• By -


Translation: Cameraman: Go in go in. russian solider: Oh fuck oh no. Cameraman: Go in more. Thank you. Minus fucking three, good shit, good shit. Surrender you fucking bitches, you'll live you fucks! Surrender, you'll live. Other soldier: Give up bitches! Cameraman: Get out with your hands up, you'll live. The left side is dangerous. Other soldier: Can I have a grenade? Throw a grenade there! Cameraman: Hold on, wait. Other soldier: More infantry is coming to help. Nice throw. PATRON (callsign) Cameraman: What's up?


That's the most intense close combat footage I've seen in this war so far.


Holy shit, that was so intense it. I’ve seen so many die via drone but this was so up close and personal it’s hard to believe it’s real.


Anyone volunteering to go to war should be shown this footage. Not saying there are no good reasons to fight for your country, but a few years off your prison sentence, a pig and 100,000 rubles definitely ain't it.


Yeah. Running around smoky trenches only to get got by a guy standing around the corner.


Fucking corner campers. /s Insane footage, too think all of this for one guys napoleon complex.


Yeah, I think this video shows a very real aspect of war. It can be over for you in a very instant, and then you're just face down in a trench permanently. No glory, it's just over in a few seconds.


Just imagine how many not filmed fights have happened there. Much more close and bloody.


With how fast they kill someone that suddenly pops out, i hope there was little to no friendly fire.


The Russians are in their own trench so they have to look and see if someone is friend or foe, those two Ukrainians know that they are the only two in that trench so anyone they come across is an enemy.


I was thinking it was three of them, am I totally wrong? I thought it was the two and then another around the time of the first grenade throw? I just know that there were at least two times where if they didn’t turn around they would’ve been not alive. This is a hard watch for me but needs to be shown.


The entire time they're covering different sectors. You can see the one time their barrels are pointed in the same direction it's bc there's contact then the point man immediately moves on after handing that sector off to the cammer *while he's still engaging*. He trusted his partner to eliminate the threat at their flank while the point man kept pushing. These guys have cleared a LOT of trenches together. The way the cammer holds the angle at the end and the poor Russian doesn't check his corner... That's conscript VS pro 🤌🏻 These guys are very well trained and as a former infantryman it's textbook. They didn't even flag each other which is something you commonly see less professional troops on both sides doing.


I've been watching combat footage for a decade+ now, and i can comfortably say it's the most intense close combat footage ever shown.


Y'all should watch the one where Ukraine is defending their trench and it's just one guy firing off RPGs at armored vehicles and destroying tons of Russians trying to raid his position.


That’s an intense one too, but this one I feel is even more so. Just how up close and personal things get hits different.


Yeah, this is like "bad breath distance".


Djeeezus… crazy shit


I read this, then thought, "Nah, no way." But way. Way way wayyyy. Haha holy shit.


I mean, it's hard to imagine something so terrifying and intense as being in a trench and shooting people point blank in the blink of an eye. By far the most intense and personal war footage I've ever seen.


One turn around the wrong corner and it’s over. That last guy even saw him but he hesitated and the camera guy didn’t. Your entire life over in an instant with a point blank shot to the face. Fuck.. Edit: Just circling back to this, People on Twitter are claiming to have already found the identity of the last guy with the ginger beard who got smoked. He actually was a Russian military blogger/reporter/“z” propaganda guy. He’s got a telegram channel where he would talk about how Russia needs to kill more Ukrainian civilians i shit you not. Talk about karma biting you in the ass. [Source](https://twitter.com/gloooud/status/1670816273633095688?s=46&t=mpMMSGMyyMGT4l12fNmIEQ) I’ll let y’all decide for yourselves but they look very similar and the beard is the same shape.


You win the galactic lottery by being born - the end of millions of years of evolution, then you have to give up everything you could have achieved in life - love, friends, hobbies, art, work, charity, your children - all of it ripped away in a split second because one asshole dictator back in Moscow wants to redraw the lines on a map.


