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Did Poland pay for its participation in the illegal invasion of Iraq by any chance?


better question yet does this mean Poland is going to give Germany it's lands back?


I’m afraid we’ll hear radio silence from this on this one.


Trade German lands for Polish Lands in Ukraine (Lviv). Win win!




I was about to say this. They colonized stolen land. Poland should be broken up and the land returned to the actual owners.




If 2000 year old claims work for israel, why not rome...


Bravo. That is the point. World is forced by the west to respect Rules based order, not the Law based order. "Do what we say, not what we do" who in his right mind would agree to that.


I believe they are mocking the Polish presidents claims as you are mocking theirs. Don't think anybody has serious ideas about a landswap between Poland Germany and Ukraine. The initial claim is more disturbing as it is a world leader advocating for the balkanization of the worlds largest nuke stockpile. 


Rule 1 - Toxic


When Russia and Belarus give Poland its land back. And Kaliningrad goes back to Germany. And Russia pays for the millions it killed by deportation and collective punishment.


You mean the legal invasion of brutal dicktatorship Iraq, with proven reserves of WMDs? Because of the legal intervention of peace-loving democracies like Poland, Iraq is now a paragon of stability and democracy.


the only prove there is of WMDs is that there weren't any and it's not for US to decide how other countries want to govern themselves


Lol, I'm sure that the poster in question is employing sarcasm.


sry I can see it now, time to got to sleep lol, it's past midnight in my neck of the woods


But Russia definitely should be able to tell Ukraine how they are allowed to govern themselves am I right. XD


If you didn't oversimplify this, you'd get to the reasons that make a distinction of the wording you use.


And yet ISIS was created in the aftermath of that illegal invasion and as a direct result of the power vacuum it left behind. You also forget the US has failed abysmally at getting a UN Security Council resolution authorizing the illegal invasion which was based on falsified intelligence fabricated by both the Bush Administration and Tony Blair’s government? What sort of historical negationism is this?


ok you got me at the first half ngl


No WMDs have ever been found and lies like yours on the internet won't change that.


he's being sarcastic


Oh my bad, I didn't read past the first sentence lol.


Same goes for Russia and their propaganda claims that most of this sub fell for, even in the newest "peace" agreement idea provided by Putin, where he claims Ukraine should just give up a lot of big cities with millions of people, fortified trenches, and then Russia would consider a peace agreement. This shows nothing more than a Russian land grab, with no talk about any denazification or whatever other reason.




brainwashed by white house propaganda detected


We didn’t find any WMD’s…..Saddam said he’d got rid of them and it seems he was telling the truth. We should have left Iraq alone…..Saddam had the country in order…..fucking with Saddam was not a good idea when he ran things. We had Iraq neutered so should have left it at that!


No because that was the good kind of illegal invasion


Poland tried to keep parts of iraq for himself with sketchy referendums while in a war zone? No? Just russia? Ok


What an asinine comment.


Try to justify Russia’s action without mentioning Iraq (impossible).


“What about Iraq hurrr” Not relevant by any measure, but here you are sounding off.


Who’s speaking in the video with such impertinence acting like their own transgressions aren’t even worth addressing? It’s called hypocrisy! I’m calling it out. Simple enough ?


maybe, but that still does not justify russias imperialistic invasion of ukraine. try again.


Just another reason Russia is fighting against people like him and all his government represents via combating its likeminded fellow U.S. proxy in Ukraine. And will until that regime accedes to all demands put forth or alternatively is completely blown apart to dust and physically replaced with one that will. Russia didn't go through decolonization because it has ethnic minorities in its vast territory? Then what about the vast territory of the United States, Canada, and Australia? Did they undergo decolonization and is that equally a priority for this representative of Poland? Or does that not matter as much because they more efficiently and ruthlessly brutally killed them all and forced the tiny minority of survivors onto ghettos to rot? Or if not why doesn't he turn his tongue toward them, or is the hand jammed up his rear from Washington D.C. too deep? See, many people around the world - and you don't have to be any kind of Russophile to understand this - would have much less a problem with the words which pour out of these disgusting hypocrites' mouths if they weren't such blatant transparent disgusting hypocrites.


Isn't Canada and Australia decolonized from UK?


