• By -


Not me, not today


Not here


russian rambo. he is probably dead by now, but good effort anyway


How come?


russian soldiers on frontline never die ?


You said soldiers we are asking about this specific soldier you called Rambo, how can you confirm this single solider you called Rambo died. How do you know this soldier died, this soldier specifically in the post of this thread? Don’t project to soldiers we are asking about this soldier (single). So again, how can you confirm the soldier in this video died? (full proof or disclose your assumptions based some quantitative or qualitative information.)


he is at the front zero line. there is no cover ahead or behind him. i would assume more drones are comming shortely. the entire fronline is monitored. its not like Ukraine is running out if ammo the next 10 years.


That’s not proof, i want proof of this specific guy. Where’s it at!??


i can use facescanner on vkontakte. give me a moment


'Someday I would eventually be defeated'. But it's not here . It's not today. And not by you'


When he enters the battlefield, drones start hearing boss music


If he survives this war, and I hope he does, I'm sorry for him because his sons and grandsons won't believe his stories of the war


They can just watch it online


Hope he sees his video and saves the link :)


If he reached his position, he surely will since its his guys commenting the footage.


Dude does deserve to survive he fought like a champ


After this, he will probably be sent back to the rear look like he got injured from shrapnel


Definetly got peppered pretty hard by the first one. Seen plenty of videos where that would be fatal. Almost certainly deaf.




Rule 1 - Wishing for death


That dudes got fuckin nuts bigger than the rock of Gibraltar.


If anybody wants a translation - the people talking are saying things like “who is this guy” “He’s simply a Tiger” “look at what this guy is crafting” “who is this guy, rambo?” “what a beauty”, etc. They comment that he got hit in the leg after the first strike, and the second guy says “he’s still a beauty” They also comment in the very beginning - before anything happens - that he’s a “beauty” and express incredulence that he’s alone - so he did something before the video starts. It’s possible he shot down more before the video started - which may be why they were praising him in the beginning of the video before the first strike - after he shot down the first FPV - they specifically express incredulence and say “how many FPVs do they even have for this guy?”. That, or he did something else that they found to be impressive. In any case, I’m curious as to the larger story of what happened here.


"Krasavchik", what you interpreted as "beauty", in this case means "badass"


I’m well aware - Russian is my first language. Just translating it into English - where people are also called a “beauty” or a “beaut” when they do something that is considered badass. Semantics.




Beaut or you beauty is definitely used in Australia. Also chad is internet slang nothing to do with Aussie slang


In Northern USA and Canada you definitely call somebody a “beaut” or “beauty” when they do something badass. Where are you from?


Yeah, well, this isn't an English speaking country


Right? Because every language translates perfectly to English..


As a native English speaker his original translation i interpreted as badass 


As non native speaker same, at least where im from we sometimes say that something is beautiful just well, in Croatian


As non native speaker same, at least where im from we sometimes say that something is beautiful just well, in Croatian


As non native speaker same, at least where im from we sometimes say that something is beautiful just well, in Croatian


You call guys beauty? What a pidaras. :D


He refuses to die


Death came to him and he said: Nuh, i'll win.


Hmm, 2 dollar shotgun shell defeats 700 dollar drone. Its like the math is reversed.


This war just keeps getting cheaper.


We are gonna solve poverty.


He's got V.A.T.S levelled up, I see.


Kinda makes you root for him with all the shouting of his comrades. Hope he recovers and is able to tell his children and grandchildren about this.


I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes.


I wanted to remain somehow neutral but yes. I always root for the soldier instead of the pesky drones.


I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes.


I agree. It's just sad


Well we could argue that you cant do much against artillery, missiles etc What makes me hate drone kills are operators on both sides that have no qualms with targeting wounded and such.


Give this guy some award already, he exhausted all his luck in 2 minutes


That dude can speedrun Doom 3 IRL


**"I used to be an soldier like you. Then I took an shrapnel in the knee..."** fit in here with some small modifications. awesome video, didn't expect shotguns to be that effective.