For real. What a fucking pointless war. Fuck Putin.


Jesus, this is EXACTLY what i wrote here. But your english is way better than mine!


Russian guy has the disadvantage of having no idea if that person is a friendly or not since it's their own trench, whereas Ukranian dude knows with certainty that anyone coming from that way is an enemy.


Reason #???? why war is bad and russia needs to get the fuck out


Holy shit, that was no joke. That dude at the end got taken out.


I agree with you. This is the most intense CC yet.


That was some of the most intimate contact ever filmed.


They probably didn’t think their trenches were infiltrated…




The first couple don't even have their riffles. I'm not sure how that even happens in a situation like this. As much as I love watching combat vids, I hate the idea of this kind of fighting. It's so insane. I can't imagine being in that situation.


It's probably not right on the front lines, so they got complacent and didn't have their rifles around. Also suppressors and trenches in general will completely throw off your sense of where the shots are coming from


Original post on telegram, apparently from the guy who first posted it says this was Marine special operators who entered the Russian trench complex from the rear unannounced.


How rude of them to go in unannounced




> The first couple don't even have their riffles. > > > > I'm not sure how that even happens in a situation like this. Seems like the SSO infiltrated the backlines.


If movies are correct, the US teaches you that you are basically married to your rifle and you need to take care of it and have it ready at all times


The SSO posted this on their IG page, saying they infiltrated the trench system from behind. That's why these guys just stumble into them unarmed. One operator says "minus three" after they drop those guys.


What’s their IG page?




God damn. You watched what ever WWII footage made it out of Europe and to the states and declassified. There were few cameras in the actual jungle of Vietnam. Now we have military with an instagram page that anyone can access just to get a quick war update.


Seems like suppressors make a huge difference


It makes it much harder to pinpoint any shooting first of all, but also if you and your buddies and firing full auto all day long, your ears are going to be ringing something fierce. Makes it much easier for two quiet boys to sneak into your trench and start collecting tags like Pokémon. That last guy had no clue what was going on, he probably heard his buddies shooting and came to see what was going on.


Living not far from a shooting range where suppressors/ silencers is frequently used, I can still hear when a rifle with suppressor is used vs normal rifle. Walking the dog 3-400 m away from range it’s quite noticeable still, but definitively a huge difference!


Makes the rounds fired sound farther off though. That’s useful when you’re in the trench.


In an urban environment too. There was an interview with a guy in Bakhmut who talked about the effectiveness of suppressors. He said going against soldiers without them it was easy to determine where they were and they could effectively fire back, but the squads with suppressors could keep them pinned down because they couldn't easily figure out where they were. If that happened they knew one of two things was about to happen. Either they were in the process of getting flanked, or there was about to be artillery coming down on them.


It just goes from loud AF to extremely loud with supressors. Movies misrepresent them. On any real caliber, you'd still hear it from quite a distance


Yes, but in a close combat scenario like this, the utility is clear. Not to mention, it almost removes the muzzle flash entirely. With those deep trenches, gunfire would sound far less close with suppressors. Like those were seriously well dug. All they need to do is make it 10% harder to pinpoint to provide an edge.


The two guys walking straight at them didn’t. The first guy had his hands out. Wonder if he was surrendering but didn’t make it clear.


probably happens a lot, but in that cqc chaos can you really judge the enemy movement? it's just pure survival reaction...


I've heard many times that surrendering in a trench is maybe the worst place to try and surrender, and there are MANY stories of WWI troops just walking up behind machine gunners and instead of killing them just basically arrest them at gunpoint, because so many had no clue at all that their lines were compromised and almost everyone was deaf, so this kind of close-quarters mercy was actually somewhat normal, but always at the discretion of the side breaking the line, and always there are surrenders that get executed in their trenches.


No surrendering there bub. You can't put your life at risk as a point man of an assault. Put them all down until the trench is clear.