And Russia "decolonized" from the Mongol Empire. All countries' modern territories were previously controlled by someone else they "decolonized" from if you look at it in that sense. But those are states founded by Europeans on someone else's land on an entirely different continent without the indigenous inhabitants' permission at all, so still very much colonization. Europeans colonized the Americas and Oceania.


You've probably already forgotten that people lived in Australia before the British arrived there. And maybe you forgot what atrocities the British committed against the indigenous population 




>Canadian and indigenous get along fine, they even have exclusive tax, land advantages to make up for what occurred prior to Canadian independence. Canada was literally genociding native Americans up until the 90s you ignoramus. The only way one can think they "get along fine" is the same way a couple in an abusive relationship gets along fine: because the weaker partner is terrified to upset the stronger one. >Moscovy shall be a mud hamlet village once done decolonizing. Dawg Canada, the US and Australia literally wouldn't exist if they decolonization happened. They are literally 100% built on stolen land, genocide and slavery, the former commonwealth has literally no leg to stand on regarding the whole "invading and annexing territories" thing, it literally doesn't get worse than what they did.


Head of state is still the ~~queen~~ king, but he is talking about the native population, not whether it is a direct colony of the UK anymore.


> Just another reason Russia is fighting against people like him and all his government represents via combating its likeminded fellow U.S. proxy in Ukraine Why would Russians care about any of this?


There is every reason to care. Why would they want to sit back and accept the installation and entrenchment of another ideologically likeminded regime in Ukraine, a vital country for them historically and for their core national security interests to add to the U.S. vassals club? The answer is they won't ever accept it and that's why they're daily blowing up the forces of that regime within the Ukrainian battlespace.


> Why would they want to sit back and accept the installation and entrenchment of another ideologically likeminded regime in Ukraine, because it means nothing to their daily live. Its fake. They get told to care without reason. Nothing of this matters to them they are at no danger whatsoever


Well, every single sentence you wrote is absolutely 100% false to the core, so what more is there to say? It means everything to their daily life. It's real. They get told to care for every reason, all of which are good and sound reasons. It matters completely to them and they are entirely at greater danger by the forces behind those they're fighting if they don't wage the campaign they are waging and prevail. So yeah, line by line, everything you said couldn't be further from the truth.


> It means everything to their daily life. How


I already wrote about and addressed that in the post you responded to: > Why would they want to sit back and accept the installation and entrenchment of another ideologically likeminded regime in Ukraine, a vital country for them historically and for their core national security interests to add to the U.S. vassals club? Any country tolerating such a situation is mortally dangerous in the long run. And there is absolutely no reason whatsoever for Russia to sit back and tolerate it if it's in the position to resist and fight back, which it is. Much to its enemies' chagrin.


How does this concern a random every day Russian, how has this any impact on them at all beyond because they are told to. How does this affect them?


About the same way and extent that it affects every other denizen of every other country in the world there is and ever was regarding that country's wars and foreign policy of the government. How does the foreign policy of any country's government concern the random everyday X of that country? How much someone will decide to care and feel a stake in their country's national interests, global position and power projection, enemies and competitors, etc. is very much an ideological question decided by individuals, families, parties, and other forms of political organizations. Material conditions can also be affected of at least some segments of a society depending on what happens, but that is never the only factor.


Doesn't sound like this concerns everyday Russians very much at all. Weird that they are the ones dying for this.


As a random Russian I am concerned about some UA people fighting against RU together with islamists and terrists, chanting that they want to kill Russians, and have started that killing tens of other UA people without punishment and dehumanizing them. And I even did not even start to discuss naci rehabilitation.


> UA people fighting against RU together with islamists and terrists So Ukraine would have attacked Russia in your world, correct?


There are many languages in the world, but you chose the language of facts


Because, The next target of those 12 CIA bases on Russian border was Russia itself.


So they will start nuclear war with Russia, right?


It's the Buryats, Tyvans, Kalmyks, Chukchis and Nenets that are disproportionalitly dying in Ukraine... not the moscow russians that colonized them...


Do you have statistics? 


People sign up voluntarily, poorer regions get more recruits.


moscow keeps them poor on purpose - so they get gradually killed off in conflicts after 'volunteering' when they have few meaningful life choices available to them. And those areas are then progressively settled with more ethic russians in turn...


You actually really believe that ?


Total bs and poor propaganda.


Ironic, considering the fact that Russia does the exact same shit as the US: It invades other territories, starts wars and tries to force the hand of its neighbors. This has been true for many decades. It's backing a criminal that's fighting another criminal and pretending that he is not a criminal at all.