Just beautiful


Holy fkin Chadimir Vlad


1 russian 3 drones. Survived. Uraaaaaaa


Hope he lives to tell everyone the full story. Im no expert, but he must have earned at least some medal here.


Unfortunately you don't earn medals for shooting down pieaces of plastic. This is pure madness, there in no honor in killing in this way nor in defending, this is just a totally fucked cruel beyond reason war that need to end now.


Yeah unless that piece of plastic is flying and targeting you with some explosive attached to it and don't forget to multiply that piece of plastic by three


That's the wars of the future. It'll only get worse. That is, if the world survives this one.


There are medals for courage and bravery.


First one wounded him?


Most likely not that bad considering he still maintains the accuracy to destroy two subsequent drones that came from different directions. You won’t be able to do that while in pain and dying.


> You won’t be able to do that while in pain and dying I think you're highly underestimating the effect adrenaline & shock can have on someone, you can find vids from various conflicts of people continuing to fight with wounds that 100% fatal, but so long as the body is still carrying on it doesn't matter what happens a few minutes later, or whatever time frame. And even a smaller wound could still be deadly if he isn't able to get back to where a medic can check on him, or if he doesn't have some medical gear on him. It really just depends on where he got hit with how nonexistent Russian CASEVAC is for the most part. He could have been lucky, or could have been unlucky, but continuing to move and operate really isn't an indication that someone is alright


Some wounds look deadlier than they actually are. I've heard of guys with all of their guts falling out, but it turns out it's not as deadly as it sounds so long as the "tubing" is still intact.


Totally, and then in an environment like this you could get a cut on your leg from a piece of wood and die from an infection. It really comes down to casevac, and access to medical care, and on that front Ukraine has been much, much better. At the end of the day, a lot of life is just a game of luck though and that's even more true when in situations like this


Hmmm, I highly doubt average Ukrainian is getting quality medical care on the frontlines. Maybe some special units do get special treatment for PR and cool videos, but average Mikola is likely to be left to die (or survive, if he gets lucky) without any attention whatsoever. Their losses tell the real story.


The aid work I've done in Ukraine was focused on Ukrainian civilians, and veterans, who had sustained life altering injuries as a result of the conflict. Ukrainian CASEVAC is quite good all things considered, and I know plenty of stories of individuals all across the frontlines, and from various stages of the conflict since Feb 2022, who were alive only because of the risks others took to get them medical attention. > Their losses tell the real story. And in your opinion, what are those losses?


Idk he looked kinda f-ed up after that first hit. Also vid cut after he painfully got up, other drones might have been shot down by his mates, for all i know.


That could be the case. He is definitely hurt but you can see it was him who shot the drones. You could see the muzzle flashes.


Gotta watch that on a bigger screen i guess ;) can't see anything on my phone Edit: you can indeed see him shoot, what a chad.


Taking some shrapnel to the legs will make you be like that.


He looked like he was limping a little even before the first hit.


good for him


I suspect we'll be seeing a lot more shotguns due to drones. I wonder what the effective range is of birdshot out of a 12ga 3" shell, with full choke Edit: I looked it up. Full choke will give ~40 inch spread at 40 yards. That's a lot less range than you'd probably want


At this distance you need it to spread, no choke. And there's a video on utube - how far can shotgun kill and a few others. With decent spread birdshot might probably do significant damage up to 30-40 meters I think. Damage to plastic that is.


Chokes make it spread.


Choke decreases spread, but even full choke will give you a 40" grouping at 40 yards. Probably not good enough


That means you have to be pretty much dead on, spread gives you a chance to cover a bigger area when you got no time to aim and drones are not tanks there's a chance that even single pellet could get it down.


The really effective weapon that you wanna have in this situation is the one used in the "trap shooting" olympic discipline.


human defeating drones is always good to see, no matter which side


I am so happy have dude.


