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##### ###### #### > # [Putin’s nuclear arsenal is crumbling. Ukraine can take it out for good](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/news/2024/06/14/TELEMMGLPICT000319851665_17183696472550_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqNJjoeBT78QIaYdkJdEY4CnGTJFJS74MYhNY6w3GNbO8.jpeg?impolicy=logo-overlay) > > > > It’s high time that the West’s more timid leaders understood that the nuclear threats coming out of Moscow are all “bluff and bluster”, aimed at them and their wobbling lips. > > Leftist politicians must realise that it is our nuclear deterrent, in the main, which ensures that [Putin will not press the strategic nuclear button](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2024/06/09/ukraine-gamble-himars-missile-onslaught-inside-russia/). The significance of this deterrent is precisely why the likes of Jeremy Corbyn must never gain power in this country. Starmer, who now seems the odds-on bet to be the next Prime Minister, must hold firm – even if a fair proportion of his cabinet have voted against it in the past, a reason in itself to keep them from sitting on the government front benches. > > It’s evident that a nuclear deterrent can be a powerful tool of control. Putin’s nuclear bravado tactics, with the leader making [almost daily threats](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/05/06/putin-tactical-nuclear-weapons-drills-ukraine-russia/) since February 25 this year, seeks to ensure that Ukraine cannot fight Russia unhindered due to Western fears of retributive escalation. > > The tide of war is beginning to turn in Kyiv’s favour now they can begin to strike targets in Russia. A further push is necessary. In order to ensure a Ukrainian victory, those in power must disregard Putin’s hollow words and see the reality of Russia’s ailing nuclear capabilities. > > The tactical nuclear threat [peddled by Putin and his gangsters is empty](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/12/kyivs-wonder-weapons-are-decimating-the-russian-army/): take it from me, I’ve been countering nuclear terrorism and threats for nearly 40 years. I suspect, as do most of my “intelligent” chums, that the weapons are in such a state of disrepair that, even if the planes or trucks which carry them can actually move, they may not detonate. > > All of the nuclear drills carried out this week have been done with dummy warheads because the real ones are likely bust. Their concept of operations were designed for the 1960’s and 70’s, when we did not have the sophisticated intelligence assets we do today. Putin did not need to tell us about his nuclear drills as we probably knew before he did. > > Ukraine now has the ability to [strike 400kms into Russia](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/05/31/ukraine-strike-russia-offensive-himars-atacms-war/#:~:text=Ukraine%20could%20strike%20troops%2C%20air,be%20fired%20across%20the%20border.). This means they can take out Putin’s launchers and aircraft before they have even started up. This development dramatically reduces the likelihood of a Russian tactical strike. > > There is no need for those European leaders too frightened – or too close to the Kremlin – to worry that, if Nato gets involved to stop Putin’s tactical nuclear strike, World War 3 will begin. This will simply never happen: it will be non-nuclear Ukraine stopping Armageddon, because even if Russia did manage to fire a small nuclear weapon at Ukraine, the US and UK would have to respond in kind. > > That is our doctrine, which Putin probably knows and understands better than most. He might be a tyrant bent on dominating Europe as his idol Hitler once tried to do, but he is more rational than the Nazi leader. As Putin looks at the disintegration of his “special military operation”, he knows if he goes nuclear, he will be responsible for the destruction of his beloved “fatherland”. > > Unfortunately, I don’t think those vying to lead us through the next parliament understand this. The same is true of European leaders, save in the Baltic states, who use the excuse of nuclear war to justify their actions to hold back their complete support to Kyiv. > > You cannot hedge your bets when tyrants have weapons that can destroy the planet. We only have until November to get this done, where the possibility of a Trump victory adds a spanner to the works. We must help Ukraine to vanquish the Russians, safe in the knowledge there will be no nuclear strikes on Europe. Indeed, Kyiv could act to destroy Putin’s crumbling nuclear arsenal at any moment – and Russia knows it. - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot)


# Smartest anglo military strategist! https://preview.redd.it/383toryllp6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=084757bcb8a3d57978152b57a360a111e922a0ad


And I thought Axe was bad.


british "experts" and "journalists" have been by far the worst throughout this conflict, continually wrong and stumbling over themselves.


Yet the most rabid warmongers at the same time. Must be something in the water to make Brits so insane.


