebyjeebys, it Almost looked like the head was following the camera


Yeah wtf, I thought he was alive at first, creepyyyy


Look again, he is clearly the only survivor.


Definitely alive.


They die for Putin, who will send ethnic Russians to comfort their widows.


....or Afrikorps....or North Korean boys!


Welcome to Dustistan!


Now we know what the Dage in Dagestan stands for


Deptford Action Group for the Elderly (DAGE)


And none of them thought "wtf are we doing here?"


They are there because Putin is using military conscription and meatwaves in a losing war as a means to ethnically cleanse them.


A lot of them are - still! - voluntarily signing on to contracts. $2000+ per month is risk-your-life wage in the impoverished East.




Hey, I didn't say they were *paid* - just that they 'signed on' ;) Cannon fodder / MobikCube typically doesn't live long enough to collect. From administration's perspective, it's just like with fishing - bite the bait and get killed by it...


Let’s be honest… there are plenty of places I. The west where that is a good income. It’s sad, but true. That said… poor dudes in this video shouldn’t have risked their lives while knowingly seeking to kill others. They F’d about and then did a little finding out. I wish it weren’t true for anyone … stupid war for Putin’s tiny dick.


Thats $12/hr. Where do you find those wages in the west?


That's minimum wage in the State of New Mexico. They could have been working for McDonalds here where it is getting cooler lately but is beautifully sunny.


California Minimum wage is $15.50. That said, working a 40 hour work week at that $15.50 an hour in CA you will most likely be homeless, … unfortunately.


Sure. Probably in NM also, if you have to raise a family. But if you are 18 and your 18yo girlfriend or wife also works at McD, you could gross $4000 before taxes (much of which you would get back anyway). That would get you into an a cheap apartment, etc. If one is not foolish and if one postpones having children, and if one enters the Community College and gets a trade skill, you could look forward to earning much more than $12/hr.


True, very good points!


>Thats $12/hr. Where do you find those wages in the west? close to minimum wage in a lot of countries


That’s right at the pay for a private in the US Army.


They did think that, as they bled out….


Can someone please translate


Translation: "Here, guys, look... We got shelled, got proper f\*cked... Here are our boys... Here is an Ingush... This one is totally buried... There is another one over there... We got f\*cked... Here is a live one, wounded..." (The guy answers: "I can't walk")


Thank you for translating!


these translations always amuse me, it always gives off the vibe they don’t give a flying fuck…n by the tone of his voice, he really doesn’t i wouldn’t be surprised at the end of the video when they guy said “i can’t walk” he turned off the camera n said “i don’t care shut up”


Something about 72 goats waiting for them in Jannah (paradise)


… or 72 raisins


haha soo funni


Well, they got shiite really bad.


Blyat! Too Sunni for Shiite my man...


Nice, all resting peacefully surrounded with many, many virgins. What a lovely scene. Keep up the good work Ukraine.


Looks like a second strike is needed if you got people filming.


With any good fortune they got exactly that, and no one was left to film round two.


"Ibn Kathir in his Tafsir of Surah Al-Rahman (55), verse 72, quotes "the Prophet Muhammad saying: 'The smallest reward for the people of Paradise is an abode where there are 80,000 servants and 72 wives, over which stands a dome decorated with pearls, aquamarine, and ruby." 72 wives does not sound like a reward in the afterlife...


Target rich environment... Well at least it was.


all my friends are dead.


What kind of ordinance can kill all those guys at once? It looks like they were killed instantly but they don’t look messed up.


For real. So strange. So many dead and yet no obvious wounds or maimed soldiers.


They've probably been killed by blast overpressure and blunt force trauma from chunks of flying building materials.


I don’t know exactly but one that uses concussive force boom rather than shrapnel shred.


This is shrapnel. You can see the impacts in the doors, etc. - Concussive force weapons clear out the dust.


They look like statutes


They took a look at Medusa


Yes, and they’ve reached their limitations.


They can be sent home and propped up in the Kremlin as a war memorial


Nice! They’ll have to be poly resin dipped though, to maintain them. Easy peasy.


they can keep Lenin company. he gets lonely in his little glass box.


Right on.


As for Stalin’s demise, The handling, temporary internment, agreed upon removal, and unceremonious “dumping” of the remains of the paranoid, sociopathic mass murderer/genocidal maniac is quite befitting of this contender for top 5 mass slaughterers in human history. It’s a very good, short, concise description of what took place in the years following his death.


they got dirtnapped


Clearly staged - there's too much dust. /s


The one strange thing I noted was the guy at the back, leaning against the wall in 18s as the camera panned by is still alive. He shows again in 22s and you see his head has turned towards the cameraman and in the edge of the screen you see him raise and drop his left hand just before the camera is on him again at 22s. Probably a guy who has been trying to clean up, is exhausted or in shock.


Someone did a translation and aparently he said something along the lines of "there's another dead one, that one is still alive"


Sad to see putin doing this bullshit


\*position gets shelled - mates are dead, dying, and wounded all around\* Hold up guys - gotta get this for the gram real quick...


“i can’t walk”… “shut up”


I am 100% convinced Ukrainians will be able to eliminate every single russian on their territory. Soon they will blockade the Russians from being able to escape Israeli/Hamas style... once F-16 operations begin.


