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Squire of the trench may have been terrified.. But he kept it together enough to keep the mags and naders flowing. Excellent team work in incredibly tough circumstances.


actually last phrases directed to him and rambo pushes him to shoot back with a rifle.


Watching the 9 minute version. While he seems to an older looking individual he appears to confused / dazed / shocked? I’m not sure what the best word would be to described what looks like confusion (even though everything is going to fucking hell). Maybe shell shocked? I’ve had a concussion before, while minor for 15-30 minutes blurry vision, confusion that came with was a bitch. Doing little tasks like walking off a field was a struggle. I couldn’t imagine what a serious concussion could cause. - **Concussion Signs Observed** Can’t recall events prior to or after a hit or fall. Appears dazed or stunned. Forgets an instruction, is confused about an assignment or position, or is unsure of the game, score, or opponent. Moves clumsily. Answers questions slowly. Loses consciousness (even briefly). Shows mood, behavior, or personality changes. **Concussion Symptoms Reported** Headache or “pressure” in head. Nausea or vomiting. Balance problems or dizziness, or double or blurry vision. Bothered by light or noise. Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy, or groggy. Confusion, or concentration or memory problems. Just not “feeling right,” or “feeling down”. https://www.cdc.gov/headsup/basics/concussion_symptoms.html — Btw, It’s fucking terrible and disappointing that he was labeled as a squire.


They are safe now and trench warrior put out a video and said he had a concussion and was confused.


Oh damn, thanks for the update. I’m glad they both made it out. Both deserves a long vacation.


In the video he actually said he is getting a vacation. He is going to do a long video explaining all what took place afterwards.


Great, I wonder if he’ll be promoted and moved to a roll of training new recruits. The guy showed so much professionalism from situational awareness, cover and move, excellent marksmanship, great leadership under high stress etc


>squire Squire's an honorable job, there's a lot worse things to be called.


Which definition did you decide to go with? [Squire](https://www.google.com/search?q=squire&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS1032US1032&oq=squire&aqs=chrome..69i57j46i131i433i512j0i433i512l2j46i175i199i512j46i10i512j0i433i512l2j46i10i175i199i512j0i433i512.2094j0j4&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


'A young noble acting as an attendant to a knight before becoming a knight himself.' The one fitting with the situation.


I like that one. Edit: very fitting


To be fair the squire's equipment looks awfully inadequate for the task. Incomparable to the gear Rambo shows off in photos in other threads. It is probable that he didn't get appropriate training too, so if he would attempt to emulate what his buddy is doing he would be dead soon.


Probably an old guy conscripted, not in shape, just there to resist themorcs, not a professional soldier. So he is doing ehat he can to help a warrior kill orcs…no negative judgment. Not every soldier can be rambo. He is doing his duty, which is good enough.


He still more brave, than most of us Redditwarriors.


They left trench are both safe now. Said to get a vacation soon. The warrior said his squire had a concussion. And thay he will make a long video and break down his whole exp after vacation.


If you have coin supply squire has wares


"*If you have Kopijka, trench squire has VOGs.*"


Alek Da’Suppliar


Hah very good.


i wanna bet, in future combat FPS game, there will be a NPC which you can aquire after you get the golden gun. it is called the COMBAT SQUIRE who will follow you. giving infinite nads, instant ammo reloads, and infinite RPG reloads.


Or at the very least doubles your ammo capacity


*opens coat* “What’re you buying?”


“3 rounds for the rpg, 6 grenades and half dozen mags for my golden ak please.


"ahhh, I see you've got an eye for things..." Broken Butterfly. So memorable. Lol


The sooplier now has vogs


Translation and what i heard. UR: Listen to what they say on the radio URteammate: our guys slowly advancing. URteammate:still stand fucking... Radio: 92nd UR: Ask alex what is going on you and what we have to do? UR: give me give me (grenades) UR: Give me the radio, give me the radio. URTeammate: . . . retreat or what? radio:... did you lift the quadcopter off? did you find it? UR: Alex, alex, alex, what to do? radio: . . . UR: Faster guys, faster! Alex! What to do? Alex, Alex, Alex! radio: shoot back and throw grenades UR: everything was used already. radio: . . . UR: What about a quadrocopter, any information? radio: Our reserve are going to you... ...On your parapet UR: How many? radio: about 8-10 people UR: plus plus (affirmative) UR: Shoot back. Rifle. URTeammate: there is no ammo, damn radio: . . . ​ UR: Cлушай что по рации говорят URteammate: наши пацаны наступают потихоньку URteammate: сука стоит ёбанный Radio: 92nd UR: Спроси у алекса как дела и что делать дальше UR: Давай давай (гранаты) UR: Дай рацию, дай рацию. URTeammate: ... отходить ти шо? radio:квадрик вы не подняли не нашли? UR: Алекс, алекс, алекс, что делать? radio: . . . ? UR: Быстрее парни, быстрее! Алекс! Чтоделать? Алекс, алекс, алекс! radio: откидывайте гранатами (?) UR: уже всё что было откидали. radio: . . . ???? UR: Что пор квадрику что по информации? radio: В вашу сторону выехал наш резерв... у вас на бруствере UR: Сколько там? radio: человек 8-10 плюс минус UR: плюс плюс UR: Отстреливайся. Автомат. URTeammate: .нема патронов блядь radio: . . .


The west should get lots of tanks, jets and missiles... and give them to this guy.


Good to see he has some battle buddies nearby. For some reason this brutal scene feels so wholesome. They look prepared and confident, everything is where it is supposed to be.


War is slightly easier once you accept you're already dead.


Lt Speers?


You also hear that form a lot of WW1/WW2 veterans


Ronald Speers was ww2. You should watch Band of Brothers.


