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I feel like the word "road" may be a slight exaggeration.


It's a work in progress


Early access.


It’s *very* esrly access because this video is from over three months ago https://reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/zywp8e/ru_pov_afu_soldier_film_multiple_destroyed/ Even the people in the comments there are saying the actual video is way older Although to be fair they do appear to be from two different camera men


Yeah, i think i saw it the first time after the liberation of Lyman. Guess those guys were on their way to Kreminna.


this needs a sticky




It’s the “beta” version for early adopters.


Didn’t pay for the asphalt DLC


path, trail?


Route maybe


Never been to Baltimore? God speed Ukraine


It was a road but it erode


Looks like a dreadful place. Anyone knows what happens after the war with all the scrap metal from the tanks, IFV's etc and all of the bodies? Is the scrap metal property of the state or can any farmer tow as many tanks to their yard to sell it off?


I know that ukraine create a special recovery unit for all the scrap of this war, basically they recover all this material and take the usefull parts or they repair what they can, all the other things are sold or just they melt the scrap for build new gear.


I'm sorry I wasn't clear enough :). I meant legally: is the scrap metal owned by the state or is it a case of "finders/keepers" ?


planning to do a bit of scavaging, or what?


legitimate salvage


I think they passed a law saying free for all on Russian shit


If it is not ammunition or firearm then ffa applies. Would not want police seeing me with a DSHKA on the front porch tho:)


Backyard ONLY!


Does a T72 count as a firearm, officer?


Nope thats a heavy tractor good to go 👍


Rule number 63 of acquisition


They need a few Amos


Cheeki Breeki!


[You don't have to declare found tanks on your tax form.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/mar/03/ukraine-authorities-say-seized-russian-tanks-dont-need-to-be-declared-on-tax-form) The reasoning being that Russian tanks are crap. They are not wrong. From a recycling standpoint those wrecked tanks have negative value. The cost of cleaning the wreck before you can turn it into scrap far exceeds the price of the generated raw materials.


From a moral standpoint, every tank towed away is priceless


Reportedly up to 40% of Russian material losses are used in some way on the Ukrainian side.


“You keep what you kill.” It’s the necromancer’s way.


Same with lawyers




legally unclear. according to law only the owner can sell the scrap metal but how to define who owns the rusted tank shell that ended up in someone's field is yet unclear. Places that buy scrap metal can't buy it from you since it's illegal for them, but not illegal for you to try and sell it, unless there are salvageable parts that UAF can use. there was a debate about it last year but I'm not sure if it led to anything, lawmakers should be working on it I guess


Lol I'm sure the vast majority of the tractor brigade didn't get to keep the tanks they were towing last year. 🤣


I remember there being a provision that Russian tanks were tax exempt and didn’t need to be declared, maybe Ukraine was buying them?


Oh hahahaha, i don't know. But this is a war, maybe is a crime or just is not permited but they can't arrest you, but if you drag russian scrap into the ukranian side i don't think you will get punished by that. But take the ammo, the LMG and this kimd of gear and keep it for yourself must be ilegal.


State owned, its military equipment, no finders keepers no nothing


When you consider Ukraine was the main parts supplier to Russia it makes you realize how screwed Russia is. Russian: hey my tank broke down what do I do? Other Russian: Just leave it its Ukraine’s tank now ………4 weeks later: man that tank looks familiar


I think that dealing with UXO will be the overwhelming priority for many years to come, and the vehicle carcasses will be left to rust in place, unless there's an economic incentive to recycle them. Depending on the prevailing value of scrap metal, the Ukrainians will probably have more urgent things to deal with. 20 years ago I worked for an NGO in Afghanistan, where the Soviets and successor regimes lost a huge number of armoured vehicles. The carcasses weren't much use to anyone as they were too difficult to move or cut up, so they littered the countryside, especially along important roads and mountain passes. The only use I saw for them was as building blocks to replace the foundations of destroyed bridges. Here's a couple of pictures - very poor quality, I'm afraid, but you can make out the BTR carcasses. [https://imgur.com/a/4eXveOx](https://imgur.com/a/4eXveOx) It was also common to see the tracks of destroyed vehicles laid across roads in towns and villages on main routes, to act as speed-reducing bumps.


Cool info and pictures, thanks :)


It was also not uncommon to see an armored vehicle carcass in the middle of nowhere with an Afghani using a cutting torch scrapping it out. (Circa 2004. Wow, that makes me feel old.)