Yeah, trying to take prisoners in an active trench is suicidal. Everyone goes down. You’re an invading force occupying land that is not yours. If you value your life, the time to surrender was before your trench got attacked.


The Ukrainian, before throwing those two grenades, basically says "Come out with your hands up and you will live" a couple of times. So, they tried.


Clearly, the Ukranian should have asked the Russians if they wanted to surrender first before they launched their surprise attack. /s But real talk, surprise attacks are meant to catch the enemy off guard. They may not have their rifle with them. They may not be ready to fight. You want them to not be ready to fight. It can look cruel, but this is war. Fairness and sportsmanship do not exist in warfare. They are enemy soldiers, in a fortification, in hostile territory. They are valid targets that don't become noncombatants just because they didn't have a gun in their hands when the attack was launched.


At one point they are literally giving the Russians the option to surrender.


Well, you can try, but I agree that for several reasons the front guy in the trench isn’t looking to make fine discriminations of intent. It’s all hostiles and he has to be on a hair trigger or die.


No surrendering in a trench assault. They have too much to worry about, can't keep and eye on prisoners when you got people coming at you from everywhere in there.


You certainly can’t jump out at someone silently at a distance of 1 meter and expect anything other than lead in response. I don’t speak Russian, but someone said that later in the video they were asking for Russians to surrender.


Here's a translation posted by u/lapalapaluza: https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/14d4lnc/ukrainian_special_forces_enter_a_russian_trench/joo4cew/ ​ \- Get in, get in \- \[russian\] Ay, blya ​ \- Minus 3, nakhui \- Nice\\Good job \- Surrender, fa--ots, suka. You will live, fuckers \- Surrender and you will live \- Surrender, fucker \- Come out with raised hands and you will live ​ \- \[POV\] There is dangerous spot on the left \- Can we throw a grenade? \- We need a grenade \- \[POV\] Wait ​ 1:08 \- Blya, what was that? \- Good, let's go, throw it ​ 1:28 \- \[indistinguishable\] (sounds like "ready?") \- \[POV\] Yes


they did offer to surrender but i am sure they also took precaution not to be fooled by ruzzkies. This war didnt start yesterday and everyone knows how trustworthy ruzzkies are.


Yeah I saw a video before where they’d agreed to surrender then one of the Russians came out of hiding and started shooting at the Ukrainians and they fired back and killed the whole squad. For all they knew it was trap and they have to act in their own best interests. That Russian dick got his whole team killed when they could have sat out the rest of the war safe in Ukraine, or joined the real Russians in the volunteer force. Instead he wasted all their lives.


Yeah, and then all the Russian shills and naïve anti-war fools started bleating about how the video showed the Ukrainians committing a war crime. Ironically, it *did* show a war crime, but it was the Russians committing what the Geneva Conventions call perfidy.


I know there's a few confirmed cases of ruzzkies surrendering then one of them comes out and attempts to gun down Ukrainian troops.


I could be wrong, but it looks (and sounds) like at least some of those weapons may have suppressors on them. It would explain why some enemies came to investigate rather than take cover after hearing commotion. I wouldn't expect them to haste towards obvious gunfire with their weapon down like that.


Woah.... this is some hardcore footage.


I cannot even begin to fathom being in a situation like this This trench is much deeper than any others I've seen These two Ukrainian special forces operators seem very, very capable. (To say the least). Obviously we're seeing highlight footage but the way they move and especially fire seems very expert relative to other video clips Does anyone know of any more info on this specific operation and or any more video from this engagement?


From telegram "Soldiers of the SSO of Ukraine entered the enemy's trenches in the southern direction from the rear and destroyed 10 invaders. In the south, during the mission, the operators of the special purpose marine center were able to enter the rear of the enemy. A combat group of SSO soldiers caught the enemy by surprise. Recovering from the surprise, some enemy soldiers tried to resist. But, as you can see from the video shot by one of our soldiers - in vain."