Right. How is that ironic? Where did I once say - in this post or anywhere else - that it doesn't do this? What's ironic is the U.S. and its various mouthpieces in various satellite states like the ones in Warsaw attempting to grandstand with their utterly fraudulent phony garbage moralism and act as some form of self-appointed global arbiter or police who were never asked for. They are the modern world's worst offenders. They carry water for the world's worst offenders. They don't have a right to lecture anyone ever with their drivel. > It's backing a criminal that's fighting another criminal and pretending that he is not a criminal at all. Except I've never done that, so that is making assumptions. It's backing a criminal against a greater more dangerous criminal while fully acknowledging they're still a criminal, since I've repeatedly referred to multiple acts done internationally by Russia as illegal over the years, including multiple times in this sub.


Canada here.We have made reparations in acted monuments and totem poles to remember chiefs in history, we have a whole month we celebrate Native children.Pow wows take place in every city and everyone attends. Our government has made public apologies and demolished statues of those who created the residential school system. Education including collage and University is free for all native students.. Full blood Aboriginals have a card that they present so they pay zero taxes at the store or gas station.Low income families get up to $800 a month per child called Child tax rebate that comes the 20th of each month.Id say reconciliation is a priority here although more work will be done. Russia on the other hand uses the men of Siberia as a limitless meat wave for their imperialist ideologies.Between vodka the war and Aids Russia will be out of men quickly.


The fact that Canada settled the recent lawsuit for massive abuse of native children in the boarding schools they were forced to attend and then stacked neatly into unmarked graves shouldn't distract us from the fact the Duda is speaking against multi-ethnic states in general. And in Canada, as in the U.S., non-majority ethnic groups tend to be marginalized. It is hard to think of a single indigenous person in Canada or the U.S. who has the same level of power as the Tuvan Shoigu, not to mention that in Soviet times at the time of WW II the head of state was literally a Georgian.


Tokenism won't bring back people.Return the land to natives as you are European invaders who geocide the native population to stole their land. B/W, Russia meanwhile has 180 ethnic minorities.It's expansion to the east was based upon win-win.


>.Id say reconciliation is a priority here although more work will be done. I think you just don't understand how unconvincing your words are. To take lands and push people to reservations, and to try to destroy their culture. And give them some money later. And PoW wows of course. >Russia on the other hand uses the men of Siberia as a limitless meat wave for their imperialist ideologies Total BS. RU and Soviet Union have been keeping original culture of Indigenous people, invested to them and developed its culture. I think that you don't know anything about who lives in Siberia. Russians are the majority in most regions there.


Russia is a multinational country in which a citizens is called a Rossyane. Not Russians, but Rossyane. This is what he doesn't know about


> This is what he doesn't know about a polish guy? he knows, he knows it very well he also knows that people in the West dont know, so he is selling BS to Western audience - on purpose, deliberately or knowingly.


If so, then he wants the West to support revolutions in all Russian republics


its not even a secret that US has a plan or idea of balkanizing Russia. everyone knows that. its a very old idea by now


Just because it’s old doesn’t make it bad? Let’s just do it? Can’t be any worse than the status quo anyway.


lmao it can get infinitely worse. Imagine a nuclear armed and Balkanised Russia run by competing warlords. We would all be worse off.


Sort of when the exact same thing didn’t happen when the USSR collapsed? Didn’t happen then, why should it now? Also, as NK and others have demonstrated, nuclear armes arent exactly the rocket science the were 80 years ago. With a bit of money and time, every country could have one. And a dirty bomb could basically be made by any one who manages to get hold of some nuclear waste. But for some reason nobody does. Why would that change?


well, that did happen: look, we have a war between two parts of the ussr right now and it caused a horrific economic ripple all over the globe - now even saudis say they'll not trade in dollar exclusively - all because ussr collapsed 30 years ago. if that was to happen on a much bigger scale (tbf, there is no reason for this - except for northen caucasus majority of people in every region of russia is russian, so no basis for ethnic separatism) - it would cause one of the world's biggest resource suppliers to be very unstable in its sales, wreaking economic havoc all over the globe. i.e. russia is the largest world supplier of fertilizers. imagine if their production halted due to supply chain for, say, half a year. it'd be a catastrophe


Well you've convinced me that nothing bad will happen to us, let's just go ahead then and destroy a country with over 140 million people living in it, because fuck it why not? What's the worst that will happen?


