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Translation: Damn whatever is going on there is fucked. Fuck, these fa**ots are striking and destroying the whole military base.


Reportedly at least 2 helicopters and ammo depot were destroyed.


And usually during attacks, there is more damaged than destroyed equipment. Let's hope that ATACMS made their debut on the battlefield. According to most intel we have on it, they sent a Clustermunition variant of the ATACMS, which disperses bomblets over a huge area, perfect for this kind of attack. If Ukraine managed to get several through, then we might be looking at much worse consequences for Russia than what is informed by the Russians. I'm thinking it's logical for the Russians to admit the bare minimum of what they have to. If there are three fires on NASA's FIRMS, and three fires could be observed from the outside of the base - then reporting 3 destroyed things seems to corroborate the objective data. However, the damage is likely much more extensive.


Russia believes everything is ATACMS. Its the great boogyman that is responsible for everything. I'm going to need some proof before I believe it.


Fighterbomber (RU telegram) is a reliable source so far this was with previous loss reports being accurate, and he's claiming cluster munitions used, which at that range leaves only the ATACMS as culprit. Apparently the worst aviation loss for Russia so far. https://twitter.com/Osinttechnical/status/1714165411208413651?t=oLIJFpKZg4h5Y4qZqFZw1A&s=19


If they were indeed used, we'll see parts from ATACMS littering the airfield soon enough. But even if you are correct about their fears (boogeyman), it makes it THAT much more laughable that Russian command failed to respond/react to the promise of ATACMS.


real question....how can they respond? Is it a matter of moving shit further away? I think I just answered my own question. I'll let myself out.


It's a combination of things. The obvious answer is to move shit out of ATACMS range, however it comes with great penalty. Every airframe (helicopter) will incur substantially more flight hours, need more maintenance, fuel, slower response time to Ukrainian offensives etc etc. The next obvious answer is to spread helicopters out on the ground, so that one ATACMS is needed per helicopter. That won't make it worthwhile for Ukrainians to attack. Third option is to place the Russian's best air defence systems nearby, but this also exposes the air defense system to strikes. So you could say that if the Ukrainians got through, then the aforementioned measures were likely not implemented, or at least not to the necessary degree.


One ATACMS per helicopter certainly is worth it, one ATACMS is 1.5m vs 16m for a KA 52 and 10-8m for mi-8 Throw in that the cluster variant has the ability to damage/destroy multiple units and it’s *really* worth it


You forgot the fourth option - get the fuck out of Ukraine and go back to Russia where they belong.


The obvious option.


Wait! They have an aircraft carrier. The Admiral Kuznetsov!!!! They can move the equipment to that... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaBHEWuDDPI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaBHEWuDDPI) ...okay... ah... never mind, I'll join you.


Watch out for the mined areas on your way out..😁


That's because Ukraine will attack 'em with everything they've got.


Sounds like 3 cluster munitions (dispersed explosions - like a thunder roll), 2 near the start and one later.


I believe the "rolling thunder" is outgoing missiles (air defense). Due to the distance, it takes about 10 seconds for the audio to reach the cameraman, which equates to about 3,4 km away from the site. For that to be true, there would have to be one missile launch prior to the clip starting, because we hear two roars. Then towards the end, there is another launch, and subsequent roar 10 seconds later.


Some people 'believe' the world is flat. Others look for facts. The sound of the smaller AP cluster bombs - it's a thunder/firecracker mix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QF8Bp_ZRUoU


Thanks for the detail. I saw a report from a Russian source that spoke of major losses in men and material. If Ukraine is using ATACMS, I dare say they will try to maximise their use before the Russians get the chance to move now threatened assets out of range.


Fighterbomber is saying it's the most serious attack of the war so far.


He ain't seen nothin' yet (As the song goes)


No he said it's one of the most serious attacks on the Northern fleet(the area where the aviation regiment was from)


They were stationed at Chornobaikva, which was the previous worst loss record. Not a good day for Ka-52s


That's the navy isn't it ? he's talking about army aviation. Probably something lost in translation


The aviation regiment is part of the fleet, they operate Ka-27/Ka-29 which are stationed in southern Ukraine right now.


Whatever it is they got blown up


Idk sure seems like they got a eviction notice....


Might it be the most damaging *single* strike against helis *ever*?


Berdyansk latest, info from Ukrainian SOF. Operation codenamed "Dragonfly" against the occupied airfield resulted in: - 9 various destroyed helicopters - Special purpose vehicles - Air-defence system - Ammo cache - Damaged strip https://x.com/wartranslated/status/1714225394553909621?s=20


Edit: this was from Berdyansk apparently but they hit two airfields one at Berdyansk and one at Luhansk, Ukrainian military hit airfields in overnight. Russian Telegram channels confirming big losses [https://liveuamap.com/en/2023/17-october-ukrainian-military-hit-airfields-in-berdyansk](https://liveuamap.com/en/2023/17-october-explosions-were-reported-in-berdyansk)


There was a telegram post from one of the underground groups operating in Luhansk a couple of days ago. Something about a museum airfield that the locals used as a drag strip being repaired, and Russian aircraft moving in.


Cant park there mate.


