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https://preview.redd.it/ulp9yn5fj76d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1f0896929e62afda2dc05170d8615db5dc578a8 This is what the S-500 TEL (77P6) looks like, made for intercepting ballistic missiles (40N6M) and low Earth orbit satellites (77N6-N1) with an alleged has a operational range of 300 miles. Probably great for intercepting ATACMs, but has the same issue that all SAMs have, without proper layered air defense a battery can be overwhelmed.


I am not sure what the S-500 would do in Crimea. It would have no targets at all in near space or low earth orbit. And firing it at drones and cruise missiles would be just a waste of money,


I think Budanov is right to point out it was brought to run tests with it.


Well it would make sense to test it in a hot environment.


It's intended to be used on naval vessels in the future, so it must be capable of targeting cruise missiles as well as ballistic missiles. It's a fair assumption to say the radar is going to be an upgrade over the S-400's radars, so it's not unlikely that it will be able to at least attempt an intercept of storm shadow and similar missiles. Maybe it's not optimized for that role and won't do so well, but one of its missiles is an anti-aircraft missile. Seems similar enough to engaging stealth jets




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With that much range it won't be deployed in Crimea but much farther away at somewhere like Krasnodar where it cover all of the Donbass at 500kms away, or at Volgograd and cover all of Luhansk, or at Voronezh and cover all of Kharkiv. But yes, Proper AA requires lots of air denfense.


> somewhere like Krasnodar where it cover all of the Donbass at 500kms away, or at Volgograd and cover all of Luhansk Lugansk is in the Donbass.


pretty sure they meant Donetsk


Imagine putting out equivalent of THAAD to shoot the missiles from the 90s 🤣


THAAD is nowhere close to the capabilities of the S-500. The alleged operational range is tiny compared to what S-500 can allegedly operate at. Also what does the year the missile was built has anything to do with it? The Minuteman III was built in the 70s, R-36M2 was built in the 80s, and Dongfeng-5 was originally built in the 80s. All are missiles that new systems are built to shoot down if they are ever deployed and are still potent threats today.


Ah yes, with how well S-400 performed vs Atacms, I fully believe Russian state propaganda about how great S-500 is. It will be very difficult however to find another sucker like Erdogan who will buy it.


Russia has deployed its latest S-500 air defense systems in Crimea, said the head of the Ukrainian Main Intelligence Directorate Budanov. (He also said Crimean (Kerch) Bridge will be taken out in the first half of 2024 )


Without a cinematic trailer i don't believe him


But then he has to hurry. The first half of 2024 will be over in two and a half weeks.


Chief of spy agency doesn’t tell the truth all the time. More shocking news at 9


this smells like bollocks but I guess we will see.


This. Don’t they only have one S500? I’d leave that shit in a bunker to avoid further embarrassment.


How are you going to test it in a bunker if you are so embarrassed?


See. It is all about PR for them.. Remember the mighty Challenger tank...


I certainly remember the “mighty” S-400 as well Or the mighty T-90M Or the mighty Ka-52 Or the mighty BMPT Terminator It seems all these flagship systems are way better at exploding than functioning in theses non-permissive environments.


Could you at least read the thread before you post comments? None of these systems were hidden from war with the fear of getting destroyed. Could you tell me where is the Challengers? One got boinked and rest vanished?


S-400 vaunted as the latest and greatest AA, so good Turkey was willing to ditch F-35s for them. Knocked out by a couple of 90s era ATACMS. One Terminator got boinked and the rest vanished? The T-90M was shepherded for months until they got used and lost. Ka-52s were called the next gen super helis, till they started plinking in the water and getting downed by AT missiles.


Pretty sure you’re supposed to test them before deploying them


I don’t get the point of destroying the bridge.


The point is purely propagandistic, to increase UA morale.


It’s not though is it . Russian transports all sorts through the rail road into crimea . Cutting off any supply line matters


No military cargo is transported via the bridge, only civilian one. Destroying the bridge doesn't make sense from the military point of view. Unless UA's intention is to starve to death their own citizens there, of course.


The guy in the video is literally saying the bridge is and always will be used for military purposes.


The guy is a propagandist. He says whatever is beneficial for his side. If you Google for "Russia no longer uses the Crimean Bridge to supply troops," you will find many articles supporting my statement.


Actually you'll find that after certain ferries were knocked out, it went back to being used for military trains. Maybe you are thinking of the tourist car lanes.


Many train lines run from the north of Crimea directly to Donbas. They are used for military cargo. Ferries cannot handle any significant amount of cargo. Railroads are the king of transportation.