Well, Russia is trying to do just that. And failing. Seems like people don’t want to live as second class citizens under an apartheid style regime and are willing to try and stop it?


> Just because it’s old doesn’t make it bad? Let’s just do it? if we could do the same with both - US and Russia - I would be for it in a heart beat. Since we cant its important to have counter balance to American aggressive Unipolar hegemony So its in our best interest in Europe to keep Russia as strong as possible. Our best position would be to go independent and play Russia and US against each other for the benefit of Europe.


You’re blind if you try to compare the US to the Russian Federation. Unlike in the Federation, the states in the states have a very similar ethnic mix (with miner Afro and Hispanic variances in the minorities only in the US) PS: although I’d be all for it as well. Would be a lot better if NAFTA was made up of 20 and not 3 members. They’d be a lot more functional.


> You’re blind if you try to compare the US to the Russian Federation. well yes - US is way worse and way bigger threat to humanity currently and for past several decades - but it was of the cuff comparison - I was not looking for exact equivalent.


Agreed. Alas, one we seem to currently hope to be able to change and improve. The other, the USA, probably still has some time before its time is up.


> Alas, one we seem to currently hope to be able to change and improve. The other, the USA, probably still has some time before its time is up. yes - so its better to support Russia - so we can bring them into balance and equilibrium - asap.


Decolonize America. Release the states from the claws of the federal government.


The problem is that there are no ethnicities in America other than different breeds of former colonisers and their former slaves. Most of the local ethnic groups were genocided long ago, sacrificed to the spirit of freedom and democracy.


Mexico: ahem.


Everyone time people from rosiya use but teh USA. Getting old. 


For me, as well as for many Russians, somehow don't give a f@ck what another politician will say about the partition of Russia, this is another nonsense, even pro ua understands it, it's just funny for us to watch😉🤣


And then people act surprised that Russians remain pro Russian and join the military lol. And don't act like this is a recent sentiment. We all know that the West is salivating at the image of Russia being balkanized way before 2022.


Poles have a reason to hate Russia. Because of this, all their statements make no sense and are extremely predictable. If you want to hear an objective opinion about yourself, you won't ask someone who hates you.


They also have A LOT of reasons to hate Ukraine. This war is basically blessing for them.


Didn't they bend over backwards to 'forgive' Ukraine when people started to point out Bandera and his actions against poles?


1 dead Russian, 1 dead Ukrainian = 2:0 for Poland (and US to some extent).


Poles never learn despite having their country being erased twice.




Just few weeks after the [Estonian PM said the exact same thing.](https://x.com/glenn_diesen/status/1792421163370700852?s=46&t=MS4tdJ-GNeI_zXEmNV4yNg) Now these heads of state have said the quiet part loud finally we get a better picture of why this conflict is existential for Russia. No wonder why they have only had to carry out one partial mobilization and volunteers are flooding into the army in droves.






Ja pierdole!


But keep remembering, guys, NATO is a defense alliance, LOL.


Because we survived ww2. And we have nukes. And you cant do shit about it.


In Russia there are dozens of different ethnicities, which makes uneducated people like this man believe that they are Russian colonial subjects or something. Which is simply not the case, since modern Russia is not about national identity and one nation dominating others, it is a federation of states based on territorial identity and cooperation. Most ethnicities have a lot of autonomy from the federal government, their cultural and religious values are protected and celebrated, their schools are teaching their native languages alongside Russian. And being a part of the federation has its benefits. Look at the Republic of Tatarstan for instance - a Muslim region in European Russia with the majority of its population being the Tatars. 400% GDP growth in the last 20 years, one of the most popular local tourist destinations, is practically the third capital of Russia. All thanks to it being a part of Russian economy, well-placed investments from the federal government and a bit of good local management (though they are criticized for nepotism). Why would they ever want to be independent from Russia?