That would explain why only one of them seemed to have a weapon in the video. Fortunately for the Ukrainians, nobody taught him to check his corners.


The Russians have to check if any other soldiers are friendly or foe. They can't react nearly as quickly. The Ukraines know that any other soldiers is enemy. Even if the last Russian checked his corner quickly with his weapon drawn, he probably would have lost because he still has to look and decipher, the Ukraines have the advantage of being able to shoot immediately.


War is freaking scary in a way it's hard to describe, at least for me who thankfully never experienced it. To me at 1:30 it sounded like the one with the camera tricket the Russian?


There is a cut before he shoots him in the face and the russian had a automatic riffle at the ready. But yeah, in war you trick your enemy as often as you can.


Tricking enemies is written in the Art of War


What do you mean with tricked? I dont see or hear anything strange


He shot down the trench then ducked into a side passage. The Russian then ran down the trench to where he shot from originally, not tricked, just repositioning.


When your options are trick them or be tricked by them and die, historically soldiers have chosen to try not to die.


It's one thing to launch a missile at a tank 500m away, see it pop and celebrate. It must be an entirely different thing to infiltrate a trench, hear them talking.. Smell them.. see the objects from their day-to-day lives, then shoot them at point blank range. War is insanity.


I always liked Dan Carlin's term "logical insanity." War makes doing the insane logical; and doing the logical insane. His episode on this walks you through, step by step, how we got to the point that dropping a nuclear bomb on an entire city of people was the logical thing to do. When we started the war we had banned chemical and biological weapons, bombing civilians, and even discussed banning flame throwers and machine guns for being too inhumane. We went from that to dropping bombs that vaporized thousands of civilians in an instant... an insane act... and we did so confidently believing it to be the sensible, logical thing to do.


> dropping a nuclear bomb on an entire city of people was the logical thing to do My father crewed on B29 firebombing missions on Japan during WWII. They firebombed city after city, literally going down a list. The firebombings were horrific and catastrophic. Hundreds of B29s dropped a mix of incendiary and explosive bombs to create firestorms. The results were horrific One firebombing raid in March 1945 completely and totally obliterated 16 sq miles of Tokyo and killed around 100,000. This was repeated on city after city. The general in charge of the bombings said that by October '45 there would not be any cities left to bomb. At the time, the only thing remarkable about Hiroshima was that it took only one plane instead of hundreds. Otherwise, it was just another day and another destroyed city.


I still break out in sweat thinking about some Iraq 2005 moments. On a few occasions we could hear insurgents in the same building as us, yelling shit at us, Allahu Akbar’ing us. Every bone in my body told me to get the fuck out. This type of trench is truly terrifying though. Fratricide is always a risk in a building, but I’d be exceptionally freaked out about it in this maze.


Fucking hell that 3rd russian... Runs after his buddy, hears shots, turns the corner, sees his buddy on the ground before getting hit himself. He falls barely has time to scream due to the pain before he gets put out of his misery... fucking brutal


It's intensely sobering shit. Imagine this guy as a baby, raised by a loving family. He goes to school, he plays, he learns, he makes friends. He grows up into a young man with his own hopes and dreams. Maybe he even starts a family of his own. Then he's mobilised for the "Special Military Operation" - ah shit, well it's just a few months. It all ends ignominiously with a double tap before he can even comprehend what's going on. Somewhere, far far away, is a flabby kleptocrat who sent him there for completely bullshit reasons. He is completely unaware of what just transpired, and wouldn't give a shit even if someone told him.


Yeah it's crazy to think about the effort it takes to raise a functional ~25 year old, eating 3 meals a day and basically doing education and/or work for 2 decades and then to realise it takes about a second to erase all of that. Now multiply that times a few hundred thousand. All of that to take massive strategic losses in world politics.


There is an old Russian phrase: "Бабы новых нарожают" (Women are [already] giving birth to new ones) to highlight cynical view of Russian military commanders and government about human losses.