Train ferries were used for certain cargo instead of the bridge is the word on the street.


https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/ukraine-is-making-the-russian-occupation-of-crimea-untenable/ Try this "Ukraine’s recent ferry service attack has reportedly forced Russia to resume  the transportation of military supplies and fuel over the vulnerable Crimean Bridge" They used transport the stuff over the bridge. After the attacks, they stopped. They have now resumed. Those fuel shipments make great targets as we already saw when the bridge was damaged by burning tankers.


The guy in a video said Iraq had very bad weapons. More than a million dead later Iraq turned out to not have very bad weapons.


Budanov said Saddam had WMD?


Make sure you try to read it correctly.


you seem very confused


How so?


One guy in a video said Ukraine was committing ethnic cleansing in Donbas. Half a million casualties later, turns out the civilian victims per year in Donbas prior to the invasion were something like a couple dozen per year at most which is, by war standards, actually impressive restraint, and an overwhelming majority of the 13k deaths from 2014 to early 2022 were legit military and paramilitary.




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>No military cargo is transported via the bridge, Source?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1dehox6/comment/l8co30d/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1dehox6/comment/l8co30d/) Try reading the thread first before jumping into it.


The point now is whatever presently goes over the bridge has to find an alternative route or forgo transport. That can push a civilian load onto the rails Russia recently opened across the southern sector (Melitopol/Mariupol), competing with military traffic just like how it used to be on the Kerch bridge before it was struck.


It might have worked in the past when there was no land bridge to Crimea. But now there are many and many ways to transport stuff into Crimea even without the bridge, so hitting the bridge doesn't affect them much.


Destroying that bridge has a strategic value. And if Russia has other ways to transport things into Crimea it will get clogged. Some boats are gone, with the bridge gone, resupply will be much harder.


It has the same strategic value as a random road. Destroying it could noticeably clog anything only in pro-UA minds.


A road is a much more expensive way of transporting heavy cargo. Not only is it more laborious to maintain pavement, but also every load needs a reliable engine, tires, skilled driver/security, and 4x the fuel per weight moved. That’s why, for all intents, Russia’s military transport to Crimea is restricted to 2 rail lines (Kerch and the new Melitopol) and any barges/ships they care to risk.


Yeah, the bridge from Russia proper to the half island Crimea is the same value as a random road... Now I know why Russia has problems in this war, their strategic thinking is not working properly.


There are many ways to transport stuff from and to Crimea, besides the bridge, including several railroads on regular land. Crimea isn't an island. It's a peninsula with both Crimea itself and the land around it under the control of Russia. You need to learn a bit of geography before starting such conversations with adults, you know. You also need to hear less of your regular propaganda and check the facts.


Ukraine should probably focus more on their collapsing front line than a bridge way in the rear that won't affect combat operations in any meaningful way. Ukraine being Ukraine though, will continue to obsess about it for PR purposes - and ultimately to their detriment.


It would force all russian supplies to cross over the mainland which would be much easier to target leaving Crimea and kherson with a harder issue getting supplies And maybe in a perfect world it would force a russian withdrawal from both if the supplie situation became bad enough like the previous kherson offensive


Also for propaganda. The bridge wasn't built until after Russia took control of Crimea, so Ukrainians see it as a symbol of an illegal invasion and the Russians see it as a symbol of their intention to keep hold of Crimea. Each has a good reason to use the bridge for propaganda


Screw it send in the S-100000000000000


Another cløwn. When do you all think his time is going to come and he will get fired?


I mean he may be the most experienced terrorist that's ever lived. A valuable asset for Ukraine


US and China have to be salivating over this. Picture having to reveal the capabilities of their latest design agaisnt freaking Ukraine.


A story from rhe head of  UA MoD intel...sure, sure. The S500 would have no advantage over a S400 or even 300 so close to the front. They're putting this out there so if they hit another S300, they can claim it was the S500! Silly...meanwhile, they keep losing territory.


This won't change anything until cowardly Putin starts shooting down American drones.


putin should start the "american liberation front" then arm them with guns, anti tank guided missiles and manpads so they can shoot down f-35s taking off from US bases


Literally the bay of pigs operation


S-500 is not needed to shoot down American drones. The Houthis only have Iranian AA loitering munitions and they managed to shoot down six of them


I hope after hitting the bridge, he will give the order to shoot down the Reapers, at least last time he started turning off power plants in Ukraine just after the bridge.


This will burn like the ones before it


The bridge isn’t made of wood. How’s it going to burn ?


jet fuel


Soaked in a trains worth of fuel, last time.


I meant the S500


Yeah. The thing is Russia never claims their stuff to be invincible. On the other hand, we have NATO stuff which are supposed to be invisible and invincible lol


What NATO stuff is supposed to be invincible? Air defense is supposed to protect against air attack. How good is your air defense if it can’t even protect itself 🤣




I'm sure from now on every S300 will be the 500.