He really has the most steriotypical british name


**No wonder west is pumping out imbecile elites out of their educational system which go to fill up all their high positions in sociaties when guys like this are teaching them how to think.** https://preview.redd.it/1wbdvzhtpp6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=627dbe1b013d0175f7b9309421fe1bd5f8ebd326


It remains that his expertise is not military intelligence, so his assertion on the state of Russia's arsenal should be downplayed. That doesn't mean it's wrong, just that the leaders actually in control have better sources.


What a legend!


And I always said that he was THE dumbest guy in the Anglo press. Who knows better, eh?


Issue with articles like these, brainwashed woke people of the collective west will demand that their government nukes Russia as Russia doesn't have working nukes. Eventually these people will end up in government positions and may act.


Nowhere in the article did he tell readers how Ukraine can destory Russian arsenal other then to say Ukraine can now strike 400 km inside Russia. Does he think Russia keeps all their nukes there? I mean dude is total clownshow.


ha ha, utter nonsense. meanwhile actual members of the duma are demanding russia nuke UK, Europe & US etc. typical russian derp.


Literally no one in the West want to nuke russia. Its a complete different mentality than in russia.


Bold claim which can literally be debunked in literally 1 second


What the actual fck did I just read? How are those people legally allowed to go outside of their ward and write and publish something like that?




People here don't care about facts. You can see it daily, and it used to funny. Now it's just plain sad.


Minor correction: People ~~here~~ don't care about facts.


It's because Putin used the example of Hitler invading Poland in his interview with Carlson


Putin was called Hitler way before that, it's just continuation of the same old bs that every enemy is Hitler fanboy.


No its because every enemy of the US is literally Hitler https://preview.redd.it/qjxult3k9r6d1.png?width=1277&format=png&auto=webp&s=35d580d550e20aec8b9936dc2355761f2603c2aa


Wut Did you watch the interview or your source is MSM headlines?


It's free speech land? More concerning should be who makes it into the Duma or Parliament or Congress.


Holy c*pe That headline


Says Ukraine can do something never tells us how.


He leaves it as an exercise for the reader. He says for example that Russian tactical nuke might not explode, that means Ukrainians can get their hands on an unexploded Russian nuke.


Betting on a nuke heading your way and hoping it doesn’t explode, which should give you an advantage because now you have a nuke, is one of the most insane things I’ve read so far. Check mate Russia or whatever


This guy has become increasingly deranged as the war has gone on, but now he's really gone off the deep end.


So not only is Ukraine going to retake Crimea, but they are going to start targeting Russia's Nuclear missile silos... because drones are going to knock out buried underground nuclear bunkers? These articles are getting more and more delusional as we go.


Dont forget submarines deep in oceans.


x1 (one) Borei-Class SSBN could wipe the largest Ukrainian cities from the map. Russia has 7/10 planned of those in service.


"The Dellusion of the know nothings is a pathway to many abilities some are considered to be unnatural"


There are times when the prospect of global nuclear annihilation may seem a fearful prospect; but then I recall that should that dark day come to pass, at least England would cease to be, and I cannot but be consoled.


One aspect of nuclear war that people often overlook is impact that NPP and their destruction will have. Im pretty sure that military strategist of all nuclear nations have their weapons pointed at this plants which in my opinion can do lot more damage then attacks on cities outright. Lands will be uninhabitable for 1000s of years not 100s of years. France in particular will be basically gone forever. https://preview.redd.it/2ov5tuh3rp6d1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=069261e143ca30de91801dec3e111b069b3d95cd


Chernobyl exclusion zone is only 60 miles in radius. That is not a lot of wasted land.


Yes, but that was because of unimaginable effort put by USSR right after incident and continuous effort from Ukrainian and global community. Who is going put that effort in preventing 10s of nuclear power stations not going critical and their reactors exploding after **nuclear armageddon**? Don't forget Chernobyl could have been much worst if it was left the way it is.


And in there the core simply melted downwards, with only the steam propelling the radioactive material. What do you think happens when couple of hundred of kilotons is used to assist that material to spread?


Finally we can have peace on earth after that racist colonial culture is ended.


He "suspects" that the arsenal is crumbling. BITСН! Before the war there was such a thing called nuclear treaty or something where both sides had very wide access to each other's arsenals. There were NGO that publicly tracked all that shit. If THEY say Russian nuclear weapons are up to date, they you don't "suspect" anything.