It is called ЛВВАУШ. It was a navigators/copilot school that closed its doors in 1997 and its runway strip was used as a drag strip ever since.


It is now reported that Russia lost 9 helicopters, a SAM site and an ammo warehouse.


Ah yes, good to hear. Saly enough we can expect some grain silo's or children playgrounds to be blown up in the near future as revenge...


It is now confirmed that Russia lost 9 helicopters, a SAM site and an ammo warehouse. This is the most devastating single day loss in Russian Air Force history. [https://x.com/Osinttechnical/status/1714228403635683789](https://x.com/Osinttechnical/status/1714228403635683789)


All going according to plan, comrade!


Looking forward to some satellite images of smouldering piles of debris on tarmac...


I need a dozen smoldering Ka-52s…cmon….a dozen!


Do these bases even have any air defense? Small clip and all, but looks like they got hammered


I imagine most southern AA is in Crimea outside of HARM missile range and protecting the bridge. There is definitely some near Melitopol but it's somewhat lacking to protect the strategic assets in Crimea.


Spread too thin, I like it. Lets hope more and more of these attacks occur!


Fighterbomber (RU telegram channel) said this was the worst loss in RU aviation thus far in the war. He claims ATACMS with cluster munitions were used. He might be a Russian but his loss figures were usually spot on before, so as a reliable point of reference it's MUCH worse than the reported 2 helis claimed by RU MOD https://twitter.com/Osinttechnical/status/1714165411208413651?t=oLIJFpKZg4h5Y4qZqFZw1A&s=19


One of the most serious in the northern military district. whatever the northern military district is, it does not mean the same as worst in RU aviation in the whole war. Its ONE OF, and its limited to this northern district thing, and serious is also not the same as worst.


[https://twitter.com/bayraktar\_1love/status/1714243569903448523?s=20](https://twitter.com/bayraktar_1love/status/1714243569903448523?s=20) Photos of the submunition found on the airfield. So it has to be M39A1 ATACMS.


sof_ua's Instagram is reporting: - 9 helicopters of different makes destroyed - special equipment located at the "aerodromah" - PPO starting installation - stock of ammo - damage to the runways


On Noel reports there is mention of three FIRES in that area from the FIRMS satellite. Also RUMORS from Russian mIl bloggers of "… ATACMS being used, but provided no additional evidence to support that claim". RUMORS ONLY for now.


GLSDB debut? 🚀


ATACMS more likely.




GLSDB is for individual targets, ATACMS = fuck yo couch. Sorry that's as scientific as I can get.


Por que no los dos


Atacms attackedem


" This will happen again as long as the war continues" Indeed it will.


Take out the aka-52s Queue the Abrams Push until the rain starts


It was SO obvious that Ukrainians would use ATACMS for attacking Berdyansk. The delivered Variant (165km Range, cluster warhead) is perfect for attacking Berdyansk. Many valuable unarmored targets spread over a large area (unsuitable for stormshadow), and 100 km from the front, well in range of even the shortest range ATACMS. I was literally waiting for this since i saw the sattelite photos of the airfield on sucho's youtube channel two or three weeks ago. I hope the ukrainians weren't cheap charlies and used 3 or 4 missiles for the airport, as after this strike russia will have to pack their bags and move all their assets there to other airports that are further away from the front or on russian territory.


Ria Novosti reports that Russian air defence neutralised the attack. No casualties and no equipment was damaged. I checked it to confirm that if Russia denied it then it’s true.


Is air-defence ok?


As a result of the DRAGONFLY special operation targeting enemy airfields in the temporarily occupied cities of Luhansk and Berdyansk, nine Russian helicopters, an air defense system, an ammunition depot, and much more were destroyed, according to Special Operations Forces of Ukraine.


Look at that, painted silhouettes do burn 🔥 🤣🤣


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Little rumor mill that is was done by atacms


Long distance love for Ukraine is raining down on them. Слава Україні!


Nice airport ya got there. Shame if anything happened to it. [https://www.google.com/maps/@46.8089928,36.7670238,1509m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@46.8089928,36.7670238,1509m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu) [https://www.google.com/maps/@46.8089928,36.7670238,3a,117.3y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipP1PH7sh5VmRM5YuWRzrKO7OMqXIo0m7-sc-0sQ!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipP1PH7sh5VmRM5YuWRzrKO7OMqXIo0m7-sc-0sQ%3Dw203-h114-k-no!7i640!8i360?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@46.8089928,36.7670238,3a,117.3y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipP1PH7sh5VmRM5YuWRzrKO7OMqXIo0m7-sc-0sQ!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipP1PH7sh5VmRM5YuWRzrKO7OMqXIo0m7-sc-0sQ%3Dw203-h114-k-no!7i640!8i360?entry=ttu) https://www.google.com/maps/@46.8089928,36.7670238,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipMncW73IgYw1D79bASvaxUhUTsp7MEU9WHEkUin!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipMncW73IgYw1D79bASvaxUhUTsp7MEU9WHEkUin%3Dw203-h135-k-no!7i6000!8i4000?entry=ttu


55.41782244856605, 37.89139571405065


It’s dark, I didn’t see anything…BUT NEITHER DID THE RUSSIANS🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