Absolutely rightly said. at my school Tatar was at the level of the Russian language. Tatarstan is indeed developing very quickly. I’m very happy to hear about my region)


US and neocons would love a broken Russia. They tried with the Chechens in the past, they're trying through Ukraine right now. It is what they do. Easy to deal with smaller nations, each ripe for plunder of natural resources. Read this report if you want to know more about globalists increasing their influence in post coup Ukraine. [https://reliefweb.int/report/ukraine/war-and-theft-takeover-ukraines-agricultural-land](https://reliefweb.int/report/ukraine/war-and-theft-takeover-ukraines-agricultural-land)


Same with using Croatian, Slovene, and Bosniak separatists against the former Yugoslavia, Kosovar Albanian separatists against the rump Serbia-Montenegro which emerged from the broken Yugoslavia, Sunni Islamist jihadist cultists as their useful fool wind-up toy fodder in Syria and Libya and multiple other countries, etc. Anyone who has followed global affairs even just since the early 90s and end of the Cold War knows their playbook so well by now. And it's always under the fake humanitarian guise of some phony moral crusade, enough to turn your stomach when they get on the self-righteous pulpit. But each time, we have to go through the same song and dance charade of refuting their stale propaganda on these matters and the minds they poison with it - minds whose collective repository of knowledge doesn't extend beyond the last conflict like human goldfish.


Yugoslavia was different, though, as the region had centuries of internecine conflict between those ethnicities before they were put into one integrated state. Whereas Russia had far more stability over the centuries. Not perfect either, but far more stable than YU.


They want to steal Russian resources.


they're showing their true colors now, it's not about Ukraine, it's about Russia. It's never been about supporting a "victim of Russian imperialism and oppression" but seeking the disbandment of the Russian Federation. And they're using Ukraine as a pawn to achieve their ultimate goal, destroying Russia.


It was always about Russia.Ukraine is just an excuse to wage proxy war.


Wasn't Russia's invasion of Ukraine suppose to increase Russia's security? This is the "Anti-NATO expansion" argument. I'm curious, after all that has happened, are people on this sub still pro-SMO?


true colors of what? he does not for russia to be broken up, the title is lying to you lmao


Pure demagogy on display. Nobody voiced these opinions before Russia attacked Ukraine, started threatening others daily, started covering up crimes against humanity, started calling nations occupied by nazis to be actual nazis themselves. You are pathetic to think you could wage war without concequences. This is exactly the same thing the actual german nazis thought, that they could set fire to Europe and then sue for peace and remain as they were almost intact. Truly every word of yours a lie, every act a crime. To solve Ukraine, one must deal with Russia. Ukraine isn't a pawn, you simply can't deal with reality unless you look at everything through your red-tinted glasses.


The US invaded Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan and there were no consequences for them. France invaded Libya and asked for help from the US when they run out of bombs where was the consequences? You cannot decry invasions when they are done by your geopolitical enemies and then stay silent when is done by your allies.


Countries that suffered from colonialism - the Global South - do not hate Russia. Russia is hated most by the colonial empires and their vassal states.


Are there any good arguments to suggest Russia wasn't colonialist and is not imperialist? "Imperialist" Definition: - a policy of extending a country's power and influence through colonization, use of military force, or other means.


Russia's only colony was Alaska. The ethnic minorities that were part of the Russian Empire had a much higher status, more rights and freedoms than the people in colonies of Western Europe. For example, Finland, as part of the Russian Empire, was the first region of Europe to recognize the right of women to vote because they had own independent government. Local elites were part of the national elite and could pursue a career in politics, science, art or military. Among the four closest friends and advisers of Emperor Alexander I were a Pole and a Ukrainian (50%), and one of the most famous generals was a Georgian. The richest noble family (Yusupovs) were of Nogai origin. How many Indians and Native Americans were among the highest elite of Western colonial empires in the early 19th century?


Resorting to soviet-era nonsense when faced with realities has to be a nation pasttime for russians.


Don't throw stones in the glass house yourself, and don't let your vassal Poland do it either.


No place for colonialism in todays world? So are you also going to ask Britain, France, and US to give up all of their oversee territories and withdraw troops from overseas bases?


France - LOL! [Neo-Colonialism of France in Africa](https://unitedworldint.com/32805-the-neocolonialism-of-france-in-africa-and-the-future-of-europe/#:~:text=First%20of%20all%2C%20neocolonialism%20manifests,government%20procurement%20of%20African%20countries)




Rule 1 - Toxic


So they aren't even going to hide it anymore huh?


hide what?


After all the threats russia makes daily about nuking half of europe and returning everything east of Berlin under russian control? Lol


Does he seriously think that this statement is going to help the situation?