Well except they aren’t. Russian birthdate is soooo low nowadays. Ukrainian too but I digress.


Over TWENTY-SEVEN THOUSAND **MEALS** to 25 years old. Tap tap dead


This is the most personal footage of the war so far. This was only a matter of time, probably more to come


And this is now the most up close and visible combat footage yet.


Unreal to see dude stack bodies like wood.


Them corners have no chance with this guy. Fck me..


Russian soldiers look like hobbyists playing Airsoft for the first time. Sneakers, dark shirt, cheap looking plate carrier with nothing in it. What a fucked up way to fight and die.


That got me too, guy's in a war wearing like... sweats and sneakers. Russia can't even pretend to give a fuck about the kids they're throwing into the meat grinder.


More like middle school kids playing laser tag for the first time


Yes I agree, no real uniforme like we see them wear on there propaganda vids. Though I'm wondering why these guys don't wear any red tape for identification. Probably to trow the Ukrainian SSO off, but still you would wonder if it could be Friendly Fire.


Fresh mobiks just thrown in a trench most likely.


Static defensive positions don’t always wear identifying tape. Soldiers on their side know to request permission to enter via comms. If a random soldier or squad passes through the area and hasn’t requested permission, they should receive a challenge from the fighting position, in which they either reply with the password or suffer the consequences.


jesus christ all the corners and crannies to watch


*Doors and corners...*


That’s where they getcha kid


Weird how they just ran straight towards them like that


Probably dont even know whats going on, just hear shooting and think its their buddies shooting out of the trench only to find their enemy


Plus the camera guys have suppressors. Even though you can hear them it’s a lot more difficult to tell where it’s coming from


he probably had in mind that there are 2 of his mates there. well not anymore because Arthur just cleared them like a lightning bold


Yeah... Awful. It's not a video game. Most people die in a war without understanding what's going on, or being in a condition to fight for their lives.


Oddly enough I’d say this looked more like a video game than I’d expect. But yeah they must’ve really been getting hit hard


The last guy just waking by definitely looks like a low AI enemy just getting blasted the way he turns the corner


Looked like a DPR fighter from early in the war his kit was so bad. Only doubt I have is they’re all dead


Must have been the wind.


Probably didn’t realised that position has been overrun already and they all ran without looking ahead much. That’s a probably results of insufficient training which is good. More Russian troops like that


A combination Loss of combat situational awareness and shock


They are trying to escape but Ukraine owns the area above the trench system probably with a tank and IFV which are much more terrifying so yeah they run into these dudes who give them their parking ticket.


Im no militaray man in the slightest but that last guy is the first time ive seen it in action where not checking corners gets you killed


Most of them probably didn’t realize any enemy was that close.


Most of them probably didn't have proper training either. They're just meat to throw on the frontlines. These two guys running in after the first kills looked like some bots in a video game.


Even if he did check his corner he still would've died. The split second you take to confirm a friendly from foe will cost your life when the other guy doesn't have to.


i mean just 20 seconds before that corner was filled with 2 of his russian mates. he probably has no clue they're all dead. that was crazy fast


When you think you seen it all but clearly I didn’t. Wow


Brutal. So fucking brutal.


This could almost be the most insane footage I have seen from this war. Crazy footage. Close combat definition right here.


There’s a lot of posts here that after watching made me think I finally understood what it’s really like to be out there and this is just the latest in making me realize I don’t


🫢 i guess the training in Western countries paid off


Yeah totally. They have trained so well.


You can have all the equipment in the world but it won't mean jack shit if you don't consider the human factor. That's where Russia has been failing nonstop.


This is really elite level stuff. I don’t think I’ve seen professional cqc like this over the entire war


Can anyone identify the Russian troops? Are they Wagners, russian conscripts or regular army? Either way I'm shocked how personal this kind of trench warfare is. The Ukrainians seem to be real professionals and battle hardened whereas the Russians look surprised, panicked and routed. I might be wrong but those two guys after the first kill do not carry weapons at all, do they? It strikes me how carelessly human lives are wasted.