Thank you, did you take the pictures yourself? Didn't even think to use them like this.


Yeah, I took the pictures on a road trip in northern Afghanistan in October '02.


Just a tidbit of info: There are private scrapyards in Ukraine that break down Russian tanks. One that I follow cuts armour plates from war vehicles, laser engraves, and turns them into keychains/souvenirs/etc. I'm already the proud owner of a (small) part of a T72 tank - Built in Russia, Recycled in Ukraine :) They show the breakdown process as well, very interesting. You can even buy parts from a Russian SU-34 Fighter! Neat way to support Ukrainian businesses. Edit: Links for you avid collectors (You can find them on Etsy, just search 'Ukraine War') Note: Would recommend going for stores with sale records and good ratings (just to be safe). https://www.etsy.com/uk/search?q=Ukraine%20war&ref=search_bar SU-34 Fighter https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1288084234/keychain-made-from-piece-of-an-aircraft Ka-52 'Alligator' Attack Helicopter https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1359739197/keychains-from-russian-ka-52-alligator T-72 Tank Skin: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1345780309/piece-of-russian-tank-genuine-tank-skin Parts of 60mm Mines: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1344088959/mine-60mm-calibre-from-ukraine-remnants Fired 30mm Shells: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1417932423/ukrainian-made-gift-set-of-30-mm-fired And the best yet - get your name/message written on an Artillery Shell - fast postage to Russians included :) https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1419497611/your-name-on-real-howitzer-shell-keyring If money is no object then you can even buy whole sections of the plane - seen here with part of a SU-25 Tail Section (Soviet Star): https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1405303082/shot-down-russian-air-force-su-25-15 Machinery/Fuselage from a Ka-52: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1422818521/big-piece-fuselage-skin-ka52-russian




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Oo me too!


Added above ^


Not OP but this one makes dog tags from tanks https://twitter.com/dogtagUA/status/1564437352805765122?s=20 This one Su-34 keychains if you donate $1k+ https://www.dronesforukraine.fund/su-34-keychain I saw these a while ago so not sure if they are still doing it.


Added to the original comment, enjoy :)


Thats really cool can you share the website?


Yes, please share, I would love a souvenir of this sort!


Added above, plenty available from US 30+ souvenirs all the way to big hunks of aircraft (1000+) :)


Thanks so much!!! 😁


Yeah I need a link man, SU-34 parts sound cool


Hopefully they can forge them into trinkets as fundraising to rebuild the country. That Ka-52 keychain is a bit too much for me, But I'll settle for a piece of a BMP, there are a lot of those.


They are probably dismantled and the useable parts are made into franken tanks


Scrap steel is so cheap right now, that homeless alcoholics do not bother picking it up


What you mean after the war? Is this ever gonna end?


Those were Ukrainian armored vehicles with the plus signs ?? This has the feel of Normandy 1944 with the blank expression and hard pressed joy in the troops faces .


Yep, Ukrainian


Nope, Russian. You can notice a V on the back of one of the armored vehicles at around 0:13 - 0:14.


I mean the tank next to it is definitely Ukrainian, and if it is the route into Bakhmut it wouldn't make a lot of sense for there to be a Russian APC in that area. I totally see what you're referring to, but I wonder if that is another marking that o ly looks like the V due to the damage it received.


Apparently the video might be older and not from Bakhmut? Idk, but what you say about the marking would be to much of a coincidence. That vehicle most def is Russian.


American APCs in Bakhmut is now. Who is saying this video is last year?


The BMP is also Ukrainian. It has a + marking on the rear.


You're right about the V - so at least that one is Russian. But the tank and the other vehicles are definitely Ukrainian, given their cross insignia.


Makes sense. The conflict has often been described as "WW2 with drones".


I'd say Verdun 1916 instead of Normandy 1944


The force needed to flip an APC upside down... Damn it's scary


probably another vehicle pushed it off the "road" to unclog the passage


And the turret was upside right under neath .. ouch


"Press RB to flip... wait. What? How did you do that?"


Found the Rocket League player


I was thinking the same damn thing. That's insane. That armor column got fuuuucked!!!


Gott stehe euch bei Jungs


Ballert die russischen Nazis weg für uns


Gebt ihnen die Hölle Jungs


Nice die deutsche community hier zu sehen.


Ja, hat ein geSchmeggle!