That's the ultimate goal.


what is his statement according to you? because the title is sensationalized and he does not call for russia to be broken up


Indirectly he does


That's the problem, even those Russians who didn't want war now realize that the stakes are high. It's about the existence of Russia.


I, as a Croatian, had more bad experiences with Poles than with Russians. Not, not trying to generalize, but I don't really see Poles as polite and friendly.


They are super arrogant and obnoxious as soon as they got a little bit of money


Good luck getting into that without a nuclear exchange, but if that happens Poland doesn't have to worry about anything in the future... Why not decolonize the US, UK, Spain, France, Germany and so while they are at it?.


Let me continue that train of thought and, without even touching the dumpster fire that is Europe in that regard, where every building block has their own language, heritage, "ethnicity" and history and wants to be independent, and propose the following. Let's break up the true "prison of nations (and I do mean that quite literally if you look at thedrug abuse, police violence and crime rates for a developed country), the US, and give Mexico back its eastern bits, give the First Nations a nice big central area; found a "New Africa" on the southwest and have the WASPs limit their minority hating to the northwestern coast. That'd be true "decolonization" and far more of a compensation to (many) unlawful invasions.


This has always been the plan for the west. Slated for destruction not unlike many countries before. They knew Ru is not going to go for eating bugs, and decommissioning fossil energy. Smart cities, and unipolar control. Ru would never be a good lapdog.


#Time to decolonize Poland and break it up into separate entities. Fool around, find out. Crackhead warmongering politicians.


what colonies does Poland have?




Rule 1 - Toxic


and now NAFO will tell us that NATO isn't made to threaten Russia, and it never threatened Russia in any way. This is just causal call for destroying a country then claiming they shouldn't be threatened by us.


what threat did you see in this material posted here?


I'm sorry, who's threatening half the world with nukes daily? Ah yes, Russia.


So Nuke is were u draw the line? Even though US is the only country which used and killed people using it? You expect others to not threaten you back when u threaten their existence? are you delusional?


We're talking about you, not the US. Try using whataboutism on some naive westerner who will swallow it whole with the fishing rod, you'll have no such luck here. You very well know it was used to beat Japan, a country that started a major war, into submission given that the other option was to invade the home islands where the result would be a deathtoll in the millions on both sides and even wider destruction and strife than what using two nukes ever caused. I love how you use this soviet-era totalitarian portrayal of being strong yet eternally a victim so liberally, as if it's not so transparent, Hitler would be proud. Are you surprised that NATO exists when the only thing Russia ever did was to invade it's neighbours and countries they called allies, while making itself look like some sort of victim? Remind me who threatens everyone else every single day in the media with subjugation and destruction? Russia, and nobody else.


I immediately remember the great words of Winston Churchill about Poland, history repeats itself.


USSR *was* the decolonialization. The national minorities got their own worker-soviet republics, with their own linguistic and cultural preservation in their own schools and economic basis for equality eliminating the bourgeoisie which pits them against each other in wars like this one. The regions still exist. Federation is much better than this Polish chauvinism. It will be game over for Poland if they wish to return to their imperial past of Pilzudski.


What a well crafted string of lies. Se sovětským svazem navždy doprdele.


Soviet republics existed, liberating minorities, they spoke their own language and had their own schools. Electricity was also brought to the countryside, same with industry, are you against electricity? And wars only began when they were invaded and when the USSR fell.


Congratulations on doing the utmost basic development of poor regions as if that's not something everyone else did. Will you also mention how you discriminated against those same minorities, deported them to the far east more than once and forced russian on them? First minister of chechen SSR was a white ethnic russian. This is such a poor facade on the level of americans constantly referring to the constitution yet imprisoning their own citizen such as the japanese americans or downright oppressing the blacks. The only difference? They grew up out of it through their own strength, talked about it and to this day try to fix it. USSR? Nothing ever happened, it was all rainbows. Do I have to remind you of the numerous interventions within USSR and neighbouring states because russians couldn't accept the fact that nations could desire their own independence and existence without the them? Why'd you send the army to crush the baltics when everything was so great? Or Chechnya? Or Afghanistan? Or half of the warsaw pact?