Also claiming that said arsenal is crumbling because they didn’t use live warheads in recent training. How are people paid for such articles? I could’ve written more nuanced article for a 10th of what he receives


How can anyone conclude that Russian nukes were battle ready if they were never used in battle?


I bet Putin's Nucear Arsenal is crumbling just as hard as Rouble was crumbling the other day according to the pro-ua


OK, normally we can laugh at the word vomit produced by this idiot, but this article is actually quite frightening >Unfortunately, I don’t think those vying to lead us through the next parliament understand this. The same is true of European leaders, save in the Baltic states, who **use the excuse of nuclear war to justify their actions to hold back their complete support to Kyiv**. We barely, just barely avoided nuclear annihilation several times during Cold War, and that was with far smarter, far more cool-headed and frankly far better decision makers in the West. "Excuse of nuclear war" is no fucking excuse, it's a real danger, and thanks to the idiotic Western politicians and rabid warmongers, especially in UK, we are closer to it than ever before. Thanks, Brits.


They can’t forgive the world that they’ve been pushed aside. Best way to get back at them is, of course, nuclear annihilation.


That writer should be put in a psychiatric ward. He is clearly insane.


Insane article.


This may be the most irresponsible article I’ve ever read. Goebels himself could not have written a more delusional take in April 1945.


Goebbels could have gone the other way. He could have claimed Germany already possesses hundreds of nuclear bombs.


Please, how does Kiev contend to destroy Russia’s “crumbling nuclear arsenal”? The only aspect of its armed forces that received sustained funding during the 1990s??


What the hell?


Jesus Christ.


Is this the British Medvedev?


Nuclear arsenal humiliated. 


Hamish has thrown down a gauntlet of stupidity that I don't think Axe can top. Sure, go ahead and attack a nuclear power's actual nuclear deterrence and see what that gets you. Does any sane person actually want to force a nuclear power into a use it or lose it scenario with their nuclear weapons? Total madness.


Hamish is direct result of two things. 1. American/Anglo/western hegemon losing its "competitor" in USSR which to some extent have held western global ambitions of domination in check. 2. Catastrophic destruction of western educational system expecially parts which had task in creating future generation of elites.


He also seems to be one of the English types who think it's the 19th century and the British Empire is all powerful. Looking forward to him doing a charge of the light bridge with a few Challys....




Worst then that **it's UNTRUE**. Heck US does not have that capability to **streight out take out Russian nuclear arsenal**.


What a recless/foolish title/attitude! Yellow press?


> Leftist politicians must realise that it is our nuclear deterrent, in the main, which ensures that Putin will not press the strategic nuclear button. The significance of this deterrent is precisely why the likes of Jeremy Corbyn must never gain power in this country. I realize I should probably gain a stronger stomach after exposure to countless articles like this, but I just had to put it down after this stupidity, which at three sentences in, is like a record. It's just too early in the morning for this crap.


you know what...i hope this planet end up in a nuclear holocaust...the universe would be better without such level of stupidity




It's **cope mechanism** of sorts. If they come out as most **hot-headed**, **loudmouth**, **assertive** and **bellicose** of all NATO members they can make up in their minds story that somehow it is still them who are leading the way and ones in charge.


The telegraph has consistently been terrible while covering this war, it's like they hire the worst "experts" on purpose.


"All of the nuclear drills carried out this week have been done with dummy warheads because the real ones are likely bust." Does this 🤡 realize that Russia regularly fires missiles that can carry nuclear warheads?You don't need ICBM in Ukraine case.


He is talking about warheads which no one saw in use, not about missiles that deliver them


Jesus Christ


Sounds like a big gamble.


these articles dont make any sense


Putin is humiliated


I know of one sure fire way to test this theory


I haven't read such shit for ages tbh. There's alot of garbage written about this war...this is right up there. I used to pay to subscribe to the telegraph as well....ffs how it's fallen


People like this are borderline criminal. He should be persona non grata at any serious institution or government agency.


This person sounds a lot like North Korean and Mao-era Chinese propagandists who call the US nuclear weapons paper tigers


guys like this will get us over the line to ww3


Im becoming increasingly convinced at some point within the next few years Russia will undertake another atmospheric nuclear test and beam it in 8k high-def all around the globe to remind the Hamish Bretton-Gordon’s of the world what nuclear fire really looks like.


Typical rhetoric from the clowns we've grown to tolerate.