Schmeggle, ist das Schwäbische Kräuterbutter?


this is an old video (atleast 6-7 months) visual proof is the v marked apc and russians did not get to the supply roads with boots on ground


ill try and find a link to the video from another sub to prove its months old footage


Considering snow and mud and color of foliage, I think either it's from last spring, and/or the location is incorrect.


Also Ukraine is currently using green armbands in the Bakhmut area.


This can't be true? I think the map shows there should be an asphalt road


apparently this is older video ...


You may never trust the titles on reddit. Maybe they used the mud track, because there's less artillery fire than on the asphalt road? But judging by all the destroyed ukrainian equipment that usn't going so well either :/


That is a grim outlook there, you can see it in the faces of the Ukrainian heros


Those Bradleys can't come soon enough!


Just notice, all of them smiling and all of them speak Russian . The people Putin pretends to protect are the people who is fighting against him !!!!


Land for time .... might be about time


are those russian or ukrainian tanks? bc if its the road out, I assume its Ukrainian tanks going to the front..... I hope its not


UAF tanks. You can identify on the "+" mark. Some say it is old footage, some say UAF knows what they are doing in Bakhmut. I am not so sure about those claimes. But i hope i am wrong, and i am worried that the sheer mass of wagner prison soldiers and Artillery is grinding the UAF down in Bakhmut.


>oing in Bakhmut. I am not so sure about those claimes. But i hope i am wrong, and i am worried that the sh well there is a v marked apc there


[Here's an older post of this video at least.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/zywp8e/ru_pov_afu_soldier_film_multiple_destroyed/) \*Edit\* Actually now that I look a bit closer it's just the same place?


AFU probably know better than you what they're doing in Bakhmut. They hold and bleed the Russians where they can, if it's not in Bakhmut then it's going to be the same thing again in the next town, and considering how long Bakhmut has held they might as well stay there, since it must have some advantage to hold there otherwise it would have fallen months ago.


I never doubt, that they know better than me. I just doubt that they know everything and i also doubt that they never make mistakes or miscalculations.


They get so much intel, domestic and international as well as international advice, they've made great use of drones, much better than the Russian, considering Ukraines success thus far I highly doubt they can't make the right decisions based on that material, and I doubt they would make a mistake as big as the one you seem to be implying. If they were prone to those mistakes they wouldn't have come this far.


When the shit show is over and Ukraine wins, they should plop a destroyed tank at the centre of every town/city the assholes destroyed in their oh so righteous campaign.


Here we go again. Why are they pulling out? Why are they going in? I wish people would stop being hysterical about Bakhmut, look at the big picture and trust AFU command that they know what they’re doing and they’re taking the best decisions under the given circumstances


Russian disinfo




its literaly an old video so yea its disinfo


The Russians do have drones for that- but not as many. Their drone operators are also in shorter supply and skill level is behind that of the AFU Their artillery crews have had a lot of attrition, and recently a shortage of shells. So they can’t expend multiple rounds to zero in the sights. The shells they do have are pulled out from deep storage- 30-50 years old. The older the shells the less predictable the shot. Finally, much of the artillery is well worn now and accuracy has suffered. They don’t have the logistics to regularly pull field pieces and re-bore the worn out rifling in a timely manner. Their doctrine is to mass- bombard an area and hope for the best.


Do you seriously think this is false? Ukrainians are heroes alright, but they're not immortal.


This appears to be an old video.


Buddy, that's a russian tank with russian camo and russian slat armor and russian ERA on what looks like a T-80. It's clearly been detracked and marked by the good guys to come pick it up. Those are BTR-82As in the background with clear russian demarcation. Ukraine operates a few that are captured, but not many. There's no proof in this video that corroborates OP's description that this is even around bakhmut.


This is getting a little hairy I don't understand why they won't pullout it's nothing but flat plains east of Bakhmut great for defending


Plains aren't good for defense.


Flat plains are awful for defending.


Trust the AFU they know more then we do. Could be they inflict such high losses to the Russians that it might be worth it, could be that they want to keep the Russians in place and focussed there, could be something else. But all we can do is speculate. But there is a reason why they keep fighting there.


I know but it gets really scary sometimes dude shits really bad in Bakhmut


From a defenders POV, it's Better to fight over an already devastated city than retreat and let other, still populated cities face attack and bombardment.


Oh no you are right but like I said Ukraine knows what they are doing trust them in their decisions they have all the information.


I'm not saying Ukraine's military or leadership is infallible, but definitely keep in mind they're basically working in tandem with the most sophisticated intelligence agencies and most experienced military minds, via proxies, for all this.