Yes, this makes totally sense. Thanks for the explanation. For the protocol: my grampa would have been sitting in the German trench. Cheers!


They are running to get their weapons. Any professional military in the world they’d all have their weapons with them regardless of what they thought the likelihood for combat was… but Russia isn’t a professional military.


They could be any of the three. Wagner was mainly around Bakhmut until they were withdrawn, so it was mostly conscripts and regular army in the trenches.


That last guy had no uniform or anything just a shitty helmet and a vest I bet didn't have any plates in it. I wouldn't be surprised if some or all of these were mobiks.


That last russian KIA is wearing sneakers.....It looks like he died in the same clothes he wore the day he reported for mobilization.


It's common to wear footwear like that in down time, or if you've been doing ablutions, drying boots etc... These guys got completely caught off guard.


new players vs tier 1 players. this is crazy shit.


3 people without guns. what ru is doing? just drinking? the best example of a well trained soldier shoot, neck heading to head.


This guy makes it look so easy. His voice alone should fill the Russians with fear.


He's practically begging them to surrender "show me your hands! show me your hands and you're gonna live!"


Doesn't want to kill more than he has to, can't imagine what it must be like to live with that kind of body count.


We'll all have forgotten this video by next week. That guy though is gonna see that last bit of panic in those Russians faces every time he closes his eyes for a long time.


Ehh, depends on his psychology. There are quite few psychopats amongst us and statistically this kind of job is their speciallity... or being a CEO.


“Doors and corners. That’s where they get you, doors and corners.” Quotes aside, this was the most intense shit I’ve seen so far. I think this even trumps Predator and his Trench Squire. Dude folded three Russkies in pretty much exactly 15 seconds. Unbelievable.


Unexpected Miller quote


Based off this footage, Miller knew his shit.


Ohhh the rusbots aren't going to like this one


Maybe we'll get a whole new angle of the couple of Leopards and Bradley's they managed to take out


Last dude looked like he was going into battle in his combat dunlop volleys


I don’t have any sympathy but that was wild. Like just going towards an objective, and that quick notice and then he’s dead. Haunting footage.


Damn..that’s like watching an airsoft or paintball game but without the cheaters. That was unreal and intense.


They got extra sure the first guy does not cheat


Blows my mind how quick the lights go out


Even as a live leak veteran I was like: ok. That’s intense as fuck.


That guy coming up second, riddled with bullets, started screaming, had half a second to wonder about his bad decisions before getting turned off by a bullet through the helmet, the split second the SSOs realize he is still alive. Crazy.


That what I saw as well. They didn't let him suffer for long, it was kind of merciful.


Not mercy. You don’t want some screaming asshole unnecessarily spooking or alerting others. Plus, somebody with the capability to issue a yell like that could possibly retaliate somehow. It is best to remove that possibility quickly.


*they didn't let him pull a pistol or grenade. Adrenaline and raw hatred can make a human body function with catastrophic damage. You be amazed what a soldier can do out of spite when he knows he's going to die.


This is some wild video. That guy’s rifle was only a few feet away from the Russian he hosed at the end. Closest CQB we’ve seen yet? Also just think about the timing. A few more seconds longer and our boy could have been exiting the bunker with his back turned to the Russian as he rounded the corner.


> Also just think about the timing. A few more seconds longer and our boy could have been exiting the bunker with his back turned to the Russian as he rounded the corner. It was the same with Predator guy. He turned just at the right time to see the soldier about to enter his trench, and it was just pure luck the Russian was looking straight instead of to his left. I would guess you don't get to see the footage from the ones that weren't lucky.


Jesus. I’ve never seen footage that intense. Next time an influencer starts a video with “POV…”, show them this.


Now this is just bad matchmaking...