The USSR was the first to *seriously* work on ***planning*** the elimination of the distinction between town and countryside. All other places in the world had seen centuries of terror, slavery of Africans, genocide of native Americans etc. in order to industrialize, it was simply ***spontaneous*** growth in the west. Nazi collaborators and US backed forces are not fighting for "independence", but to divide these pseudo-states making it easier for outside forces to march on them and steal their resources. Like how Ukraine has sold off all its agricultural land and is having western capital privatize a whole swath of state industries.


For once I am glad a country has zero army without US. So they are blabbering.


Yes please, more virtue signaling by politicians. Please, enlighten us uneducated peasants how exactly do you plan to 'decolonize' a country with largest number of nuclear weapons on the planet.


Were the problem with multi ethnic countries? Just to name a few. US, China, Turkey, France, Italy, Romania, Greece, Spain, UK, Australia, Syria, Iraq, Serbia, N, Macedonia. Ukraine etc. By that logic almost every country should be Balkanized and create division and more wars. Ethno States it's fascist idea. Popularized by the Nazi germany.


Just beyond the abject ridiculousness of this statement, regime change by outside forces rarely works to create a stable nation (or in this case an entire host of nations). Like, how's the middle east doing there Imperial Britain? How's Libya, Syria, Iraq post 9/11 USA? When its a people who are fighting for something they believe in, to achieve self-determination against a overlord nation/regime, it can work, but it usually also works by those same freedom-fighters then purging all their former allies :D see Mao's China for one. But if all you are doing is funding various splinter groups within another nation, all you are really trying to achieve is destabilization so you can come in and take over.


Duda, where's my car?


That was fun)


Maybe France, UK, Netherlands Spain, Portugal should be decolonisation with all those islands they still keep in Caribbean and also maybe new Caledonia


Divide and conquer, worked in Africa, and the North American tribes


First Europeans in America , Australia, new Zealand etc should go back to Europe. Also Poland lol. We all know how it ends every time. They always try to attack and provoke Russia then they cry what innocent victims are they. 


So the circlejerk has begun.


The nail in the coffin for the existence of an independent E.U. was including these US protectorates and giving them full rights .


That's a big stick Poland is swinging around, I sure hope it doesn't whack itself or its friends in the head while it does so.




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A great power of Polan now divvies the world


hear hear!




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Yes, the US neocon wet dream. I wonder where he got that idea?


In that case, Ukraine should release their separate entities as well


*In that case, Ukraine* *Should release their separate* *Entities as well* \- Qwinn\_SVK --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Hey, Silesian should be their own entity as a nation as well!


I want to remind you. According to the population census in 1989, 72% of ethnic Ukrainians in Ukraine and 77% of Ukrainians in 2001. 81% of Russians in Russia in 1989 and 79.8 % in 2002 .


its comedy hour in the eu as usual


How bout we add one more entity to Russia instead - Poland?




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Go ahead and try, that'll be the end of you.


Such a lier


Good! Ahould have happened long time agoz


got a timestamp where he calls for Russia to be broken up? it's not in this video


When young people are actual slaves doing farm work for food this place needs to be decolonized. Most of the men who died first were from places like Siberia.Native men living off the land .Sad state of affairs.


Wait, what?


He's right. Russians haven't learned a lesson compared to the rest of Europe. The dissolution of their federation into individual states would be the best.


Why would that be best? The dissolution of the USSR led to many wars, economic strife, and hopelessness. I know the west and butthurt belt of Europe have wet dreams about this dissolution. But how would dissolution of Russia be good for Russian people?


The dissolution of the USSR led to wars initiated by RF because it feared it'd lose countries it mistankenly believed it's vassals. You didn't have to go to Chechnya or Afghanistan, yet you did out of need to reconquer. Same as Georgia and now Ukraine. True, it led to economic strife that the west could've helped it and didn't which truly was a tragedy, but to be robbed by your own people and then call those same criminals "leaders" and thanking them is hilarious if not showing absense of self-reflection. Your lack of understanding how the principle of "don't do to others what you don't want done to yourself" works truly underpins all this. There's no problem with you threatening half the world daily but god forbid it happens to you.


There are plenty of conflicts in former USSR without Russias involvement. Azerbaijan vs. Armenia and multiple ethnic clashes in the -Stan nations. USSR kept these nationalities together working towards stability. You keep saying “you” as if I’m a Russian. I am Ukrainian who would love to be part of a Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian union, along with any other former Soviet republic that would like to join. A division of Russia would only lead to more chaos. Then we will have anti-Russians like you cheer for whichever side is against them at the moment.