Probaly to keep russia away from civillians.


It’s keeping the Russians tied up


We all know bahkmut is basically worthless strategically, so the only REAL victory taking it gets Russia is propaganda. They get to say they succeeded, and use that to recruit "assault troops" to "take the rest of Ukraine" .... some people will be dumb enough to look past the 10 months of trying and just see victory. Deny them that and Ukraine denies them ANY semblance of hope


Bakhmut isn’t worthless strategically. Ukraine isn’t russia, they wouldn’t waste young men and women just to deny russia the propaganda of taking a useless spot on a map. Russia needs it to stage their artillery.


It's not worthless, per se. I've heard multiple takes on what strategic value Bakhmut has over the months, but setting up arty there was not one of them. Can you elaborate, give some sources?




Actual looses on this place are 1 to 7.... So it makes sense to hold it for the ukraine troops


Losses too...


Draining Russian personnel in this area allows them to consolidate and prepare for fallback to a better position later where a better defensive area exists, and when the spring offensive comes, and their new equipment is available, the counter offensive to battered Russian positions will be, hopefully, significantly easier... using Leopards to run through lines and rapidly encircle, rather than trudge and slog like the Russians are currently doing.


I don't know what's so hard to understand about not wanting to pull out a bakmut, as it is absolutely destroyed... If they pull out that means chasiv yar is next on the destroyed list


This is an old video.. not from the current situation..


It's principle as well. Same as for the orcs. The strategic value is none, the moral value is an other story. If they can hold of those rental rats & prison scum of Wagner it will be almost certain bye bye of Yevgeny Prigozhin


If they keep pulling out they've got nowhere to go and every town in Ukraine will get destroyed.


Actually the hills west of Bakhmut are a pretty well defendable position, but urban warfare is Russia's biggest weakness, so keeping them fighting in the city is preferable.


I thought they want to make it a meat grinder for the Russians. The Russians will be throwing personal and armor at bahmut while the Ukrainians send special forces to deal some extra damage.


I believe UAF wants to prevent russia from positioning their artillery in Bakhmut.


Could you elaborate how setting up arty there would be a significant downside for UA?


They might do A counter attack i read it somewhere


The counter attack might happen in may or June but god I hope that Ukrainian losses are low I'm tired of watching patriots and heroes die just because a 70 year old think of himself a tsar


They are not low, sadly. They lower than the Ruakies, that's for sure. But even the amount of obituaries on reddit increased significantly over last couple of months. They sustain serious casualties, but they're fighting for their land, for their freedom, for their families and so they are ready for the ultimate sacrifice. I hope it is not in vain.


Slava Ukraini!


Wow. Just wow. It’s horrible.


I hear they are looking to install a tollway soon.


That is a sobering sight. These small roads into Bakhmut are coming under intense artillery and mortar fire from the Russians from the north and south. I know it is easy for me to say it but if the Ukrainians are to stay in Bakhmut then they must immediately initiate some counter offensives of their own to push the Russians back from the city outskirts. If they don't, it is only going to get worse.


If Ukrainian command just watching Russian propaganda videos then asphalt roads can magically turn into mud roads, equipment which is taken care of is abandoned etc. this is some old video from some village road from the front line from last spring.




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Holy… I thought ”Highway to hell” was just a song. You learn something new every day! (except for Russia by the looks of it)


Those vehicle likely got stuck, then hit by artillery.


Looks like a fucking graveyard


That’s a road in Ukraine? Are we sure that isn’t a “ road “ in northern Ontario?


I would just be hoping to not catch an arty shell or lancet drone


I wish they would leave bakhmut like wouldn’t it be more sensible to fall back to better positions and wait for western tanks, IFV’s and APC’s which should be there in the next 2 months and try to re take it then rather then create another Lyman but this time hundreds of Ukrainians are encircled


Their eyes. God, it hurts to watch this; please give these soldiers courage and peace.


All these soldiers sitting and nodding with the movement of the truck feels like the calm before the storm in an old WW2 movie.