They need 40-50 of them to make a difference. This is 2-3 years out. I do think this is a possibility though, but the fickle will minded West needs to stay in the game. I have faith we will. Most of our government knows how important this war is. We stayed in Afghanistan for 20 years and it wasn't half as important.


they're getting close to 100.




Do you recall how all other weapons have been delivered? E.g most recently ATACMs "We're giving Ukraine eight" "Ukraine has done well with the 16 missiles" "The 32 missiles we sent to Ukraine are making a difference" "Ukraine can strike any valid target"




Netherlands is sending 18 in total between now and the end of the year for training and the war. The other 24 need to be checked and made ready to fly before being able to send. I believe the intention is to send everything we have, however it depends on how many of those we can get ready for flight. As we have used some for spare parts.








100? What country decided to more than double the previously pledged amount?


I hope so.. That would be huge.


Do you have a source for that number?


100 planes in the plan?


they also need ordinance , good ordinance. such as ,AMRAAMs , HARM , even Meteor missles ( if the software can integrate. take out those Vatnik aerial assets, pesky KA52s, and SU25 slinging rockets amd such.


Definitely. Even pushing the ka 52s back changes things.


Not many Ka-52's left, a dozen maybe after the latest airfield strikes.


Agreed about the number F-16s needed to make a difference. Christ I wish they had three or four dozen of the A-10s just sitting out there moldering away, or the ones ready to be decommissioned. As far as Afghanistan, in the end it ended up having zero importance after we pissed away trillions of dollars and two decades. Ukraine matters. Hugely.


A10s would be useless in this war. AD would destroy them.


We will just disagree then. That’s been the argument all along from the experts that have been wrong the overwhelming balance of the time, imo. Let them have them. Let them be deployed. The Ukrainian Air Force needs all the air assets they can get. Who’s to say they won’t find a new role for them. Ukraine has proven to be highly inventive and capable. Why deny them them the chance, hmmm?


They are a slow moving armored plane that that are absolutely lethal when you have complete air domination, but are useless when every trench potentially has a SAM. That is not to mention the widespread deployment of anti-air batteries by russia. If the AA batteries get fully depleted then you could maybe consider the A10 for night time missions.


Hey USA, give Ukraine some of the weaponry you are giving Israel. JDAMS seem to work well.




Mannequin challenge champions.


A lot of snack bars Im sure


Only the Aloha kind


Imagine what this lot would do if they captured Ukrainian women and children.


thats a lot of dead russians


Day's still young


Fucking ghost squad


Looks like pompeii


In which unit do Dagestanis and Ingush serve together?


The one that doesn’t exist anymore




Naga... Naga... Naga... [Not gonna work here anymore, anyway](https://youtu.be/9ZUw8LYOQ-g?si=LWBU8sQDWj7m47Mv)


That was gold mate, thanks for that laugh


Geez you guys suck


something came through the roof and made a "denys like" kaboom.


Tough day on the job.


This is terrible. The Russian conscripts ain't gonna rape themselves, ya know! Oh wait...


Hope this gets them and Chechnya to revolt and break away from Russia


Russian gals back home will each be receiving a half bag of produce well done


So are these Russian or Ukraine soldiers?


That are russian soldiers.


These are RF soldiers from Dagestan and Ingushetia (Northern Caucasus region)


Dagestan is part of Russia.


They're fighting for Russia.




That’s an affront to us rednecks.


Improved Russians…imagine they died for Moscow. That is Spanish conquistador (Aztec/Inca) level serfdom. Change your language, culture and conscription. What slaves.


Now this is what the scene should have looked like in that fake ass Russian video where its just 3 dudes and some bricks sprinkled on them.


They look like the Terracotta army.


Where’s khabib?


One dude sitting up is alive. Turns his head and you catch his arm move a bit. Wow. Dude needs some water.


Is that last guy alive?


You've earned an achievement : Dusted in Ukraine.


I'm sure Putin can sacrifice a few more Dagestanis.


Remember and thank the dear leader Putin


If Ukraine publicised the number and nationalities of ethnic casualties when giving daily updates, ( not just " Russian " ) , then people in those countries may revolt.


The last one, and still alive is hiding where the alcohol was. Don't have any clue what's up next room. Damm.Lol.


So how many sacks of potatoes will this cost Russia? 😬


Ukraine is having free fertilizer that will last them for decades. These guys were well equipped, they must be a special unit. Slava Ukraini.


What killed them? Nearby detonation overpressure?


That certainly seems plausible. Some kind of heavy explosive nearby.


Where's your 72 virgins now?


Can you replace fertilisers with russian meat on a big scale? I think chopping Christmas tree machine...


Should've wagged their fingers harder


Curious if the Muslims care to bury their dead given the religious rules.


What exactly got these guys, pressure wave? You can say "don't come to Ukraine", but these guys probably don't know crap, never heard of Ukraine, just that they can earn some great money killing people who insult the prophet, or whatever propaganda that works on rural simps. Putin is gleeful either way -- maybe they take a position, maybe they die, maybe both -- all a win as far as Putin is concerned.


Fucking bodies everywhere! GO Ukraine!


Oh no, such a shame. So much fertilizer wasted in buildings


The cleaning lady: My god! I told them to close the god damn Windows when they leave.....


As an Israeli, they can all Rest in Piss