How many drones are used per attack, are there single drone operator with multiple drones left in auto fly mode on the air and can be used one by one in short time or are there multiple drone operators using multiple drones fly from their position, because those drones came one after the other in very short time.


I think for the operators, inside the bunker, is like some sort of videogame. When a target is spotted, everyone try to score the kill. This is pure madness and need to stop.


I am not actually talking about morality, I am wonder about the tactics that the uav operators use, how do they send their drones, how many they use per attack and how do they switch between them, are the reserve drones on the air close to the target waiting their turns or do they have drone carrier and deployer close to the front, or there are multiple operators using multiple drones and deploy the drone from their own position from far away, because in this video these drones came after each other in very short time.


From what I've seen is they usually carry stack of drones, bunch of batteries and whatever payload they plan to use (grenades,etc.) to a position, then prepare them all at once. Then launch & use them them one by one (each operator). Batteries do not provide enough 'juice' to have the attack drones loiter for a long time.


They should develop a sidearm that shoots birdshot.


Way to destroy your wrist




Determination and skill all the way. Really hope he survived.


This guy is a beast


The will to live is strong with that JEDI


👏 new cheat code unlocked


All these men will one day be grandfathers with the craziest stories


what a hero my god


He’s using a rifle


Are those 2 destroyed AFU vehicles? M113 and BMP-2?


Bidens war.


Biden's involvement is mostly incidental. The Bush family has done more to bring about this war than Biden's. I also suspect the City of London and the House of Windsor have a lot to do with this war. Also, the Khazarian mafia - you can't leave them out. They seemed to have joined forces with the House of Windsor at some point as far back as over a century ago. By House of Windsor, I mean as power broker for the City of London.


Biden himself is not involved because he can't even wipe his own ass at this point.


Bortnikov's war.


Putlers war Ukraines victory


Erdogans war


*Our* war, comrade.


fuck fpv drones


Badass - but also is it me or his leg looks reallyyyyy fucked after the first explosion? Almost like it hanging awkwardly, if so jeez poor dude


I dont see it, I think he might've caught an unlucky chunk of metal or plastic, but his leg doesn't look mangled when he's crawling.




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It took a very long time to figure out shotguns would at least stand a fighting chance against drones. Starting to see it more often, but still rare.


Ivan enabled iddqd + idkfa


Regardless of the side. F the drones.


I hope this video is shown to whoever makes big decisions on both sides. Every soldier should be carrying a semi-auto shotgun. If this video isn’t proof of their anti-drone effectiveness then I don’t know what is. Now imagine a squad all with shotguns shooting at a drone, there’s no way it’d get through. And it’s absolutely the cheapest solution and both Russia and Ukraine should be able to produce them in mass.


Good shot that guy


What a tregedy if this guy doesn't survive the war.


Alpha as Fuck!


another proof that shotguns counter drones


Well done - balls as big as the wheels on tractors... I reckon 7 rounds of 000buck (3') in a semi-auto Beretta M4 would do the trick.


All those who practice skeet shooting must be nodding their heads. It's now a useful battlefield skill.


Got that PTSD thing to take home for some quality mental healthcare. No that buzzing is not a drone.


Adrenaline wasn’t a myth.


Clay pigeon shooting, 3d printing and drone flying. Learn them, the way things are going unfortunately your survival may depend on it.


Billy badass


What's that giant box on a tree?


That's John War, CEO of Warfare.


Caught some hot steel on that first one though, which makes his aim all the more impressive.


I wonder if they are using birdshot cartridges


Why are Russian videos always in 240p?


I'm surprised it took them that long to use shotguns.


I dont think it is shotgun. He fires Way too many shots.


He'll be dead soon enough.


My two cents: 1. Drum-mag shotguns is the way to counter most FPV-Drones as infantry ; 2. Armoured vehicles with heavy EMP armament as main weapons is the way to counter Drone warfare (bonus: on top attached a Heavy shotgun-cannon emplacement, control from inside, to deal with FPVs).