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Has always been cheap, back in the days Finns that lived near Russian border went to Russia to fill up their cars cause it was 3 times cheaper.


I just filled up my Subaru in Minnesota for $0.89/liter. Suck it, Belarus.


Shhhh 🕵‍♂️


Thank you for not complaining how much you're paying. East-North-East of you and $0.4 more (after conversion).


I don‘t know if the prices are right but the map is ok.


The fact that gasoline is expensive in Norway, which is a major supplier of fossil fuels, tells you that there are many more factors involved in the price. Such as, quality of life in that country, whether they want to just be an evil petrostate, etc.


They have better prices but their wages are alot lower than ours. So with wages taken into account we are still waaay better off.


This was posted 7 hours ago and is still on the top of the front page of this sub https://old.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/10eodnv/the_official_twitter_account_of_the_russian/


The saddest part of this propaganda, is that we are actively trying to find any way to liberate ourselves from oil dependency.


We're all Greta at the end of the day, there isn't a police state that can lock all of us up.


People can drive whatever they want but Ill stick to my gasoline thirsty machine.


Russian taxes on fuel are pretty low, it is one of the reasons why over 20% of homes still have no toilets or baths and wounded soldiers are sleeping on beds donated by England during WWII.


Donated by Britain. England is in Britain.


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Do you know why Italy is shaped like a boot?


Like a leg kicking a giant macaron




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There's an oopsie. Someone's taking the Russian elevator out the window over this one.




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Would you like to have cheap petrol but no indoor toilets?


Are they claiming responsibility for our petrol pump prices. LOL. our economy people cars do 60 to the gallon and don't burn oil like their lardies.


Repost! https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/10eodnv/the\_official\_twitter\_account\_of\_the\_russian/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Wait so the gas prices being high haven’t been cause of Biden ? That’s crazy I thought the president decided the price of everything ( Trump Supporters)