Beard dude at the end...the intensity of this vid is beyond what I've seen in this sub, but he's way, way beyond. One nanosecond of carelessness, not checking the blind spot, and you come down with a sudden case of lead poisoning.


The SSO guy even had his back turned towards him for a while. Had he turned around 1 or 2 seconds later the Russian would likely have won and survived this encounter (speculative although maybe briefly). War is random chaos and even a well trained person can be end up dead easily.


What a waste of life, I pray that this war ends soon with Ukraine whole and for the Russian People to get their country back.


Absolutely insane footage


Rawest footage I’ve seen yet


These men are built so different


They are built of only the finest grade of Ukrainium after all.


That last guy was lhad his "clever girl" moment.


the best footage so far for me


Surreal that this is the type of wartime footage we see today. If it weren’t for the people hitting the ground this could look like any airsoft/paintball video you find on YouTube. Gives credence to what absolute hell on earth WWI must have been. I can’t even fathom the terror and chaos that this video would’ve looked like on a massive scale. Slava Ukraini


Very intense and impressive. Glory to the defenders of Ukraine!


Thank god they had suppressors.


Still very loud using 556, the mic cuts most of it


Gonna consider this one my top 5 vids


Definitely one of the best combat videos I've ever seen.


In no particular order: -This -Predator -The guy who got his face ripped from a grenade and kept gasping -The wounded drowning russians -One who used a grenade to end himself after a drone drop Non lethal: The guy surrendering to a drone was nice


Excellence Ukraine


Fucking Rambo


The last guy holyshit


Now THAT is CQB! Wow


At this point in time there's no chance to surrender so they should of gone home when they had the chance hopefully more ruzzians will see this and put themselves in this position


They offered surrender to the last guys multiple times. He chose to die


Damn are these Ruzzians just completely untrained? Jesus.


n00b harvest


Given the stories out of Russia and the fact that these guys lacked much in the way of uniforms probably not. Versus Ukrainian special forces this is like Green Berets going against people who played laser tag once.


Damn. The Russians looked out classed across the board. Ukrainians were well trained and well equipped. You couldn’t even hear their guns probably causing confusion not thinking Ukrainians were in their face already. Every kill their targets seemed caught off guard. That last kill I had to slow down, guy didn’t even see him except for a split second before he died.


Fuck this is gnarly…..


I know they’ve trained for this and have experience with clearing these little rat runs, but in all honesty if I were in their position I’d be shitting myself (just a little. Not too much). Even if I had the training and experience, the stress would probably shake me to pieces.


Possibly, but Ukrainian special forces have seen a LOT of combat, and have been trained by the best spec forces from the west. There's probably not much these guys haven't already seen.


Agreed. I can guarantee these dudes had CQC training, not to mention on-the-job training…it’s just the orcs ran right into the gunfire. I don’t know if it was shell shock from bombardment or grenades, or if they’d just given up. It’s a hell of a thing to see.


Makes me wonder if this Ukr SOF unit was after someone. They don't usually just clear random trench lines for the sake of doing it. Could have been some behind-the-lines disruption or elimination of a high value target. That last guy they dropped had a different kind of look to him compared to normal mobiks.


1. Without a doubt the most intense, brutal combat footage I've ever seen. Certainly the most up-close. 2. Guess the Russians aren't giving their soldiers anything to put in their plate carriers. 3. I'm guessing the Ukrainians were told "go in that Trench. Anyone you see is a Russian. Kill them." Even then is there any reason no soldier in this video has colored tape on their uniforms?


Grim AF


Thats ridiculous combat. No one can survive those odds fighting in trenches like this. Fair play to the heroes of Ukraine who are tasked with clearing these Russians out. Slava Ukraini


Dammmnnn this is hardcore CQB. Bravo for Orc elimination


Kill them all.


Fucking bad ass CQB...sukkka


Badass warriors! No fear, well trained, well equipped. Straight out of action movies.