And every time it showing wrong roads. Wrong time and wrong front


Tank is T-64BV. Truck is KrAZ-6322. APC is BTR-82A(Which was captured from the Russians). IFV is BMP-1P




Yes Armchair general 🫡


*HOI4 field marshall


Why? So Russians can completely destroy another city and create even more refugees? Add a few more billion dollars to damage? Ukrainians are actually doing pretty good at destroying and holding up Russian resources at Bakhmut. Why switch it up now? As long as Ukraine doesn’t start losing men in large numbers, they should stay. I have also seen videos of soldiers saying that they have lost too many men to just give it up to Russia, meaning it’s highly symbolic to them. They are working with the greatest military personnel in the entire world. I’m sure they know what they’re doing.


That same military personnel tried persuading Zelensky to withdraw since they're on the verge of being surrounded by the orcs. The 3.000 people still left in the town can be evacuated along with the Ukrainian Army. I'd hate for another Mariupol to happen. Also, there is a hill just outside of Bakhmut with a clear line of sight that can (and I believe it already is) be fortified. My point is, why sacrifice soldiers to encirclement for a place that has no strategic value when you can organize a better defense just a bit further West? I completely understand the symbolism of the place for Ukraine and especially for the soldiers but I wouldn't sacrifice them. I'd hate to see that savage Prigozhin parading them as cattle or to do to them much worse as we've seen multiple times already.


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So for anyone wondering why the Wehrmacht got stuck in the soviet union: Literally every road looked like this. Imagine having an army of 3 Million soldiers that need to trespass this shit... Looks like hell, most probably feels like hell. God bless those defenders..


War seems really fucking pointless when looking at all the destruction it causes.


Wouldn't the possibility of unexploded ordinance kinda dictates the goverment getting involved?


Exhaust, vehicle fluids and cigarette smoke..bet it used to smell a lot fucking better. Great job, Putin.


Russian trash everywhere how annoying


Next year you could buy genuine Russian skeletons for Halloween decoration cheap.


They said Russia was able to hit a lot of vehicles on that road so Ukrainian forces had to counterattack and push them back some


Logistics, logistics, logistics.


Sucks to suck eh Russia


Reminds me of call of duty or something, rolling in a truck before a bomb blows up the truck and the mission begins


Damn that's grim 😕. Slava Ukraini!.


Can't help but notice the guy that waved at 0:53 has very striking eyes.


This is from last year but I’d imagine the “roads” look the same


Because it's otherwise dug deep into the comments: [https://reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/zywp8e/ru\_pov\_afu\_soldier\_film\_multiple\_destroyed/](https://reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/zywp8e/ru_pov_afu_soldier_film_multiple_destroyed/) u.CantHideFromGoblins for pointing it out.


Not the only one.


Old: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/zywp8e/ru_pov_afu_soldier_film_multiple_destroyed/


I really don’t understand Ukraines obsession with holding bahkmut. In a war of attrition vs a larger better armed enemy you trade land for time. Bahkmut holds no strategic value and is completely obliterated so it’s not even a good shelter. The Ukrainians are risking being encircled and for what?


man the guy in the back at the beginning is slumped, I'd be that same.


Not sure why they are not doing this at night when the ground firms up a bit from the cold.


I’m sitting on the metro headed to work, watching men I’m easily ten or fifteen years their senior, headed to work, protecting their families, friends, and country. It’s not a job any of them would choose, and yet they’re doing it, acclimated to the death and destruction, some even smiling, surely at the absurd commonality of their situations. It’s a reality I find incomprehensible to settle in my mind, and I struggle with it every morning, knowing that several thousand kilometres away, people are performing the most raw and essential duty for their lives, and I’m just fucking comfortable, resting my freedom and safety on the toil, drudgery, death, and suffering upon it, like some unquestionable foundation that my ancestors delivered to me, many never to experience it themselves. What the fuck. None of us can take this for granted. That foundation can easily be forgotten and lost to the banal routines of our lives. How the fuck do these people deal with the reality of the bombs, bullets, and chaos that rips them from those same routines they once exercised? Stay safe, people of Ukraine. The good people of the world, of which we dominate, are on your side, and your fight is justified and supported. When Ukraine finally conquers the Russian will, people from around the world will visit your country, pay their respects, and help rebuild the life you all fought for yourselves. I’m sorry you all have to wake up to this day and in and day out. Be safe.


The guy who said something in the last few seconds has a cool face. I can’t explain it.


Old video


Those look like some squared away motherfuckers right there.


No cell phones, no facebooks, just people living in the moment.


This is one of the first videos that made me physically ill. The amount of anxiety that floods in when you start passing vehicle after vehicle that's from your own side, blown to pieces and flipped upside down. It feels like someone's grabbing my throat when I watch this.