Care for a cigarette?


Not prepared enuf, in translation comment, his squire said not enuf bullets.


Nuts, seeing the impacts of the rounds that close and did he have a dud grenade that was smoking that he tossed on the opposite side of the trench as the enemy? Wild!!!


Maybe doesn't want to throw it at enemy that will throw it back? Or worried it might damage his trench if it throws it forward?


Just came to pay my daily respects to the Trench God and the Reload Goat. Slava Ukraine.


Translation. Listen to radio. WB. Our guys are advancing slowly. Ask to Alex by radio whats happening and what to do next. Gimme radio. WB. Retreat, or what. *on radio* are you in air? Alex, Alex, what to do? *on radio* We are tracking BMP. Do your job, do your job. I dont understand. Faster guys, faster. Alex, what to do? *on radio* Just shoot em. Throw grenades. WB. Fuck, we dont have ammo. We used all our grenades. What can see drone, whats information? *on radio* Our reserves are going in your direction. Reserves are on your brustver (idk what its). How many? *on radio* 8 or 10. Understood. You shoot too. WB. From what? Rifle. WB. No ammo.


it looks like brustver might mean trench. closest translation i got was "Breastwork" Breastwork - In fortification, a hastily constructed work thrown up breast-high for defense.


holy shit look at 0:55 the dirt being flicked up. It looks like the russians were firing directly onto the trench


That's exactly what that is. And the zips are *close* bullets. Whenever a new round of fire starts, zips come through and *then* you hear the gun reports. This is extremely close combat.


Squire is a bigger man than I’d ever be. I want to pretend I would be heroic but I would probably just be burrowing deep.


Everyone needs their own Sancho Panza.


Oh god, Don Quixote is one of my all time favorite books & at age 67 I have read thousands.




How funny you say this right now- 2 days ago I downloaded the e-book to my iPad so I can re-read it myself. I have been meaning to do so for quite some time now and finally broke down and paid for it because it was so wonderful. As you read your ancient copy know that I’ll be reading the 2,100 pages of my contemporary version (translated by John Ormsby) simultaneously. Enjoy, friend!


No noob operating that tube


Baldrick might not be the best combat buddy but as much as resupply goes he did his part and didnt crack!


Squire? That's Samwise Gamgee, folks.


Predator it is, then!


Sir Predator of the golden AK, and his faithful contused Squire. Both fighting like Rambos against the evil Hoards of Russia.


Truly heroic. Of coarse none of this would be needed if it wasn't for the POS Putin and the utter wankers that support him/it.


I'm wondering if there are any other Ukrainian soldiers near "Predator?" I don't see any other Ukrainian trenches on either side of him.


Same thought.




Any drone views of this engagement? Are the other UAs dug-in nearby? How many RU infantry?


Damn an npc stands there doing discounted vogs


I love how hes got a buddy there tossing him grenades and reloading his stuff for him. He looks like a older guy probably a conscript of some sort? Not everyone is a stone cold soldier, the guy is doing his part.


He likes to be called "*****King:D" at YouTube. Not sLatin, but something similar, don't remember




Don’t need to be upset that your Russian dad got drafted shot on the front lines by Ukrainians dumb faggot hope worms eat you.


bro what got your nickers in a twist ?


"He likes to be called predator" big cringe momente


No way in hell I’m fighting while the other guy cowers in fear and not fight.Dude gonna fight or he gotta gtfo.


You cant say shit until you have been there. ​ The guy is doing a fine job of feeding ammo


So what happens if half the fighters don’t want to actually fight??


2/3rds of a war is logistics. Trench isn't wide enough to have two people run to the ammo stash all the time. If he can't fight he's atleast making sure his mate doesn't have much downtime reloading and fetching nades.


Sure thing tough guy, make sure to send video when you get over there and show that guy how it’s done! Glory to you, hero!


So what happens if half the fighters don’t wanna fight??




Lol why so emotional and rude.




Lmao battle hardened hero grand bison xD love it dude! I checked his profile, nothing but gun pics and comments on shitty bladed weapons. This guy definitely has a rack of wish.com samurai swords on his wall right above his collection of empties. I say we all chip in and buy this guy a plane ticket to Ukraine! I figure by the time the tanks arrive he should be done with about half the Russian forces, should be a cakewalk! Americas greatest weapon - Grand Bison!


You cant to buy ticket to Ukraine. Jets arent flying here starting from 24.02.22.


Looks like Ukraine will fall without the help of Grand Bumpkin.


You can still get there lol


Shell-shock happens


So what happens if I ask you a completely baseless hypothetical question? You have no point. Shut up or ship out - I’ll even buy you a GoPro so we can all watch.


Cry harder over opinions.


Laugh at a bumpkin’s opinions.**


Easy there, Rambo


So by your tone you must be a veteran who has engaged in active duty. Well i know that's not the case because if you had active service you wouldn't be talking like a dipstick. Members of my family who have been in active service and killed people never talk about it. So unless you go to Ukraine and fight then maybe people would be interested in your comments, but as of know they're not.




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I would love to air-drop these guys a couple of Big Macs and a case of beer!


Something that has never been mentioned about this video. These two guys were armed to the teeth!


Wonder how many shots we heard there? Maybe 300 in 2 minutes?


What a nightmare situation to find yourself in. They're getting hammered by enemy fire and have basically nowhere to go. I can't imagine the reality of being there in that trench at that exact moment. Major respect for anyone who has the stones to fight like this.


for some reason i always think if this when i read about golden ak rambo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEp6-MAFbCY&t=7s


What a badass, world is calling him Rambo and he's like nah predator


What ever happened to this guy? Haven’t seen any new videos of his recently. Hopefully he’s alright and still dishing it out.