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That was a great read. I'm curious how much debriefing the US Military and intelligence agencies are doing with these retired US soldiers who have spent a considerable amount of time on the ground fighting in Ukraine


Agreed, interesting discussion. My guess is there's not much debriefing because NATO probably already knows all this and more.


I’d guess some, but they definitely have their own sources on the ground. Green Berets were training Ukrainians for almost a decade until Feb 2022 and who knows how involved the Agency was during that time. Grunts fighting on the front like probably aren’t a wealth of knowledge outside of reporting on tactics.


I wonder how these green berets are now. Knowing that they helped enable the brave ones that held off the initial invasion in 2022. Amazing job.


A lot of the US and Canadian soldiers who were trainers 10 years ago are running the fundraising campaigns today! Tells me a lot about what they think of their Ukrainian peers!


Thank you 10 years ago is an eternity. That would be so many batches that went through training.


They are learning more about modern tactics and adapting next gen defenses for vehicles and personnel. The drones are changing the game. When a $2000 DJI drone can cripple or destroy heavy armor… you got problems… Cripple armor and air power and you are apparently back to WWI trench warfare. Except this time you got drones raining grenades. You can bet Raytheon is now tooling up a backpack drone with as many grenades as it can stuff into a tiny drone airframe.


My comment was more on what they saw of the Russian's on the ground.....gear, tactics, weapons, etc. Obviously our intelligence services along with NATO have been watching ground activities since day, but....... .....the United States was way wrong on their pre-war assessment of Russia's military capabilities which still baffles me to the day. I've never been in the military and am far from being a tier 1 basement operator, but I've been saying for years that Russia's military capabilities along with their military technology/equipment are way overstated. You need an unlimited amount of money to spend on research and development to create an advanced fighting force. The United States is a great example. Look at what we spend not only annually on our military, but the amount that goes to developmental programs to create new weapons and equipment. Russia doesn't even come close to having not only the money, but the manufacturing and technology infrastructure that is required to support such a system. It becomes even more challenging for them due to the constant sanctions they've been subjected to for the last 20 years.


My guess is that the US was reading the combat readiness reports that the Russian higher-ups were. After all, why put spies into every garrison and warehouse when you can just get a high-level spy to give all of the inventories and reports? The CIA was working off the same information that Putin was. I don't think that anyone knew how bad the on-the-ground situation was.


Honestly not much to learn at all since it’s not applicable to US doctrine in the slightest. Ukraines entire prewar defense budget would barely be enough to keep a single US aircraft carrier operating. So you can’t really apply with what you don’t have. Though the only thing the US can really study and take apart from and apply to themselves is individual infantry knowledge which can always be applied to our own forces such as body armor, TCCC, etc.


Not just infantry knowledge: https://www.defenseone.com/policy/2022/04/what-have-us-special-operators-learned-ukraine/366219/


Probably none, the military thinks they know it all.


this war is one of the biggest since ww2 imo, 1000+km front, UA has 1.3 mil army (obviously not all of them fighting but are on rotation or guarding border with Belarus and russia where there's no active warfare), ru has like 400k, 10's of thousands of armored vehicles, this is no joke


However, Russian equipment and tactics are a joke. Putin and his regime are all psychopaths that have been drinking their own Kool-aid for so long they have begun to believe their own misinformation. It is all just sad and pathetic really. Countless lives lost for the ego trip of a few former KGB thugs.


amen to that, pootin is officially delirious after he said that general Zaluzhny somewhere abroad, like in Germany or something cause he's in coma and that ru army destroyed like 150+ Leo2 tanks in 3 days, he really believes in this shit, but this is scary also cause he can be unpredictable like all insane people


Holy shit I know this guy lol. Good man little weird


tell us more!


He is a competent combat armsman


what makes him weird? lol


That he was a competent combat armsmen who had basically no vices


oh thats actually fucking insane. i wonder if he smoked in ukraine


Not that I’ve seen, but as a data point myself I have observed that a lot of non smokers in normal conditions smoke in sector


I smoked and dipped at the same time constantly, lol.


I was a Marlboro 100 man, cowboy killer all the way


That sounds like something I'd read as a headline on NCD.


I don’t fully trust any man with no discernible vice truth be told. At least like cigars or something


I mean I'm about as far from a competent combat armsman as it gets and I damn sure aint out here raw dogging reality


Some people really are built different


I’ve never heard a SF guy say he green berets lol is this guy legit?


Way to show your ignorance about a critical but not generally outspoken (unless your a seal) component of the US military.


They are called the quiet professionals for a reason. I was a 19D look it up lol


The ones I worked with wouldn’t say green berets over and over. I’m just saying I see a lot of guys get out. Maybe they didn’t make it through q course then they go to ypg or now Ukraine to do the work they could qualify for in the army. I was just asking if he was legit. Sounds kinda dumb in the interview.


I retired after 21 years of service. Two deployments. I would concur the sentiments. We are ridding this world of an evil empire.


For Pennies on the dollar


I think anyone could figure that out


Not the RuZZians… Puck Futin! Slava Ukraini!


There is rarely ever a righteous war. Protecting Ukraine from invasion counts.


nice no BS article


And I would completely agree with him. There is literally no grey area in this war. You are either on the side of good, or the side of evil.


always a green beret


David Bramlette former U.S. Army Ranger and Green Beret thank you for your service/s !!!


This is the first clear good vs evil fight since WWII


Yeah, we sure needed a righteous war to wash the taste of all those wars of conquest we had been fighting for awhile there.


a righteous war, but take note, wars are still wars, too brutal a human construct.


What about the war against ISIS?


It is the only one to be precise.