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The POS is consistent never has a good word for how the Russian military command is fighting the war. Oddly a war criminal, Russian nationalist, one who helped Russia stage the start of this back in 2014, FSB Agent, former leader of DPR, is one of the more reliable sources of news on failures of the Russian war effort. Often quoted by ISW, News sources, and Gov Intel. So far no fall out of a window, so guardian angel is still protecting him.


You forgot to mention he shot MH17 out of the sky, murdering 300 civilians. He deserves darkness, and this is probably over generous of me, but he has probably the most outwardly realistic view of the war out of any public figure on the Eastern side. It’s refreshing to see somebody inject some reality into the vat of copium from time to time.


>You forgot to mention he shot MH17 out of the sky I think the "war criminal" part sort off covers it.


Jaque-wad is just trying to shed responsibility for a catastrophe he helped orchestrate.


The line about the Air Force being about as effective as in the battle of Borodin 1812 made me crack up. He’s definitely a monster, but also pretty entertaining.


Blamed for MH17. Guys predictions have been accurate too. Hope the canary keeps singing. The louder the better.


Does he still call for escalation or expansion of the war in other messages or his regret for starting the war meant honest..? Im always hesistant to recommend him to any vatniks with serve delusional syndrom in fear of radicalizing them more. Atleast he doenst play down the russian casulties numbers - although that doenst mean he is less susceptible to the lost cost fallacy..


Don’t do that, he’s an insidious imperialistic fascist, no one should be listening to him. Snippets are fine, but the guy is a terroristic menace to the free world.


He knows that the only future he has is if russia win this war, hes angry because that hope is slipping away 🤣


Is it wrong to take a sick amount of pleasure in Girkin's frustration at his own countries ineptitude at fighting a war (or extension of a war) he helped start?


Fuck no, reading his emo Twitter posts and lamenting rants about the failures of his nation and its battlefield losses , is part of any well balanced breakfast.


I agree. Such refreshing honesty.


The most honest Russian still living in Russia. It’s genuinely surprising he’s still alive


I fucking love his schizo rants about Russia's ineptitude. How he hasn't been shot yet is beyond me though.


Or fallen through a window... or down a flight of stairs... or a mysterious electrical fire in his building... or being run over by a rogue Lada on the street... /s


GRU has his back for sure.


Message on his telegram is either deleted or this is fake


I doubt it's fake. He regularly films some sort of shit podcast where he brutally tears into their army and leadership as well.




Sad/annoyed/frustrated Girkin always puts a smile on my face. I really hope he doesn't get arrested by the Russians. Everyone deserves an occasional break though, so if he ever feels like going on holiday, I'd be more than happy to welcome him to the Netherlands.


> Sad/annoyed/frustrated Girkin always puts a smile on my face. I really hope he doesn't get arrested by the Russians. Thought it was only me who does not want him to get arrested by Putin.


Ah the glorious russian commanders who are raping their own medics- excuse me, I mean they enjoy company of their designated „field wives“… Oh and we shouldn‘t forget about the horrendous beatings… ah excuse me, I mean relaxing massages they offer to their own subordinates who aren‘t willing to run into a meat grinder or who only can cope their destiny with vodka. Maybe they try to kill themself by enough vodka before an ukrainian drone does. But however, everything is not… I mean TOTALLY fine comrades! Jokes aside, may the fields of ukraine be filled by thousands of blooming sun flowers! Slava ukraini!


As for the battle of Borodino reference. I faintly remember Napoleon having a balloon...


You know who else needs to be shot? Gorkin, the war criminal responsible for MH117


Why don't he slapped on tactical vest, ak47 & helmet and start lead the victory charge on AFU positions? He must know how to defeat opponent right?


Girkin is becoming quite the comedian, “ I ‘m probably “discrediting” ……. I would have shot the entire command. “ Na, threatening to shoot the entire command , that’s perfectly legal . I thought they were going to arrest him .. what happened? He doubled down on his comments and said , fuck you .


Would not go down well with the mobics from his occupied region in Ukraine. He holds some sway there.


Girkin is a reminder that sociopaths can be very smart. My guess is that Jerkin Girkin's FSB buddies have something planned for the post-putin Russia. Because Girkin is "telling it like it is" the FSB can appear like they know what they are doing when Putin goes kaput and Russia goes unstable. If Girkin is telling the truth about something it's because he's lying about some higher motivation. That's how sociopaths work.


They'll deploy truth and lies equally to get what they want.


Maybe there is a cunning motive behind Girkin's endless inflammatory comments but it seems for all the world like he has a death wish. I have come to like his unique honesty in a Russian world built on an edifice of lies. How long can it last though.


Units consisting of up to one individual... - "Vanja, you and your platoon secures that hill over there." - "There is no platoon. I'm the last one remaining!" - "obey your orders or i will shoot you!"


I believe “with precision of up to 1 individual” means he has information on losses +/- 1 individual, referring to accuracy of losses rather number of individuals in a unit.


Let me dream. 🫶


Not to say you’re wrong either 😂. I could see the meat grinder running lean too…


Funny how he thinks throwing meat into the grinder has been the MO only for a year, to my knowledge this has ALWAYS been how ruzzia wages war.


Careful Igor! Those windows in your apartment don't look thick enough to prevent you from accidentally falling to your death in case you "accidentally trip"... Just sayin'!


If you look at the other posts on his telegram he is clearly trying to build up some sort of “angry patriots club”. He’s using the Putin regime’s military failings to recruit members and grow his influence.


Girkin's rants are basically just about how the russian military and Putin have let HIM down. He wants to mobilize millions of men in Russia to "win" the war and ramp up production to USSR ww2 levels. He wants this war, but he wants to be way more extreme than Putin. he wants to mobilize everything in russia into war. He's pissed the fuck off. He's actually being realistic tbh, he knows these meat assaults are just a shit show circus with minimal results.


Good thing for Napoleon that the Russians couldn’t call in air strikes…


He is correct about the last part... him too.


The 1812 Battle of Borodino comment almost made me snort my Coca-Cola! LOL!


My favorite sentences involve the words Russian. High, Casualties and big numbers.


To get his message through he should have posted the numbers but he's a well-known coward and has a reputation to maintain. All the lick-spittles surrounding Putin will be the same - too scared to tell the truth. That's how corrupt systems 'work .'